{Watch List} Hoodooboo: 1-S2-1-8106145 ; WhattheF: 1-S2-1-1096522

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  1. ISO #1

    Hoodooboo: 1-S2-1-8106145 ; WhattheF: 1-S2-1-1096522

    Account name: Hoodooboo

    Account ID: 1-S2-1-8106145

    Crimes Committed: Intentional Game-Throwing

    In-game name: Braza

    Your Account name: AIVION

    Summary: So here's a double Triad game-throw report for the records! On Day four 6, who was a lookout, said he saw 14 (Braza) visit 4, who claimed to be role blocked 3 times in a row, Which makes 14 an Liaison. The town then puts 14 up to trial. During his defense, he states "fuck this dh its 7. and fuck this town, also 13." 13 was a lie, but 7 was really his Dragon Head. The escort 4 was able to role block him and stop a kill thanks to him leaking this information out... Which leads to the Dragon Head being added to this report.


    Account name: WhattheF

    Account ID: 1-S2-1-1096522

    Crimes Committed: Intentional Game-Throwing

    In-game name: Lorenzo the Tall

    Your Account name: AIVION

    Summary: After being Role blocked Night 4, the escort calls him out as the Dragon Head after there was no kills. The town puts him to trial. He claims lookout with his last will. When he was executed, he says "8 is deceiver 3 is liaison easy." Which is true. He flips Dragon Head. The game was basically locked down after that.
    Attached Files Attached Files

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Hoodooboo: 1-S2-1-8106145 ; WhattheF: 1-S2-1-1096522

    Hoodooboo: Correct. 1-S2-1-8106145
    WhattheF: Correct. 1-S2-1-1096522

    Respective Hotkeys
    Hoodooboo: 7
    WhattheF: Control + 3

    Was the Game Result altered?
    Totally, WhattheF made 4 roleblock 7 and therefore detect the Dragon Head and then 7 revealed his two last team mates ending in 8 and 3 being executed (8 random and 3 because 4 roleblocked him)

    Previous Offenses
    Hoodooboo: Intentional Game-Throwing https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showth...hlight=8106145

    WhattheF: None

    Player Offenses
    Hoodooboo: Intentional Game-Throwing
    WhattheF: Intentional Game-Throwing


    Setup: --

    Roles/Names: --

    Day 1: --

    Night 1: 7 (Hoodooboo) is jailed. He claims Lookout. 14 (WhattheF) roleblocks 4.

    Day 2: 4 says he was roleblocked. Day is skipped.

    Night 2: 7 kills 11 (the jailor). 14 roleblocks 4.

    Day 3: 15 PMs 7 that he knows he isn't lookout and that he won't reveal him. He says that if he gets killed by him he has his identity in his LW. 4 is trialed but claims escort being rbed and is innoed. No one is lynched.

    Night 3: 7 kills 15. 14 roleblocks 4.

    Day 4: 15 flips Auditor. He says 7 and 13 are night inmune. 6, a lookout, watched 4 and says that 14 visited him. Then 14 is trialed and then he says "fuck this DH 7" "and fuck the town" "13 too". He is executed.

    Night 4: 4 roleblocks 7. No one is killed. 3 remembers his role: Liaison

    Day 5: 4 says that 14 wasn't lying as he roleblocked 7 and no triad kill happened. He is trialed and he says "lookout". He is guiltied and while he is being executed he says "8 is deceiver 3 is liaison easy".

    Night 5: 5 is killed.

    Day 6: 8 is trialed (it was kind of random but probably started because of 7's last messages) and he says that is was a random trial. He is executed and flips Enforcer.

    Night 6: 4 roleblocks 3, the last triad.

    Day 7: 4 says that he roleblocked 3 and no triad kill happened (he roleblocked 3 because of 7's last messages). He is trialed and he is executed. He flips enforcer. Town wins.

    Recommended Action
    Hoodooboo: Watch List x4
    WhattheF: Watch List x2

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for the report! Feel free to report more players if you think they’re breaking the rules!

    Thank you Anonymous Donor

  3. ISO #3



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