Forum Mafia Rules

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  1. ISO #1

    Forum Mafia Rules

    This section traditionally has been a champion of hosts' rights. The federal moderator does its best to not infringe on the rights of its hosts. Yet one thing must be made perfectly clear: there do exist rules that the federal moderator enforces.

    This thread will list these rules along with a brief discussion, and finally the infraction that follows should a user break the rule. I will try my best to follow the format of General Discussion rules so users can quickly compare and contrast the differences.

    Typically, this means in areas such as Forum Mafia Parking, Setup Workshop, Signups, etc. Once an ongoing game concludes, the hosts' rules are overridden by these rules.

    No Autoplay
    Fuck autoplay.
    Infraction: Griefing, 7 points

    No Posting In Games You Aren't In
    This is disruptive and constitutes griefing.
    Infraction: Warning (Accidental). Griefing, 7 points + Banned from the site for 2 weeks.
    (Intentional and per post)

    No Advertising Anything Except Forum Mafia Games
    Keeps the sections clean. Even if you are advertising your game, keep it reasonable. Excessive advertising will result in ban.
    Infraction: Board Rule Violations, 2 points. Spammed Advertisements, 15 points.

    No Spamming
    If people did not care the first time, they will not care the next twenty times.
    Infraction: Regular Post Spam, 1 point

    No Using Personal Information to Harass
    Do not use information from real life to harass other members.
    Infraction: Personal Information, 30 points.

    No Attacking Other Members
    Unlike General Discussion, I will not wait for a report. There are few reasons for you to attack someone outside of a game, all of which warrant an infraction.
    Infraction: General Belligerence, 3 points. Severe Insulting Another Member, 5 points.

    No Smurfs for the Purpose of Cheating
    Do not create a smurf to cheat in games. I can see IP's of everyone who posts in the section, so it is obvious and you will be caught.
    Infraction: Griefing, 7 points + Banned from the site for 2 weeks.

    No Complaining About Mod Abuse
    Belongs in Answer Hall. See this thread.
    Infraction: Logical Fallacy, 1 point.

    No Posting Signups Without Approval
    I understand that the queue seems like an eternity when you are on it, but please do not try to post your signups without prior approval.
    Infraction: First offense is warning, repeat offense is Board Rules Violation, 2 points.

    No Discussing Ongoing Games
    Not only is it cheating, it is also disrespectful to the host. Excessive offenses will get you banned from games indefinitely.
    Infraction: Board Rules Violation, 2 points.

    Inside of games, the rules of the game replace the rules of the forum. Yes, it is Valhalla for trolls. Most of the time, when you break a rule inside of game, you will be replaced or modkilled. This section details rules that will earn you infraction points for being broken while in game.

    If a player breaks a rule, it is the host's discretion to decide what to be done in-game. I will handle the out of game discipline.

    If you get banned during a game because of an infraction within the Forum Mafia section, you will be modkilled in-game, no exceptions. If the infraction was elsewhere, you may continue playing on a smurf (that you must get approved by me), unless a Super Mod or Admin decides otherwise. If you post outside of the Forum Mafia section on that smurf, you will be banned and modkilled. If you break even a minor rule on that smurf, you will be banned and modkilled.

    No Autoplay
    Unless the host permitted it in his setup (in which case I will order a psychiatric evaluation on him), you will be infracted for every autoplay video. In first offense for S-FM's, I will edit out the autoplay and give you a warning. Every other situation is full infractions because fuck autoplay.
    Infraction: Griefing, 7 points

    No Password Protected Posts
    Easy to get around, but not for mobile users. More trouble than it's worth.
    Infraction: Board Rules Violation, 2 points

    No Using Personal Information to Harass
    Do not use information from real life to harass other members.
    Infraction: Personal Information, 30 points.

    No Intentional Gamethrowing
    It is hard to tell if gamethrowing was the intention, but if a supermajority and the host agrees it was an intentional gamethrow, you will be punished.
    Infraction: Griefing, 7 points + Banned from the site for 2 weeks.

    No Out of Game Communication
    Games do not get approved without this clause anyway.
    Infraction: Griefing, 7 points + Banned from the site for 2 weeks.

    No Breaking Host's Rules
    Some games have special mechanics that the host clearly lists in the setup. Breaking these rules mean you either did it intentionally, or signed up without reading the rules. Both cases warrant infraction. (Finding a loophole does not count as breaking a rule.)
    Infraction: Host's discretion. In-game punishments are most appropriate here. Extreme cases will be met with Griefing, 7 points + Banned from the site for 2 weeks.

    No Personal Attacks
    You can attack the setup, a play, or a playstyle, but not a person. Calling someone a 'retard' is an attack, not an argument.
    Infraction: Logical Fallacy, 1 point. Extreme cases will be met with General Belligerence, 3 points. Especially disruptive players may be ejected from the game at the host's discretion.

    No Ragequit
    Loosely defined, you may not "ragequit" a game, as it is disruptive to the game and host. Ragequit incidents will be decided by the host, and referred to the moderators for further investigation.
    Infraction: (Modified) Griefing, 2 to 5 points. Severely impacting a game could result in a game ban.

    Rules Applying to Archons
    Archons are accounts that 2+ (although generally no more than 3) people control to act as a single player within a forum mafia game. They are not permitted within every game, and it is up to the host's discretion as to whether or not archons will be allowed.

    While in an archon, you are allowed to communicate with the other members of your archon via skype, private message, or otherwise. You are not allowed to communicate about the game with players not in your archon.

    If you break either one of the forum mafia rules (see above) or site-wide rules while on an archon account, the punishment will be applied to your main account at the conclusion of the game. If we are unable to figure out who committed the offense, all players in the archon will be punished.

    To create an archon, simply register a new account account on the site, share the password with your fellow archon members, and make a thread in Forum Mafia Suggestions to get your account archon status.

    No Intentionally Posting From Your Main Account
    We get it, slips happen. Just don't do it on purpose.
    Infraction: Board Rule Violations, 2 points

    No Posting In Ongoing Games That The Archon Isn't In
    Don't do it on purpose.
    Infraction: Board Rule Violations, 2 points

    No Quoting Inner-Archon Chat
    Don't directly quote from your private skype/PM chats with the other players in your archon. It is unfair to force scum archons to falsify such information and makes it too easy for town archons to appear as town.
    Infraction: First Violation is a warning; Second Violation is a replacement/modkill. Repeat offenders will be temporarily disallowed from joining archons.

    No Checking Archon IPs (Staff Only)
    Archon players have a right to hide who posted what. Staff are not permitted to check the IP of archons they are in a game with.
    Infraction: Staff Powers Abuse, 8 points

    Outside of Forum Mafia
    Although it is physically possible for me to, I do not infract outside of the Forum Mafia section. I believe those sections to be out of my jurisdiction, and I do not wish to disrespect fellow moderators or higher ups by overstepping my bounds. There is really only one rule that will cause me to go out of my way to infract you.

    No Discussing Ongoing Games
    Excessive offenses will get you banned from games.
    Infraction: Board Rules Violation, 2 points.

    All of these rules are not baseless; they are adapted from other rules on the site and aim to ensure a fun experience for every player.

    Warnings will only be considered for extremely new players. Also, I can see who has read this thread so do not complain that I did not warn you.

    So have fun and respect each other!
    In the words of the Supreme Court, it is so ordered.
    Last edited by MattZed; December 21st, 2016 at 08:43 PM.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    make my rules for me ty
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Bump. I updated the Forum Rules to include the banning of Password Protected posts in-game, unless the host allows it.

    they call me Or "Buzzkill" Pz
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    passwords should be allowed.
    If you quote the post, it'll show you the text inside the bbcode AND what the password is

    I could see it not being allowed in FMs when the prior day thread locks and you can no longer quote.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    cant he just unedit the quote and do it form there.

    or he could jsut abuse admins power and have fun
    Yea I can do that. I just like to bug fire
    I can just edit another person's post and then read it then hit cancel

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Lately there has been an influx of increasing reports about toxicity in the FM section. While the FM Staff believe that hosts should have freedom of moderation in their games, we have lost three players recently due to the excessive environment, and attempting to stand our ground on this versus the players will result only in a Pyrrhic Victory. To show compromise in good faith, MattZed and I are adding in a rule to reduce the amount of personal attacks in-game. Players are now no longer allowed to insult a player "past the screen"; that is, players are not permitted to attack another player's real life person. An example of a disallowed insult is attacking another player's real life disabilities.

    Our goal is not to undermine tactical situations where players intentionally provoke another player to gain information, but to establish boundaries on how far those provocations can go. Even Circlejerk prohibits certain types of insults, and we did not see it fit to let a section under our moderation be more lawless than Circlejerk. We hope that under this new rule, players visiting from other sites will choose to stay and grow our community, and everyone will benefit from a higher quality of dialogue.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Lately there has been an influx of increasing reports about toxicity in the FM section. While the FM Staff believe that hosts should have freedom of moderation in their games, we have lost three players recently due to the excessive environment, and attempting to stand our ground on this versus the players will result only in a Pyrrhic Victory. To show compromise in good faith, MattZed and I are adding in a rule to reduce the amount of personal attacks in-game. Players are now no longer allowed to insult a player "past the screen"; that is, players are not permitted to attack another player's real life person. An example of a disallowed insult is attacking another player's real life disabilities.

    Our goal is not to undermine tactical situations where players intentionally provoke another player to gain information, but to establish boundaries on how far those provocations can go. Even Circlejerk prohibits certain types of insults, and we did not see it fit to let a section under our moderation be more lawless than Circlejerk. We hope that under this new rule, players visiting from other sites will choose to stay and grow our community, and everyone will benefit from a higher quality of dialogue.
    I'm sure moderation should be left to the moderators/hosts of a game, but could you clarify what an attack beyond the screen would be?

    It seems that if I called someone autistic, it would be a personal attack, but if I said wow, that was autistic, then I'd just be insulting what they wrote?

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    I'm sure moderation should be left to the moderators/hosts of a game, but could you clarify what an attack beyond the screen would be?

    It seems that if I called someone autistic, it would be a personal attack, but if I said wow, that was autistic, then I'd just be insulting what they wrote?
    That's pretty much the distinction, yeah. Keep criticism to plays and playstyle, rather than the person making them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Lately there has been an influx of increasing reports about toxicity in the FM section. While the FM Staff believe that hosts should have freedom of moderation in their games, we have lost three players recently due to the excessive environment, and attempting to stand our ground on this versus the players will result only in a Pyrrhic Victory. To show compromise in good faith, MattZed and I are adding in a rule to reduce the amount of personal attacks in-game. Players are now no longer allowed to insult a player "past the screen"; that is, players are not permitted to attack another player's real life person. An example of a disallowed insult is attacking another player's real life disabilities.

    Our goal is not to undermine tactical situations where players intentionally provoke another player to gain information, but to establish boundaries on how far those provocations can go. Even Circlejerk prohibits certain types of insults, and we did not see it fit to let a section under our moderation be more lawless than Circlejerk. We hope that under this new rule, players visiting from other sites will choose to stay and grow our community, and everyone will benefit from a higher quality of dialogue.
    What kind of punishment will a person even face if they break this rule?
    Given the toxicity of certain players, I have been considering not playing the game anymore to be honest.

    I really need a break from FM.
    Playing 100+ games of FM in a year, it takes its toll.
    Don't pet growlithe, he will bite you.

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    What kind of punishment will a person even face if they break this rule?
    Given the toxicity of certain players, I have been considering not playing the game anymore to be honest.

    I really need a break from FM.
    Playing 100+ games of FM in a year, it takes its toll.
    Depends on the situation, the player, and what was said.
    Inappropriate Language (1), to General Belligerence (3), to Severe Insulting of other Users (5).
    No action will be done while a game is ongoing unless the situation is extreme, or if the Host contacts the FM Staff.

    At this point, I don't believe it's fair to ban a player from x# games as a moderation technique, but Hosts are definitely encouraged to keep players they feel are toxic out of their own games. Self moderation is more effective, as we can't fix a game once it goes to shit.

    Players need to remember that teasing, goading, and evoking emotional responses from people are valid techniques to guide other player's night actions and day discussion. If someone calls you a name, please don't report it. Only report a post that is overtly aggressive. Before reacting and getting upset at another player for calling you a name, first take a moment to think what they might be trying to accomplish by doing this. You need to remember that this is Mafia.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; April 20th, 2016 at 07:28 AM.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Depends on the situation, the player, and what was said.
    Inappropriate Language (1), to General Belligerence (3), to Severe Insulting of other Users (5).
    No action will be done while a game is ongoing unless the situation is extreme, or if the Host contacts the FM Staff.

    At this point, I don't believe it's fair to ban a player from x# games as a moderation technique, but Hosts are definitely encouraged to keep players they feel are toxic out of their own games. Self moderation is more effective, as we can't fix a game once it goes to shit.

    Players need to remember that teasing, goading, and evoking emotional responses from people are valid techniques to guide other player's night actions and day discussion. If someone calls you a name, please don't report it. Only report a post that is overtly aggressive. Before reacting and getting upset at another player for calling you a name, first take a moment to think what they might be trying to accomplish by doing this. You need to remember that this is Mafia.
    I honestly think some players, and you know who I am talking about, use FM as an avenue to just freely insult players with 0 intended goal. Its not to help them read the player better, not to get them to act, its just to piss them off and get away with it under "Well I was doing a reaction test"

    When you have that in games, its toxic.
    Don't pet growlithe, he will bite you.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Just a question: why no autoplay?


    ok ok I know that, but WHY?!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Just a question: why no autoplay?


    ok ok I know that, but WHY?!
    I don’t want to click a page while reading up on my phone to find that Hybrid has put an auto playing all star video on a page and my phone erupts during science class.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Forum Mafia Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    I don’t want to click a page while reading up on my phone to find that Hybrid has put an auto playing all star video on a page and my phone erupts during science class.
    Oh. xD

    Wait a second, you play FM at CLASS?! Tsk tsk tsk...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :



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