Chane's Suggested Achievement list

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View Poll Results: What kind of Achievements would you like to see more of?

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  • Achievements that reward exceptional play

    8 53.33%
  • Achievements that reward your career, all/half role for example

    3 20.00%
  • Achievements that reward Unorthodox Play-styles

    7 46.67%
  • Something funny happened

    11 73.33%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. ISO #1

    Post Chane's Achievement Suggestion Compendium

    welcome to: =-=Chane's Achievement Suggestion Compendium=-=

    or CASC for short.

    the goal of this thread is to list not only achievements I came up with but also the best achievements the community can think of.

    Achievement counter: 92

    =-=Exceptional play=-=

    -Opening Campaign (75) win a game as Mayor revealing yourself day1
    -Rampage (155) as veteran kill 5 people who visit you during the night using one of your alerts.
    -living on the edge (150) as Serial Killer survive jail/trial/night attack and win in the end. each of these most happen in the same game and this can be achieved without night immunity by getting healed.
    -First Aid (150) as doctor heal 4 people during the nighttime after they have been attacked.
    -Mandate of peace (200) Heal at least 4 town people without ever targeting maffia or natural killing roles. you have to successfully heal the 4 targets from an attack.
    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/'heal or defend' during the same game.
    -Wicked Sick (175) as MassMurderer kill 6 people during the same night
    -Professionals have standards (75) as vigilante/jailor use all 3 shots/executions to kill evil roles. ~kyle1234
    -Disturbing the Dead (75) as jester annoy 4 people that die during night time in a row in the same game and die by getting lynched during the day. ~Trinity
    -suspicious visitors (75) as veteran cause the death of a jester, cult and witch during the same night. ~Damus_Graves
    -Mason Republic (250) win the game as mason or mason leader with 1 ML and at least 2 other masons left alive. only masons and the ML can be alive for the achievement to count.
    -Red October (175) win as last mafia member while being alone in the mafia for at least 5 days ~TRINITY
    -Efficiency (50) as doctor heal a bodyguard that successfully defended a sheriff/investigator/mayor ~Damus_Graves
    -the black sheep (75) as jester in a game with at least 5 lynches excluding your own exclusively choose the option that the minority choose inno/guit (abstain is excluded from this achievement) and get hung as 6th lynch or later
    -Armageddon (250) with at least 2 arsonists in the game burn a minimum of 10 people during one night
    -Beyond Godlike (250) as MassMurderer kill at least 10 people during 1 game
    -GraveKeeper (175) as coroner perform 9 successful autopsy
    -Once Upon a Time (225) As a Coroner, autopsy the Janitor to find the Godfather. Autopsy the Godfather to find the Serial Killer and win the Game. ~Damus_Graves
    -Court Murder (350) as godfather win a game where 8 of your attacks failed and you are alone for at least 5 days
    -Not on my Watch (175) as bodyguard fight of and kill 3 evil killing roles
    -Cover-up (175) as killing mafia kill an invigator/sheriff whom has checked atleast 3 mafia members and clean him
    -Paladin (50) as Mason Leader use all your recruiting on citizens without failing
    -Licking Wounds (50) as mafioso kill the doctor who saved you from death during that night

    -The Switzerland Problem (250) see a town composed of only the following and atleast one of these roles: Amnesiac, Survivor, Jester, Executioner, SK/Arson/MM, Witch
    -follow ze herd (75) during a game with at least 5 lynches choose the option inno/guit/abstain that the majority of town chooses without ever choosing a minority vote.
    -Blind faith (50) win a game as town without investigative roles at your disposal ~TRINITY
    -Deduction (150) win a game as town without killing or protective roles at your disposal ~TRINITY
    -Executioners Axe (2000) during your executioner games have all roles be your target and see them lynched (impossible yet to fun not to put here) ~TRINITY
    -Militia (50) witness a game in which 3 or more amnesiac remember a killing role ~TRINITY
    -Superstition (130) win the game on the 13th day. ~TRINITY
    -Time well spend (50) play out 50 games of mafia
    -Getting the hang of this (100) play out 100 games of mafia
    -Mafia addict (250) play out 250 games of mafia
    -Clocked (500) play out 500 games of mafia
    -Asylum (1000) play out 1000 games of mafia

    -Victory! (10) win 10 games of mafia
    -Learning the ropes (25) win 25 games of mafia
    -Climbing the ladder (50) win 50 games of mafia
    -Close to the top (100) win 100 games of mafia
    -On top of the game (250) win 250 games of mafia
    -Grandmaster (500) win 500 games of mafia

    -Chainsaw Massacre (75) win a game as MassMurderer

    =-=Unorthodox play=-=

    -Break-in (75) as godfather escape jail and have your mafia kill the jailor in any way during that same night.
    -Order (66) as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2) ~Gzz
    -Jackass (75) win a game as citizen without using vest.
    -Hippie (125) can't we all just get along? win a game as serial killer without killing anybody. this does NOT exclude roleblockers.
    -Soul buddies (200) win a game as survivor/amnesiac/witch/executioner together with another person with the aforementioned role. this does only count if you both get the surv/amne/witch/exe wins ending.
    -Hangman (225) see your target (a jester) get hung during the day as executioner and see executioner or jester win ending. both the jester and the executioner will get the achievement.
    -obey your master (75) as witch save yourself from night time death by making a doctor or BodyGuard visit you ~tiloup1441
    -Fireworks (100) as arsonist on the night of your recruitment into the cult burn a minimum of 3 people without burning a single cult member. ~Damus_Graves
    -Insane Asylum (150) be the last one standing as a jester ~Harakazu
    -Clean swipe (75) as janitor use all your cleanings to clean fellow mafia members. minimum of 2 ~TRINITY
    -United we stand (333) as cult recruit: witch, survivor, amnesiac, jester, executioner during the same game and win. ~Damus_Graves
    -Judge of Death (200) as Amnesiac remember you where citizen and win a tie with the mafia for town the following day. ~Raptorblaze
    -Phoenix (200) in a game an arsonist must die, an amnesiac must remember the arsonist and he must die, then a second amnesiac must remember arsonist and win the game. all arsonists get the achievement and all 3 of them must have at least burned 1 person.
    -Tie breaker (75) as Survivor lynch the last town/mafia together with the last town/mafia member during a 1v1v1 survivor vs town vs mafia.
    -Oath (50) as witch convert yourself into the cult
    -Plan B (25) as executioner become a jester and get yourself lynched

    =-=Something Funny Happend=-=

    -Sherlock Holmes (175) as Detective follow the godfather / a serial killer n1 and see him get lynched the next day
    -third degree burns (200) as arsonist burn the 3 members of the mafia without killing a town role during this burn.
    -an Eye for an Eye (100) as Vigilante/Mafioso shoot a Vigilante/Mafioso (depending on your role) while he shoots you in the same night
    -Overdose (25) kill a target that has been attacked and healed. you being the second attacker overriding the heal
    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.
    -Curse of Guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed ~Gzz
    -Scapegoat(225) get trialed 6 times during a game and survive to the end.
    -Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult. ~Gzz
    -the light of dawn (100) get shot by the mafia, stabbed by the serial killer, burned by the arsonist and annoyed by the jester during the same night
    -SIlence (25) as blackmailer silence yourself thought a busdriver or a witch.
    -rock, paper, Chainsaw (25) as MM visit the same target as another MM and survive. ~LeaD
    -Jokes on you (25) as a jester annoy yourself at night. this can be achieved thought a witch or bus driver redirecting your actions. ~TRINITY
    -Lost (150) get swapped 3 times during the same night. ~Gzz
    -Vanguard (225) as godfather without immunity shoot somebody who is protected by a bodyguard, the bodyguard must be healed by a doctor and survive the night whilst the godfather must be healed by a second doctor and survive as well resulting in nobody dying in these set of events. ~Cryptonic/bunny
    --Jestonist (666) as jester get lynched and see an arsonist die by your curse the next night, that arsonist must have burned atleast 3 people and the jester must win the game.
    -I C dead people (125) as lookout watch over a person that has over 7 visitors and survive.
    -Running in circles (50) as detective follow another detective while he follows you
    -Post mortum (90) be killed by 2 serial killers at the same time
    -The Underworld (200) see 6 cultist in the graveyard.
    -Beyond the grave (125) as coroner survive a killing spree at your house by being targeted onto a living person by a witch
    -007 (10) As Spy, get roleblocked. ~Cryptonic
    -Double Judgement(125) be jailed by 2 jailers at once and convince them to let you go.
    -Corrupt Authority (150) as MasonLeader smite a mayor who has been converted into the cult, the mayor must have not lost his votes in the cult for the achievement to count.
    -Paradox (25) as escort, block yourself. this can be achieved though witches and busdrivers
    -Buring Saw (150) have a MM kill 2+ people and as arsonist burn those people + the MM during the night of the spree
    -Blazer (25) as arsonist burn all the remaining towns people alive
    -Building Religion(50) as citizen get converted to cult and mason during the same night
    -Saw (50) survive a killing spree at your house but die to another killing spree at your targets house
    -triple lock (75) be jailed by 3 jailors during the same night and convince them to let you go
    -14th sense (25) be put on trial and have 14 people vote either guilty or innocent
    -Hurricane (125) see an Armageddon hit the town
    -Dreamstate (50) As a Citizen use your vest and get recruited by the masons on the same night you get attacked by a disguiser.
    -Self Sustain (25) as doctor heal yourself
    -Cross Roads (75) as executioner be converted into a cultist the night you would otherwise become a jester
    -One way road (100) As a bus driver, run over another bus driver, and get run over yourself.
    -Gun over Mace (50) as cultist have a bodyguard protect you from the MasonLeaders kill

    all achievements and the content within them are subject to change.
    this topic will hopefully provide a better quality list then my previous topic and I hope to receive some good suggestions (gzz) and/or words of wisdom (unterscheiden)

    please keep in mind that at this point in time this is a list I will compile as a suggestion in the MD forum.
    this list is coppied and put into R&D, no information will be shared from there on but be aware that if I select an achievement onto this list it might be submitted

    Credits will be given to those who suggest achievements or give the groundwork for them. if anybody decides to take any content to R&D for serious consideration and discussion you will be listed bellow if you want.

    a ~(name) indicates an achievement is by or based upon a suggestion by a member. if this tag is not present it is an achievement I came up with.

    Format for suggesting achievements:

    -<Name> (+points) < Criteria for the achievement to be awarded and details> ~<credit in thread>

    -Jokes on you (25) as a jester annoy yourself at night. this can be achieved thought a witch or bus driver redirecting your actions. ~TRINITY

    <(colored) name>

    Have a nice day. =)

    Suggestion Library:

    Spoiler : Trinity's Section :

    -Disturbing the Dead (75) as jester annoy 4 people that die during night time in a row in the same game and die by getting lynched during the day.
    -Blind faith (50) win a game as town without investigative roles at your disposal
    -Deduction (150) win a game as town without killing or protective roles at your disposal
    -Locked away (50) as jailor jail another jailor and save him from getting killed that night
    -Clean swipe (75) as janitor use all your cleanings to clean fellow mafia members. minimum of 2
    -Executioners Axe (2000) during your executioner games have all roles be your target and see them lynched (impossible yet to fun not to put here)
    -Jokes on you (25) as a jester annoy yourself at night. this can be achieved thought a witch or bus driver redirecting your actions.
    -Militia (50) witness a game in which 3 or more amnesiac remember a killing role
    -Red October (175) win as last mafia member while being alone in the mafia for at least 5 days
    -Superstition (130) win the game on the 13th day.

    Spoiler : Gravekeeper's section :
    -Fireworks (100) as arsonist on the night of your recruitment into the cult burn a minimum of 3 people without burning a single cult member.
    -brief encounters (25) as citizen get witched onto a veteran and attacked during the same night and survive to win the game with town.
    -suspicious visitors (75) as veteran cause the death of a jester, cult and witch during the same night.
    -United we stand (333) as cult recruit: witch, survivor, amnesiac, jester, executioner during the same game and win.
    -Efficiency (50) as doctor heal a bodyguard that successfully defended a sheriff/investigator/mayor
    -Once Upon a Time (225) As a Coroner, autopsy the Janitor to find the Godfather. Autopsy the Godfather to find the Serial Killer and win the Game.

    Spoiler : Gzz's section :
    -Curse of Guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed
    -Lost (150) get swapped 3 times during the same night.
    -Order (66)as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2)
    -Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult.

    Spoiler : LeaD's Section :
    -rock, paper, Chainsaw (25) as MM visit the same target as another MM and survive.
    -Forgotten tales (300) start the game off as amnesiac, remember you where a citizen, be recruited to become mason and take the mason leaders position when he perishes. amne > civ > mason > ML and WIN the game with town.

    Spoiler : Tiloup1440's section :
    -obey your master (75) as witch save yourself from night time death by making a doctor or BodyGuard visit you
    -Marionette (75) as witch get your mind control direct by a busdriver in such a way that you control yourself going to yourself.
    Last edited by Chane; October 6th, 2012 at 04:30 AM.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/heal or defend during the same game.

    Seems like a lot of points for something that is almost guarenteed to happen as witch.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/heal or defend during the same game.

    Seems like a lot of points for something that is almost guarenteed to happen as witch.
    I think he meant do do all his actions in the same game

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by tiloup1441 View Post
    I think he meant do do all his actions in the same game
    he understood that but its a fair point to say it grants to many points. changed it to (75). thanks for the feedback.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by EliteMarine View Post
    If he meant all, he would of used and instead of or in the description.
    No because by or, he means killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/'heal OR defend', that means you have to control a killer, a rber, a investigative, a conversion (cult/ml) and a doctor or a bodyguard in the same game, well thats would make sense for a 200 pts achiev

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post
    welcome to my list of Achievement suggestions.
    the goal of this thread is to list not only achievements I came up with but also the best achievements the community can think of.

    the achievements below are the ones we will start of with, I will add more when I come up with them and if I receive any good suggestions and/or groundwork for possibly awesome achievements.

    =-General Achievements-=
    -Sherlock Holmes (175) as detective follow the Godfather n1 and see him get lynched during the next day.
    -Opening Campaign (75) win a game as Mayor revealing yourself day1
    -third degree burns (200) as arsonist burn the 3 members of the mafia without killing a town role during this burn.
    -an Eye for an Eye (100) as Vigilante/Mafioso shoot a Vigilante/Mafioso (depending on your role) while he shoots you in the same night
    -Rampage (155) as veteran kill 5 people who visit you during the night using one of your alerts.
    like though I believe something like this was already suggested
    -living on the edge (150) as Serial Killer survive jail/trial/night attack and win in the end. each of these most happen in the same game and this can be achieved without night immunity by getting healed.
    -Break-in (75) as godfather escape jail and have your mafia kill the jailor in any way during that same night.
    like, though only possible if -target stays the way it is I think? A wee bit confused on this one.
    -for the greater good (50) as Bus Driver swap yourself and a town member who is attacked that night, concluding in your death.
    like this one, a lot.
    -Overdose (25) kill a target that has been attacked and healed. you being the second attacker overriding the heal
    like, though I don't think the name is entirely appropriate for it.
    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.
    This would be hilarious
    Curse of Guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed
    Order (66)as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2)
    Scapegoat(225) get trialed 6 times during a game and survive to the end.
    like, though I don't feel like the name is entirely fitting
    Jackass (75) win a game as citizen without using vest.
    like, if it requires that he is still alive at the end, otherwise the points would have to be like 25 because of how easy it is.
    Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult.
    the light of dawn (100) get shot by the mafia, stabbed by the serial killer, burned by the arsonist and annoyed by the jester during the same night
    -First Aid (150) as doctor heal 4 people during the nighttime after they have been attacked.
    -Mandate of peace (200) Heal at least 4 town people without ever targeting maffia or natural killing roles. you have to successfully heal the 4 targets from an attack.
    -Hippie (125) can't we all just get along? win a game as serial killer without killing anybody. this does NOT exclude roleblockers.
    -Soul buddies (200) win a game as survivor/amnesiac/witch/executioner together with another person with the aforementioned role. this does only count if you both get the surv/amne/witch/exe wins ending.
    -puppet master (75) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/heal or defend during the same game.
    like, now that someone clarified.
    -SIlence (25) as blackmailer silence yourself thought a busdriver or a witch.
    -Hangman (225) see your target (a jester) get hung during the day as executioner and see executioner or jester win ending.
    like, honestly both of them should get the achieve considering how rare this is
    -follow ze herd (125) during a game with atleast 5 lynches choose the option inno/guit/abstain that the majority of town chooses without ever choosing a minority vote.
    like, reduce points to 75 imo
    -the black sheep (125) as jester in a game with atleast 5 lynches excluding your own exclusively choose the option that the minority choose inno/guit (abstain is excluded from this achievement) and get hung as 6th lynch or later
    like, same as above
    There's my feedback, actually a fairly good batch of ideas.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post
    There's my feedback, actually a fairly good batch of ideas.
    tx for the feedback! ill look into improving the ones you pointed out and reducing the herd achievements to 75 points.

    Quote Originally Posted by LeaD View Post
    Seems like my msg didnt get sent
    Rock, Paper, Scissors
    Kill another MM as MM.
    worth 25 or 50 points
    I have not played a single game with MM yet because I am on vacation atm, but ill do some research on it and add it in.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiloup1441 View Post
    Another witch achievment worth approx 75 pts could be to save yourself using a BG
    or doc. gonna be added to the list
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    EDIT: rock, paper, scissors added! tx for the clarification.

    "-obey your master" added. thank you tiloup1441
    "rock, paper, scissors" rejected. reason: strives again rolecard, MM's win with other MM's. thought if people like it iill add it ;). (suicide hot-line cough cough)
    "follow ze herd and the black sheep" point value is reduced to (75) (funfact: my math teacher is called ms.sheep. lets just say it inspired me)
    clarified "puppet master" by a tad.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Let me first repeat my point from the last thread: Achievements are incentives and rewards. Especially in this game achievements are more valuable than actually winning the match. Thats why I argue that they need to be looked at more in what they incentivise people to do instead of "look something funny/amazing happend".
    Thankfully the advent advent of ranked games diminishes the impact of incentivising scewed saves.

    These are purely my opinion!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post

    =-General Achievements-=
    -Sherlock Holmes (175) as detective follow the Godfather n1 and see him get lynched during the next day.
    Best case scenario for the class, ok.
    -Opening Campaign (75) win a game as Mayor revealing yourself day1
    Is that EVER a good idea outside of trying to get this achievement? Do we really want a period of mayorinstantreveals until all that care got the achievement?
    -third degree burns (200) as arsonist burn the 3 members of the mafia without killing a town role during this burn.
    The Arsonist is neutral, acting pro-town means he sabotages himself.
    -an Eye for an Eye (100) as Vigilante/Mafioso shoot a Vigilante/Mafioso (depending on your role) while he shoots you in the same night
    "A funny thing happend." Superrandom, might make the vigi needlessly claim but otherwise ok.
    -Rampage (155) as veteran kill 5 people who visit you during the night using one of your alerts.
    Wannabe MM. Rememeber that the MM is evil and so are vets that try to get this one
    -living on the edge (150) as Serial Killer survive jail/trial/night attack and win in the end. each of these most happen in the same game and this can be achieved without night immunity by getting healed.
    This is the "you were in a game where everyone else was stupid" achievement.
    -Break-in (75) as godfather escape jail and have your mafia kill the jailor in any way during that same night.
    Neat. Too bad that killing the jailor doesn´t influence his execution but this is flavourfull even though the mechanics don´t add up like that.
    -for the greater good (50) as Bus Driver swap yourself and a town member who is attacked that night, concluding in your death.
    Targeting yourself is a nonstandart option for the BD, on top of that License to kill is this but better already.
    -Overdose (25) kill a target that has been attacked and healed. you being the second attacker overriding the heal
    Does that actually work? And how is the "order" if only the 2nd kill gets the cheevo?
    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.
    So you want to pull killpriority of all 3 factions at once? Well since you are supposed to surive ok I guess.
    Curse of Guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed ~Gzz
    Identify the jester, get him lynched intentionally and beg for doc regardless of your role...
    Order (66)as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2)
    Ok but needlessly specific. How about just making someone kill someone else on the same "side"
    Scapegoat(225) get trialed 6 times during a game and survive to the end.
    Jesters are bad enough!
    Jackass (75) win a game as citizen without using vest.
    Meh but ok. No one actually plays citizens except for achievements anyway.
    Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult.
    "A funny thing happend." but ok.
    the light of dawn (100) get shot by the mafia, stabbed by the serial killer, burned by the arsonist and annoyed by the jester during the same night
    In practice overkill but worse.
    -First Aid (150) as doctor heal 4 people during the nighttime after they have been attacked.
    -Mandate of peace (200) Heal at least 4 town people without ever targeting maffia or natural killing roles. you have to successfully heal the 4 targets from an attack.
    -Hippie (125) can't we all just get along? win a game as serial killer without killing anybody. this does NOT exclude roleblockers.
    Sabotaging yourself is bad but at least the sk is alone.
    -Soul buddies (200) win a game as survivor/amnesiac/witch/executioner together with another person with the aforementioned role. this does only count if you both get the surv/amne/witch/exe wins ending.
    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/'heal or defend' during the same game.
    I can´t really tell the difference between this and a "normal" match as a witch.
    -SIlence (25) as blackmailer silence yourself thought a busdriver or a witch.
    "A funny thing happend"
    -Hangman (225) see your target (a jester) get hung during the day as executioner and see executioner or jester win ending. both the jester and the executioner will get the achievement.
    Is it even mechanically allowed for the jester to be an exetarget?
    -follow ze herd (75) during a game with atleast 5 lynches choose the option inno/guit/abstain that the majority of town chooses without ever choosing a minority vote.
    You want to REWARD Bandwagoning!?!
    -the black sheep (75) as jester in a game with atleast 5 lynches excluding your own exclusively choose the option that the minority choose inno/guit (abstain is excluded from this achievement) and get hung as 6th lynch or later
    -Wicked Sick (175) as MassMurderer kill 6 people during the same night
    "Rampage" but the right role this time.
    -obey your master (75) as witch save yourself from night time death by making a doctor or BodyGuard visit you ~tiloup1441
    -rock, paper, scissors (25) as MM visit the same target as another MM and survive. ~LeaD
    2 MMs in one game requires a scewed save
    -knife beats paper (13) die as MM while 2 MM's visit the same target (this achievement is a sub)
    2 MMs in one game?...
    -Professionals have standards (75) as vigilante/jailor use all 3 shots/executions to kill evil roles. ~kyle1234
    "Do your job" Good but the real question is why we don´t have MORE like these for all roles?

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post
    EDIT: rock, paper, scissors added! tx for the clarification.

    "-obey your master" added. thank you tiloup1441
    "rock, paper, scissors" rejected. reason: strives again rolecard, MM's win with other MM's. thought if people like it iill add it ;). (suicide hot-line cough cough)
    "follow ze herd and the black sheep" point value is reduced to (75) (funfact: my math teacher is called ms.sheep. lets just say it inspired me)
    clarified "puppet master" by a tad.
    Mission Failed (As Maf kill another maf) is kinda the same thing, not like MM's know who the other MM will visit if there are indeed 2.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.[/QUOTE]

    This happened to me when I was Jester before. No joke. Jailor spared me when I claimed mayor. I was lynched the next day as well.

    Some of these achievements are really great ideas.


  19. ISO #19

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    I should put my idea here so no one takes it (Although inspired by Cryptonic)
    Really!?!?!? - As an Amnesiac, remember you were a Citizen, get converted to a Mason, become a Mason Leader, then have the disguiser disguise as you. (+100)
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    I should put my idea here so no one takes it (Although inspired by Cryptonic)
    Really!?!?!? - As an Amnesiac, remember you were a Citizen, get converted to a Mason, become a Mason Leader, then have the disguiser disguise as you. (+100)
    -the disquiser because otherwise peiple will beg for dis to take them.

    Ill think about adding it when I get to my laptop byw I think you ment inspired by Xen ;)
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Unentschieden View Post
    Let me first repeat my point from the last thread: Achievements are incentives and rewards. Especially in this game achievements are more valuable than actually winning the match. Thats why I argue that they need to be looked at more in what they incentivise people to do instead of "look something funny/amazing happend".
    Thankfully the advent advent of ranked games diminishes the impact of incentivising scewed saves.

    These are purely my opinion!
    you have some fair points but keep 2 things in mind.
    1: this is a LIST. meaning that not everything within the list is perfect
    2: imo achievements are there for these things:

    >you played your role very good
    >your predicted something perfectly
    >something funny happened
    > unorthodox play style

    third degree burns does not make arso dismantle himself because he is against the mafia to. with them out the way a non-invul arson is much saver.
    I actually use the tactic with the SK A LOT. your not dismantling yourself at all because you keep the fact that sk is in the game secret to the bitter end.

    lets sum up mafia achievements:

    you did your role really good: 6 (excluding the role alone wins and happily ever after because that one requires luck and nothing more.)
    something funny happened: 9
    something negative happened: 5
    achieved by doing something not optimal for your role: 3

    just my opinion as well. the average pub just wants achievements because their fun.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post
    you have some fair points but keep 2 things in mind.
    1: These are suggestions meaning that not everything within the list is perfect
    2: imo achievements are there for these things:

    >you played your role very good
    >your predicted something perfectly
    >something funny happened
    > unorthodox play style

    third degree burns does not make arso dismantle himself because he is against the mafia to. with them out the way a non-invul arson is much saver.
    I actually use the tactic with the SK A LOT. your not dismantling yourself at all because you keep the fact that sk is in the game secret to the bitter end.

    lets sum up mafia achievements:

    you did your role really good: 6 (excluding the role alone wins and happily ever after because that one requires luck and nothing more.)
    something funny happened: 9
    something negative happened: 5
    achieved by doing something not optimal for your role: 3

    just my opinion as well. the average pub just wants achievements because their fun.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by LeaD View Post
    Yeh thats what I ment to say lol
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post
    Ill think about adding it when I get to my laptop byw I think you ment inspired by Xen ;)
    nah, he suggested citizen -> Mason -> Mason Leader somewhere and I kind of took that

    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    oh i have a new idea. This one's more on the specific and extremely rare side though
    Careerman or Turncoat or Faceless Man (worth between 100-200 points, i'd say 200 by current standards, since it is so rare)
    Change your role 3 times in 1 game
    This is only possible if you
    Spawn as Amnesiac
    Have a Citizen and ML in game
    have the citizen die
    take over as cit
    get masoned
    ML dies
    become ML

    note : i've never seen this before (amne -> cit -> mason -> ML)
    Well if something like a Psychiatrist would get implemented (change back anybody who changed their roles previously) citizens who get masoned or culted can be reverted aswell or amnesiacs can be reverted to amnesiacs.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Are You refer to my old suggested role , LeaD ? :-P
    Anyway , others my idea :
    The broker doors : as mm visit all people's house and don' t archive any kills .
    Barbecue : as arso , brun a people visited by mm
    Scream in the night : as witch get killed by a killing role who you controlled

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Ill add yours lead.

    Gzz every achievement listed there involves epic fail or killing yourself because the achievement is worth more then the win
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by LeaD View Post
    Well the witch one would never get implemented since it goes against your own goal (possible gamethrowing is a big nono)
    indeed as it basically screams: hey, if you kill yourself instead of playing you role card you get more points then winning and a shinny badge.

    Quote Originally Posted by TRINITY View Post
    Sleep well(+25) - Survive to the end as Veteran without staying on alert.
    Necro tour(+40) - Annoy four people the same night they die in a single game.
    I do not like sleep well as it promotes vete's that lose you the game because they hope for the achievement but necro tour seems fun indeed.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    update 0:00 24-8-2012 CET +1

    -Forgotten tales (300) start the game off as amnesiac, remember you where a citizen, be recruited to become mason and take the mason leaders position when he perishes. amne > civ > mason > ML and WIN the game with town. ~LeaD
    -Disturbing the Dead (75) as jester annoy 4 people that die during night time in a row in the same game and die by getting lynched during the day. ~Trinity
    -Fireworks (100) as arsonist on the night of your recruitment into the cult burn a minimum of 3 people without burning a single cult member. ~Damus_Graves
    -Marionette (75) as witch get your mind control direct by a busdriver in such a way that you control yourself going to yourself. ~Tiloup1440
    4 new achievements fresh from the press. you might want to read marionette twice. or 3 times for that matter.

    also I think Forgotten tales is the best achievement on the list by far =)

    thanks for the suggestions! and as always: have nice day
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Unplugged(+30) - Blackmail incognito Mayor for at least 3 days before seeing him dead.
    Return to sender(+60) - While playing as a roleblocker, have your block averted 3 times in a single game.
    In the spotlight(+45) - Be jailed by three jailors simultaneously.
    Magnetic personality(+70) - Be visited by at least four players for three consecutive nights.
    All shall be revealed(+5) - Hear a private message.
    Rush(+50) - Win a town game, where evil roles are killed each day and every night(starting from day2/night2).
    Firm grip(+10) - Do not be repicked in ten consecutive games as host.
    Isolated(+75) - As a lone cultist, fail to recruit anyone(not attempting does not count towards this) and win the game.
    Last edited by TRINITY; August 25th, 2012 at 03:30 PM.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by TRINITY View Post
    Unplugged(+30) - Blackmail incognito Mayor for at least 3 days before seeing him dead.
    Return to sender(+60) - While playing as a roleblocker, have your block averted 3 times in a single game.
    In the spotlight(+45) - Be jailed by three jailors simultaneously.
    Magnetic personality(+70) - Be visited by at least four players for three consecutive nights.
    All shall be revealed(+5) - Hear a private message.
    Rush(+50) - Win a town game, where evil roles are killed each day and every night(starting from day2/night2).
    Firm grip(+10) - Do not be repicked in ten consecutive games as host.
    Isolated(+75) - As a lone cultist, fail to recruit anyone(not attempting does not count towards this) and win the game.
    the once I like are: unplugged, in the spotlight, magnetic personality and Isolated

    ill be looking into adding achievements to the list based upon these.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    "please keep in mind that at this point in time this is a list I will compile as a suggestion in the MD forum.
    if anybody with R&D access sees an achievement they deem good and if you want to copy this list or use any content that is listed in the list above feel free to do so. "

    Hey i'm going to take some of these achievements and copy them over to R+D later tonight. just so you know. I'll credit you with all the submissions I choose.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Gingerape View Post
    "please keep in mind that at this point in time this is a list I will compile as a suggestion in the MD forum.
    if anybody with R&D access sees an achievement they deem good and if you want to copy this list or use any content that is listed in the list above feel free to do so. "

    Hey i'm going to take some of these achievements and copy them over to R+D later tonight. just so you know. I'll credit you with all the submissions I choose.
    thats great to hear! you are credited for taking it to R&D if you want. I am going to sleep now (exactly 0:00 here in Italy) just tell if you want credit and your added down bellow.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Chane View Post
    welcome to my list of Achievement suggestions.
    the goal of this thread is to list not only achievements I came up with but also the best achievements the community can think of.

    the achievements below are the ones we will start of with, I will add more when I come up with them and if I receive any good suggestions and/or groundwork for possibly awesome achievements.

    =-General Achievements-=
    -Sherlock Holmes (175) as detective follow the Godfather n1 and see him get lynched during the next day.
    -Opening Campaign (75) win a game as Mayor revealing yourself day1
    -third degree burns (200) as arsonist burn the 3 members of the mafia without killing a town role during this burn.
    -an Eye for an Eye (100) as Vigilante/Mafioso shoot a Vigilante/Mafioso (depending on your role) while he shoots you in the same night
    -Rampage (155) as veteran kill 5 people who visit you during the night using one of your alerts.
    -living on the edge (150) as Serial Killer survive jail/trial/night attack and win in the end. each of these most happen in the same game and this can be achieved without night immunity by getting healed.
    -Break-in (75) as godfather escape jail and have your mafia kill the jailor in any way during that same night.
    -for the greater good (50) as Bus Driver swap yourself and a town member who is attacked that night, concluding in your death.
    -Overdose (25) kill a target that has been attacked and healed. you being the second attacker overriding the heal
    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.
    Curse of Guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed ~Gzz
    Order (66)as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2)
    Scapegoat(225) get trialed 6 times during a game and survive to the end.
    Jackass (75) win a game as citizen without using vest.
    Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult.
    the light of dawn (100) get shot by the mafia, stabbed by the serial killer, burned by the arsonist and annoyed by the jester during the same night
    -First Aid (150) as doctor heal 4 people during the nighttime after they have been attacked.
    -Mandate of peace (200) Heal at least 4 town people without ever targeting maffia or natural killing roles. you have to successfully heal the 4 targets from an attack.
    -Hippie (125) can't we all just get along? win a game as serial killer without killing anybody. this does NOT exclude roleblockers.
    -Soul buddies (200) win a game as survivor/amnesiac/witch/executioner together with another person with the aforementioned role. this does only count if you both get the surv/amne/witch/exe wins ending.
    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/'heal or defend' during the same game.
    -SIlence (25) as blackmailer silence yourself thought a busdriver or a witch.
    -Hangman (225) see your target (a jester) get hung during the day as executioner and see executioner or jester win ending. both the jester and the executioner will get the achievement.
    -follow ze herd (75) during a game with atleast 5 lynches choose the option inno/guit/abstain that the majority of town chooses without ever choosing a minority vote.
    -the black sheep (75) as jester in a game with atleast 5 lynches excluding your own exclusively choose the option that the minority choose inno/guit (abstain is excluded from this achievement) and get hung as 6th lynch or later
    -Wicked Sick (175) as MassMurderer kill 6 people during the same night
    -obey your master (75) as witch save yourself from night time death by making a doctor or BodyGuard visit you ~tiloup1441
    -rock, paper, scissors (25) as MM visit the same target as another MM and survive. ~LeaD
    -knife beats paper (13) die as MM while 2 MM's visit the same target (this achievement is a sub)
    -Professionals have standards (75) as vigilante/jailor use all 3 shots/executions to kill evil roles. ~kyle1234
    -Forgotten tales (300) start the game off as amnesiac, remember you where a citizen, be recruited to become mason and take the mason leaders position when he perishes. amne > civ > mason > ML and WIN the game with town. ~LeaD
    -Disturbing the Dead (75) as jester annoy 4 people that die during night time in a row in the same game and die by getting lynched during the day. ~Trinity
    -Fireworks (100) as arsonist on the night of your recruitment into the cult burn a minimum of 3 people without burning a single cult member. ~Damus_Graves
    -Marionette (75) as witch get your mind control direct by a busdriver in such a way that you control yourself going to yourself. ~Tiloup1440

    Have a nice day. =)

    So :
    -Sherlock Holmes (175)
    Good, but a bit too much points for something random that can likely happen (especially in custom setups without citizen...). 100 points would be enough.

    -Opening Campaign (75) win a game as Mayor revealing yourself day1
    Easy in ranked. Mayor can be healed, and PMs allowed (which all in all can be extremely powerful if Mayor is good). So 25 or 50 points.

    -third degree burns (200) as arsonist burn the 3 members of the mafia without killing a town role during this burn.
    I'd change it to "kill all three mafia members in one night", town or not, and I would change the name to something different (Evil vs. Evil ? Burning Hell ?). Also, 100 or 150 points.

    -an Eye for an Eye (100) as Vigilante/Mafioso shoot a Vigilante/Mafioso (depending on your role) while he shoots you in the same night
    This one would be worth more points IMO. 150 or 200. Mafiosi aren't always in setups, and usually don't survive being identified.

    -Rampage (155) as veteran kill 5 people who visit you during the night using one of your alerts.
    Good, but 150 would be enough (why 155 ?), and I would change the name - Party Rock in the House maybe ?

    -Living on the edge (150) as Serial Killer survive jail/trial/night attack and win in the end. each of these most happen in the same game and this can be achieved without night immunity by getting healed.
    Hard to program I think...Also, extremely hard to achieve (unlikely to fool all 3). Worth a lot more points than that IMO.

    -Break-in (75) as godfather escape jail and have your mafia kill the jailor in any way during that same night.
    -For the greater good (50) as Bus Driver swap yourself and a town member who is attacked that night, concluding in your death.
    Often happens. 25 points would be enough. I would call the second one "The Transporter".

    -Overdose (25) kill a target that has been attacked and healed. you being the second attacker overriding the heal

    -Overkill (75) survive an SK/Maffia/Vigi kill during the same night. can be done by having night immunity or being jailed.
    The three are really unlikely to act on the same player...this looks a bit too random to be an achievement to me.

    Curse of guilt (25) survive the Jesters Curse by being healed ~Gzz
    Good. I would call it "Cutting the rope" though.

    Order (66)as witch consume all the vigi's kils by controlling him. (minimum of 2)
    Nice pun But very common if Witch finds vigi. 25 points max.

    Scapegoat(225) get trialed 6 times during a game and survive to the end.
    Good 200 maybe ? Also, Scapegoat wouldn't fit. Friends with the Judge maybe ?

    Jackass (75) win a game as citizen without using vest.
    No, this is too easy I think. 25 points or nothing.

    Ayee HoJoJo (66) as amnesiac get converted into the cult the night you remember you are cult.
    Good (Oyoyo ?). But 100 would be good I think. No reason to keep 66 here ^^

    the light of dawn (100) get shot by the mafia, stabbed by the serial killer, burned by the arsonist and annoyed by the jester during the same night.
    Most setups only have SK or Arsonist. So it's complicated to put an achievement depending on both roles I think.

    -First Aid (150) as doctor heal 4 people during the nighttime after they have been attacked.
    Good ! Emergency Room maybe ?

    -Mandate of peace (200) Heal at least 4 town people without ever targeting maffia or natural killing roles. you have to successfully heal the 4 targets from an attack.
    Redundant with te previous one, which is IMO better.

    -Hippie (125) can't we all just get along? win a game as serial killer without killing anybody. this does NOT exclude roleblockers.
    I love this one Works for arso too : "Lost my matches".

    -Soul buddies (200) win a game as survivor/amnesiac/witch/executioner together with another person with the aforementioned role. this does only count if you both get the surv/amne/witch/exe wins ending.
    Nah, getting one of the aforementioned wins is hard enough I think.

    -puppet master (175) as witch control a killer/roleblocker/investigative/conversion/'heal or defend' during the same game.
    Too complicated, also, depends too much on a lot of different roles.

    -SIlence (25) as blackmailer silence yourself thought a busdriver or a witch.
    Mute mode maybe ?

    -Hangman (225) see your target (a jester) get hung during the day as executioner and see executioner or jester win ending. both the jester and the executioner will get the achievement.
    Cf Soul Buddies. Too complicated to get the win.

    -the black sheep (75) as jester in a game with atleast 5 lynches excluding your own exclusively choose the option that the minority choose inno/guit (abstain is excluded from this achievement) and get hung as 6th lynch or later.
    A bit too complicated too...

    -Wicked Sick (175) as MassMurderer kill 6 people during the same night
    Nice. Texas Chainsaw Massacre ?

    -obey your master (75) as witch save yourself from night time death by making a doctor or BodyGuard visit you ~tiloup1441
    Yup !

    -rock, paper, scissors (25) as MM visit the same target as another MM and survive. ~LeaD
    Rock, paper, Chainsaw then.

    -knife beats paper (13) die as MM while 2 MM's visit the same target (this achievement is a sub)
    Well, both MM will die, no ? Freddy vs Jason maybe ?

    -Professionals have standards (75) as vigilante/jailor use all 3 shots/executions to kill evil roles. ~kyle1234
    Too much points, also jailors have 2 kills in ranked. 50 would be enough.

    -Forgotten tales (300) start the game off as amnesiac, remember you where a citizen, be recruited to become mason and take the mason leaders position when he perishes. amne > civ > mason > ML and WIN the game with town. ~LeaD
    Great Could be called "Elder Scrolls"

    -Disturbing the Dead (75) as jester annoy 4 people that die during night time in a row in the same game and die by getting lynched during the day. ~Trinity
    No need to get lynched no ? Only annoying 4 people that die would be good.

    -Fireworks (100) as arsonist on the night of your recruitment into the cult burn a minimum of 3 people without burning a single cult member. ~Damus_Graves
    Only works if Arso is not invu, so I don't think it is a good idea...

    -Marionnette (75) as witch get your mind control direct by a busdriver in such a way that you control yourself going to yourself. ~Tiloup1440
    Yo Dawg 2 ? ^^

    I would add something like :
    -The Reveal (50) Only Masons/Mason Leader are alive at the end of the game
    -Traitor (75) As a Disguiser, disguise yourself in a fellow maf member thanks to a Bus Driver or a Witch

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    That's some great feedback right there.

    I am at the pool atm but ill get at my. Laptop around 4:00 gmt +1

    Then i'll improve and extend the list even futher.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    For Fireworks being a bad idea due to having arson be not immune for conversion, not true, just have cult ignore immunity.
    Indeed, if either ofnthe options are on this can work
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Gzz View Post
    Before thsi , Ayee hojojo should be called "Wololoo ... ayooo" like the phrase who the priestes of Age of Empires used for convert
    It was meant to be exactly like the priest xd

    I swear he says ajehojojo
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Chane's Suggested Achievement list

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Brief Encounters+(50):
    As a Survivor, get witched onto a Veteran while someone attacks you and survive to win the game lynching both your attackers.
    -the lynch its a good idea and I will add it later ;)
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)



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