The CIRCLE - Game Thread

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  1. ISO #1

    The CIRCLE - Game Thread - Game over


    Vote by sending me a pm with the subject "VOTE [PLAYER]". I will not open the pm so this is your vote.
    NO out of game communication is allowed at all.

    Don't post after death.


    1 - Brendan
    2 - Slaol
    3 - Orpz
    4 - Shifty
    5 - Zekkrom2802
    6 - Iced_Monopoly
    7 - Calix
    8 - Stealthbomber
    9 - Powerofdeath
    10 - Number two
    11 - ika
    12 - SuperJack
    13 - Tossangel
    14 - Suntax
    15 - Funce
    16 - Mikecall
    17 - Secret signer
    18 - Yukitaka Oni
    19 - Thornholt




    Phase 1 complete:
    Phase 2 complete:
    Phase 3 complete:
    Phase 4 complete:
    Phase 5 complete:
    Phase 6 complete:
    Phase 7 complete:
    Phase 8 complete:
    Last edited by Toadette; January 4th, 2016 at 08:09 PM.

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Ello folks!

    It states in the opening post that 'tie breaker mechanics are unknown to the players unless they figure it out'. I propose that we all work together to figure out the finer details of this game.

    There are two obvious options:

    A) Majority-vote a single player out of the game. This course of action will yield us no new information save for role flavour (if that is shown).

    B) Choose two players and agree on a small, even number of active participants (who have easy access to the internet throughout the day) to vote them into a stalemate.

    Example scenario for Plan B. Say we chose Players C and D to be voted. Players H, I, J and K are chosen to vote them.

    H and I would vote for Player C.
    J and K would vote for Player D.
    Both would have 2 votes each.
    At the end of the 24 hours, we would discover what the tie-breaking mechanic is.

    For today, only the players chosen to vote should submit a PM. I cannot stress enough the importance of not voting before we decide the players who will vote and who precisely they are voting out. Everyone else needs to abstain. We have no idea if you can change your votes and I would hate for us to miss this opportunity to gain information due to a hasty and misplaced vote.

    Whatever Plan B reveals about the tie mechanics will benefit all players equally, so any secret voters would only be hurting their own chances and would set everyone else back a day. We have no idea about how many players are allowed to live, only that one person has to die every day.

    There is nothing stating that only one person can live. This isn't a game of Survivor. On the contrary, I am operating under the assumption that most of us can survive if we can coordinate successfully for the time being.

    To ensure that everyone's opinions are taken into account, I suggest that you should (publicly) state in the day chat who you want to see voted up. I assume that volunteers/ chosen targets will reveal themselves as more people post.

    If we choose to go along with my plan, I shall compile a list of the players' two choices for being voted today should they choose to reveal them.


  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    already voted
    This is the kind of behaviour thats going to cause us troubles in determining the mechanics.

    3 solutions.
    Tell us who you voted for, and we can use your target as one of the tie breaker players as suggested by calix.
    We use you as one the tie targets.
    We straight up lynch you and attempt this plan tomorrow.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    This is the kind of behaviour thats going to cause us troubles in determining the mechanics.

    3 solutions.
    Tell us who you voted for, and we can use your target as one of the tie breaker players as suggested by calix.
    We use you as one the tie targets.
    We straight up lynch you and attempt this plan tomorrow.
    This isn't a game of mafia, ika. Trolling the vote system because of previous grudges will get us nowhere. It's the first day. Nobody is any more informed than the others and they never will be, so being petty is just going to backfire on everyone.

    There is another possibility, however. You did not actually vote and you just claimed that you did to direct the votes towards a disliked target of yours out of spite. This is not out of the realms of possibility.

    Iced, do you think this is plausible?

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Sure, its plausible, but I honestly believe Ika made a vote. He also understands that this may cause his own elimination, so if he didnt really vote, then hes still likely getting removed if he doesnt cooperate, so he might as well have voted.
    You're suggesting that he wants to die first?

    I doubt there will be a lot of difficulty in mustering votes for him. I was hoping for a bit more nuance with who we selected, but any player will do at this stage.

    All his vote means is that we will have to up the number of people who would vote, thus increasing the likelihood of someone not following the plan.

    I wonder how many others will stumble in here, half-asleep, and go "soz, I already voted for dis guy lmao"

  11. ISO #11

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Theres going to be a few no doubt. I agree that we should use afk or less responsive players as candidates for testing mechanics, but Ika wouldnt even volunteer who his vote target was, that disruptive behaviour should be punished, which is why I am for using Ika as one of our 2 players to test the tie mechanic

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    This is the kind of behaviour thats going to cause us troubles in determining the mechanics.

    3 solutions.
    Tell us who you voted for, and we can use your target as one of the tie breaker players as suggested by calix.
    We use you as one the tie targets.
    We straight up lynch you and attempt this plan tomorrow.
    I like the third option. can we do that one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    This isn't a game of mafia, ika. Trolling the vote system because of previous grudges will get us nowhere. It's the first day. Nobody is any more informed than the others and they never will be, so being petty is just going to backfire on everyone.

    There is another possibility, however. You did not actually vote and you just claimed that you did to direct the votes towards a disliked target of yours out of spite. This is not out of the realms of possibility.

    Iced, do you think this is plausible?
    I voted, don't start that wifom bullshit with me. If i want to vote out of spite i will. This kind of game doesnt bound me to work with people and if i die i get to be happy about it and not worry

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    You're suggesting that he wants to die first?

    I doubt there will be a lot of difficulty in mustering votes for him. I was hoping for a bit more nuance with who we selected, but any player will do at this stage.

    All his vote means is that we will have to up the number of people who would vote, thus increasing the likelihood of someone not following the plan.

    I wonder how many others will stumble in here, half-asleep, and go "soz, I already voted for dis guy lmao"
    Its entirly what im suggesting. I doubt ppl will stumble in, 24 hrs is more then enough

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Theres going to be a few no doubt. I agree that we should use afk or less responsive players as candidates for testing mechanics, but Ika wouldnt even volunteer who his vote target was, that disruptive behaviour should be punished, which is why I am for using Ika as one of our 2 players to test the tie mechanic
    Fair enough as far as reasoning goes. I'm no expert on what everyone is going through at this moment in time, but we both know that Suntax was forcibly replaced in the last S-FM. If he doesn't respond in a few days, he is a viable candidate. Same thing applies to Stealth due to real-life circumstances. They would be at the top of my list for test votes.

    I just looked at the role list to see how I would judge each player. Question: What is the point of a secret signup in this game?

    @ika, may I ask why you signed up in the first place? I cannot understand the mentality of someone who wastes time on a game they don't take part in. If you wanted to die first, you could have just asked.

    Since you're volunteering yourself, you now count as a tie vote target. One more person and we can start organising the votes.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    So the question is, why did you sign if youre so eager to die? Are there some cards that have wincon's on them? I have nothing but a brief bio. It seems suspicious that ika wants out withing the first hour of the first day.
    My card had no wincon on it. You are welcome to reveal your card if you wish.

    It did give me a possible indicator as to how to act, but if it means anything, I'm choosing to ignore it entirely because it's inconvenient for me.

    I forgot about the 'no hints' rule and PMed Toadette to clarify as well before I remembered.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post

    @ika, may I ask why you signed up in the first place? I cannot understand the mentality of someone who wastes time on a game they don't take part in. If you wanted to die first, you could have just asked.

    Since you're volunteering yourself, you now count as a tie vote target. One more person and we can start organising the votes.
    Because the game says someone MUST die in 24 hrs. You are trying to game the system. Toadette is no new when it comes to gaming a system. She would prob put countermeasures to stop us.

    For example: in tie voting know what i would do? I would make it that in event of tie all players die who were ties in the voting. Or if i wanted to be an ass, make all BUT the tied voters die

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    Because the game says someone MUST die in 24 hrs. You are trying to game the system. Toadette is no new when it comes to gaming a system. She would prob put countermeasures to stop us.

    For example: in tie voting know what i would do? I would make it that in event of tie all players die who were ties in the voting. Or if i wanted to be an ass, make all BUT the tied voters die
    How am I trying to game the system? When did I ever say that I thought tie-votes would prevent deaths? I only want to see what would happen in the event of a tie-vote because it was hinted at in the opening post.

    There is no way that Toadette would make everyone save the tied voters die. The game would end far too quickly that way.

    I agree that Toadette will have some less-than-pleasant tricks up her sleeve. That's why it's important that we find out what they are now and not later. We need to know the aforementioned countermeasures are so that we have more information to proceed with.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Theres going to be a few no doubt. I agree that we should use afk or less responsive players as candidates for testing mechanics, but Ika wouldnt even volunteer who his vote target was, that disruptive behaviour should be punished, which is why I am for using Ika as one of our 2 players to test the tie mechanic
    Good luck getting a tie deliberately pulled off, as votes are hidden and I doubt everyone will cooperate to accomplish it.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    How am I trying to game the system? When did I ever say that I thought tie-votes would prevent deaths? I only want to see what would happen in the event of a tie-vote because it was hinted at in the opening post.

    There is no way that Toadette would make everyone save the tied voters die. The game would end far too quickly that way.

    I agree that Toadette will have some less-than-pleasant tricks up her sleeve. That's why it's important that we find out what they are now and not later. We need to know the aforementioned countermeasures are so that we have more information to proceed with.
    You're trying to force a tie vote. While she said it can be a thing you agree that its probably less than idea to have it so why even try it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shifty View Post
    Good luck getting a tie deliberately pulled off, as votes are hidden and I doubt everyone will cooperate to accomplish it.
    ^that. that so much. i see no fun in trying to force a tie, i rather play reckless.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Shifty View Post
    Good luck getting a tie deliberately pulled off, as votes are hidden and I doubt everyone will cooperate to accomplish it.
    If you can give a reason why anyone wouldn't want to learn more about the setup, I'm all ears.

    The only obstacle I can see is people trolling. I never bother to account for that in my plans and there's no reason why I should change to accommodate them.

  28. ISO #28

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    How am I trying to game the system? When did I ever say that I thought tie-votes would prevent deaths? I only want to see what would happen in the event of a tie-vote because it was hinted at in the opening post.

    There is no way that Toadette would make everyone save the tied voters die. The game would end far too quickly that way.

    I agree that Toadette will have some less-than-pleasant tricks up her sleeve. That's why it's important that we find out what they are now and not later. We need to know the aforementioned countermeasures are so that we have more information to proceed with.
    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    If you can give a reason why anyone wouldn't want to learn more about the setup, I'm all ears.

    The only obstacle I can see is people trolling. I never bother to account for that in my plans and there's no reason why I should change to accommodate them.
    You by your own admission says tiebreak mechanic can hurt us. So by that logic we should not try to game for it.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    You by your own admission says tiebreak mechanic can hurt us. So by that logic we should not try to game for it.
    Why are you using 'us' when your schtick has been to argue that you're 'not aligned with anyone'?

    I didn't say it would hurt us, only that it might do. But to be honest, I don't have a clue what it will do. I can only speculate.

    It's the first day. We're in the best position to experiment and see what happens when we push the unknown elements.

    Going for a single lynch per day is too obvious and it's not going to provide a solution.

    I don't want to tie-vote every day unless it leads to some positive consequence on Day 1, where we have the most people. But we won't know what tie-votes do until we try it.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    This game isnt worth playing if we just vote randomly daily. The game is completely unknown, the host wants us to test everything, we cant find out anything about the setup until we explore. Your tactic ika is going to make for a shitty boring game.

    We are in a position where we need as few as 6 commited players to vote up 2 other players to test the tying mechanic. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Why are you using 'us' when your schtick has been to argue that you're 'not aligned with anyone'?

    I didn't say it would hurt us, only that it might do. But to be honest, I don't have a clue what it will do. I can only speculate.

    It's the first day. We're in the best position to experiment and see what happens when we push the unknown elements.

    Going for a single lynch per day is too obvious and it's not going to provide a solution.

    I don't want to tie-vote every day unless it leads to some positive consequence on Day 1, where we have the most people. But we won't know what tie-votes do until we try it.
    Well the game is every man for themselfs come the end. Yet how you are going about the mechanics needs more then 1 person. Is it a problem i use we?

  33. ISO #33

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    This game isnt worth playing if we just vote randomly daily. The game is completely unknown, the host wants us to test everything, we cant find out anything about the setup until we explore. Your tactic ika is going to make for a shitty boring game.

    We are in a position where we need as few as 6 commited players to vote up 2 other players to test the tying mechanic. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    how do you know that? i mean the game itself is "someone dies in 24 hrs" anything past that is gimmicky. I mean im not gonna stop you guys from venturing or say "OMG DONT DO IT" i'm just going to voice my opinion on it and move on. I already gave examples of why tie voting can be fucked up. But it got shot down by a silly reason as "well the game ends too early" and "toad would not do that"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post

  34. ISO #34

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    This game isnt worth playing if we just vote randomly daily. The game is completely unknown, the host wants us to test everything, we cant find out anything about the setup until we explore. Your tactic ika is going to make for a shitty boring game.

    We are in a position where we need as few as 6 commited players to vote up 2 other players to test the tying mechanic. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    Thank you, someone who seems to be treating the game like it should be. There is literally no purpose in sabotaging a team effort. We're all going to lose if we don't come up with a strategy.

    ika's argument is 'oh, people have to die' (no shit) and that 'more people might die' (we have 19 players). Not only that, but if we don't have a plan, we will all get voted off.

    Looking out for yourself at this point in time is the worst strategy to take because it guarantees that everyone loses. Do you think Toadette would make a game for us to bicker over petty shit and vote each other off that way? Because I don't.

    Saying that 'Toadette would not add a mechanic that would actively discourage players from testing things' is a valid argument because any mechanic like that would go against the entire purpose of the game.

    Shifty stated that people wouldn't coordinate (but why wouldn't they when it's Day 1 and we need info?). I'm not seeing any convincing counterarguments so far, to be honest.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    kill ika imo
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Yeah, I think that's the general consensus.

    You haven't voted yet, have you?
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  39. ISO #39

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    This was a weird time to start

    Im about to go drive to visit someone and then be afk for a while. I'll check in periodically.

    I don't even know if I'm a scum role or not but I did get a bio.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    So that's two votes already for ika, and that's just the ones we know about.

    Orpz, there are no scum roles. We just have descriptions of ourselves.
    Calix is playing very scummy this game, She is trying to argue with Ika, yet distantly defend them.
    Not only that, they then claim there are no scum roles.

    This is scummy.

    -vote Calix
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  46. ISO #46

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Calix is playing very scummy this game, She is trying to argue with Ika, yet distantly defend them.
    Not only that, they then claim there are no scum roles.

    This is scummy.

    -vote Calix
    this is true. seems pretty scummy so far imo.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  47. ISO #47

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    This isn't a game. People are dying. Stop treating this like a joke.

    Alright. So if anyone is going to survive, there will be more discussion later in the game.

    I don't know about everyone else, but I am very curious if this game can be stopped by anyway. Knowing Toadette(Limited) it will be obscure, and will require thinking.
    Perhaps there is a scum, maybe not, but we still need to know who to eliminate by days end.
    I love Iced_Monopoly.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Survivor: Survive until the end.
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Barkley Beard View Post
    Oh christ what has he done

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Numbertwo View Post
    i wonder what happens if nobody votes.
    I'm going off the film and assuming that someone random will die. It's not a viable strategy for today as we already have - if I counted correctly - three votes cast and we don't know if they can be changed.

    It might be an idea for tomorrow, but it would be impossible to verify that nobody voted.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: The CIRCLE - Game Thread

    Listen here Calix you son of a bitch just because I was replaced for a game entirely unrelated to this without knowing the reasons I was afk and using it as a way of trying to pawn me off as a 'test subject' for mechanics because I'm afk is a fucking shitty move you fucking cunt, at the time I had certain issues in the family and that my mother ssuffered a stroke and went into hospital and I had to deal with that luckily she is fine but I does not exclude the fact using a game I was replaced in,the second game I signed up for on this site, and not knowing the circumstance but you know let's use a isolated incident to pawn me off as a subject later down the line to.get people off my ass so I don't die you fucking mongrel.



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