{Point Ban} TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

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  1. ISO #1

  2. ISO #2

    TheComedian: 1-S2-1-4307282

    Account Name: TheComedian
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-4307282
    In-Game Name: TheComedian

    Crimes Committed: Bank Hacking

    Your Account Name: bob

    Hello, this is a pretty clear showing of point hacking. The next closest person to his amount of points has 1,000+ games played while he has 280.

    His name and cocky attitude are also suspiciously identical to this report.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    leave the game b4 points and your loss wont be saved
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  6. ISO #6

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    gyber wrote the ID wrong... (in the threads title too)

    anyway i think this is relervent:

    Quote Originally Posted by Deantwo View Post
    for whoever may have the right to view them and wanna see:

    the first two reports are even 4 weeks old and show that he MAY indeed have earned the wins/points slowly and legit... but it's not my area ^^;

    PS: i'll stop posting links now >_< if i posted anything i shouldn't have... just delete my posts
    just wanted to throw that here too... again sorry if i am not suppose to post this here >_<
    Last edited by Deantwo; April 29th, 2013 at 03:04 PM.

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  7. ISO #7

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    I think it's pretty clear from this thread that this has absolutely nothing to do with hacking.

    Look at the screenshot. That is leaving a game before a loss. How on earth is that hacking?

    No win or points where ever cheated, and nobody is a hacker.
    It took me ages to get these points while avoiding a loss, and anyone with 264 wins and a crapload of games played will know this as well.
    I've seen people with fewer wins have more points than me, and with more wins have less points than me. I don't report them. I don't get upset and rage on a forum out of jealousy, begging them to be banned.

    This is a case of angry kids complaining that they can't understand how someone can have no losses.
    This is a case of someone reporting someone else by feelings and suspicions, simply because they don't like me, and want me banned.
    It doesn't get much weaker and pathetic than this.

    Many people online like me a lot, I play fair, I don't cheat/gamethrow/skype, I host good setups, and I help new players understand the game + report cheaters and promote wiki.sc2mafia.com. We have fun online.
    Others hate me because they think I'm cocky (since when what that a crime) because of the LW or color name html code I received from my littlebrother who plays on EU. I can stop using that if that's I crime, but I though they where funny.

    If anyone want to ban me only because they don't like me, be a man and tell me so. But don't pretend leaving a game is hacking, thats just dumb and you know it.

    -Mafia- (97) +700 points Marshall win!.SC2Replay-Mafia- Sick Witch Doctor win vs mayor and no killers.SC2Replay-Mafia- Epic win as Consort.SC2Replay-Mafia- Witch wins, makes MM visit Vet last day.SC2Replay-Mafia- Pro Consigliere play.SC2Replay-Mafia- Pro bus driver play kills 2 mafias.SC2Replay-Mafia- Doctor talks town into winning with dead sherif+invest.SC2Replay-Mafia- Citizen pretend Survivor, use vest last night vs GF and wins!.SC2Replay-Mafia- (16) Pro Framer play, fake Lookout, then Exe, solo win.SC2Replay-Mafia- (6) Solo GF win vs 6 strong towns.SC2Replay-Mafia- (2) Pro Invest finds everyone not town!.SC2Replay
    Last edited by TheComedian; May 11th, 2013 at 03:42 AM.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Faggot ass comedian.SC2ReplayAccount Name: TheComedian
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-4307282
    In-Game Name: Wantnewhat

    Crimes Committed: Bank Hacking

    284 wins 12k points.
    This guy is point hacking and evading his point ban. I have a replay of him telling us (before the game started) that he's playing on his little bros account which I read up in his other post, but this is definetly the same guy who was point banned a couple weeks ago.
    Regardless of whether or not his stories legit he's still denying its him and he has a point ban on his other account. In my humble opinion he is probably not a doing it as conspicuously as the last time, but for real there is nobody in this game with 284 games (Just games) with that kind of point value.
    I wouldn't be surprised if he just used roulette as a taper and added the points he lost back to his bank.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by thepackage01; May 11th, 2013 at 04:44 AM.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by thepackage01 View Post
    Faggot ass comedian.SC2ReplayAccount Name: TheComedian
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-4307282
    In-Game Name: Wantnewhat

    Crimes Committed: Bank Hacking

    284 wins 12k points.
    This guy is point hacking and evading his point ban. I have a replay of him telling us (before the game started) that he's playing on his little bros account which I read up in his other post, but this is definetly the same guy who was point banned a couple weeks ago.
    Regardless of whether or not his stories legit he's still denying its him and he has a point ban on his other account. In my humble opinion he is probably not a doing it as conspicuously as the last time, but for real there is nobody in this game with 284 games (Just games) with that kind of point value.
    I wouldn't be surprised if he just used roulette as a taper and added the points he lost back to his bank.

    Thank you,
    I'm not point hacking because you want me to. Saying "Crimes Committed: Bank Hacking" doesn't magically mean I actually can hack my wins and points.

    If the game saved all my replays, then you can browse through every single one and see my slow and well deserves progress towards the score I got now, and I will continue to play and have fun and win games for as long as I find the game fun.

    I'm playing on the same SC2 account as my littlebrother, he plays WoW, that's why I say no to friend invites, because it's my littlebrothers account. I never hide that fact, and have said so multiple times.

    I'm not avoiding ban because I never got banned.
    My littlebrother only claim he got reset once long ago because someone said he had some impossible achievements (but no point or win hack and no hard to earn achievements like Jester win). He did not get banned or suspended, he just got reset, and after that he stopped playing.

    Nobody is denying anything, so stop claiming it.
    Nobody is hacking, so stop claiming it just because you don't know how the game works.
    Nobody is buying new SC2 games, why on earth should I do that?
    Nobody is trying to hide anything. I'm only here because I'm frustrated by jealous kids like you, claiming others hack, and trying to get them banned simply by submitting a replay of nothing happening. That's a disgrace.

    I'm the same guy I have always been, and I play on US, and have slowly earned every single point I got, and everyone who played with me since I started, knows this. It takes a crapload of games, you can't win every time, nomatter how good you are.
    I use the html sheet my littlebrother gave me, and will continue to do so, unless it's a violation. Why? Because it's fun, and many players laugh about it and want to find it (kill me). I like to spice up the games (sometimes with some friendly trolling) to make them more competitive and fun.
    Isn't that what colors and custom names are for?

    Bottom line is: Don't try to abuse the admins to get people you don't like banned, just because you can't understand what's going on.

    Final Note: if my littlebrother got point reset, what on earth does that have to do with me? Even if I was my littlebrother, and started out anew, why am I not allowed to continue to play like normal? This makes no sense.

    EDIT: Oh and btw, your wins does not evaluate to your points. That's a false argument. I won 284 points roulette in one game, and still left it and got no wins/losses, but kept the points. I have seen multiple people with fewer wins than me, and more points.
    Equally so have I lost points and gotten no wins/losses. People are generally too courageous in roulette and pull too many times. Play roulette smart every single game, without going reckless, and you will realize you can get a profit in the long run + achievements.
    Btw I once won roulette 3 times in a row, and someone said he would report me for that. Wtf is wrong with people???
    Last edited by TheComedian; May 11th, 2013 at 05:30 AM.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    I'm not point hacking because you want me to.
    I'm playing on the same SC2 account as my littlebrother, he plays WoW, that's why I say no to friend invites, because it's my littlebrothers account. I never hide that fact.
    I'm not avoiding ban because I never got banned, and my littlebrother only claim he got reset once long ago because someone said he had some impossible achievements (but no point or win hack and no hard to earn achievements like Jester win).

    Nobody is denying anything, so stop claiming it.
    Nobody is hacking, so stop claiming it just because you don't know how the game works.
    Nobody is buying new SC2 games, why on earth should I do that?
    Nobody is trying to hide anyone. I'm only here because I'm frustrated by jealous kids like you, claiming others hack. That's a disgrace.

    I'm the same guy I have always been, and I play on US, and have slowly earned every single point I got, and everyone who played with me since I started, knows this.
    I use the html sheet my littlebrother gave me, and will continue to do so, unless it's a violation. Why? Because it's fun, and many players laugh about it and want to find it (kill me).

    Bottom line is: Don't try to abuse the admins to get people you don't like banned, just because you can't understand what's going on.

    Final Note: if my littlebrother got point reset, what on earth does that have to do with me? Even if I was my littlebrother, and started out anew, why am I not allowed to continue to play like normal?
    Our policy is to punish accounts, not people. If your little brother used this account to offend previously, then it will be taken as a previous offense regardless of who is using the account IRL.

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12
    Doesn't change the fact that the other account was pointbanned for good reason (impossible achievements are impossible and no whining will change that) and this account has the same name not to mention he's already admitted having access to it. Sounds fishy to me.


    Oh hell, it's not even a new account. It's just the same account on NA region instead of EU

    Yeah, this appeals gonna be denied.

    Quote Originally Posted by thepackage01 View Post
    Censorship :/
    You can't let me troll him for 2 seconds?
    Sorry reports are pretty strictly regulated. Antagonizing people trying to appeal serves no purpose.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by ypmagic View Post
    First of all, You shouldn't be posting here unless its your appeal. Second of all, its not an exploit. It's the developer's lazy donkey posterior result that got this result. I think the developers well knew about this, isn't that why the moderators know about it?
    Someone told me I should be aware that admins might ban me for suspicions alone, and then unban again when I appeal. And they would do this just to remove my wins but give me back my points.

    This way admins can basically ruin what I worked on for so long, just because they feel like it, and don't like that I left games I died/lost in. That's pure evil right there.

    He also encouraged me to donate so I wouldn't get reset.

    I hope this is not serious. I'm just playing the damn game for fun.
    Last edited by TheComedian; May 11th, 2013 at 07:59 AM.

  14. ISO #14
    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    Someone told me I should be aware that admins might ban me for suspicions alone, and then unban again when I appeal. And they would do this just to remove my wins but give me back my points.

    This way admins can basically ruin what I worked on for so long, just because they feel like it, and don't like that I left games I died/lost in. That's pure evil right there.

    He also encouraged me to donate so I wouldn't get reset.

    I hope this is not serious. I'm just playing the damn game for fun.
    Openly admitted to using exploit to achieve 100% win rate, thinks it's legit. Ok. Not to mention you were pointbanned originally for having not one...but FOUR impossible to have achievements.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    He also encouraged me to donate so I wouldn't get reset.
    I should point out, three of the four achievements that are impossible are because they're specifically given for different donor ranks. Also we pointban donors anyway, and the money goes to DR not to the people who actually make these decisions so it's irrelevant.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post
    Doesn't change the fact that the other account was pointbanned for good reason (impossible achievements are impossible and no whining will change that) and this account has the same name not to mention he's already admitted having access to it. Sounds fishy to me.
    An account gets point reset -> The account get's reset and have to start all over + gets a warning/watchlist, right?

    Or are you saying I'm cursed and will be banned ONLY because of what he did long time ago, even though he got reset and had to start from scratch, which probably made him stop playing.

    So I can't play mafia on his account (or actually never) again? If I wanted to, I would have to buy a new SC2, give myself another name, and try to hide that I was TheComedian (talk in a new way), just because I once played on my littlebrother's account and he played bad in some way that gave him an achievement (no point/win cheating, reading from the report).

    And all this with respect to the point that I never ever violated any rules, never cheated or hacked or gamethrew or skyped or caused any harm in the game, unless friendly trolling and having fun is a crime?

    I'm basically playing on a cursed account, regardless of my actions?

  16. ISO #16
    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    An account gets point reset -> The account get's reset and have to start all over + gets a warning/watchlist, right?

    Or are you saying I'm cursed and will be banned ONLY because of what he did long time ago, even though he got reset and had to start from scratch, which probably made him stop playing.

    So I can't play mafia on his account (or actually never) again? If I wanted to, I would have to buy a new SC2, give myself another name, and try to hide that I was TheComedian (talk in a new way), just because I once played on my littlebrother's account and he played bad in some way that gave him an achievement (no point/win cheating, reading from the report).

    And all this with respect to the point that I never ever violated any rules, never cheated or hacked or gamethrew or skyped or caused any harm in the game, unless friendly trolling and having fun is a crime?

    I'm basically playing on a cursed account, regardless of my actions?
    I'll reduce it to a regular pointban, but that's all you'll get from me. Typically we don't do just "resets", especially when an appeal is so obviously bullshit as the other one was. In other words, the other account is still pointbanned. (actually the same account but on EU)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    An account gets point reset -> The account get's reset and have to start all over + gets a warning/watchlist, right?
    I have no idea where you came up with this. We've never used that as a punishment for bank file hacking.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post

    Oh hell, it's not even a new account. It's just the same account on NA region instead of EU

    Yeah, this appeals gonna be denied.
    OFC it's the same account, that's what I've been saying for ages. He sendt me a mail with html codes for colors in mafia.
    Why else do you think I'm using the same (funny) LW as he did? I can stop using it if you want. It's

    <c val="123456">ACHIEVEMENT: <c val="123456">Find the rare <c val="123456">Last Will</c> of the <c val="123456">best player</c> in the game: <c val="123456">TheComedian</c>! +<c val="123456">25</c>points! (I hid the color values).

    I wish everyone would have a fun LW like that, so you can see when someone you know died.

    He showed me the game.
    I can call my littlebrother and ask why he got secret achievements.
    I can try to play on EU to see what happens, if that's of any use. I can switch region with last SC2 patch.

    All I hope is:
    I like this game, I played it a lot and I play well (I don't cheat or ruin games, and I'm good sport).
    It took ages to get my wins and points, I can't prevent what was done on this account, because I'ts my littlebrothers WoW/D3/SC1/SC2 account.

    I don't see why you want to reset me, I really don't (it's obeying the kids who think 0 losses is hacking). If it was not allowed for people to leave games and get no losses, why don't the game just give a loss as soon as roles are revealed (and convert it to a win at the end)?? I do it to stand out, and because it's not against the rules. It's for fun.

    I said everything I think you could possibly want to know. I earned my points like you earned yours. If my brother got point reset and have to start over from scratch, then why doesn't it end there?
    Last edited by TheComedian; May 11th, 2013 at 06:10 AM.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    OFC it's the same account, that's what I've been saying for ages. He gave me the textedit file with html codes for colors.
    Why else do you think I'm using the same (funny) LW as he did? I can stop using it if you want. It's

    <c val="123456">ACHIEVEMENT: <c val="123456">Find the rare <c val="123456">Last Will</c> of the <c val="123456">best player</c> in the game: <c val="123456">TheComedian</c>! +<c val="123456">25</c>points! (I hid the color values).

    Also I can try to play on EU to see what happens, if that's of any use. I can switch region with last SC2 patch.

    I can call my littlebrother and ask why he got secret achievements.
    He got them by editing his bank file, not really my business WHY he did it. He tried to claim he'd gotten them by playing for years despite the achievements having been out less than a year.

  19. ISO #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post
    He got them by editing his bank file, not really my business WHY he did it. He tried to claim he'd gotten them by playing for years despite the achievements having been out less than a year.
    Why on earth would someone that can control what he can unlocked, choose that? Why didn't he get something like hats or points to unlock features like prefer list. Or the hard to earn achievements I'm still struggling with? Makes no sense!

    Btw I found my bank file, and opened it with TextEdit. This is what I see:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Bank version="1">
    <Section name="I">
    <Key name="R">
    <Value string=" 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3"/>
    <Key name="A3">
    <Value string=" 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
    <Key name="A2">
    <Value string=" 9 24 28 22 2 4 1 3 4 1 10 2 19 3 2 6 15 0 3 2 3 22 2 5 8 1 3 4 6 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 2 5 7 1 8 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
    <Key name="M">
    <Value string=" 2 9 3 19 20 2 4 6 6 7 8 2 1 13 10"/>
    <Key name="D">
    <Value string=" 1.19 0.55 0.75 0.62"/>
    <Key name="W">
    <Value string=" 110 0010 1 10 1110 1100 10000 0110 1110 0001 1110 010 1 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 0 000 0"/>
    <Key name="S">
    <Value string=" -40"/>
    <Key name="B">
    <Value string=" TheComedian"/>
    <Key name="Version">
    <Value string="2"/>
    <Key name="Q">
    <Value string=" 1210011111 11 11111 1111 0 11 0100 1 011 1 111 100 1010 010 0000 1 11 0011 0 10100 1 0 1111 111 111 11 1001 10 11 11 100 10111"/>
    <Key name="G">
    <Value string=" 1-S2-1-4307282 12071 265 735 91 -328 707 0 0 0"/>
    <Signature value="979B04220E4CFF2B972FC8D5728604902BD84B34"/>

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post
    I'll reduce it to a regular pointban, but that's all you'll get from me. Typically we don't do just "resets", especially when an appeal is so obviously bullshit as the other one was. In other words, the other account is still pointbanned. (actually the same account but on EU)
    So basically the kids won. They demanded I got banned for avoiding losses through normal play, and claim it must be possibly only through hacking.

    Immature reports are written by jealous kids who rage and are confused about how the game works. This frustrates the admins.

    Now unfortunately for me, and ironically really, even though there was no cheating or hacking ever involved, some admin digs up an old report on my brother, who long ago, got reset (done, case closed) because he had somehow acquired a doner achievement (?), although the points, wins and other achievements he had was never suspicious (I read the report myself, I've gotten it spammed to my face on multiple occasions). I'm confused as hell.

    The ragekids celebrate, as this ends up being just the luck they needed to makes it possible for me to get banned (regardless of me having actually never committed a violation myself), and allows admins to reset my hard earned wins to calm the rage kids. Absolutely pathetic.

    I give up, you won.
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; May 11th, 2013 at 09:39 AM.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    I hope you all realize that the issue here is not the win rate. It was having a near impossible about of points vs achievements in comparison to three other banks in the same point range. If you are going to continue whining about the win rate be prepared for post deletion and infraction because it is getting really annoying to read all the posts concerning that.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    10051 points; 214 games
    10267 points; 216 games
    10836 points; 234 games
    12056 points; 284 games

    I am specifically looking at the first and fourth.

    2005 points in 70 games.
    Stands to reason you should only have ~8020 points by 280 games.
    You have four thousand more.

    I will look through the other replays you've provided to see if any are before the points that the OP provided later, but the first you provided is after the first 2 reports which shows me nothing.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    You need to consider achievements
    Forever Alone - 175
    Incognito - 75
    Hammer and Sickle - 125
    Happily Ever After - 150
    Flawless Victory - 50
    Divine Guidance - 150
    Last of Kin - 75
    State Religion - 50
    Suicide Hotline - 125
    Disco Inferno - 150
    Corleone - 75

    30 Role Wins - 30 * 25 = 750
    Half Roles - 100
    Half Town Roles - 100
    Half Neutral Roles - 75
    Half Mafia Roles - 75
    All Town Roles - 150
    All Neutral Roles - 100
    All Mafia Roles - 100
    All Roles - 500
    Total: 1950

    Sum = 3150 points
    (I counted all the role achievements since they could be gotten before the new role updates)

    So if we assume all these achievements were gotten before 200 wins (quite likely) your estimate of 8020 points adjusted would be 8020+3150=11170 which isn't terribly far off.
    Last edited by maccabbe; May 11th, 2013 at 03:32 PM.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by maccabbe View Post
    You need to consider achievements
    Forever Alone - 175
    Incognito - 75
    Hammer and Sickle - 125
    Happily Ever After - 150
    Flawless Victory - 50
    Divine Guidance - 150
    Last of Kin - 75
    State Religion - 50
    Suicide Hotline - 125
    Disco Inferno - 150
    Corleone - 75

    30 Role Wins - 30 * 25 = 750
    Half Roles - 100
    Half Town Roles - 100
    Half Neutral Roles - 75
    Half Mafia Roles - 75
    All Town Roles - 150
    All Neutral Roles - 100
    All Mafia Roles - 100
    All Roles - 500
    Total: 1950

    Sum = 3150 points
    (I counted all the role achievements since they could be gotten before the new role updates)

    So if we assume all these achievements were gotten before 200 wins (quite likely) your estimate of 8020 points adjusted would be 8020+3150=11170 which isn't terribly far off.
    I like you.
    You do good work.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by Creedkingsx View Post
    10051 points; 214 games
    10267 points; 216 games
    10836 points; 234 games
    12056 points; 284 games

    I am specifically looking at the first and fourth.

    2005 points in 70 games.
    Stands to reason you should only have ~8020 points by 280 games.
    You have four thousand more.

    I will look through the other replays you've provided to see if any are before the points that the OP provided later, but the first you provided is after the first 2 reports which shows me nothing.
    You are experienced at this game, no?

    I find it hard to believe you think I only played exactly the number of games that I also won.

    You really think I won every single game I ever played??

    I don't believe that.

    I played a crapload of roulette, and I'm not the first here to mention how that can give a decent gain in the long run if you play it smart consistently. Every single game I lost, I tried max roulette as well before I left. I've had many sessions of game losses, where all I got was a small roulette win outcome after hours of play (but my win/loss didn't move).
    I think my max win was 28X something or maybe higher with multiple wins in a row, a game I quit because I lost as well.

    I've seen people with less wins than me, but thousands of losses.
    (and btw I've seen quite a few others with fewer games played and more points than me.)

    If you want to ban me for speculation or because you simply don't like me: JUST DO IT! GET IT OVER WITH! Then nothing I say will change anything, and your just wasting everyone's patience.

    But please don't be so stupid to think I ever cheated in this game, because some kid online in SC2 lobby is butt hurt and doesn't understand how the game works, and bombed you with reports of me playing a normal game (and probably even donated) just to get me down.

    If you don't like my playstyle of getting zero losses, then why not just fix it? It's the easiest change you can do.
    If you think I somehow "cheated" X number of wins or points without losses, and though nobody would notice, then you are mistaken. You really think I or anyone would be that dumb?

    I never ever cheated/hacked/skyped/whatever any wins or points, and you should be intelligent enough to ignore butt hurt kids that claim I did. And if you have been playing for the last many months you would probably have played with me and seen yourself how I got where I am now. You could write down my stats from every single game I played.
    I've even seen people who recognize me and try to set me up for gamethrow, just so they can report me.....
    And someone said I had to donate to not get banned....

    Oh and btw, I'm now on 276 wins, still 0 losses, and 12228points, and unlocked an Operator Hat = OMFG HAX!?!?! REPORT!!!!!

    How ridiculous is this?

  28. ISO #28

    Re: TheComedian: 1-S2-4307282

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComedian View Post
    You are experienced at this game, no?

    I find it hard to believe you think I only played exactly the number of games that I also won.

    You really think I won every single game I ever played??

    I don't believe that.

    I played a crapload of roulette, and I'm not the first here to mention how that can give a decent gain in the long run if you play it smart consistently. Every single game I lost, I tried max roulette as well before I left. I've had many sessions of game losses, where all I got was a small roulette win outcome after hours of play (but my win/loss didn't move).
    I think my max win was 28X something or maybe higher with multiple wins in a row, a game I quit because I lost as well.

    I've seen people with less wins than me, but thousands of losses.
    (and btw I've seen quite a few others with fewer games played and more points than me.)

    If you want to ban me for speculation or because you simply don't like me: JUST DO IT! GET IT OVER WITH! Then nothing I say will change anything, and your just wasting everyone's patience.

    But please don't be so stupid to think I ever cheated in this game, because some kid online in SC2 lobby is butt hurt and doesn't understand how the game works, and bombed you with reports of me playing a normal game (and probably even donated) just to get me down.

    If you don't like my playstyle of getting zero losses, then why not just fix it? It's the easiest change you can do.
    If you think I somehow "cheated" X number of wins or points without losses, and though nobody would notice, then you are mistaken. You really think I or anyone would be that dumb?

    I never ever cheated/hacked/skyped/whatever any wins or points, and you should be intelligent enough to ignore butt hurt kids that claim I did. And if you have been playing for the last many months you would probably have played with me and seen yourself how I got where I am now. You could write down my stats from every single game I played.
    I've even seen people who recognize me and try to set me up for gamethrow, just so they can report me.....
    And someone said I had to donate to not get banned....

    Oh and btw, I'm now on 276 wins, still 0 losses, and 12228points, and unlocked an Operator Hat = OMFG HAX!?!?! REPORT!!!!!

    How ridiculous is this?
    1. You fully admitted to staff that this is the same as the EU account, just on NA.
    2. Said EU account had 4 achievements that were physically impossible for it to have without editing the bank file.
    3. There's nothing else to tell you, you use your brother's account you get to deal with the consequences of his actions.

    We've discussed this in depth, and you are fully aware of the situation. I'd sympathize with you...except you're using an account you basically got for free. Buy your own account dude if you wanna be accountable for yourself. The only thing ridiculous is this response after we explained and discussed everything in detail



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