OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

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  1. ISO #1

    OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Submit your setups to be a Setup of the Day!

    Role List
    *put a list of set roles, randoms, etc here*

    Note: Setups must be created in a specific order. Removeable roles need to be placed at the bottom of the list for games with less than 15 players.

    1. Godfather
    2. Mafioso
    3. Mafioso
    4. Investigator
    5. Citizen
    6. Citizen
    7. Citizen
    8. Citizen
    9. Doctor
    10. Doctor
    11. Mafioso
    12. Serial Killer
    13. Survivor
    14. Investigator
    15. Witch

    Note: Roles from the bottom (15) and up will be removed in order at the end for the lack of players. The dotted line denotes a point when games typically become unplayable.

    Recommended Player Count
    *Put your recommended amount of players in game here*

    If the player count in-game is below your recommended count, the setup will not appear in game.

    *Put any non-default role options here*

    Time Setup
    *Put the Start option (Day/No lynch, Day, Night etc) and all other game options here*

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    *Specify changes to make when there are only: 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10 players remaining*

    Spoiler : Code :

    Setup Code
    *We need certain lines from your bank file to put the save into the map, post them here inside the spoilers. We only need the code for the 15 person version!*
    Keys needed: Save0 through Save8, from "< key " to < /key > for each.

    Only submissions that have filled every section of the format have a chance to make it in! The staff will review each setup for balance before adding it to the map rotation.

    I look forward to your saves, feel free to pm me if you need any clarification but please post ONLY setup submissions in this thread. A discussion thread will be made later if there is interest.

    Also note that certain approved setups are more likely to be chosen by the map than others. Depending on how popular and balanced your save is, its weight can be anywhere from 5 to a fraction of 1.

    PM all inquiries to Dark.Revenant

  2. ISO #2

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Alright, should I be the first to submit Setup of the Day?

    My chosen setup of the day will be this:

    Role list:

    Dragon Head
    Random Triad
    Random Triad

    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benigh
    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Power
    Town Killing
    Town Goverment
    Town Goverment
    Town Goverment
    Random Any


    Dragon Head is immune to detection, but vulnerable at night.
    Dragon Head can kill without an Enforcer.

    Arsonist's attacks ignore invulnerability, but not healing.
    Arsonist is invulnerable at night.

    Cultist' "Immunity prevents conversion"
    Cultist' "1 night between conversions"

    Mason Leader is limited to 2 recruits.

    Citizen doesn't have a vest.
    Citizen doesn't win ties with Mafia.

    Time Setup:

    Day Length: 1.8 min
    Night Length: 0.7 min
    Discussion Time: 0.8 min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Ballot+Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss

    14: Remove a Random Any.
    13: Remove a Town Goverment & Random Any.
    12: Remove 2 Town Goverment
    & Random Any
    11: Remove
    2 Town Goverment, Neutral Benigh & Random Any.
    10: Remove
    2 Town Goverment, Citizen, Neutral Benigh & Random Any.


    Spoiler : Bank file :

    The primary trick to this setup is that there are NO town investigative roles. Instead, there will be two Town Power slots, which can be Jailors/Veterans as well. The game flow will be dictated either by Jailor, Mayor, Marshall, or Mason Leader. The possible inclusion of Mason Leader is another reason why this game has 4 Citizens. Neutral Evil can be either any of the killing roles, Witch, or Cult. Note that Mafia Framer will be useless in this game, so that role should be disabled here if possible. On the other hand, Kidnapper could be more valuable here, so you can turn this setup with Interogator/Jailor, with another Jailor possible taking Town Power/Town Killing role. Random Any can be any role (including Town Investigative), althought it will probably turn into a Citizen most of the time.
    Last edited by Fragos; September 27th, 2013 at 03:12 AM.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  3. ISO #3

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List

    Dragon Head

    Mason Leader

    Godfather is vulnerable at night.
    Godfather can kill without a Mafioso.

    Dragon Head is invulnerable at night.
    Dragon Head can kill without an Enforcer.

    Arsonist's attacks ignore invulnerability and healing.
    Arsonist is invulnerable at night.

    Cultist' "Immunity prevents conversion"
    Cultist' "1 night between conversions"

    Mason Leader is limited to 2 recruits.

    Investigator detects exact role.

    Sheriff can't detect anyone.

    Citizen doesn't have a vest.
    Citizen doesn't win ties with Mafia.

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 2.5min
    Night Length: 0.5min
    Discussion Time: 0.5min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14: Remove a Citizen.
    13: Remove a Citizen & Arsonist.
    12: Remove a Citizen, Dragon Head & Investigator
    11: Remove a Citizen, Cultist, Dragon Head and Mason Leader.
    10: Remove two Citizen, Godfather, Mafioso and a Sheriff.

    Setup Code
    Spoiler : Bank Spoiler :

    Did I do this correctly?

  4. ISO #4

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    The point of this save is everyone is moving but the two vets and the surv. Without last wills everyone needs to communicate where they're going before hand unless they know a det is going to be watching them. The goal for the dets is to figure out whose house an MM went to, and who survived going to the same house as an MM.

    Role List
    Mass Murderer
    Mass Murderer
    Mass Murderer

    Mass Murderer cannot target self but has no nights between sprees
    Survivor has 4 vests
    Veteran has 2 alerts

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.8min
    Night Length: 0.7min
    Discussion Time: 0.5min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Description

    Last Will Disabled
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Enabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    Negative Players
    -1: Doctor
    -2: Doctor, Survivor
    -3: Doctor, Detective, Mass Murderer
    -4: Doctor, Detective, Mass Murderer, Survivor
    -5: Doctor, Doctor, Detective, Mass Murder, Survivor

    Spoiler : Code :

    Setup Code
    Last edited by Gyver; September 23rd, 2013 at 03:07 PM.
    Spoiler : Accolades :

  5. ISO #5

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Classic with the Triads

    Set up:

    Dragon Head
    Triad Support
    Triad Deception

    Town Government
    Town Investigation
    Town Investigation
    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Power
    Town Power
    Town Killing
    Town Random

    Neutral Killing
    Any Random
    Any Random


    Town Government exclude Citizen and Mason
    Any Random Exclude Mafia, Triad, Town, and killing
    Serial Killer invulnerable and kill roleblocker
    Executioner become jester upon failure and target is NOT always town.
    Witch Doctor limited to 3 healings
    Administration replaces the Dragon Head
    Informant cleans target role and become enforcer when alone
    Liaison immune to roleblocks, detect roleblock immunity, and become enforcer when alone
    Lookout ignore detection immunity
    Doctor know if target is attacked, know if target is converted, become WD on conversion
    Escort cannot be roleblocked and detect roleblock immunity
    Jailor limited to 3 executions
    Mason become leader if alone
    Mason leader limited to 4 recruits
    Spy see all targets and kills
    BD can swap self
    Veteran ignore immunity and 2 alerts

    Time Set up:

    Day length: 2.0 minutes
    Night: 0.8 minutes
    Start Day w/ no lynch
    Day Type: Trial
    Trial pause day
    Last will allowed
    PM allowed
    Trial defense
    Night sequence
    Discussion On
    Discussion 0.5 min
    Trial 1.0 min

    Change in case of Player Loss:

    -1 Remove Town Random
    -2 Remove Any Random
    -3 Remove Town Power
    -4 Remove Town Killing
    -5 Remove Any Random
    -6 Remove Both Triad Support and Deception and Add Triad Random on
    -7 Remove Town Protective
    -8 Remove Nuetral Killing
    -9 Remove Town Invesigative
    -10 Remove Town Power and Triad Random and Add Neutral Benign
    -11 Remove Neutral Benign
    -12 Remove Remove all Town and add 2 Citizens
    -13 Game end after first day
    -14 Forever Alone Player
    -15 Remove Everything

    Spoiler : Codes :

    Last edited by Raptorblaze; September 24th, 2013 at 09:34 PM. Reason: Bank Code

  6. ISO #6

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Version 2 of my Detective save

    I've attached a save in where I've tested this save
    det StoD.SC2Replay
    det save 2.SC2Replay (this one kinda flopped for the MMs cause one of the 2 MMs was afk the whole game)
    det 3.SC2Replay

    The point of this save is everyone is moving but the two vets and the surv. Without last wills everyone needs to communicate where they're going before hand unless they know a det is going to be watching them. The goal for the dets is to figure out whose house an MM went to, and who survived going to the same house as an MM.

    Version 2 changes:
    I've added coroners to provide town with the last known target of the people killed by the MMs
    I've changed the docs to town protectives to combat rolecalling
    I added two jesters that can act as leaders to the MMs forcing town to lynch them, also to combat rolecalling
    I removed an MM and added two Amnesiacs that can only become MM, Jester or Amnes, this was done to reduce the max number of kills per night. Amnesiacs new role isn't revealed to town so an Amnes could become jester instead of MM and easily trick town into killing him

    Role List
    Mass Murderer
    Mass Murderer


    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Protective

    Mass Murderer cannot target self but has no nights between sprees
    Veteran has 2 alerts
    Amnesiac cannot become town, can become a killing role and new role is not revealed to town
    Town Protective excludes Bodyguard

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.8min
    Night Length: 0.7min
    Discussion Time: 0.5min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Description

    Last Will Disabled
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Enabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    Negative Players
    -1: Coroner
    -2: Coroner, Amnesiac
    -3: Coroner, Amnesiac, Town Protective
    -4: Coroner, Amnesiac, Town Protective, Veteran
    -5: Coroner, Amnesiac, Town Protective, Veteran, Jester

    Spoiler : Code :

    Setup Code
    Last edited by Gyver; September 28th, 2013 at 01:32 PM.
    Spoiler : Accolades :

  7. ISO #7

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List

    Mafia Random
    Any Random
    Triad Random
    Any Random
    Any Random
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benign
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protection
    Town Protection
    Town Power
    Town Government
    Town Government
    Town Random

    Spoiler : Mafia & Triad :
    Mafioso / Enforcer = Not excluded from randoms.

    Consigliere / Administrator =
    - Replaces the Godfather / Dragon Head & Becomes Mafioso / Enforcer if alone. He do not detect exact role.

    Godfather / Dragon Head =
    - Vulnerable at night & can be roleblocked. Immune to detection, can kill without a Mafioso/ Enforcer.

    Disguiser / Informant =
    - Cleans the target's role & Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone.

    Consort / Liaison
    - Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone & Detects block-immune targets, Can be role-blocked.

    Framer / Forger
    - Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone, Not immune to detection.

    Janitor / Incense Master
    - Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone & Limited to 2 cleanings.

    Blackmailer / Silencer
    - Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone & Victim can talk during trial.

    Kidnapper / Interrogator
    - Becomes Mafioso/ Enforcer if alone & Can kidnap Mafia / Triad members.

    Agent / Vanguard
    - Becomes Mafioso / Enforcer if alone & 1 night between shadowings.

    Beguiler / Deceiver
    - Becomes Mafioso / Enforcer if alone, Can hide 3 times, Target is notified & Can hide behind Mafia / Triad.

    Spoiler : Neutral :
    Serial Killer
    - Invulnerable at night & Kills roleblockers. Does not win ties over Arsonist and not immune to detection.

    - Attacks ignore invulnerability & healing, Invulnerable at night. Victim does not know he is doused. Not immune to detection.

    Mass Murderer
    - Invulnerable at night, Can self target & 1 nights between sprees. Not immune to detection.

    - Can cause self-targets & becomes Witch Doctor when converted. Victim is not notified of being controlled.

    - Has 3 bulletproof vests

    - Random guilty voter dies

    - Becomes Jester upon failure, Target is not always town, do not need to survive to the end, not invulnerable.

    - Not excluded from random, Immunity prevent conversion & 1 night between conversions.

    Witch Doctor
    - Limited to 2 saves, no nights between saves & not excluded from randoms.

    - New role is not notified to town, Cannot become Mafia / Triad. Not excluded from random.

    Spoiler : Town :
    - Has an one-night bulletproof vest & wins ties with the Mafia.

    - Detects everyone.

    - Detects exact role.

    - Ignores detection immunity.

    - Can't ignore detection immunity & Can target self.

    - Knows if target is attacked, Prevents Cultist conversion & Witch Doctor when converted. Does not know if target is converted.

    - Can be role-blocked & Detects block-immune targets.

    - Can make 2 executions.

    - Limited to 2 kills.

    - Becomes leader if alone.

    Mason Leader
    - Not excluded from random & Limited to 2 recruits.

    - Excluded from Random, Can see all targets & kills.

    Bus Driver
    - Can self target.

    - Discovers everything.

    - Ignorse invulnerability & Cannot be healed. Does not prevent Cultist conversion.

    - Not excluded from randoms. Limited to 2 nights & Ignores invulnerability.

    - Keeps his votes in Cult & Vote counts for 3. Cannot be healed.

    - Not excluded from randoms. 1 group execution allowed & 3 executions per group.

    - Excluded from randoms.

    Spoiler : Random Setup :
    Any Random :
    - Excludes Killing Roles, Town Roles & Neutral Roles.

    Town Random :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Government :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Investigative :
    - Excludes Coroner.

    Town Protective :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Killing :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Power :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Mafia / Triad Random :
    - Does not exclude killing roles.

    Mafia / Triad Killing :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Mafia / Triad Support :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Mafia / Triad Deception :
    - Does not exclude killing roles.

    Neutral Evil :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 2.0min
    Night Length: 0.7min
    Discussion Time: 0.7min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 : No changes.
    14: Remove 1 Any Random.
    13: Remove 1 Any Random & Neutral Benign.
    12: Remove 1 Any Random, Neutral Benign & Town Random.
    11: Remove 2 Any Random, Neutral Benign & Town Random.
    10: Remove 2 Any Random, Neutral Benign, Town Government & Town Random.
    9 : Remove 2 Any Random, Neutral Benign, 2 Town Government & Town Random.
    8 : Remove 2 Any Random, Neutral Evil, Neutral Benign, 2 Town Government & Town Random.
    7 : Remove 2 Any Random, Neutral Evil, Neutral Benign, 2 Town Government, Town Power & Town Random.
    6 : Remove 3 Any Random, Neutral Evil, Neutral Benign, 2 Town Government, Town Power & Town Random.

    Setup Code
    Spoiler : Bank Spoiler :

    This setup is focused around a confirmed Mafia & Triad.
    The 3 Any Random is focused around giving a random role to Mafia or Triad.
    Because they're opposing eachothers, it's quite likely that they'll end up killing eachothers.

    With a Neutral Evil that's not confirmed as killer or plain evil, it can make anyone fear.

    Overall, this setup have high potential of being almost always different with multiple different outcomes.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Name - Scorched Justice
    Role List
    Town Protective
    Town Power
    Town Government
    Neutral Benign

    Options (core options, rest are irrelevant)
    Arson is invulnerable at night
    Targets know they are doused
    Does not ignore healing
    does not ignore immunity

    Witch can cause self targets
    victims do not know they were controlled

    neut benign
    jester random guilty voter dies

    survivor gets 3 vests

    executioners target is not always town
    becomes jester on failure

    amnesiac can become any role (no restrictions)
    new role is revealed to town

    lookout can target self

    doctor knows when target was attacked

    town protective exclude bodyguard

    town government exclude mason and citizen

    town power exclude spy

    mayor can not be healed
    vote counts for 3

    marshall 2 groupexecutions allowed
    2 executions per day

    jailor limited to 1 kills

    veteran has 2 alerts
    ignores night immunity.

    citizen each have a vest.

    Time Setup
    day length 1.4min
    night length .8min
    day type trial
    starts at night
    death description
    discussion time .9min
    trial length .8min
    trial pauses day (check)
    choose name (check)
    trial defense (check)
    discussion (check)
    last will allowed (check)
    pm allowed (check)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 none
    14 remove citizen
    13 remove citizen
    12 remove witch
    11 remove neutral benign
    10 remove doctor
    9 remove town government
    8 remove lookout

    Bank Code

    Spoiler : spoiler :

    Last edited by kyle1234513; December 26th, 2013 at 09:08 PM.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    Mafia Killing
    Mafia Support
    Triad Killing
    Triad Support
    Witch Doctor
    Neutral Killing
    Any Random

    All night immunities are off except for the Executioner
    Vet- Unlimited alerts
    Mafia Killing- Exclude Disguiser
    Triad Killing- Exclude Informant
    Witch- Victim knows he is controlled (Off)
    Survivor- Has 3 Bulletproofvests
    Cultist- 2 nights between conversions
    Cultist- Excluded from randoms
    Witch Doctor- Limited to 2 saves
    Witch Doctor- 1 night between saves
    Witch Doctor- Excluded from randoms
    Executioner- Target is always town (Off)
    Executioner- Becomes jester upon failure
    Executioner- Must survive to the end
    Executioner- Invunerable at night
    Any Random- Excludes Mafia roles
    Any Random- Excludes Town Roles
    Any Random- Excludes Triad roles
    Amnesiac- New role is revealed to town (Off)
    Amnesiac- Excluded from randoms

    Time Setup
    Start game at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    Day Length 1.7 min
    Night Length 0.7 min
    Discussion Time 0.8 min
    Day type: Ballot

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Drop Amnesiac
    13 Players: Drop Amnesiac, Any Random
    12 Players: Drop Amnesiac, Any Random, Neutral Killing
    11 Players: Drop Amnesiac, Any Random, Neutral Killing, Jester
    10 Players: Drop Amnesiac, Any Random, Neutral Killing, Jester, Executioner

    The Veteran is a special NK that all the scum must hunt for. If he is alive nobody can win. He adds the ability to soft claim as vet and avoid getting killed at night.
    The Cult is the new town. They can not kill but in the 7 games I played the won 3 times.
    This is a sort of a modified Lawless that puts more skill into the game and less luck. In the 7 games I played the game was very well received by the community.

    Spoiler : Code :

  10. ISO #10

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    Mafia Killing
    Town Protect
    Mafia Support
    Town Investigative
    Town Killing
    Neutral Killing
    Town Investigative
    Mafia Deception
    Any Random
    Town Random
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benign

    Jailor- Limited to 2 executions
    Town Protect- Exclude Bus Driver
    Neutral Evil- Exclude Serial Killer, Arsonist and Mass Murderer
    Detective- Ignores detection Immunity
    Lookout- Can target self
    Vigilante- Limited to 2 kills
    Spy- Can see Mafia/Triad Targets
    Spy- Can see Mafia/Triad Kills
    Veteran- Excluded from randoms (Off)
    Mayor- Vote counts for 3
    Mayor- Looses extra votes in Cult (Off)
    Mafioso- Excluded from randoms
    Godfather- Cannot be role-blocked
    Godfather- Invunerable at night
    Godfather- Can kill without a Mafioso
    Godfather- Immune to detection
    Disguiser- Cleans the targets role
    Disguiser- Becomes mafioso if alone
    Janitor- Limited to 2 cleanings
    SK- Kills roleblockers

    Time Setup
    Game start at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    Day type: Trial
    Day Length 2.1 min
    Night Length 0.9 min
    Trial Pauses Day (Off)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Drop Neutral Benign
    13 players: Drop Neutral Benign, Town Random
    12 players: Drop Neutral Benign, Town Random, Neutral Evil
    11 players: Drop Neutral Benign, Town Random, Neutral Evil, Town Killing
    10 players: Drop Neutral Benign, Town Random, Neutral Evil, Town killing, Any Random

    This is my save from before the update. I probably hosted it at least 50 times and can say it was extremely balanced. It is slightly changed in that some features have changed (Such as no more town core) But I don't think that will change it too much.

    Spoiler : Code :


  11. ISO #11

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Edited my save.
    Reason : 3X witches got spawned, the concept was ruined.

    New save.
    2X confirmed killers who are vulnerable, Arson is invulnerable.

    Role List

    Neutral Killing
    Neutral Killing
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benign
    Dragon Head
    Triad Random
    Town Government
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protection
    Town Protection
    Town Killing
    Town Random
    Town Random

    Spoiler : Triad :
    All Triad roles : Becomes Enforcer if alone.

    Enforcer =
    - Excluded from Random.

    Administrator =
    - Does replace the Dragon Head & he detects exact role.

    Dragon Head =
    - Invulnerable at night & can be roleblocked. Immune to detection, can't kill without an Enforcer.

    - Detects block-immune targets, Can be role-blocked.

    - Not immune to detection.

    Incense Master
    - Unlimited cleanings.

    - Victim can talk during trial.

    - Unlimited shadowings.

    - Can hide 3 times, Target is notified & Can hide behind Mafia / Triad.

    Spoiler : Neutral :
    Serial Killer
    - Vulnerable at night & Kills roleblockers. Does not win ties over Arsonist and not immune to detection.

    - Attacks ignore invulnerability & healing, Invulnerable at night. Victim knows he is doused. Not immune to detection.

    Mass Murderer
    - Vulnerable at night, Can't self target & 1 nights between sprees. Not immune to detection.

    - Can cause self-targets & becomes Witch Doctor when converted. Victim is not notified of being controlled.

    - Has 3 bulletproof vests

    - Random guilty voter dies

    - Becomes Jester upon failure, Target is not always town, do not need to survive to the end, not invulnerable.

    - Not excluded from random, Immunity prevent conversion & 1 night between conversions.

    Witch Doctor
    - Limited to 2 saves, no nights between saves & not excluded from randoms.

    - New role is not notified to town, Can become all roles. Not excluded from random.

    Spoiler : Town :
    - Has an one-night bulletproof vest & wins ties with the Mafia.

    - Detects everyone.

    - Does not detect exact role.

    - Ignores detection immunity.

    - Ignores detection immunity, can't self target.

    - Knows if target is attacked, Prevents Cultist conversion & Witch Doctor when converted. Does know if target is converted.

    - Can be role-blocked & Detects block-immune targets.

    - Can make 2 executions.

    - Limited to 2 kills.

    - Becomes leader if alone.

    Mason Leader
    - Not excluded from random & Limited to 2 recruits.

    - Excluded from Random, Can see all targets & kills.

    Bus Driver
    - Can self target.

    - Discovers everything.

    - Ignorse invulnerability & Cannot be healed. Does not prevent Cultist conversion.

    - Not excluded from randoms. Limited to 2 nights & Ignores invulnerability.

    - Keeps his votes in Cult & Vote counts for 3. Cannot be healed.

    - Not excluded from randoms. 1 group execution allowed & 3 executions per group.

    - Not excluded from randoms.

    Spoiler : Random Setup :
    Town Random :
    - Exclude Citizen.

    Town Government :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Investigative :
    - Excludes Coroner.

    Town Protective :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Killing :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Town Power :
    - Does not exclude anything.

    Triad Random :
    - Exclude killing roles.

    Neutral Evil :
    - Exclude Serial Killer and Mass Murderer.

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 2.0min
    Night Length: 0.8min
    Discussion Time: 0.5min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 : None, a full setup.
    14 : Town Random
    13 : Neutral Evil
    12 : Town Investigative
    11 : Town Random
    10 : Neutral Benign
    9 : Town Protective
    8 : Neutral Evil

    Setup Code
    Spoiler : Bank Spoiler :

    Last edited by RLVG; October 21st, 2013 at 09:36 AM. Reason: Fixed the setup.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    Mafia Random
    Dragon Head
    Town Investigative
    Town Protect
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Town Goverment
    Town Random
    Any Random
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benign

    Random Role Options
    Triad Random-Exclude killing roles
    Town Invest-Exclude coronor
    Town Protect- Exclude Bus Driver
    Town Killing-Exculude Jailor
    Town Power-Exculude Killing roles
    Town Goverment-Exclude Citizen and Mason
    Town Random-Exculude Killing roles-Exclude Citizen and Mason
    Any Random- Exclude all but town roles
    Neutral Evil- Exclude Serial Killer

    Jailor- Limited to 2 executions
    Detective- Ignores detection Immunity
    Lookout- Can target self
    Vigilante- Limited to 2 kills
    Spy- Can see Mafia/Triad Targets
    Spy- Can see Mafia/Triad Kills
    Veteran- Excluded from randoms (Off)
    Mayor- Vote counts for 4
    Mayor- Looses extra votes in Cult (on)
    Veteran-Limited to 3 nights
    Bus Driver -Cant target himself

    Cult-excluded from randoms
    Witch-Target does not know
    Witch doctor- 3 saves,1 night between saves
    Survivor 4 vest.

    Mafioso/Enforcer- Excluded from randoms
    Gf-Cannot be blocked
    Dh-Can be blocked
    (Well actually many mafia roles have better options than triad roles. It will be too long and boring so only this)
    Mafia roles>Triad Roles

    Time Setup
    Game start at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    Day type: Trial
    Day Length 1.8 min
    Night Length 0.8 min
    Trial Pauses Day (On)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Drop Any Random
    13 players: Drop Any Random, Town Random
    12 players: Drop Any Random, Town Random, Netural evil
    11 players: Drop Any Random, Town Random, Netural evil,Town Goverment
    10 players: Drop Any Random, Town Random, Netural evil,Town Goverment,Netural Benign

    I am still working on it if it gets positive feedback, i will polish the setup *explanation* more. This setup already played over 10 games and usually get positive feedback from players.

    Spoiler : Code :

    Last edited by Xentios; October 25th, 2013 at 04:01 AM.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List - Fireproof
    Town Investigation
    Town Investigation
    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random

    Town Random excludes Coroner
    Town Investigative excludes Coroner
    Town Protective excludes Bodyguard
    Town Power excludes Spy
    Arsonist's attacks ignore invulnerability, but not healing
    Arsonist is invulnerable at night
    Amnesiac cannot become town and is not announced

    Time Setup
    Start game at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    Day Length 1.7 min
    Night Length 0.7 min
    Discussion Time 0.8 min
    Day type: Trial

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Drop Town Random
    13 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch
    12 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power
    11 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing
    10 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac
    9 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative
    8 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist
    7 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective
    6 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective, Town Random
    5 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective, Town Random, Arsonist
    4 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective, Town Random, Arsonist, Town Investigation
    3 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective, Town Random, Arsonist, Town Investigation, Town Protective
    2 Players: Drop Town Random, Witch, Town Power, Town Killing, Amnesiac, Town Investigative, Arsonist, Town Protective, Town Random, Arsonist, Town Investigation, Town Protective, Town Random
    1 Player: Keep only Arsonist

    This setup utilizes the power of multiple Arsonists - they can win with each other as well as burn the other Arsonist's douse targets.
    On average, the Arsonists should kill at most 1-2 per Night, and cross-kills usually happen over the course of the game.
    The anti-town faction (Arsonists, Witch, Amnesiac) are greatly boosted if they can find each-other during the Day phase. If the anti-town faction manage to set up a communication network then their chances of winning are greatly increased. The Town Randoms allow the Arsonists to falseclaim easily.
    Spoiler : Code :

    (will get it soon)
    Last edited by Poriomania; October 25th, 2013 at 01:16 PM.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Name - Red Vs Blue
    Dragon Head
    Mafia Killing
    Triad Killing
    Mafia Random
    Triad Random
    Mafia Random
    Triad Random
    Neutral Killer
    Mafia Random
    Triad Random

    Godfather immune to detection, cant be roleblocked, can kill without a mafioso.
    (not invulnerable at night)
    Consig replaces godfather
    Disguiser becomes mafioso if alone
    consort becomes mafioso if alone, detects block immune target, cannot be role blocked
    framer immune to detection, becomes mafioso if alone
    janitor limited to 2 cleanings, becomes mafioso if alone
    blackmailer becomes mafioso if alone
    kidnapper becomes mafioso if alone, can kidnap mafia members
    agent becomes mafioso if alone
    beguiler becomes mafioso if alone, can hide 3 times, target is notified, can hide behind mafia

    all other options that are not specified are off.

    triad is exactly the same as mafia, just mimic the list.

    survivor has 4 vests

    edit - mafioso and enforcer are also excluded from randoms.
    also randoms exclude killing roles.

    neutral killers have night immunity.

    Time Setup
    day length 1.4min
    night length .8min
    day type trial
    starts at night
    death description
    discussion time .9min
    trial length .8min
    trial pauses day (check)
    choose name (check)
    trial defense (check)
    discussion (check)
    last will allowed (check)
    pm allowed (check)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 none
    14 remove triad random
    13 remove mafia random
    12 remove survivor
    11 remove neutral killer
    10 remove survivor
    9 remove triad random
    8 remove mafia random

    code -
    Spoiler : spoiler :

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by kyle1234513; December 26th, 2013 at 08:54 PM. Reason: Removed excess bank info

  15. ISO #15

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Forgetful Champions
    The Amnesiacs (bluegreen) must can choose whether to remember their past lives as heroes (green) or villians (blue).


    Role List
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protection
    Town Protection
    Town Killing
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Town Power
    Triad Support
    Triad Deception
    Triad Deception
    Any Random

    Any Random: Exclude Town Roles
    Doctor: Prevents Cultist Conversion
    Jailor: Can make 2 Executions
    Spy: Can see all Mafia/Triad Targets
    Spy: Can See Mafia/Triad Kills
    Bus Driver: Can Target Self
    Bodyguard: Prevents Cultist Conversion
    Veteran: Limited to 3 Alerts
    Informant: Cleans the Target's Role
    Liason: Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Forger: Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Incense Master: Limited to 3 Cleanings
    Silencer: Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Interrogator: Can Kidnap Triad Memb
    Deceiver: Can Hide 3 Times
    Deceiver: Can Hide Behind Triad
    Amnesiac: Uncheck New Role is Revealed to Town

    Disguiser: Cleans the Target Role
    Janitor: Limited to 3 Cleanings
    Kidnapper: Can Kidnap Mafia
    Beguiler: Can Hide 3 Times
    Beguiler: Can Hide Behind Mafia
    Serial Killer: Uncheck Invulnerable at Night
    Arsonist: Uncheck Invulnerable at Night
    Mass Murderer: Uncheck Invulnerable at Night
    Witch: Uncheck Victim Knows He is Controlled
    Witch: Uncheck Witch Doctor When Converted
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 Bulletproof Vests
    Survivor: Has 4 Bulletproof Vests
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is Always Town
    Witch Doctor: Exclude from Randoms

    Additional Options If Possible
    If possible to Code in, Remove the Following from Any Random:

    Dragon Head

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Any Random
    13 players: Remove Town Power
    12 players: Remove Triad Deception
    11 players: Remove Town Killing
    10 players: Remove Town Protection
    9 players: Remove Town Investigative
    8 players: Remove Town Power
    7 players: Remove Town Killing
    6 players: Remove Remove Triad Support
    5 players: Remove Town Protection
    4 players: Remove Town Investigative
    3 players: Remove Amnesiac
    2 players: Remove Amnesiac
    1 player: Remove Amnesiac

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup
    In this setup, all unique roles are removed from randoms (Godfather and Dragonhead have a chance of appearing for the Any Random Player Slot). In this way, we ensure that the Amnesiacs have the maximum capability of choosing who they want to become when other players die.

    There is no starting Dragon Head, meaning that one of the starting Triad roles will be converted to Enforcer. This is ok and on purpose. The Triad wants Amnesiacs to become Triads. If a Dragon Head dies, the Amnesiacs cannot join the Triad. There is generally only one killing faction (the Triads). This means that lack of Dragon Head immunity at night is not as critical as it is in other setups.

    If an Incense Master is present, the Triads want to take advantage of hiding enemy bodies, so that Amnesiacs cannot comfortably take on Town Roles.

    The Amnesiacs face some interesting decisions. If a Triad dies early, the Amnesiacs could defect to the Triad side to try to quickly gain a majority, but they would have to be reasonably that the rest of their Amnesiac comrades do the same, else they could simply be joining a rapidly dying faction. Similarly, if the Triad is doing well, but the Amnesiacs wait to long for a dead Triad member to show up they may find themselves a target of the Triad and thus their efforts become a waste. The Amnesiacs may decide that it's worth taking Town roles to give the Town a better chance of winning.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played this setup roughly 8 times before submitting this for save of the day. I have found that town tends to win this setup, but that Triad wins a fair amount as well. I would estimate the odds at around 60 Town / 40 Triad. Because I feel that town should generally have a win advantage, I consider this a good competitive save.

    Opportunities for Improvement / Further Investigation

    8 Town seems the proper amount. Tests with 9 Town seem to be too much for the Triad to handle considering that some Amnesiacs will join the Town. However, if the last Any Random slot is better left as another Amnesiac, another Mafia, or other 3rd party role is not definitively known.


    If there is a mistake or problem with the setup file, please inform me, and I'll resubmit it. If there are any other problems or suggestions, please let me know.
    Last edited by fred; December 26th, 2013 at 09:51 PM.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread


    Role List
    Triad Killing
    Triad Deception
    Witch Doctor
    Neutral Killing
    Mason Leader
    Town Government
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Town Random

    Role Options
    Spoiler : Role Options :
    Town Invest - Exclude Coroner
    Triad Killing - Exclude Informant and Interrogator
    No other exclusions, yes that includes Citizen.

    All neutral killers are invulnerable at night.
    Serial Killer - Kills Roleblockers
    Arsonist - Ignores healing & invulnerability
    Mass Murderer - 1 night between sprees, can target self
    Witch - target does NOT know he is controlled, can cause self targets
    Cultist - immunity prevents conversion, 1 night between conversions
    Witch Doctor - limited to 3 saves, 0 nights between saves

    All Triad roles become Enforcer if alone, even Administrator.
    Enforcer - excluded from randoms is OFF
    Administrator - detects exact role
    Dragon Head - invulnerable at night but NOT immune to detection. Cannot be role blocked, can kill without Enforcer.
    Informant - cleans role
    Liaison - cannot be roleblocked, detects block immune target
    Incense Master - limited to 2 cleanings
    Silencer - victim cannot talk during trial
    Interrogator - can kidnap Triad members
    Vanguard - 1 night between shadowings
    Deceiver - can hide 3 times, can hide behind Triad

    Citizen - bulletproof vest, wins ties
    Sheriff - detects all
    Detective & Lookout ignore detection immunity
    Lookout can target self
    Doctor - knows if target is attacked, prevents conversion
    Escort - cannot be roleblocked, detects block immune target
    Jailor - can make 2 executions
    Vigilante - limited to 2 kills
    Mason becomes Leader when alone
    Mason Leader - limited to 4 recruits
    Spy - can see all targets, can see kill
    Bus Driver - can target self
    Coroner - discovers all
    Bodyguard - ignores invulnerability, cannot be healed, prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran - limited to 3 nights, ignores invulnerability
    Mayor - vote counts for 3, cannot be healed, does NOT lose extra votes in cult
    Marshall - 1 group execution, 3 executions per group

    Time Setup
    Day Length - 1.4 min
    Night Length - 0.8 min
    Day Type - Trial
    Last Will Allowed - Yes
    PM Allowed - Yes
    Discussion - Yes
    Discussion Time - 0.5 min
    Trial Length - 1.0 min
    Trial Pauses Day - Yes
    Trial Defense - Yes
    Choose Names - Yes
    Start Game At - Day/No Lynch
    Night Type - Death Descriptions

    Changes in Case of Player Loss
    1 - remove Town Random
    2 - remove Town Random and Witch
    3 - remove Town Random, Witch, and Sheriff
    4 - remove Town Random, Witch, Sheriff, and Witch Doctor
    5 - remove Town Random, Witch, Sheriff, Witch Doctor, and Town Government
    6 - remove Town Random, Witch, Sheriff, Witch Doctor, Town Government, and Town Random
    7 - remove Town Random, Witch, Sheriff, Witch Doctor, Town Government, Town Random, and Cultist
    8 - remove Town Random, Witch, Sheriff, Witch Doctor, Town Government, Town Random, Cultist, and Town Killing

    Setup Code
    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Last edited by fred; December 26th, 2013 at 10:04 PM.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Truth and Lies
    A Trio of Executioners try to get their old enemies hanged while the Town tries to determine the legitimate mafia from the planted evidence.


    Role List
    Town Killing
    Town Killing
    Mafia Support

    Town Killing: Exclude Veteran
    Town Killing: Exclude Jailor
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is Always Town

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Mafia Support
    13 players: Remove Citizen
    12 players: Remove Executioner
    11 players: Remove Citizen
    10 players: Remove Framer
    9 players: Remove Town Killing
    8 players: Remove Sheriff
    7 players: Remove Framer
    6 players: Remove Sheriff
    5 players: Remove Executioner
    4 players: Remove Doctor
    3 players: Remove Sheriff
    2 players: Remove Doctor
    1 player: Remove Mafioso
    0 player: Remove Executioner

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup
    In this setup, there is ample opportunity for doubt on whomever claims to be a Sheriff. There are an equal number of Executioners who have an incentive to counterclaim. Similarly, with multiple framers, it cannot be said for certain that a role showing up as guilty is actually guilty.

    Here, sheriffs in the beginning play a role similar to doctors, i.e. if a doctor heals a victim, the victim is likely not mafia, however in this case, any message saying that your target is not suspicious, it is the cold hard truth. There are no Witches or Bus Drivers that could introduce doubt into a Not Suspicious Lead. There is no Godfather that could cast doubt into a Not Suspicious Lead. The sheriff's struggle is to convince the town that they are the legitimate Sheriff and to verify if their guilty verdicts are true.

    Executioners likely need to convince the Town that they are the Sheriffs. Often, saying on Day 2 that X is mafia, makes others think that you're an Executioner. However, claiming sheriff but saying that X is Not Suspicious will often garner you credence as being legitimate and may give you a greater chance of getting your real target killed another day. I would suggest claiming that X is mafia on Day 3 or 4 and state that with the caveat that you know that framers are still about.

    Mafia members need to strategically choose who to Frame as well as what roles to claim. Because there is no Spy, the mafia can freely talk with each other at night and plan out. Being overzealous may convince the town that you are an Executioner or a former Executioner turned Jester and that it's not worth their time to lynch you.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played versions of this setup roughly 13 times before submitting this for save of the day. Given the fact that there is no Godfather and that it's critical to the setup and theme that #1, Mafia be able to Frame in peace and #2 that Mafia have a decent chance of winning, this means that most of the roles won't work well with the setup: namely escorts, lookouts, detectives, investigators, veterans, and bus drivers. Similarly #3 because of the nature of framing to work, means that it can't be proven absolutely that someone is innocent. This means that Mayor, Marshall, and Crier are also out. Doctors are ok because they can merely confirm that one target is NS. Vigilantes are ok because they can kill other roles based off of their limited information from the chat and they aren't privy to absolute information. Bodyguard can work because they don't stop the momentum of death from the Mafia, they merely die along with Mafia attacker. Jailor doesn't work well because the executioners are jockeying for a lynch which can make the jailor role useless and because the jailor can act like an escort, blocking the mafioso from carrying out the killing which auto reveals the mafia without input from the Sheriffs or Doctors.

    Because there is only 1 enemy team (very necessary for Framing), I have found that town tends to win this setup. However, having 4 mafia members (even with Executioners potentially having mafia as a target), means that their survivorship can be fairly robust. I would give the Town vs Mafia win ratio of roughly 55 / 45

    Feedback on Team Ratios

    8 Town seems the proper amount. Tests with 9 Town seem to be too much for the Mafia to handle considering that they can generally only kill one at a time. Less than 4 mafia makes it harder for mafia to survive and win as well as deliver their key defense and plausible doubt (Framers). Less than 3 Executioners removes this game from legitimately claiming an Executioner theme.


    If there is a mistake or problem with the setup file, please inform me, and I'll resubmit it. If there are any other problems or suggestions, please let me know.
    Last edited by Aldaris; November 6th, 2013 at 06:32 PM.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    Mafia Random
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protect
    Town Killing
    Town Goverment
    Town Random
    Neutral Killer
    Any Random
    Dragon Head/Triad Support ***

    Random Role Options
    on construction....

    Sheriff-Cant dedect arso and mm

    Cult-excluded from randoms
    Witch-Target does not know
    Witch doctor- 3 saves,1 night between saves,immunie to dedection
    Survivor 4 vest.

    Plot-Twists of Save
    Triad has no killing role , which makes the game for triad a fight for vote power. Triad can help town to find the netural killer and Mafia but cant do that to early and cant do that to late. Needs good talking and voting skils or luck

    Mafia can use exposed triad members to delay their own trials but they still need to eliminate all triad,citizens and netural killers to win. They have the power of killing maybe but they are the underpowered faction here.

    Arsonist and MM maybe safe from the sheriffs but still can be dedected and need to choose who they attack carefully

    Serial killer just kills and kills until he got caught and Town just keeps lynching eachother as usual...

    Time Setup
    Game start at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    Day type: Trial
    Day Length 1.8 min
    Night Length 0.8 min
    Trial Pauses Day (On)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    Need more time and need to know what options do we have here
    For exp can you do this?:
    14 players- Remove town goverment,change any-random to netural benign.
    13 players- Remove any-random, Remove triad-support, change town invest to town random
    12 players- Remove any-random ,remove triad-support,remove town goverment,change town kiler to netural benign
    11 players-Remove any-random ,remove triad-support,remove town goverment,remove town invest, change netural killer to netural evil,
    Well i really think next sotd should be a well designed 9-3-3 save cuz people stop using the -default command since too much afk at setup phase of the game plus they just want a normal boring game sometimes.

    If we return to save, this save got same bad response cuz nobody read the options first and some guys dont like a bad guy team who cant kill.
    Ofcourse it was funny to see that when a triad lose he said bad setup triad cant kill said "mafia can kill op" and in another game mafia lost the game and said "triad 3 member op". We even got a dead lock of 1 mafia ,1 triad, 1 citizen in 1 game. Sadly citizen voted for triad and town lost the game.

    well some veteran players liked it so much even used this setup as their new save slot. And i agree with them. Not %100 sure but i think this save is balanced enough.

    10 match of setup and winers
    Try to guess who wins the most before looking to stats. Ofc i changed little details in 10 games and cant remember the exact numbers but still this is pretty what happend in my 10 or 15 games
    Spoiler : Code :

    5-4 triad win
    4-3 town win
    3-2 mafia win
    1 mm win
    Editecond data pool-9 games(3 town,3 triad,2 nk,1 Mafia )
    Unknow-Prob mafia-Disconected

    Well dont read beacuse typo mistakes and bad english can kill you : )
    Triad managed to kill the inteligent consiglare of the mafia but put under investigation of the town sheriff who is bribed by the upset Godfather .Now every dedective in town tracks the triad members so dragon-head ordered triad to dump every illegal posesion and stop all illegal-triad activity . Now triad that is unable to kill anymore hired a very expensive lawyer to fight this trap legally.

    Can triad will be able to deceive the town that they are innocent citizens?

    Spoiler : Code :

    ***there is a "-target" bug that needs to be fixed,if fixed triad should have a dragon head , if not it should be triad-support

    Pls pm me what you think about this save esp for 14-13-12 player versions

    Edit:Updated code for small changes
    Edit(24.11.2013):Updated code again and some text and statistics.
    Last edited by Xentios; November 24th, 2013 at 02:30 AM.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Name - Survival Of The Fittest
    Dragon Head
    Serial Killer
    Mass Murderer
    Mafia Random
    Triad Random
    Mass Murderer
    Serial Killer

    Amnesiac - new role is revealed to the town
    Survivor - has 4 vests
    Serial Killer - kills roleblockers
    Mass Murder - no options
    Godfather - cant be roleblocked, can kill without a mafioso, immune to detection
    Beguiler - becomes mafioso if alone, can hide 3 times, target is notified, can hide behind mafia
    Consort - becomes mafioso if alone, detects block immune target, can not be roleblocked
    Mafia Random - exclude killing roles
    Dragon Head - cant be roleblocked, can kill without an enforcer, immune to detection
    Deceiver - becomes enforcer if alone, can hide 3 times, target is notified, can hide behind triad
    Liason - becomes enforcer if alone, detects block immune target, can not be roleblocked
    Triad Random - exclude killing roles

    all of the unspecified role options for the above roles are turned off

    rest of the mafia/triad roles get default settings.

    Time Setup
    day length 1.4min
    night length .8min
    day type trial
    starts at night
    death description
    discussion time .9min
    trial length .8min
    trial pauses day (check)
    choose name (check)
    trial defense (check)
    discussion (check)
    last will allowed (check)
    pm allowed (check)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 none
    14 remove survivor
    13 remove serial killer
    12 remove mass murderer
    11 remove amnesiac
    10 remove survivor
    9 remove triad random
    8 remove mafia random

    Bank Code -
    Spoiler : spoiler :

    Last edited by kyle1234513; December 26th, 2013 at 08:33 PM.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Survive or Die
    A group of survivors happen upon a Town besieged by 4 rival gangs. They must quickly decide which faction gains control before the crossfire overtakes themselves.


    Role List
    Dragon Head
    Serial Killer
    Mass Murderer
    Town Government

    Godfather: Uncheck Immune to Detection
    Dragon Head: Uncheck Immune to Detection
    Mass Murderer: Uncheck 1 Night Between Sprees
    Crier: Check Excluded from Randoms
    Mayor: Uncheck Vote Counts for 3
    Mayor: Check Vote Counts for 4
    Mayor: Uncheck Cannot be Healed
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is Always Town
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 Bulletproof Vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 Bulletproof Vests

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Survivor
    13 players: Remove Survivor
    12 players: Remove Godfather
    11 players: Remove Executioner
    10 players: Remove Sheriff
    9 players: Remove Dragon Head
    8 players: Remove Survivor
    7 players: Remove Town Government
    6 players: Remove Serial Killer
    5 players: Remove Survivor
    4 players: Remove Doctor
    3 players: Remove Survivor
    2 players: Remove Survivor
    1 player: Remove Sheriff
    0 player: Remove Mass Murderer

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    In this setup, each of the 4 killers (Godfather, Dragon Head, Serial Killer, Mass Murderer) is invulnerable at night. That is, each can only win if the other 3 are lynched during the day. Because there are a multitude of survivors, it can be hard to tell if a person was invulnerable because they were a rival faction, or because they were a survivor who used a vest.

    The town has numbers but no immunity (except a possible save by a doctor) and needs to lynch the rival factions as quickly as possible while maintaining solidarity with the survivors.

    The Survivors don't care which faction wins as long as it wins quickly. The more days go by, the more opportunities there are to run out of vests for protection.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played versions of this setup roughly 9 times before submitting this for save of the day. The town are at a distinct disadvantage compared to the other factions because of the number of killers present. I would say that they win about 10% of the time. However, if you take the fact that the main group in this save is the Survivors and not the town, and that 90% of wins are attributed to the other factions, which means that the Godfather, Dragon Head, etc. have about a 22.5% chance of winning individually. I consider this acceptable given the fact that this theme is about choosing the victor and that if an individual town member wins, all town wins.

    Often, the best strategy for everyone seems to be to claim Survivor (whether they are or not) on day 1. Claiming survivor let's you avoid initial suspicion (because Survivor is probable and there are several of them). It gives a reason for the other factions to avoid targeting you (especially important if you are town). If you are a killer who falsely claimed as survivor and you get attacked, it gives your attacker reason to think that you may be a survivor (as opposed to an invulnerable at night killer).

    Survivors ironically have a strong incentive to force lynches every day to kill someone. The survivors want the game to end as quickly as possible so that they can avoid being targeted at night against their limited bulletproof vests.

    This is a fun setup that strays a bit from the classic mafia setup, emphasizing fake role calling and persuasion more than others.

    Feedback on Team Ratios

    4 Killers is chosen because that is the maximum # of Independent Evil opposing factions that can directly kill each night. This seems like a good amount as it ensures that the game continues for at least a few days. 6 Survivors were chosen to give the killers plenty of targets to hit that won't die to allow for the squishy factions (Town and Executioner) to have a reduced chance of being targeted. 4 Town was chosen because Town needs enough size to potentially pose a problem for the 4 killer factions while not being too large as engender a win ratio higher than the 4 killer factions. Executioner was chosen because it adds some doubt to Sheriff claims and because Executioners can become Jesters, can equally allow for a person to make themselves appear to be a Jester and avoid targeting at day and night.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    Setups with less than 13 players have not been tested.
    Improving the town's power such as replacing the Executioner with another Sheriff has not been tested.


    If there is a mistake or problem with the setup file, please inform me, and I'll resubmit it. If there are any other problems or suggestions, please let me know.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Serial Justice
    Two reformed criminals return to their hometown with guns blazing to remove all the scum that now infests it.

    Serial Killer

    Role List
    Serial Killer
    Serial Killer
    Mafia Support
    Mafia Support
    Mafia Support
    Triad Support
    Triad Support
    Witch Doctor

    Mafia Support: Check Exclude Blackmailer
    Mafia Support: Check Exclude Killing Roles
    Triad Support: Check Exclude Silencer
    Triad Support: Check Exclude Killing Roles
    Consigliere: Uncheck Becomes Mafioso if Alone
    Consort: Uncheck Becomes Mafioso if Alone
    Agent: Uncheck Becomes Mafioso if Alone
    Administrator: Uncheck Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Liason: Uncheck Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Vanguard: Uncheck Becomes Enforcer if Alone
    Witch Doctor: Uncheck Limited to 2 Saves
    Cultist: Uncheck 1 Night Between Conversions

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Majority
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Night
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Mason
    13 players: Remove Cultist
    12 players: Remove Mason
    11 players: Remove Mason
    10 players: Remove Serial Killer
    9 players: Remove Mason
    8 players: Remove Mafia Support
    7 players: Remove Cultist
    6 players: Remove Triad Support
    5 players: Remove Mafia Support
    4 players: Remove Cultist
    3 players: Remove Serial Killer
    2 players: Remove Witch Doctor
    1 player: Remove Triad Support
    0 player: Remove Mafia Support

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    In this setup, the 4 factions (Mafia, Triad, Cult, Mason) are being harassed by the 2 serial killers. The factions have to form temporary alliances to defeat the serial killers. Only the Serial Killers can kill at night which means good choices during the day are critical.

    This setup emphasizes temporary alliances as a strategy for success.


    I have played versions of this setup roughly 5 times before submitting this for save of the day. The reasons for the ratios are as follows. Triad wins on ties vs the other factions, thus it has only two. Mafia is next in line with 3. Because Mafia and Triad have more abilities to use at night, Cult and Mason start off with more members (4) compared to the Mafia and Triad.

    Revealing who to vote for can be tricky here. Both the Mafia and Triad have the capability and potential to identify who the Serial Killer is and Roleblock him/her, but revealing this to the town puts one at risk of revealing that you belong to a small faction as well as attracting the Serial Killers for the next night.

    When numbers are low, certain factions may need to bargain with the Serial Killer in order that they may live longer.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    More Testing with Alternative Setups.
    Lack of Testing at smaller Numbers
    Consider removing Mason Faction with Neutral Evils and Executioners


    If there is a mistake or problem with the setup file, please inform me, and I'll resubmit it. If there are any other problems or suggestions, please let me know.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    The Parliament is in session. Four rival political factions have to convince each other and their neutral counterparts (Amnesiacs) to vote for their deadly bills


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Mason
    2. Mason
    3. Mason
    4. Framer
    5. Framer
    6. Framer
    7. Forger
    8. Forger
    9. Forger
    10. Cultist
    11. Cultist
    12. Cultist
    13. Amnesiac
    14. Amnesiac
    15. Amnesiac

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Mason
    2. Cultist
    3. Framer
    4. Forger
    5. Mason
    6. Cultist
    7. Framer
    8. Forger
    9. Mason
    10. Cultist
    11. Framer
    12. Forger
    13. Amnesiac
    14. Amnesiac
    15. Amnesiac


    Framer: Uncheck Becomes Mafioso if alone
    Forger: Uncheck Becomes Enforcer if alone
    Cultist: Uncheck 1 Night Between Conversions

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Ballot+Trial
    Night Length: 0.5 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 1.2 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Classic Night
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Amnesiac
    13 players: Remove Amnesiac
    12 players: Remove Amnesiac
    11 players: Remove Forger
    10 players: Remove Framer
    9 players: Remove Cultist
    8 players: Remove Mason
    7 players: Remove Forger
    6 players: Remove Framer
    5 players: Remove Cultist
    4 players: Remove Mason
    3 players: Remove Forger
    2 players: Remove Framer
    1 player: Remove Cultist
    0 player: Remove Mason

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup emulates the times when Parliaments (particularly European Parliaments) do not have a majority and have to negotiate with swing votes and opposing factions to win. Here we have 4 factions (Mafia, Triad, Cult, Mason) who are all trying to get the others lynched while the swing votes (Amnesiacs) have to decide which side they'll join.

    There is no night killing, thus the night actions are purely for each faction to plan their strategy for the next day to persuade a vote.

    Often small factions will find themselves allying together to eliminate the strength of a stronger faction.

    This setup emphasizes diplomacy, persuasion, and temporary alliances as a strategy for success.


    I have played versions of this setup roughly 7 times before submitting this for save of the day. All 4 factions are very closely balanced and generally, each has an equal chance to win. However the slight inequalities are as follows: Order of wins in a tie situation goes in the order of 1. Triad 2. Mafia 3. Cult 4. Mason. Cult can still potentially try to convert one Amnesiac directly if 2 cultists are lynched.

    Trying to disguise oneself as an Amnesiac seems to work well here, potentially letting you off getting lynched.

    Revealing one's faction here is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, doing so can clarify to faction A and faction B that you want Faction C killed. This can potentially backfire, as now your enemies know who you are.

    Often, it's best to vote wholesale with your faction. There is a slight disadvantage, in that by voting with your faction (especially if you vote innocent), that you reveal that you are on the same time.

    Try your best to persuade early. Don't talk too much because that risks you getting too much attention.
    When numbers are low, certain factions may need to bargain with each other or the Amnesiacs to win.

    Coding Opportunities if Possible

    Give option for Amnesiacs to be immune to cultist conversions (improves save balance)
    Give option to reveal everyone's role at start of game (this can help negotiations)


    Setup updated for new save file format.
    Last edited by Aldaris; January 25th, 2014 at 07:17 PM. Reason: updating save to new save format

  23. ISO #23

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    Neutral Killing
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Evil
    Neutral Benign
    Neutral Benign
    Town Government
    Town Investigative
    Town Investigative
    Town Protective
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Town Random


    Spoiler : Mafia :
    Mafioso :
    - Excluded from Randoms.

    Consigliere :
    - Does not replace the godfather. Detects exact role. Becomes Mafioso if alone.

    Godfather :
    - All options selected.

    Disguiser :
    - All options selected.

    Consort :
    - Becomes Mafioso if alone. Can be role-blocked. Detects block-immune targets.

    Framer :
    - Becomes Mafioso if alone. Can be detected.

    Janitor :
    - Becomes Mafioso if alone. Limited to 2 cleanings.

    Blackmailer :
    - All options selected.

    Kidnapper :
    - All options selected.

    Agent :
    - Becomes Mafioso if alone. No nights between shadowings.

    Beguiler :
    - Becomes Mafioso if alone. Can hide 3 times. Target is notified. Can hide behind mafia.

    Spoiler : Neutral :
    Serial Killer :
    - Invulnerable at night. Does not kill roleblockers. Wins ties over Arsonist. Can be detected.

    Arsonist :
    - Attacks ignore invulnerability and healing. Invulnerable at night. Victim are not notified of douse. Can be detected.

    Mass Murderer :
    - Invulnerable at night. Can target self. 2 nights between sprees. Immune to detection.

    Witch :
    - All options selected.

    Survivor :
    - Has 3 bulletproof vests.

    Jester :
    - Random guilty voter dies.

    Executioner :
    - Becomes Jester upon failure. Target can be anyone. Not required to survive to the end. Vulnerable at night.

    Cultist :
    - Not excluded from randoms. Immunity prevents conversion. 1 night between conversions.

    Witch Doctor :
    - Limited to 2 saves. No nights between saves. Not excluded from randoms. Can be detected.

    Amnesiac :
    - New role is revealed to town. Can become Town, Mafia/Triad. Cannot become a killing role. Not excluded from randoms.

    Spoiler : Town :
    Citizen :
    - All options selected.

    Sheriff :
    - Detects everything but Mass Murderers.

    Investigator :
    - Does not detect exact role.

    Detective :
    - Ignores detection immunity.

    Lookout :
    - All options selected.

    Doctor :
    - Knows if target is attacked. Prevents Cultist conversion. Not notified of conversion. Witch Doctor when converted.

    Escort :
    - Can be roleblocked. Detects block-immune targets.

    Jailor :
    - Can make 2 executions.

    Vigilante :
    - Limited to 2 kills.

    Mason :
    - Becomes Leader if alone.

    Mason Leader :
    - Not excluded from randoms. Limited to 2 recruits.

    Spy :
    - All options selected.

    Bus Driver :
    - Can target self.

    Coroner :
    - All options selected.

    Bodyguard :
    - Ignores invulnerability. Cannot be healed. Does not prevent cultist conversion.

    Veteran :
    - Not excluded from randoms. Limited to 2 nights. Ignores invulnerability.

    Mayor :
    - Does not lose extra votes in Cult. Vote counts for 3. Cannot be healed.

    Marshall :
    - Not excluded from randoms. 1 group execution allowed. 3 executions per group.

    Crier :
    - Excluded from randoms.

    Spoiler : Setup Options :
    Mafia Random :
    - Does not exclude killing roles.

    Neutral Evil :
    - All options selected.

    Town Government :
    - Does not exclude Citizen or Mason.

    Town Investigative :
    - Exclude Coroner.

    Town Protective :
    - Does not exclude Bus Driver or Bodyguard.

    Town Killing :
    - Does not exclude Veteran or Jailor.

    Town Power :
    - Does not exclude killing roles or Spy.

    Town Random :
    - Does not exclude killing roles, Citizen and Coroner.

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 2.0min
    Night Length: 0.8min
    Discussion Time: 0.5min
    Trial Length: 1.0min

    Day Type: Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 : None removed.
    14 : Neutral Evil
    13 : Town Killing
    12 : Neutral Benign
    11 : Town Protective
    10 : Neutral Evil
    09 : Town Random
    08 : Neutral Killing
    07 : Town Government
    06 : Neutral Benign
    05 : Town Power
    04 : Mafia Random

    Setup Code
    Spoiler : Bank Spoiler :

    I have hosted this setup multiple times and everyone have liked it.
    It's been fun and some even said that they want to play it more.

    It appears that each faction has a fair chance here.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Hot Tamales

    Bus Driver
    Town Government
    Town Investigative
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Neutral Killing

    I included a screen shot of the time setups.
    Day Length: 1.0min
    Night Length: 0.6min
    Discussion Time: 0.7min
    Trial Length: 0.7min

    Day Type: Ballot+Trial
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions

    Last Will Allowed
    PM Allowed
    Discussion Enabled
    Trial Pauses Day Enabled
    Trial Defense Disabled
    Choose Names Enabled

    14 - Remove Neutral Killing
    13 - Remove Executioner
    12 - Remove Town Random
    11 - Remove Jester
    10 - Remove Town Random
    09 - Remove Arsonist
    08 - Remove Town Investigative
    07 - Remove Town Killing
    06 - Up to discretion after this.

    I've hosted this setup many times. Of course, you have people complain at first, but once they actually play it, they have fun with it.

    Serial Killer does not win over Arsonist. Also NOT immune to detection.
    Town Random excludes Citizen.
    Investigator does not determine exact role.
    Bus Driver can bus himself.
    Town Government excludes Mason.
    Town Power excludes Spy.
    Executioner becomes Jester upon failure. Target is NOT town-only.
    Mass Murderer NOT immune to detection. One night between sprees.
    Arsonists ARE immune to detection.

    The reason for the neut killing detection is that it is easy for that person to claim the accuser is executioner or jester. Trust me, these games can get VERY interesting. During my time playing this setup, I found about a 50/50 win rate for both evil and town roles. I hope you guys will consider this for SotD, but I love it.
    Images attachées Images attachées
    Last edited by Kaine; December 18th, 2013 at 10:54 AM. Reason: Changing Role Order for better understanding

  25. ISO #25

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Detecta Jesta Dilemma
    Our resident Detectives have to find the murderers rampaging the Town apart from the Jesters with poor alibis.


    Role List
    Bus Driver
    Bus Driver
    Town Government
    Mass Murderer
    Any Random

    Town Government: Check Exclude Citizen
    Town Government: Check Exclude Mason
    Agent: Uncheck 1 night between shadowings
    Mass Murderer: Uncheck 1 Night Between Sprees
    Crier: Check Excluded from Randoms
    Mayor: Uncheck Cannot be Healed
    Any Random: Check Exclude Town roles
    Any Random: Check Exclude Triad roles
    Arsonist: Check Attacks ignore healing
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 Bulletproof vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 Bulletproof vests
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is always town
    Witch Doctor: Uncheck Limited to 2 Saves
    Witch Doctor: Check Limited to 3 Saves
    Amnesiac: Uncheck New role is revealed to town
    Disguiser: Check Cleans the target's role
    Janitor: Uncheck Limited to 2 Cleanings
    Kidnapper: Check can kidnap mafia members
    Beguiler: Check can hide 4 times
    Beguiler: Check can hide behind mafia

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Any Random
    13 players: Remove Jester
    12 players: Remove Detective
    11 players: Remove Agent
    10 players: Remove Bus Driver
    9 players: Remove Doctor
    8 players: Remove Detective
    7 players: Remove Mass Murderer
    6 players: Remove Town Government
    5 players: Remove Bus Driver
    4 players: Remove Doctor
    3 players: Remove Jester
    2 players: Remove Detective
    1 player: Remove Godfather
    0 player: Remove Jester

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    In this setup, the only town's investigative ability is through their detectives. This means that they can only catch the "badguys" after they have moved onto another house. If the detectives do catch someone who appears to have visited a target who died, they need to be sure that it wasn't another Detective or Jester that visited either and that a bus driver didn't switch targets. If a detective notices that a target visited someone and that they didn't die, the detective can note that their target is likely not a "badguy." Of course, the town must be weary of anyone making a claim to detective, as the Agent can easily duplicate their findings and the Jesters can provide false leads.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played versions of this setup roughly 11 times before submitting this for save of the day. I would say that the town has roughly a 60% of winning vs. the Mafia / Mass Murderer. The killing power of both the town and "bad guys" is relatively weak, leading to an interesting prolonged game. One bad/ dumb lynch from the town can easily ruin a won game for them. Contrary to what may be first instincts, the Jesters actually force the town to act a little more refined in their choices in lynching, but because doctors can still heal suicide attempts, the town is often not left at too big of a disadvantage.

    This is a fun setup because it actually works well despite initial gasps at 3 Jesters and let's the town work together by working backwards from impossible targets.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    Setups with less than 13 players have not been tested. Detailed testing on whether the final Any Random slot should be Mafia or Neutral.


    If there is a mistake or problem with the setup file, please inform me, and I'll resubmit it. If there are any other problems or suggestions, please let me know.
    Last edited by Aldaris; December 26th, 2013 at 08:26 PM.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Note: Setups must be created in a specific order. Removeable roles need to be placed at the bottom of the list for games with less than 15 players.

    1. Godfather
    2. Mafioso
    3. Mafioso
    4. Investigator
    5. Citizen
    6. Citizen
    7. Citizen
    8. Citizen
    9. Doctor
    10. Doctor
    11. Mafioso
    12. Serial Killer
    13. Survivor
    14. Investigator
    15. Witch

    Note: Roles from the bottom (15) and up will be removed in order at the end for the lack of players. The dotted line denotes a point when games typically become unplayable.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Current Rotation
    Classic with the Triads by powerofdeath [5]: 12/26
    Untitled #2 by ThinkLiveLife [5]: 12/26
    Under Pressure by Xentios [4]: 12/26
    Untitled #4 by RLVG [4]: 12/26
    Double Trouble by Xentios [3]: 12/26
    Untitled #3 by RLVG [3]: 12/26
    Detective v2 by gyber [2]: 12/26
    Shanghai by SamSparta [2]: 12/26
    Survival of the Fittest by kyle1234513 [2]: 12/26
    Untitled #1 by RLVG [2]: 12/26
    Untitled #1 by ThinkLiveLife [2]: 12/26
    Untitled #2 by RLVG [2]: 12/26
    Detecta Jesta Dilemma by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Forgetful Champions by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Parliament by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Red vs Blue by kyle1234513 [1]: 12/26
    Serial Justice by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Survive or Die by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Truth and Lies by Aldaris [1]: 12/26
    Untitled by Fragos [1]: 12/26

    Square brackets indicate weight. Currently, 1 indicates a ~2.2% chance of being selected.
    Last edited by Dark.Revenant; December 30th, 2013 at 06:07 PM.

  28. ISO #28

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Witch Hunt
    A group of investigators have to distinguish the eccentric doctors from the dark witches manipulating the town, all the while a gang of killers have started their own spree.

    Witch / Witch Doctor

    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Investigator
    2. Investigator
    3. Investigator
    4. Doctor
    5. Doctor
    6. Doctor
    7. Vigilante
    8. Mason Leader
    9. Mason
    10. Godfather
    11. Consigliere
    12. Serial Killer
    13. Witch
    14. Witch
    15. Witch Doctor

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Godfather
    2. Investigator
    3. Doctor
    4. Doctor
    5. Witch
    6. Investigator
    7. Witch Doctor
    8. Mason Leader
    9. Vigilante
    10. Serial Killer
    11. Investigator
    12. Doctor
    13. Witch
    14. Mason
    15. Consigliere

    Doctor: Check Witch Doctor When Converted
    Mason: Check Becomes Leader if Alone
    Godfather: Uncheck Immune to Detection
    Witch: Uncheck Victim Knows he is Controlled
    Witch Doctor: Uncheck Limited to 2 saves
    Witch Doctor: Check Limited to 3 saves

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Classic Night
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Consigliere
    13 players: Remove Mason
    12 players: Remove Witch
    11 players: Remove Doctor
    10 players: Remove Investigator
    9 players: Remove Serial Killer
    8 players: Remove Vigilante
    7 players: Remove Mason Leader
    6 players: Remove Witch Doctor
    5 players: Remove Investigator
    4 players: Remove Witch
    3 players: Remove Doctor
    2 players: Remove Doctor
    1 player: Remove Investigator
    0 player: Remove Godfather

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    In this setup, the town only has investigators for direct "investigation". However, every definite role is confounded. Ex. Doctors, Witches, and Witch Doctors appear as the same, Mason Leader and Godfather appear as the same, Vigilante and Serial Killer appear as the same, Investigators and Consigliere appear as the same, and Masons and Cultists (if converted by Witch Doctor) appear as the same. Thus, unless one role has been eliminated completely, an investigator can't know if they've nabbed a "bad guy" for sure.

    Similarly, because an investigator won't know they were controlled by a witch, it adds a second layer of doubt to the results of the investigator. This means that town investigators have to work well together to improve their chances of not getting a mis-guilty in town.

    Our doctors need to try their best to protect their investigators from getting killed while trying to be sure they aren't protecting a Consigliere.

    The vigilante needs to aim for suspicious targets at night especially witches. Be careful, they only have two shots.

    The Mason Leader needs to spend every night trying to kill the Witch Doctor and Cultists and work with the Mason to prevent the town from lynching either of them.

    The evil teams have an interesting situation, only the serial killer and the godfather can't win together, but the witches, witch doctors, and cultists if converted can win together as well as either the serial killer or the mafia. Often, "team evil" may have an incentive to come out in the open later on.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played versions of this setup roughly 11 times before submitting this for save of the day. The town seems to win roughly half the time if no one suicides. Suicides in this setup seem to be particularly detrimental to their chances to win. An alternative setup was tested with 10 town and 5 evil, but that seemed to cause town to win every single game.

    Cult tends to have a really good chance of winning if the Witch Doctor gets a successful conversion. Because of this, the town's use of the Mason and Mason Leader can be invaluable.

    Overall, people tended to enjoy this setup when people got over the fact that there were no random roles and tried actually playing it. They usually agreed that it was pretty balanced.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    More testing can be done with 15 size games. Although, it seems fairly balanced, most testing was done in games with 13-14 people or in an alternate setup with 10 town and 5 evil.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    I was dissapointed when Poriomania didn't post the code for this setup. So i made a similar one.


    Role List

    6.Town investigative
    7.Town investigative
    8.Town Protection
    9.Town Protection
    10.Town Power
    11.Town government
    12.Town Killing
    13.Town random
    14.Town random
    15.Town random

    Recommended Player Count

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14: Remove Amnesiac
    13: Remove Town Random
    12: Remove Town Random
    11: Remove Arsonist
    10: Remove Town Government

    Spoiler : Code :

    Last edited by Numbertwo; January 12th, 2014 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Changed some settings

  30. ISO #30

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Current Rotation
    Classic with the Triads by powerofdeath [5]: 12/26/13
    Generic by ThinkLiveLife [5]: 12/26/13
    Outlaws by RLVG [4]: 12/26/13
    Under Pressure by Xentios [4]: 12/26/13
    Beijing by RLVG [3]: 12/26/13
    Double Trouble by Xentios [3]: 12/26/13
    Inferno by Numbertwo [3]: 1/4/14
    Dark City by RLVG [2]: 12/26/13
    Detective v2 by gyber [2]: 12/26/13
    Shanghai by SamSparta [2]: 12/26/13
    Survival of the Fittest by kyle1234513 [2]: 12/26/13
    Uncertainty by RLVG [2]: 12/26/13
    Witch Hunt by Aldaris [2]: 1/4/14
    Chinatown by Fragos [1]: 12/26/13
    Detecta Jesta Dilemma by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    Forgetful Champions by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    Truth and Lies by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    Parliament by Aldaris [0.5]: 12/26/13
    Survive or Die by Aldaris [0.5]: 12/26/13

    Witch Hunt and Inferno added, Red vs Blue and Brave New World removed. A few weights have been changed. Double Trouble and Inferno do not spawn if the player count is below 10. Under Pressure does not spawn if the player count is below 14. I might have forgotten a couple other built-in restrictions. Please tell me if your setup requires a particular number of people so I can make sure it doesn't random for a different number.
    Last edited by Dark.Revenant; January 4th, 2014 at 05:54 PM.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Shanghaied or Shang-Hide

    Role List

    1. Town Government
    2. Town Investigative
    3. Town Investigative
    4. Town Protective
    5. Town Killing
    6. Town Power
    7. Town Random
    8. Town Random
    9. Mafia Random
    10. Mafia Random
    11. Neutral Killing
    12. Neutral Evil
    13. Any Random
    14. Any Random
    15. Any Random

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.0 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.6 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Role Options
    Spoiler : Role Options :

    Town Government - Exclude Citizen
    Town Random - Exclude Citizen
    Any Random - Exclude Mafia
    Any Random - Exclude Town
    Any Random - Exclude Killing
    Neutral Evil - Exclude Serial Killer
    Neutral Evil - Exclude Mass Murderer

    All neutral killers are invulnerable at night.
    Serial Killer - Kills Roleblockers
    Arsonist - Ignores healing & invulnerability
    Mass Murderer - 0 night between sprees, can target self
    Witch - target does NOT know he is controlled, can cause self targets
    Cultist - immunity prevents conversion, 1 night between conversions
    Witch Doctor - limited to 4 saves, 0 nights between saves
    Executioner: Target is NOT Always Town
    Amnesiac: New role is not revealed to town.

    becomes Enforcer if alone turned OFF for all triad roles
    Administrator - detects exact role
    Informant - cleans role
    Liaison - cannot be roleblocked, detects block immune target
    Incense Master - limited to 3 cleanings
    Silencer - victim cannot talk during trial
    Vanguard - 0 night between shadowings
    Deceiver - can hide 4 times, can hide behind Triad

    Beguiler - can hide 4 times, can hide behind Mafia

    Sheriff - detects all
    Detective & Lookout ignore detection immunity
    Lookout can target self
    Doctor - knows if target is attacked, prevents conversion
    Escort - cannot be roleblocked, detects block immune target
    Jailor - can make 2 executions
    Vigilante - limited to 2 kills
    Mason becomes Leader when alone
    Mason Leader - limited to 4 recruits
    Spy - can see all targets, can see kill
    Bus Driver - can target self
    Coroner - discovers all
    Bodyguard - ignores invulnerability, cannot be healed, prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran - limited to 4 nights, ignores invulnerability
    Mayor - vote counts for 3, cannot be healed, does NOT lose extra votes in cult
    Marshall - 1 group execution, 3 executions per group

    Changes in case of Player Loss

    14 players: Remove Any Random
    13 players: Remove Town Random

    Spoiler : Bank file code :

    Last edited by Hollercaust; January 5th, 2014 at 08:30 PM.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    The People's Mafia
    Ever heard complaint's like the following? Not enough town, need more executions, Too many mafs, not enough randoms, too many leavers, game too difficult, need more shots, citizen sucks! Fear not, The People's Mafia solves all of these problems! With a powerful town, powerful mafia, and competent neutrals whining shall cease and an enjoyable game can commence!


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Town Government
    2. Town Investigative
    3. Town Protective
    4. Town Killing
    5. Town Power
    6. Town Random
    7. Town Random
    8. Town Random
    9. Town Random
    10. Godfather
    11. Mafia Random
    12. Mafia Random
    13. Neutral Killing
    14. Any Random
    15. Neutral Benign

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Godfather
    2. Town Investigative
    3. Town Protective
    4. Town Killing
    5. Town Power
    6. Town Government
    7. Neutral Killing
    8. Town Random
    9. Town Random
    10. Mafia Random
    11. Town Random
    12. Mafia Random
    13. Town Random
    14. Any Random
    15. Neutral Benign

    Lookout: Check Ignore Detection Immunity
    Doctor: Check Prevents Cultist conversion
    Doctor: Check Knows if target is converted
    Doctor: Check Witch Doctor When Converted
    Escort: Check Cannot be role-blocked
    Escort: Check Detects block-immune target
    Jailor: Uncheck Can make 1 execution
    Jailor: Check Can make 3 executions
    Vigilante: Uncheck Limited to 2 kills
    Vigilante: Check Limited to 4 kills
    Mason: Check Becomes Leader if Alone
    Mason Leader: Uncheck Limited to 2 recruits
    Mason Leader: Check Limited to 4 recruits
    Bus Driver: Check Can target self
    Bodyguard: Uncheck Cannot be healed
    Bodyguard: Check Prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran: Check Limited to 3 nights
    Veteran: Check Ignores invulnerability
    Mayor: Uncheck Vote counts for 3
    Mayor: Check Vote counts for 4
    Mayor: Check Loses extra votes in Cult
    Marshall: Uncheck 1 group execution allowed
    Marshall: Check 2 group executions allowed
    Marshall: Uncheck 3 executions per group
    Marshall: Check 4 executions per group

    Consigliere: Check Replaces the Godfather
    Consigliere: Check Detects exact role
    Godfather: Check Cannot be role-blocked
    Disguiser: Check Cleans target's role
    Consort: Check Cannot be role-blocked
    Consort: Check Detects block-immune target
    Framer: Check Immune to detection
    Janitor: Uncheck Limited to 2 cleanings
    Janitor: Check Limited to 3 cleanings
    Kidnapper: Check Can kidnap Mafia members
    Agent: Uncheck 1 night between shadowings
    Beguiler: Check Can hide 4 times
    Beguiler: Check can hide behind Mafia

    Serial Killer: Check Kills roleblockers
    Serial Killer: Check Wins ties over Arsonist
    Serial Killer: Check Immune to detection
    Arsonist: Check Attacks ignore healing
    Arsonist: Check Immune to detection
    Mass Murderer: Uncheck 1 night between sprees
    Mass Murderer: Check Immune to detection
    Witch: Uncheck Victim Knows he is Controlled
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 bulletproof vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 bulletproof vests
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is always town
    Executioner: Check Invulnerable at Night
    Cultist: Uncheck 1 night between conversions
    Cultist: Check 2 nights between conversions
    Witch Doctor: Uncheck Limited to 2 saves
    Witch Doctor: Check Limited to 3 saves
    Witch Doctor: Check Immune to detection
    Amnesiac: Uncheck New role is revealed to town

    Any Random: Check Exclude Mafia roles
    Any Random: Check Exclude Town roles
    Any Random: Check Exclude Triad roles
    Town Random: Check Exclude Citizen
    Town Government: Check Exclude Citizen

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Neutral Benign
    13 players: Remove Any Random
    12 players: Remove Town Random
    11 players: Remove Mafia Random
    10 players: Remove Town Random
    9 players: Remove Mafia Random
    8 players: Remove Town Random
    7 players: Remove Town Random
    6 players: Remove Neutral Killing
    5 players: Remove Town Government
    4 players: Remove Town Power
    3 players: Remove Town Killing
    2 players: Remove Town Protective
    1 player: Remove Town Investigative
    0 player: Remove Godfather

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup follows the standard 9 town, 3 mafia, 3 neutral convention. The difference is that 4 of the town roles are Town Random: making it harder for the town to initiate a rolecall to find out their mafia and neutral foes. This also makes is easier to claim any role as a "bad guy".

    The town is powerful in this save, jailors have maximum number of executions, vigilantes, have maximum number of shots, marshalls have maximum # of lynches and so on. Conversely, the mafia and neutral roles are as powerful as they can be. The only role which misses out is the sheriff because the sheriff has no ability to bypass detection immunity, but they can still detect non-Godfather mafia members and so forth.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played this save roughly 9 times before submitting it for save of the day. I have found that town tends to win 60% of the time if they keep their head on straight. If town has a foolish mayor or marshall or ignore obvious leads, they tend to lose.

    Also, people always complain no matter what. People complained that this save was too generic! Can't please everyone!

    Opportunities for Improvement

    More testing could be done with saves with populations below 13 and greater analysis of the benefits/drawbacks of detection immunity could be analyzed.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Due to recent changes to the game, it is recommended that those who have made SotDs should re-submit them with the new rules, options, and features taken into account.

    As always, remember to order your save such that the roles are removed from the bottom-up in the case that there are fewer than 15 players. This should be a lot easier now that you can use the arrow buttons to rearrange your setup.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Role List
    1. Arson
    2. Arson
    3. Neutral Random
    4. Town Investigative
    5. Town Investigative
    6. Town Protective
    7. Town Protective
    8. Town Killing
    9. Neutral Random
    10. Town Power
    11. Arson
    12. Town Random
    13. Town Investigative
    14. Town Random
    15. Neutral Random

    Recommended Player Count

    Arson: target knows doused, multikill on, night invuln off, douse roleblockers off

    Time Setup

    Spoiler : Code :

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Accolades :

  37. ISO #37

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread


    Role List

    1. Town Government
    2. Town Investigative
    3. Town Investigative
    4. Town Protective
    5. Town Killing
    6. Town Power
    7. Town Random
    8. Mafia Random
    9. Mafia Random
    10. Neutral Killing
    11. Neutral Evil
    12. Any Random
    13. Any Random
    14. Town Protective
    15. Any Random

    Recommended Player Count


    Town Government - Exclude Citizen
    Town Random - Exclude Citizen
    Any Random - Exclude Mafia
    Any Random - Exclude Town
    Any Random - Exclude Killing

    All neutral killers are invulnerable at night.
    Serial Killer - Kills Roleblockers
    Arsonist - Ignores healing & invulnerability
    Mass Murderer - 0 night between sprees, can target self
    Witch - target does not know he is controlled, can cause self targets
    Cultist - immunity prevents conversion, 0 night between conversions
    Witch Doctor - limited to 3 saves, 0 nights between saves
    Executioner: Target is not Always Town
    Amnesiac: New role is not revealed to town.

    becomes Enforcer if alone turned OFF for all triad roles
    Administrator - detects exact role
    Liaison - cannot be role-blocked, detects block immune target
    Incense Master - limited to 3 cleanings
    Silencer - victim cannot talk during trial
    Vanguard - 0 night between shadowings
    Deceiver - can hide 4 times, can hide behind Triad

    Beguiler - can hide 4 times, can hide behind Mafia

    Detective & Lookout ignore detection immunity
    Lookout can target self
    Doctor - knows if target is attacked, prevents conversion
    Escort - cannot be roleb-locked, detects block immune target
    Jailor - can make 3 executions
    Vigilante - limited to 3 kills
    Mason becomes Leader when alone
    Mason Leader - limited to 4 recruits
    Spy - can see all targets, can see kill
    Bus Driver - can target self
    Coroner - discovers all
    Bodyguard - ignores invulnerability, cannot be healed, prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran - limited to 3 nights, ignores invulnerability
    Mayor - vote counts for 3, cannot be healed, does NOT lose extra votes in cult
    Marshall - 1 group execution, 3 executions per group

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Death Descriptions
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Any Random
    13 players: Remove Town Random

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Bank save code :

    Here is a fresh replay. The Triad team with only a Vanguard and Deceiver actually won and both survived:

    I've had lots of good games with this save but that replay above is the first game with the new weighted settings and all.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Current Rotation
    **Classic with the Triads by powerofdeath [5]: 12/26/13
    **Generic by ThinkLiveLife [5]: 12/26/13
    **Outlaws by RLVG [4]: 12/26/13
    **Under Pressure by Xentios [4]: 12/26/13
    **Beijing by RLVG [3]: 12/26/13
    **Double Trouble by Xentios [3]: 12/26/13
    *Inferno v3 by Numbertwo [2]: 1/12/14
    *Sherlock by Gyver [2]: 1/12/14
    **Shanghai by SamSparta [2]: 12/26/13
    **Survival of the Fittest by kyle1234513 [2]: 12/26/13
    **The People's Mafia by Aldaris [2]: 1/9/13
    **Uncertainty by RLVG [2]: 12/26/13
    **Witch Hunt by Aldaris [2]: 1/4/14
    **Chinatown by Fragos [1]: 12/26/13
    **Dark City by RLVG [1]: 12/26/13
    **Detecta Jesta Dilemma by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    **Forgetful Champions by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    *Shang-Hide by Hollercaust [1]: 1/16/14
    **Truth and Lies by Aldaris [1]: 12/26/13
    **Parliament by Aldaris [0.5]: 12/26/13
    **Survive or Die by Aldaris [0.5]: 12/26/13

    * Setups using an old version of the game. Auditor is excluded.
    ** Setups using an even older version of the game. Weights will be default. Auditor is excluded. Strangeness can occur.

    Once again, please update your setups!

  39. ISO #39

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Name - Generic Mafia Save
    Role List
    Mafia Support
    Mafia Random
    Town Government
    Town Investigative
    Town Protective
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Neutral Killing
    Town Random
    Neutral Benign
    Town Random
    Neutral Random

    citizen - has a vest, wins ties with mafia (slider bar is on 50)
    sheriff - detects everything
    detective - ignores immunity
    lookout - ignores immunity, can target self
    doctor - everything on
    escort - cant be roleblocked, detects block immune targets
    jailor - 2 executions
    vigilante - 2 kills
    mason - turns to mason leader when alone
    mason leader - 4 recruits
    spy - can see kill, can see targets
    bus driver - can target self
    coroner - all options on
    bodyguard - ignores invulnerability, prevents conversions
    veteran - 3 nights, ignores invulnerability
    mayor - vote counts as 3
    marshall - 2 group executions allowed, 3 lynches per execution.

    mafioso (slider bar is on 0)
    consigliere - replaces GF, detects exact role
    Godfather - can kill without a mafioso, roleblock immune, detection immune, night immunity
    disguiser - cleans target, becomes mafioso if alone
    consort - becomes mafioso if alone, cant be roleblocked
    framer - immune to detection, becomes mafioso if alone
    janitor - becomes mafioso if alone, 2 cleanings
    blackmailer - becomes mafioso if alone
    kidnapper - becomes mafioso if alone, can kidnap mafia members
    agent - becomes mafioso if alone, 1 night between shadowings
    beguiler - becomes mafioso if alone, 4 hidings, can hide behind mafia

    serial killer - invulnerable at night, kills roleblockers
    arsonist - ignition kills targets targets, ignition always kills, invulerable at night, douses roleblockers
    mass murderer - invulnerable at night, can target self, 1 night between sprees.
    witch - can cause self targets, witch doctor when converted
    auditor - mafia to mafioso, triad to enforcer, immunity prevents conversions
    survivor - 4 vests
    jester - random guilty voter dies
    executioner - becomes jester on failure
    cultist - immunity prevents conversions, 1 night between conversions
    witch doctor - has 3 saves, immune to detection
    amnesiac - new role revealed to town

    Time Setup
    day length 1.4min
    night length .8min
    day type trial
    starts at night
    death description
    discussion time .9min
    trial length .8min
    trial pauses day (check)
    choose name (check)
    trial defense (check)
    discussion (check)
    last will allowed (check)
    pm allowed (check)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 none
    14 remove neutral random
    13 remove town random
    12 remove neutral benign
    11 remove town random
    10 remove neutral killer
    9 remove town power

    bank code -
    Spoiler : spoiler 2 :

    Last edited by kyle1234513; January 16th, 2014 at 07:45 PM.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Three spies share critical information about the town's safety while three blackmailers try silence the opposition. Who will win the information wars?

    Spy / Blackmailer

    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Spy
    2. Spy
    3. Spy
    4. Town Investigative
    5. Town Investigative
    6. Town Protective
    7. Town Killing
    8. Town Random
    9. Town Random
    10. Town Random
    11. Godfather
    12. Blackmailer
    13. Blackmailer
    14. Blackmailer
    15. Neutral Random

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Godfather
    2. Town Protective
    3. Town Investigative
    4. Town Investigative
    5. Spy
    6. Town Killing
    7. Blackmailer
    8. Spy
    9. Spy
    10. Town Random
    11. Blackmailer
    12. Town Random
    13. Blackmailer
    14. Town Random
    15. Neutral Random

    Citizen: Set Weight to 0
    Sheriff: Set Weight to 1
    Investigator: Set Weight to 1
    Detective: Set Weight to 1
    Lookout: Set Weight to 1
    Lookout: Check Ignore Detection Immunity
    Lookout: Check Can target self
    Doctor: Set Weight to 1
    Escort: Set Weight to 1
    Escort: Check Detects block-immune target
    Jailor: Uncheck Can make 1 execution
    Jailor: Check Can make 2 executions
    Vigilante: Uncheck Limited to 2 kills
    Vigilante: Check Limited to 4 kills
    Mason: Set Weight to 0
    Mason Leader: Set Weight to 0
    Spy: Set Weight to 0
    Bus Driver: Set Weight to 0
    Coroner: Set Weight to 0
    Bodyguard: Uncheck Cannot be healed
    Bodyguard: Check Prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran: Uncheck Limited to 2 nights
    Veteran: Check Limited to 3 nights
    Veteran: Check Ignores invulnerability
    Crier: Set Weight to 0

    Godfather: Check Cannot be role-blocked

    Serial Killer: Set Weight to 0
    Arsonist: Set Weight to 0
    Mass Murderer: Set Weight to 0
    Auditor: Set Weight to 0
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 bulletproof vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 bulletproof vests
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is always town
    Cultist: Set Weight to 0
    Witch Doctor: Set Weight to 0
    Amnesiac: Uncheck New role is revealed to town

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 Min

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    (Removals are in sequence, start at top of list, and remove roles until you get to actual # of players)

    14 players: Remove Neutral Random
    13 players: Remove Town Random
    12 players: Remove Blackmailer
    11 players: Remove Town Random
    10 players: Remove Blackmailer
    9 players: Remove Town Random
    8 players: Remove Spy
    7 players: Remove Spy
    6 players: Remove Blackmailer
    5 players: Remove Town Killing
    4 players: Remove Spy
    3 players: Remove Town Investigative
    2 players: Remove Town Investigative
    1 player: Remove Town Protective
    0 player: Remove Godfather

    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup pits a role that gets it's power by talking (Spy) against a role that gets it's power by making others not talk (Blackmailer). The key here is that if the Blackmailers silence someone, the spies will know who was silenced. However, if the spy makes this information public, then they risk getting blackmailed the next day.

    Sometimes the Blackmailers may choose not to blackmail anyone, thus denying the spies their information, but they must be careful because there are investigators who are still capable of revealing their identity.

    All in all it's a fun setup that deals with a different side of mafia, information wars.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    I have played this save roughly 7 times before submitting it. This save can be potentially hard for town, with a large number of mafia members and their ability to silence the town. I have found that roughly 60% of games are won by mafia. However, this ratio might change with more exposure and games being played.

    Often a single mistake or AFK can spell doom for the Town.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    More testing could be done with fewer players. More testing could be done to verify good maf/town ratios at lower player counts.

  41. ISO #41

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Double Trouble

    Role List
    Mafia Random
    Dragon Head
    Town Investigative
    Town Protect
    Town Killing
    Town Power
    Neutral Benign
    Town Goverment
    Neutral Evil
    Any Random
    Town Random

    CHANGELOG V.17.01.2014
    Allowed any-random to let killer roles. So town can have a jailor now.
    Wd now can't be dedected by sheriff.
    Now mafia has a higher chance to get a consiglere than triad.
    Town goverment role can spawn citizens but citizen spawn rate is reduced greatly.

    Crier spawn rate lowered to 4 from 5
    Citizen spawn rate lowered to 0.5 from 25(cant go to lower unless 0.2)
    Sheriff spawn rate lowered to 1 from 3
    Auditor added with spawn rate of 0.1

    Spoiler : Code :

    Last edited by Xentios; January 17th, 2014 at 08:08 AM. Reason: Well i tried to clean keys but maybe i ruined them :P SO pm me if they are wrong

  42. ISO #42

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Forgetful Champions v2
    The Amnesiacs (bluegreen) must can choose whether to remember their past lives as heroes (green) or villians (blue).


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Town Investigative
    2. Town Protective
    3. Town Killing
    4. Town Power
    5. Town Random
    6. Town Random
    7. Town Random
    8. Town Random
    9. Enforcer
    10. Triad Killing
    11. Triad Deception
    12. Amnesiac
    13. Amnesiac
    14. Amnesiac
    15. Any Random

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Enforcer
    2. Amnesiac
    3. Town Protective
    4. Town Investigative
    5. Town Killing
    6. Town Power
    7. Triad Killing
    8. Town Random
    9. Town Random
    10. Town Random
    11. Triad Deception
    12. Amnesiac
    13. Town Random
    14. Amnesiac
    15. Any Random

    Citizen: Set Weight to 0
    Doctor: Check Prevents Cultist Conversion
    Doctor: Check Knows target is converted
    Doctor: Check Witch Doctor when converted
    Jailor: Uncheck Can make 1 execution
    Jailor: Check Can make 2 executions
    Mason: Set weight to 0
    Mason Leader: Set weight to 0
    Coroner: Set weight to 0
    Bodyguard: Check Prevents Cultist conversion
    Veteran: Uncheck Limited to 2 nights
    Veteran: Check Limited to 3 nights
    Veteran: Check ignores invulnerability
    Mayor: Set weight to 0
    Marshall: Set weight to 0
    Crier: Set weight to 0

    Administrator: Check detects exact role
    Dragon Head: Set weight to 0
    Informant: Check cleans the target's role
    Forger: Check immune to detection
    Incense Master: Uncheck Limited to 2 cleanings
    Incense Master: Check Limited to 3 cleanings
    Interrogator: Check Can kidnap Triad members
    Vanguard; Uncheck 1 night between shadowings
    Deceiver: Check Can hide 4 times
    Deceiver: Check Can hide behind Triad

    Arsonist: Check ignition always kills
    Mass Murderer: Uncheck 1 night between sprees
    Auditor: Set weight to 0.5
    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 bulletproof vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 bulletproof vests
    Executioner: Uncheck Target is always town
    Witch Doctor: Uncheck Limited to 2 saves
    Witch Doctor: Check Limited to 3 saves
    Amnesiac: Uncheck New role is revealed to town

    Any Random: Check Exclude Mafia roles
    Any Random: Check Exclude Town roles

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Any Random
    13 players: Remove Amnesiac
    12 players: Remove Town Random
    11 players: Remove Amnesiac
    10 players: Remove Triad Deception
    9 players: Remove Town Random
    8 players: Remove Town Random
    7 players: Remove Town Random
    6 players: Remove Triad Killing
    5 players: Remove Town Power
    4 players: Remove Town Killing
    3 players: Remove Town Investigative
    2 players: Remove Town Protective
    1 player: Remove Amnesiac
    0 player: Remove Enforcer
    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup is an update of its previous version. Now, the town roles are more randomized, making it harder to role call and have the town win. All unique roles have been strictly removed, giving Amnesiacs a good chance to claim dead roles.

    A large part of the strategy involves currying some favor with the Amnesiacs. Both the town and the triads want the Amnesiacs on their side.

    The Triad wants Amnesiacs to become Triads. The Town wants Amnesiacs to take over town roles.
    If an Incense Master is present, the Triads want to take advantage of hiding enemy bodies, so that Amnesiacs cannot comfortably take on Town Roles.

    The Amnesiacs face some interesting decisions. If a Triad dies early, the Amnesiacs could defect to the Triad side to try to quickly gain a majority, but they would have to be reasonably that the rest of their Amnesiac comrades do the same, else they could simply be joining a rapidly dying faction. Similarly, if the Triad is doing well, but the Amnesiacs wait to long for a dead Triad member to show up they may find themselves a target of the Triad and thus their efforts become a waste. The Amnesiacs may decide that it's worth taking Town roles to give the Town a better chance of winning.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience
    This is a town favored save and I would state that Town wins roughly 60% of the time. That being said, one mistake too many can spell their doom.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    8 Town seems the proper amount. Tests with 9 Town seem to be too much for the Triad to handle considering that some Amnesiacs will join the Town. More testing could determine if the last Any Random Slot would be best as a Triad or a Neutral role.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Name - Dont Get Audited
    Role List
    Serial Killer
    Serial Killer
    Town Investigative
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Neutral Benign
    Bus Driver
    Town Government
    Town Random

    citizen - no options, bar is on 15.1
    sheriff - detects everything. bar is on 1
    detective - ignores immunity
    lookout - ignores immunity, can target self
    doctor - everything on
    escort - cant be roleblocked, detects block immune targets
    jailor - 2 executions
    vigilante - 2 kills
    bus driver - can target self
    bodyguard - ignores invulnerability, can not be healed
    mayor - vote counts as 3

    serial killer - invulnerable at night, kills roleblockers
    witch - can cause self targets, victim knows when they are controlled
    auditor - mafia to mafioso, triad to enforcer, immunity prevents conversions
    survivor - 4 vests
    jester - random guilty voter dies
    executioner - becomes jester on failure
    amnesiac - no restrictions

    Time Setup
    day length 1.4min
    night length .8min
    day type trial
    starts at day no lynch
    death description
    discussion time .9min
    trial length .8min
    trial pauses day (check)
    choose name (check)
    trial defense (check)
    discussion (check)
    last will allowed (check)
    pm allowed (check)

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    15 none
    14 remove amnesiac
    13 remove town random
    12 remove town government
    11 remove witch
    10 remove bus driver
    9 game cant start

    bank code -
    Spoiler : spoiler :

  44. ISO #44

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Truth and Lies v2
    A Trio of Executioners try to get their old enemies hanged while the Town tries to determine the legitimate mafia from the planted evidence.


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Town Random
    2. Town Random
    3. Town Random
    4. Town Random
    5. Town Random
    6. Town Random
    7. Town Random
    8. Town Random
    9. Mafioso
    10. Framer
    11. Framer
    12. Mafia Random
    13. Executioner
    14. Executioner
    15. Executioner

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Mafioso
    2. Town Random
    3. Town Random
    4. Town Random
    5. Town Random
    6. Executioner
    7. Town Random
    8. Framer
    9. Town Random
    10. Executioner
    11. Town Random
    12. Framer
    13. Town Random
    14. Executioner
    15. Mafia Random

    Citizen: Set Weight to 0
    Investigator: Set Weight to 0
    Detective: Set Weight to 0
    Lookout: Set weight to 0
    Escort: Set weight to 0
    Jailor: Set weight to 0
    Mason: Set weight to 0
    Mason Leader: Set weight to 0
    Spy: Set weight to 0
    Bus Driver: Set weight to 0
    Coroner: Set weight to 0
    Veteran: Set weight to 0
    Mayor: Set weight to 0
    Marshall: Set weight to 0
    Crier: Set weight to 0

    Sheriff: Set weight to 3
    Doctor: Set weight to 2
    Vigilante: Set weight to 1.1
    Bodyguard; Set weight to 1.1

    Consigliere: Check detects exact role
    Godfather: Set weight to 0
    Disguiser: Check Cleans the target's role
    Janitor: Uncheck Limited to 2 cleanings
    Janitor: Check Limited to 3 cleanings
    Kidnapper: Check Can kidnap Mafia members
    Agent: Uncheck 1 night between shadowings
    Beguiler: Uncheck Can hide 3 times
    Beguiler: Check Can hide 4 times
    Beguiler: Check Can hide behind Mafia

    Executioner: Uncheck Target is always town

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Classic Night
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Mafia Random
    13 players: Remove Executioner
    12 players: Remove Town Random
    11 players: Remove Framer
    10 players: Remove Town Random
    9 players: Remove Executioner
    8 players: Remove Town Random
    7 players: Remove Framer
    6 players: Remove Town Random
    5 players: Remove Executioner
    4 players: Remove Town Random
    3 players: Remove Town Random
    2 players: Remove Town Random
    1 player: Remove Town Random
    0 player: Remove Mafioso
    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup is an update of its previous version. Now, the town is divided into four roles: Sheriff, Doctor, Bodyguard, and Vigilante. This makes it harder to role call

    In this setup, there is ample opportunity for doubt on whomever claims to be a Sheriff. There are Executioners who have an incentive to counterclaim. Similarly, with multiple framers, it cannot be said for certain that a role showing up as guilty is actually guilty.

    Here, sheriffs in the beginning play a role similar to doctors, i.e. if a doctor heals a victim, the victim is likely not mafia, however in this case, any message saying that your target is not suspicious, it is the cold hard truth. There are no Witches or Bus Drivers that could introduce doubt into a Not Suspicious Lead. There is no Godfather that could cast doubt into a Not Suspicious Lead. The sheriff's struggle is to convince the town that they are the legitimate Sheriff and to verify if their guilty verdicts are true.

    Executioners likely need to convince the Town that they are the Sheriffs. Often, saying on Day 2 that X is mafia, makes others think that you're an Executioner. However, claiming sheriff but saying that X is Not Suspicious will often garner you credence as being legitimate and may give you a greater chance of getting your real target killed another day. I would suggest claiming that X is mafia on Day 3 or 4 and state that with the caveat that you know that framers are still about.

    Mafia members need to strategically choose who to Frame as well as what roles to claim. Because there is no Spy, the mafia can freely talk with each other at night and plan out. Being overzealous may convince the town that you are an Executioner or a former Executioner turned Jester and that it's not worth their time to lynch you.

    Vigilantes and Bodyguards need to pick their targets carefully because sometimes the correct choice is the difference between victory and defeat.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    Town tends to win this save, but it's close. I'd say 55% win ratio. The fact that the evil faction can generally only initiate 1 kill per night gives some time and knowledge for the town to defeat the mafia. That being said, mislynches are very costly here.

    Feedback on Team Ratios

    8 Town seems the proper amount. Tests with 9 Town seem to be too much for the Mafia to handle considering that they can generally only kill one at a time. Less than 4 mafia makes it harder for mafia to survive and win as well as deliver their key defense and plausible doubt (Framers). Less than 3 Executioners removes this game from legitimately claiming an Executioner theme.

  45. ISO #45

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Survive or Die v2
    A group of survivors happen upon a Town besieged by 3 rival gangs. They must quickly decide which faction gains control before the crossfire overtakes themselves.


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Godfather
    2. Dragon Head
    3. Serial Killer
    4. Mayor
    5. Bodyguard
    6. Sheriff
    7. Town Random
    8. Town Random
    9. Town Random
    10. Survivor
    11. Survivor
    12. Survivor
    13. Survivor
    14. Survivor
    15. Jester

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Serial Killer
    2. Mayor
    3. Survivor
    4. Sheriff
    5. Bodyguard
    6. Survivor
    7. Town Random
    8. Dragon Head
    9. Town Random
    10. Jester
    11. Survivor
    12. Town Random
    13. Godfather
    14. Survivor
    15. Survivor

    Citizen: Set Weight to 0
    Investigator: Set Weight to 0
    Detective: Set Weight to 0
    Lookout: Set weight to 0
    Jailor: Set weight to 0
    Mason: Set weight to 0
    Mason Leader: Set weight to 0
    Spy: Set weight to 0
    Bus Driver: Set weight to 0
    Coroner: Set weight to 0
    Veteran: Set weight to 0
    Vigilante: Set weight to 0
    Mayor: Set weight to 0
    Marshall: Set weight to 0
    Crier: Set weight to 0

    Sheriff: Set weight to 3
    Doctor: Set weight to 2
    Escort: Set weight to 1
    Bodyguard; Set weight to 0.5

    Bodyguard: Uncheck Cannot be healed
    Mayor: Uncheck Vote counts for 3
    Mayor: Check Vote counts for 4
    Mayor: Uncheck Cannot be healed

    Godfather: Uncheck Immune to detection
    Dragon Head: Uncheck Immune to detection

    Survivor: Uncheck Has 3 bulletproof vests
    Survivor: Check Has 4 bulletproof vests

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Day/No Lynch
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Survivor
    13 players: Remove Survivor
    12 players: Remove Godfather
    11 players: Remove Town Random
    10 players: Remove Survivor
    9 players: Remove Jester
    8 players: Remove Town Random
    7 players: Remove Dragon Head
    6 players: Remove Town Random
    5 players: Remove Survivor
    4 players: Remove Bodyguard
    3 players: Remove Sheriff
    2 players: Remove Survivor
    1 player: Remove Mayor
    0 player: Remove Serial Killer
    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    This setup is an update of a previous one. Following feedback and suggestions, the number of killers was reduced from 4 to 3, the town was buffed and boosted to 6 members while the Executioner was turned into a Jester. Before town had almost no chance of winning and the 4 killers would end up jockeying the survivors to vote off their rivals. Now, the town has enough power and threats to usually find the killers and get the Survivors to support them.

    In this setup, each of the 3 killers (Godfather, Dragon Head, Serial Killer) is invulnerable at night. That is, each can only win if the other 2 are lynched during the day and the town is defeated. Because there are a multitude of survivors, it can be hard to tell if a person was invulnerable because they were a rival faction, or because they were a survivor who used a vest.

    There is a guaranteed bodyguard and mayor. If the mayor reveals it might be tempting for a killer to go after the mayor except that the bodyguard would likely intervene and kill them. This gives precious time for the mayor to take in feedback and find the killers. In addition to the starting Sheriff, there is a high chance that the Town Random is also a Sheriff. With dwindling numbers of targets to check, the sheriffs can often find the killer.

    The town has numbers and needs to find the killers as quickly as possible

    The Survivors don't care which faction wins as long as it wins quickly. The more days go by, the more opportunities there are to run out of vests for protection.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    If the town members don't quit and stick the game through, town usually wins. If 2 members of the town suicide early or more, the town tends not to have enough staying power to last. The starting bodyguard and mayor make a big difference in the town's success.

    It's usually easier for the Survivors to win with the Town than it is with one of the killers so the town should use this to their advantage.

    The Jester adds a little bit of doubt, enabling a killer to perhaps live longer. Overall, v2 is a good update to v1 and makes for more interesting, balanced games.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    Setups with less than 13 players could use more testing. My assumption is that a killer may be removed too quickly at 12 players, but more analysis would be needed.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Welcome to the Friendzone

    Role List

    1. Dragonhead
    2. Incense Master
    3. Informant
    4. Veteran
    5. Jailor
    6. Town Government
    7. Town Killing
    8. Town Killing
    9. Town Killing
    10. Town Protective
    11. Neutral Killing
    12. Neutral Evil
    13. Town Killing
    14. Neutral Benign
    15. Town Protective

    Recommended Player Count
    12-15, 15 is best.

    Dragon Head: Invulnerable at night ON
    Dragon Head: Can kill without an Enforcer ON
    Dragon Head: Becomes Enforcer in alone OFF

    Incense Master has infinite cleanings
    Incense Master: Becomes Enforcer if alone ON
    Incense Master: Limited to 1 cleaning OFF
    Incense Master: Limited to 2 cleaning OFF
    Incense Master: Limited to 3 cleaning OFF

    Informant: Cleans the target's role ON
    Informant: Becomes Enforcer if alone ON

    Veteran: Limited to 2 nights OFF
    Veteran: Limited to 3 nights ON
    Veteran: Ignores Immunity ON

    Jailor: Can make 3 executions ON

    Mayor: Weight 1.0
    Mayor: Loses extra votes if converted OFF
    Mayor: Votes count for 3 OFF
    Mayor: Votes count for 4 ON

    Marshall: Weight 1.0
    Marshall: 1 group execution allowed ON
    Marshall: 4 executions per group ON

    Vigilante: Weight 9.5
    Vigilante: Limited to 4 kills

    Bodyguard: Weight 0.5
    Bodyguard: Ignores invulnerability ON
    Bodyguard: Prevents Cultist conversion ON

    Bus Driver: Weight 0.5
    Bus Driver: Can target self ON

    Serial Killer: Weight 1.0
    Serial Killer: Invulnerable at night ON

    Mass Murderer has 0 nights between sprees
    Mass Murderer: Weight 1.0
    Mass Murderer: Invulnerable at night ON
    Mass Murderer: Can target self ON
    Mass Murderer: 1 night between sprees OFF
    Mass Murderer: 2 nights between sprees OFF

    Cultist has 0 nights between conversions
    Cultist: Weight 1.0
    Cultist: Immunity prevents conversion OFF
    Cultist: 1 night between conversions OFF
    Cultist: 2 nights between conversions OFF

    Auditor can convert maximum amount of times
    Auditor: Weight 1.0
    Auditor: Converts Triad to Enforcer ON
    Auditor: Immunity prevents conversion OFF
    Auditor: Limited to 2 conversions OFF
    Auditor: Limited to 3 conversions OFF

    Executioner: Weight 1.0
    Executioner: Becomes Jester upon failure ON
    Executioner: Target is always town ON
    Executioner: Must survive to the end OFF
    Executioner: Invulnerable at Night ON

    Jester: Weight 1.0
    Jester: Random guilty voter dies ON

    Amnesiac: Weight 1.0
    Amnesiac: New role is revealed to town ON
    Amnesiac: Cannot become town OFF
    Amnesiac: Cannot become Mafia/Triad OFF
    Amnesiac: Cannot become a killing role OFF

    Equal chance of spawning Mayor or Marshall
    Town Government: Exclude Citizen ON
    Town Government: Exclude Mason ON
    Town Government: Exclude Mayor/Marshall OFF
    Town Government: Exclude Mason Leader ON
    Town Government: Exclude Crier ON

    Small chance of spawning Bodyguard instead of Vigilante
    Town Killing: Exclude Veteran ON
    Town Killing: Exclude Jailor ON
    Town Killing: Exclude Bodyguard OFF
    Town Killing: Exclude Vigilante OFF

    Equal chance of spawning Bus Driver or Bodyguard
    Town Protective: Exclude Bus Driver OFF
    Town Protective: Exclude Bodyguard OFF
    Town Protective: Exclude Doctor ON
    Town Protective: Exclude Escort ON

    Equal chance of spawning SK or MM
    Neutral Killing: Exclude Serial Killer OFF
    Neutral Killing: Exclude Arsonist ON
    Neutral Killing: Exclude Mass Murderer OFF

    Equal chance of spawning Auditor or Cultist
    Neutral Evil: Exclude Serial Killer ON
    Neutral Evil: Exclude Arsonist ON
    Neutral Evil: Exclude Mass Murderer ON
    Neutral Evil: Exclude Witch ON
    Neutral Evil: Exclude Auditor OFF

    Equal chance of spawning Executioner, Jester, or Amnesiac
    Neutral Benign: Exclude Survivor ON
    Neutral Benign: Exclude Jester OFF
    Neutral Benign: Exclude Executioner OFF
    Neutral Benign: Exclude Amnesiac OFF
    Arsonist: Weight 0
    Witch: Weight 0
    Survivor: Weight 0
    Witch Doctor: Weight 0

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.8
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.7
    Last Will Allowed: ON
    Discussion Time: 0.8
    Start Game at: Day/No Lynch
    Death Description
    PM Allowed: ON
    Discussion: ON
    Trial Pauses Day: ON
    Trial Defense: ON
    Choose Names: ON
    Trial Length: 1.0

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14: Remove Town Protective
    13: Remove Neutral Benign
    12: Remove Town Killing
    11: Remove Neutral Evil
    10: Remove Town Government
    9: Remove Incense Master
    8: Remove Neutral Killing
    7: Remove Town Protective
    6: Remove Town Killing

    Triad roles are designed to allow them continuously hide roles and confuse the town (infinite incense master cleanings and hide role disguiser)!

    Town randoms are divided between killing and protective roles. Bodyguard and Bus Driver have an equal chance of spawning for protective. Killing spawns Vigilantes most of the time, but has a small chance of spawning as Bodyguard for plausible deniability!

    Town government has an equal chance of spawning Mayor or Marshall. Mayor doesn't lose votes with Cult, but does with Auditor and Disguiser. Has he been converted? Turned into a citizen? Disguised? Deception!

    Neutral killing has an equal chance of spawning Serial Killer or Mass Murderer.

    Neutral evil has an equal chance of spawning Auditor or Cultist. The possibility of an Auditor creates plausible deniability for converted cultists, Triad, disguised Mayor, etc. as long as there isn't a confirmed dead citizen or cultist.

    Neutral benign has an equal chance of spawning Executioner, Jester, or Amnesiac.

    No investigative roles so people have to rely on their judgment but most roles have some sort of killing ability. Fortunes change easily throughout the game, comebacks are common, and games are tense down to the last day! The save could encourage teamwork and thinking things through carefully, or it might encourage total chaos and cause half the town to die on night 2. The power is yours!

    Spoiler : Code :

    Setup Code

    Note: The weight for Auditor keeps resetting to 0 every time I make a new game.
    Last edited by Tony; January 23rd, 2014 at 08:39 PM.

  47. ISO #47

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Identity Roulette
    An investigator duo try to save a town suffering from ever-changing identities


    Role List (Easy to Read)
    1. Investigator
    2. Investigator
    3. Mason Leader
    4. Mason
    5. Auditor
    6. Cultist
    7. Neutral Killing
    8. Neutral Killing
    9. Neutral Random
    10. Neutral Random
    11. Neutral Random
    12. Neutral Random
    13. Neutral Random
    14. Neutral Random
    15. Neutral Random

    Role List (Order of Deletions from bottom)
    1. Neutral Killing
    2. Investigator
    3. Mason Leader
    4. Neutral Random
    5. Auditor
    6. Neutral Random
    7. Cultist
    8. Investigator
    9. Neutral Random
    10. Neutral Random
    11. Mason
    12. Neutral Killing
    13. Neutral Random
    14. Neutral Random
    15. Neutral Random


    Investigator: Detect exact role: ON
    Mason Leader: Limited to 2 recruits OFF
    Mason Leader: Limited to 4 recruits: ON
    Mason: Becomes Leader if alone: ON

    Serial Killer: Weight 1.4
    Serial Killer: Invulnerable at night OFF
    Arsonist: Weight 0.7
    Arsonist: Ignition Always kills OFF
    Arsonist: Invulnerable at night OFF
    Arsonist: Victim knows he is doused OFF
    Mass Murderer: Weight: 0.8
    Mass Murderer: Invulnerable at night OFF
    Mass Murderer: 1 night between sprees OFF

    Witch: Weight 1.0
    Auditor: Weight 0.5
    Auditor: Limited to 3 conversions OFF
    Survivor: Weight 1.0
    Survivor: Has 3 bulletproof vests OFF
    Survivor: Has 4 bulletproof vests ON
    Jester: Weight 1.0
    Executioner: Target is always town OFF
    Cultist: Weight 0.2
    Witch Doctor: Limited to 2 saves OFF
    Witch Doctor: Limited to 3 saves ON
    Amnesiac: Weight 1.0
    Amnesiac: New role is revealed to town OFF

    Neutral Random: Exclude killing roles ON

    Time Setup
    Day Length: 1.1 Min
    Day Type: Trial
    Night Length: 0.6 Min
    Last Will Allowed: Yes
    Discussion Time: 0.8 Min
    Start Game: Night
    Night Sequence
    PM Allowed: Yes
    Discussion: Yes
    Trial Pauses Day: Yes
    Trial Defense: Yes
    Choose Names: Yes
    Trial Length: 1 minute

    Changes in case of Player Loss
    14 players: Remove Neutral Random
    13 players: Remove Neutral Random
    12 players: Remove Neutral Random
    11 players: Remove Neutral Killing
    10 players: Remove Mason
    9 players: Remove Neutral Random
    8 players: Remove Neutral Random
    7 players: Remove Investigator
    6 players: Remove Cultist
    5 players: Remove Neutral Random
    4 players: Remove Auditor
    3 players: Remove Neutral Random
    2 players: Remove Mason Leader
    1 player: Remove Investigator
    0 player: Remove Neutral Killing
    Setup Code

    Spoiler : Setup Code :

    Explanation of Setup

    In this setup we have a small starting town vs. a pair of killers, the cult, and an auditor. The town has to quickly find and stamp out the killers and the cult but making sure to get the auditor before the last of the other evils are killed.

    This save features 4 starting town which can easily be identified. The two masons can vouch for each other and the two investigators can detect the exact role of the person they investigate which makes it easy for them to role claim. Because of this, it's easy for the starting town to rally. Moreover, because of the auditor it's likely that new citizens will be added which will help the town and because the random neutrals are most likely not evil and need to survive to win, they will likely vote with the town.

    The killers, auditor, and the cult have a tough job. They need to find the investigators and eliminate them one way or another before they can expose the "bad guys" to certain doom. This isn't easy because if found out, the town and benign neutrals will most likely simply guilty them out of existence.

    Competitiveness and Real-Life Experience

    Although perhaps not apparent at first, the town is very powerful in this save with just 4 starting members. The auditor can turn killers into citizens while the Mason Leader can convert those citizens into masons. Similarly, the cult cannot convert the masons to the cult and the Mason Leader has plenty of recruitment attempts to eliminate the cult.

    The town usually wins this save and people tend to have fun with all of the role switching back and forth.

    Opportunities for Improvement

    Setups with less than 13 players could use more testing.

    Note: Auditor weight still reverts to 0 at the time of this submission.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Setup of the Day Discussion Thread

    Setup Name
    Identity Roulette

    I think the Auditor has no incentive to convert others. His win condition is the same as the witch, so why would he give another faction the majority?
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: OFFICIAL Setup of the Day Submission Thread

    Current Rotation
    ***Classic with the Triads by powerofdeath [5]: 12/26/13
    ***Generic by ThinkLiveLife [5]: 12/26/13
    Welcome to the Friendzone v1.1 by Tony [3]: 1/24/14
    *Double Trouble v2 by Xentios [3]: 1/17/14
    ***Beijing by RLVG [3]: 12/26/13
    *Generic by kyle1234513 [2]: 1/17/14
    **Inferno v3 by Numbertwo [2]: 1/12/14
    **Sherlock by Gyver [2]: 1/12/14
    ***Outlaws by RLVG [2]: 12/26/13
    ***Under Pressure by Xentios [2]: 12/26/13
    *Forgetful Champions v2 by Aldaris [1]: 1/21/14
    *Survive or Die v2 by Aldaris [1]: 1/21/14
    *Truth and Lies v2 by Aldaris [1]: 1/21/14
    *Spymaster by Aldaris [1]: 1/17/14
    **Shang-Hide by Hollercaust [1]: 1/17/14
    ***The People's Mafia by Aldaris [1]: 1/9/14
    ***Witch Hunt by Aldaris [1]: 1/4/14
    ***Shanghai by SamSparta [1]: 12/26/13
    ***Survival of the Fittest by kyle1234513 [1]: 12/26/13
    ***Uncertainty by RLVG [1]: 12/26/13
    *Don't Get Audited by kyle1234513 [0.5]: 1/21/14

    * Setups using an old version of the game. Can have strangeness due to different random options.
    ** Setups using an even older version of the game. Auditor is excluded. Can have strangeness due to different random options.
    *** Setups using a horribly outdated version of the game. Weights will be default. Auditor is excluded. Strangeness can and will occur. Setups may be broken.
    Last edited by Dark.Revenant; January 24th, 2014 at 03:16 AM.



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