Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
I think a big thing to clarify is how the player's character attains sensory information and/or misses some information.

Players are informed privately of their own perspective of the world around them, this can be affected by certain sensory debilitating traits, debilitating affects, and mind control. Players may of course share what they were informed of, but disagreements may occur as to what is actually in front of them.

How do party mechanics work? How are things resolved if there is a disagreement?

Parties are basically just a group of players in a general area (somewhat close to each other on a planet) working towards a similar objective. Think of me as your dungeon master. Disagreements are bound to happen within a party, at any time a player may choose to leave a party and follow their own destiny. However the universe is harsh, cooperation and teamwork are heavily advised.

Another thing is to define this:
This is a storytelling game with interaction between players and the host.
The first question that came to me is— are players writing the story with you? are they helping you to write the story? are you helping them to write the story?

As players interact with the world(s) around them they effectively shape the lore of the universe.

Also thank you for the suggestions! I am going to incorporate most of them.