GUIDE: Colored names - Page 2

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  1. ISO #51

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    I think i ran out of room on the previous post: (It wont let me edit it anymore)

    -<c val="F90CC2">F</c><c val="F311BE">l</c><c val="ED16BB">u</c><c val="E61CB7">t</c><c val="E021B4">t</c><c val="DA26B0">e</c><c val="D228AA">r</c><c val="C92BA4">s</c><c val="C12D9E">h</c><c val="B82F98">y</c>


    -<c val="ffffff">James</c> <c val="FF0606">R</c><c val="DE0B0A">a</c><c val="BD100F">y</c><c val="9B1513">n</c><c val="7A1A18">o</c><c val="591F1C">r</c>

    James Raynor
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; August 30th, 2012 at 01:06 AM.

  2. ISO #52

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    I will actually just leaves these here. My own work for the real colors of the names, except pink cause I am lazy.
    Red: <c val="9C1320">
    Blue: <c val="0042FE">
    Teal: <c val="1CA7EA">
    Purple: <c val="6900A1">
    Yellow: <c val="EBE129">
    Orange: <c val="FE8A0E">
    Green: <c val="168000">
    Light Pink: <c val="B091E0">
    Violet: <c val="A633BF">
    Grey: <c val="525494">
    Dark Green: <c val="13775B">
    Brown: <c val="65390C">
    Light Green: <c val="96FF91">
    Black: <c val="3B3E43">
    Light Pink
    Dark Green
    Light Green

    These are as close as I could get them.

  3. ISO #53

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="06FFE7">L</c><c val="25FDCC">o</c><c val="44FBB2">n</c><c val="63F997">g</c><c val="83F77C">e</c><c val="A2F561">r</c><c val="C1F347"> </c><c val="E0F12C">N</c><c val="FFEF11">a</c><c val="DCDC0F">m</c><c val="BACA0C">e</c><c val="97B70A"> </c><c val="74A408">C</c><c val="519106">o</c><c val="2F7F03">d</c><c val="0C6C01">e</c>


    -<c val="860400">M</c><c val="C32E02">a</c><c val="FF5703">f</c><c val="FF5703">i</c><c val="FF5703">o</c><c val="BC2F03">s</c><c val="790703">o</c>
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; August 31st, 2012 at 10:52 AM.

  4. ISO #54

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Done for Cryptonic

    <c val="015E04">T</c><c val="213125">h</c><c val="410446">e</c><c val="A07FA3"> </c><c val="FEF9FF">J</c><c val="AB7DAF">o</c><c val="58015E">k</c><c val="2D3031">e</c><c val="015E04">r</c>
    The Joker

    -<c val="000000">T</c><c val="000000">h</c><c val="000000">e</c><c val="3818AB"> </c><c val="082FF2">J</c><c val="7D1C7D">o</c><c val="F20808">k</c><c val="F27D08">e</c><c val="F2F208">r</c>
    Craziness, abnormality Joker

    The Joker

    <c val="ffffff">The</c> <c val="045807">J</c><c val="1A3482">o</c><c val="2F10FD">k</c><c val="410CB4">e</c><c val="53076B">r</c>
    Manipulator Joker

    The Joker

    <c val="207003">T</c><c val="90B881">h</c><c val="FFFFFF">e</c><c val="FF0101"> </c><c val="810102">J</c><c val="030003">o</c><c val="58015B">k</c><c val="2E7E9F">e</c><c val="03FAE2">r</c>
    Dark Knight Joker: color coded by his looks

    The Joker
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; August 31st, 2012 at 12:32 PM.

  5. ISO #55

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="FA9907">S</c><c val="F8B509">a</c><c val="F7D10C">n</c><c val="F5ED0E">d</c><c val="F7D10C">m</c><c val="F8B509">a</c><c val="FA9907">n</c>

    <c val="040000">A</c><c val="120E0E"> </c><c val="201D1D">S</c><c val="2E2B2B">h</c><c val="3C3939">a</c><c val="412626">d</c><c val="461313">o</c><c val="4B0000">w</c>
    A Shadow
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 1st, 2012 at 01:26 AM.

  6. ISO #56

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="3D0DFF">N</c><c val="3A15CD">e</c><c val="371E9A">c</c><c val="332668">r</c><c val="302E35">o</c><c val="332668">'</c><c val="371E9A">L</c><c val="3A15CD">i</c><c val="3D0DFF">c</c>

    That one looks the best IMO

    -<c val="07FFFF">N</c><c val="11CBCD">e</c><c val="1C979A">c</c><c val="266268">r</c><c val="302E35">o</c><c val="266268">'</c><c val="1C979A">L</c><c val="11CBCD">i</c><c val="07FFFF">c</c>

    -<c val="0707FF">N</c><c val="1111CD">e</c><c val="1C1B9A">c</c><c val="262468">r</c><c val="302E35">o</c><c val="266268">'</c><c val="1C979A">L</c><c val="11CBCD">i</c><c val="07FFFF">c</c>
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 1st, 2012 at 02:25 AM.

  7. ISO #57

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Hey. I finally reached 5k.

    My nick is "Mouse on the Keys" (check on youtube if you want to know where does that come from). I'd like a grey/dark colored based nick.

    I'm running this one : -Mouse on the Keys
    But meh. A bit too much darky.

    -<c val="181112">Mouse <c val="221B1C">on the <c val="2C2526">Keys</c></c></c>
    Last edited by Antithese; September 1st, 2012 at 08:20 AM.

  8. ISO #58

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Antithese View Post
    Hey. I finally reached 5k.

    My nick is "Mouse on the Keys" (check on youtube if you want to know where does that come from). I'd like a grey/dark colored based nick.

    I'm running this one : -Mouse on the Keys
    But meh. A bit too much darky.

    -<c val="181112">Mouse <c val="221B1C">on the <c val="2C2526">Keys</c></c></c>
    I find dark ones difficult to make but here is my take on the name: Mouse on the Keys

    if you like it Ill put it in code.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    <c val="FFFFFF">M</c><c val="E1E0E0">o</c><c val="C4C1C1">u</c><c val="A6A2A2">s</c><c val="888484">e</c><c val="6B6565"> </c><c val="4D4646">o</c><c val="6B6565">n</c><c val="888484"> </c><c val="A6A3A3">K</c><c val="C4C1C1">e</c><c val="E1E0E0">y</c><c val="FFFFFF">s</c>

    -<c val="5220F3">M</c><c val="5126D6">o</c><c val="502DB9">u</c><c val="50339C">s</c><c val="4F3980">e</c><c val="4E4063"> </c><c val="4D4646">o</c><c val="6B3C3D">n</c><c val="883235"> </c><c val="A6282C">K</c><c val="C41E23">e</c><c val="E1141B">y</c><c val="FF0A12">s</c>

    Here are some lighter color fades

  10. ISO #60

    Re: Colored Names - Explained


    here you go:

    <c val="#ffffff">M</c><c val="#ffffff">o</c val><c val="#ccccc">u</c><c val="#999999">s</c><c val="#777777">e</c><c val="#555555">O</c><c val="#333333">n</c><c val="#222222">T</c><c val="#222222">h</c><c val="#333333">e</c><c val="#666666">K</c><c val="#999999">e</c><c val="#cccccc">y</c><c val="#ffffff">s</c>
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  11. ISO #61

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="ffff00">Jo</c><c val="D06E71">h</c><c val="B66F8C">n</c><c val="9D70A6">n</c><c val="8370C1">y</c> <c val="0018EF">A</c><c val="1612CD">p</c><c val="2C0DAC">p</c><c val="41078A">l</c><c val="570168">e</c><c val="9705CD">S</c><c val="B44889">e</c><c val="D28C44">e</c><c val="EFCF00">d</c>
    Johnny Apple Seed

    -<c val="240021">Z</c><c val="3F021A">e</c><c val="5A0313">r</c><c val="75050C">g</c> <c val="4E4E4B">Vs</c> <c val="FAF31D">P</c><c val="A7E154">r</c><c val="54CE8C">o</c><c val="01BCC3">t</c><c val="0685CE">o</c><c val="0A4DDA">s</c><c val="0F16E5">s</c>
    Zerg Vs Protoss

    Edit: Sry Chaney your not there yet
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 3rd, 2012 at 03:26 AM.

  12. ISO #62

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Antithese View Post
    But it's Mouse on the Keys Nvm, I'll deal with taht
    Use a little less color codes. Or merge some together.

    -<c val="FFFFFF">M</c><c val="F3F2F2">o</c><c val="E7E5E5">u</c><c val="DAD7D7">s</c><c val="CECACA">e</c><c val="BAB4B4">O</c><c val="B4ACAC">n</c><c val="A79C9C">T</c><c val="A09494">h</c><c val="9A8C8C">e</c><c val="6B6565">K</c><c val="4F4A4A">e</c><c val="332F2F">y</c><c val="171414">s</c>
    This one is 153 words in total. It should work. White to Grey to Black
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 5th, 2012 at 10:39 AM.

  13. ISO #63

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    i still think people use too much color when they do... i mostly just do names like this...

    Nothing 2 Lose
    -Nothing <c val="0018EF">2</c> Lose
    Dean Isis
    -Dean <c val="FF0000">♥</c> Isis
    that way the real color of the name is there... only the middle part is another color ^^
    i don't get killed N1 that often that way XD
    Last edited by Deantwo; September 7th, 2012 at 06:24 AM. Reason: added another name

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  14. ISO #64

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by MintBerry Crunch View Post
    Damus can i have one that says "Damus Graves" and is in rainbow colors, maybe some symbols in their too?
    I'll start working on it,

    -<c val="ff0000">◘</c> <c val="0112FF">D</c><c val="00ff00">a</c><c val="F3F301">m</c><c val="FCA903">u</c><c val="420253">s</c> <c val="ffffff">G</c><c val="0AF9E1">r</c><c val="03660A">a</c><c val="660311">v</c><c val="807F7F">e</c><c val="000000">s◘</c>
    this one is really big. You might have to take away any spacing

    Damus Graves ◘
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 12th, 2012 at 05:25 AM.

  15. ISO #65

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    I'll get right on it.

    -<c val="FA0A0A">R</c><c val="FA3233">o</c><c val="FA5A5C">n</c><c val="FA8285"> </c><c val="F9A9AD">P</c><c val="F9D1D6">a</c><c val="F9F9FF">u</c><c val="D0D0FE">l</c><c val="A6A6FC"> </c><c val="7D7DFB">2</c><c val="5454F9">0</c><c val="2A2AF8">1</c><c val="0101F6">2</c>
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 12th, 2012 at 05:24 AM.

  16. ISO #66

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="500404">S</c><c val="A85907">m</c><c val="FFAD09">a</c><c val="FF5B09">u</c><c val="FF0909">g</c>
    -<c val="060000">S</c><c val="835705">m</c><c val="FFAD09">a</c><c val="985705">u</c><c val="300101">g</c>


    Last edited by Damus_Graves; September 21st, 2012 at 08:46 AM.

  17. ISO #67

  18. ISO #68

  19. ISO #69

  20. ISO #70

  21. ISO #71

  22. ISO #72

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    -<c val="7b0099">Y</c><c val="8709a8">A</c><c val="9312b7">H</c><c val="9f1bc6">O</c><c val="ab24d5">O</c><c val="b72de4">!</c>
    -<c val="ff0000">M</c><c val="ff3232">A</c><c val="ff9696">F</c><c val="ffc8c8">I</c><c val="ffffff">A</c>
    Last edited by pat_power; December 26th, 2012 at 12:41 PM.

  23. ISO #73

    Re: Colored Names - Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by pat_power View Post

    -<c val="7b0099">Y</c><c val="8709a8">A</c><c val="9312b7">H</c><c val="9f1bc6">O</c><c val="ab24d5">O</c><c val="b72de4">!</c>
    <p><font style='color:7b0099;'>Y</font><font color="8709a8">A</font><font color="9312b7">H</font><font color="9f1bc6">O</font><font color="ab24d5">O</font><font color="b72de4">!</font><p>
    -<c val="ff0000">M</c><c val="ff3232">A</c><c val="ff9696">F</c><c val="ffc8c8">I</c><c val="ffffff">A</c>
    <p><font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff3232">A</font><font color="ff9696">F</font><font color="ffc8c8">I</font><font color="ffffff">A</font><p>
    [color="#ffffff"]This is the code for Site color use mate ^.^[/color]

  24. ISO #74

  25. ISO #75

    Colored names tool

    Mafia Name Color Tool
    Alternate Link

    How to use it:

    If you want to pick color by color, click the button at the top, select a color, enter the desired text and repeat.
    For gradients use the second button and follow the instructions.
    You can mix both methods.


    Some non-alphanumeric characters may not show up correctly in the game. That has to do with the allowed characters in SC2 and not with the application.

    The name is limited to 30 characters, because long names are annoying and can affect gameplay.

    The mafia code button is the thing for the game, the BBcode one is to post it here. Both buttons will place the data in the clipboard (like if you right click & copy or Ctrl+C), so once you click them, all you have to do is to paste it.

    Some examples:

    Simple Color Test
    Simple Gradient Text
    Color Gradient Color
    Gradient Color Gradient
    Massive Mix of Stuff

    Let me know of any bugs you may find.
    Also, if any of the admins wants to host it here, let me know to send you the app. It's 6kb in size, so the bandwidth usage would be minimum.


    So I just reached the 5k points required for the colored name and thought I could hack a quick app to get the code, so I don't have to waste time using multiple sites and then formatting it.

    My idea is to have a text box where you input the characters, which will be displayed with the currently selected color, which you may change at any time.
    I'm also thinking about adding a gradient option, so you simply pick two colors, enter the text and that's about it.
    Then there will be a box with the whole code. A button to copy it to the clipboard and a counter, telling you how many of the 255 characters you have used.

    Would that be enough for this tool? Any suggestions?
    Also, if there's anything I should know besides the 255 character limit, please let me know; I hate having to edit things once I think they're done.

    Of course, if I do this, I will make it public so all of you can use it.
    Last edited by Sen; June 27th, 2013 at 11:00 AM. Reason: typos ftw

  26. ISO #76

    Re: Colored names tool

    Here's a suggestion:
    Just use the forum... ^^

    Use the color tool and make the name however you want it to look... and then simply change the code tags from [COLOR="#FF0000"][/COLOR] to <c val="FF0000"></c>

    For more information read this:
    SC2Mafia Wiki: Color Name

    But yes a webapp would not be a bad idea.

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Colored names tool

    Yes, I'm aware of those options, but they aren't that fast.

    The forum option is good if you don't want a gradient.
    Some of those sites work for gradients, but then you either have to manually copy each hex value or to format the HTML output.

    So... what I want is pretty much to mix all of those options so you can get a name in a minute instead of five.
    Last edited by Sen; May 30th, 2013 at 01:28 AM. Reason: my usual typos

  30. ISO #80

  31. ISO #81

    Re: Colored names tool

    If you just use Notepad it is very very easy:

    1. First make it on the forum here.
      For example: [COLOR="#FF0000"]test[/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]ing[/COLOR]
    2. Copy paste all the code into Notepad.
    3. Press Ctrl+H and replace in the following:
    4. Replace [COLOR="# with <c val="
    5. Replace "] with ">
    6. And Replace [/COLOR] with </c>

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  32. ISO #82

    Re: Colored names tool

    Quote Originally Posted by Deantwo View Post
    If you just use Notepad it is very very easy:

    1. First make it on the forum here.
      For example: [COLOR="#FF0000"]test[/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]ing[/COLOR]
    2. Copy paste all the code into Notepad.
    3. Press Ctrl+H and replace in the following:
    4. Replace [COLOR="# with Replace "] with ">
    5. And Replace [/COLOR] with
    Some sort of a tool to automatically do this would be useful though

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  33. ISO #83

  34. ISO #84

  35. ISO #85

    Re: Colored names tool

    ive made several gradient names with the 2nd and 3rd links from the wiki. I don't think its a big problem or all that time consuming, pick about 8 colors and just copy and paste a previous working name, and replace the letters and color codes. each name takes me anywhere from 7minutes if all goes well, to 20mins if im having lots of problems. but it would be nice if there was a little something something to get it done a little faster or make it a little easier.

    <c val="003300">Wy</c><c val="062E06">rv</c><c val="0C290C">en </c> <c val="132513">R</c><c val="192019">id</c><c val="201B20">er </c> <c val="261726">H</c><c val="2D122D">e</c><c val="330D33">a</c><c val="3A093A">t</c><c val="400440">h</c>

    <c val="0000FF">C</c><c val="1100FF">r</c><c val="2200FF">e</c><c val="3300FF">s</c><c val="4400FF">t</c> <c val="5500FF">K</c><c val="6600FF">n</c><c val="7600FF">i</c><c val="8800FF">g</c><c val="9900FF">h</c><c val="AA00FF">t</c>

    <c val="800000">B</c><c val="9F0606">l</c><c val="BF0C0C">o</c><c val="DF1212">o</c><c val="FF1919">d</c><c val="DF1212">s</c><c val="BF0C0C">h</c><c val="9F0606">e</c><c val="800000">d</c>

    <c val="FFA319">O</c><c val="FFBA52">ka</c><c val="FFD18C">mi</c><c val="FFE8C5"> A</c><c val="FFFFFF">ma</c><c val="FFE8C5">te</c><c val="FFD18C">ra</c><c val="FFBA52">s</c><c val="FFA319">u</c>

  36. ISO #86

    Re: Colored names tool

    So that's it. It seems we're all lazy to a degree. d:
    I'll start working on it tonight when I get back home.

    Edit: Ok. Just got back home. Let's hope I don't get distracted. I should have something functional in a couple of hours.

    Edit2: It's almost functional; there's only an issue with the formatting while mixing single colors and gradients. i'll have some drinks and figure it out before going to bed.
    Last edited by Sen; May 31st, 2013 at 12:10 AM. Reason: updates

  37. ISO #87

  38. ISO #88

  39. ISO #89

  40. ISO #90

  41. ISO #91

  42. ISO #92

    Re: Colored names tool

    Donor the Donor
    We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only shouting against imperialism, but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it. Kim Il Sung
    [CENTER]S-FM: Bus Drivers, S-FM: Trust, S-FM: Double Killers, S-FM: Double Killers Too, S-FM: Heart of the Swarm [COLOR="#FF0000"]HOST[SIZE=1]

  43. ISO #93

  44. ISO #94

  45. ISO #95

  46. ISO #96

    Re: Colored names tool

    What's cool is you can do a solid color then insert a gradient.
    Rap Master Marky mark
    --<c val="c4ba01">Rap Master</c> <c val="6d1cf6">M</c><c val="7b1de6">a</c><c val="891fd6">r</c><c val="9720c6">k</c><c val="a622b6">y </c><c val="c22596">m</c><c val="d12786">a</c><c val="df2876">r</c><c val="ed2a66">k</c>
    My best name work ever.

  47. ISO #97

    Re: Colored names tool

    This turned out pretty good. ^^

    Just wanted to let you know this, SC2 has a limit as to how much you can write in one chat message. I think the limit is 256 characters but i could be wrong, a little warning when your code gets too long would maybe be a good idea (if you haven't already that is.)

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  48. ISO #98

  49. ISO #99

    Re: Colored names tool

    Also I do not know if it is possible with the way you made this, but for the most part when i use a colored name I only do one letter, like this:

    -Girl <c val="fe3c45">♥</c> .txt

    -Girl .txt

    That way the rest of the name simply gets the color of whatever # player I'm in game. But I noticed that your app colors everything white.

    -<c val="ffffff">Girl </c><c val="ff0000">♥ </c><c val="ffffff">.txt</c>

    -Girl .txt

    Another thing that could be cool if you can, allow people to simply enter in the hex code of the color they want.

    PS: Sorry if I'm asking too much, just want to help. ^^;

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  50. ISO #100



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    By SHINRamen in forum Mafia Discussion
    Replies: 13
    Last Post: July 21st, 2013, 07:57 PM
  2. Colored Names explained? Where has it gone?
    By biersteker in forum Mafia Discussion
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: December 30th, 2012, 01:18 PM
  3. Colored Names
    By Seven81493 in forum Mafia Discussion
    Replies: 9
    Last Post: July 19th, 2012, 08:45 AM
  4. Re: Colored Names - Explained
    By jaczac in forum General Archive
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: October 1st, 2011, 01:51 PM

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