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  1. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    You're also leaving out that free speech in the US has also historically been negotiable - like everywhere else it's a constant ongoing battle. During times of war or crisis or great fear, free speech has been tightly controlled in the USA, as it has everywhere else. I presume you've heard of Mccarthyism - when 1000s of people in academia, the media and politics were prosecuted in Kangaroo Courts or silently sternly warned for ALLEGED ties to socialism. That can hardly be regarded as the behaviour of a thriving bastion of free speech. I believe some limits on free speech were placed during the Patriot Act, but I may be confusing them with limits on the right to privacy.

    Furthermore, members of BDS, a Palestinian rights organization, are literally banned from entry to the US. They are not particularly violent, but I believe they are banned with the excuse of racism or anti-semitism. They've suppressed BDS activism in other ways I believe, but I don't want to say smth wrong. I can get back to you on that if you care.
    I will agree on this point. Freedom of speech has at times been endangered in the United States. Before McCarthyism, you had the Alien and Sedition acts passed by the Federalists and supported by John Adams, the Comstock Laws, the Sedition Act of 1918, the Palmer Raids, etc.

    But these are the exceptions that prove the rule. And while you might argue that due to these exceptions free speech is a useless ideal to strive towards, I would argue the opposite. America needs a firm commitment to free speech more than ever. We are currently living through a second McCarthyism, only this time it is coming from the left. Right wing ideals are stifled and censored, or blamed on "Russian bots." Democrats in congress like AOC openly discuss creating blacklists of former Trump "collaborators and apologists." Tech giants and the legacy media blatantly tried to burry news stories about Hunter and Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine. Now they are hiding all evidence of possible voter fraud without even doing their journalistic due diligence and investigating the claims themselves. The trends are not looking good for the last bastion of free speech on this earth.
  2. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Viewing free speech as a binary is profoundly insane. You lump together Germany which has banned the drawing of swastika due to historical sensitivities with Iran which imprisons people for legitimately protesting a theocratic state and then you lump both of these with North Korea - the apex of authoritarian censorship, where every microscopic piece of information is tightly controlled.

    I urge you to reconsider such a black and white view of the world. Imagine you're a developing democracy in North Africa or the Middle East and you're told you have absolutely no freedom of speech if you maintain some speech barriers due to religious baggage? You're telling them to throw any effort out the window and be like North Korea. You're telling the world stage to treat them as equivalent to North Korea, and destabilize their attempts at serious government as we would with North Korea, because their free speech is indistinguishable. On the other end of the spectrum, you're simultaneously undermining criticism of these same countries for their their free speech limits because, hey, not even Germany or the UK truly has freedom of speech, right? Criticizing them for not attaining such a lofty principal seems hardly fair.

    I fear you only take such a hardline stance to justify to yourself why you care so much about anti-trans laws in Canada that noone has actually been imprisoned for. If they're anything like the hate speech laws here in the UK, I know they're all bark and have absolutely no serious bite.
    You're damn right I would lump all of those countries in together, at least when it comes to free speeh. The UK and Canada may not have the same human rights abuses and oppressive regimes that prevail in Iran or North Korea. But when it comes to free speech we are not much better.

    The United States is just about the only country on earth with functionally absolute freedom of speech and expression. The president may not like it when Collin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem. It is somewhat idiotic that someone would use the right to free speech guaranteed by their nation in order to disparage said nation. But ultimately neither the president nor anyone else in government can do jack shit about it, because the 1A very clearly protects free speech. Once you start adding too many politically motivated ifs ands or buts to your "free speech" protections in the way Canada, Germany, the UK, etc. do then you no longer have free speech. You have quasi-"""free""" speech with multiple asterisks and addendums.

    As to your second point, are you seriously arguing that hate speech laws are okay just because they are rarely enforced? That just seems like a "worst of both worlds" solution. People who want free speech will feel they are being oppressed just because the laws are in place, whereas totalitarians who want to limit what we can say will get mad because the thought police won't arrest that guy who said we need less immigrants.
  3. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    Of course you can, you can say whatever you want. That's what free speech is.

    I'm fully free to tell you you're a fucking dumbass and that your views are straight up retarded. I could even ban you from the site if I wanted to, just for being a Trump supporter.

    Then you and others are free to respond however you want to me doing that, including calling me a libtard snowflake and leaving the site in mass.

    That's what freedom is. Not your pussified hugbox elementary school "everyone's opinions matter " bullshit.
    Based and redpilled.

    Seriously though, I agree with most of what Oberon has said. And if a backwater little internet forum like this with at most a few thousand users bans or censors someone that the administrators don't like, then it isn't that big a deal. The problems arise when forums which have become the de facto "digital commons" like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc. start banning speech that the administrators don't like, all the while pretending that they aren't acting as publishers under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. When enough of these big players adopt woke ideologies and speech codes, you can't just pack up and exercise your right to free speech elsewhere. There is no elsewhere. Those sites represent a giant chunk of the internet.

    If Facebook, Twitter, etc. don't want to be seen as publishers, then they should be forced to act as dumb pipes for the free speech of others, just as they wanted ISPs to act as "dumb pipes" for the transmission of data under net neutrality. Exceptions can be made for blatantly illegal content like CP and death threats, but as a general rule if speech would be permitted under the first amendment, then that speech should be permitted on most web platforms.
  4. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Totally misread your comment and took it to mean that people are fired for NOT supporting Trump. My bad lol.

    And if you view free speech as a gradient then I guess you could say Europe (as well as the rest of the Anglosphere) has "less" free speech than the U.S. Personally, I view free speech as a binary. It either exists or it doesn't. As a Canadian if I, say, argue that gender dysphoria is a mental illness and that trans women are not real women (just a hypothetical, not saying that is my real view), then I could be put in jail. Saying something which was the common view of most of the population just a decade ago could now land you in jail. The laws aren't often enforced because they are ridiculous, but the fact that they exist at all is enough to stifle most people from saying what they really think and unwittingly committing a thoughtcrime.

    As for elections in the U.S., they are a complete joke. Aside from all of the ballots submitted by dead people, there were so many duplicate ballots sent out, ballot harvesting by campaign organizers, voting machine "glitches," etc. The fact that mandatory voter ID laws have been politicized by the democrats as "voter suppression" is ridiculous, as is the fact that recounts and ballot audits are being challenged. Both sides should have a vested interest in making sure that only valid votes are counted. It makes you wonder why the Democrats are so afraid of losing votes from dead people and non-citizen voters. They've been preaching for so long that voter fraud is a complete myth, right? Shouldn't they have nothing to fear from an audit of the ballots?
  5. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    There's a difference between "I don't like this, make it stop" and "This is a demonstrable lie, here's the proof it's a lie, now make it stop"
    As if Democrats never lie. Remember how Trump only won in 2016 because of Russian collusion? Heck I'm sure there are STILL democrats who are convinced that a few shitty Russian memes on facebook made all of the boomers vote for Trump. Couldn't possibly be because Hillary was an odious and blatantly two-faced candidate. What you're advocating for is selective censorship against only one side, which is extremely dangerous in a democracy. Censorship could be wielded against your political opponents today, and then against causes you support tomorrow. If you restrict someone's right to peaceably voice their opposition and enact change at the ballot box, then you make violence their only possible recourse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I’m European and we do have free speech. The only difference between the US and various European countries is quantitative, not qualitative. Europe most certainly does have free speech, just not quite as much as the US.
    The difference is of historical interest though seeing as in the US people have gotten fired for supporting Donald Trump. I have never heard of something like that happening here.
    Lel Europe does NOT have free speech. You have the same bullshit hate speech laws we have here in Canada, where you can go to jail just for "misgendering" someone. Just look at this recent story out of Scotland, where even speech in the home is now being prosecuted: I have also heard of far more people losing jobs and being harassed for being Trump supporters than for being Biden/Hillary supporters. There's a reason far less people told the pollsters they were voting for Trump than actually did on election day. Look up social desirability bias. Everyone knows woke fortune 500 companies hate Trump supporters, so they deny it to pollsters, employers, oftentimes even from their own family and friends.
  6. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    If you're European though, I can see why your first instinct is toward censorship of speech you don't like. Europeans have never really had free speech. Hate speech laws, anti-sedition laws, etc. have always been the norm over there.
  7. Forum:General Discussion


    Thread Author:oops_ur_dead

    Post Author:thedougler



    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    News companies that publishes sensationalised, misleading or unrest-inciting news? Slap them with hefty fines or completely shut them down.
    I absolutely hate how support of totalitarian censorship is being normalized in 2020. The answer to free speech you don't like is never censorship. The answer is more free speech. If your idea has more merit than theirs, then it will win out if it is sufficiently backed up by facts and logic. The Streisand Effect is a thing, and whenever Big Brother Twitter, Google and Facebook try to hide a story, they just end up fanning the flames of conspiracy.
  8. ►►Re: Donald Trump stops terrorism by banning immigrants from a random selection of Muslim countries◄◄

    My comments are still triggering libs even 3 years later
  9. Forum:Circlejerk

    Thread:Top500 posters, in order.

    Thread Author:OzyWho

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Top500 posters, in order.◄◄

    Wow not even in the top 100. Sad!
  10. Replies

    ►►Re: Total Pokemon Russia - New season!◄◄

    Someone just kill me. Put me out of my misery.
  11. Forum:Circlejerk


    Thread Author:Marshmallow Marshall

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Watermeloaan◄◄

    I can attest to the fact that watermeloan was an OG member of the VERY prestigious clan Tafkal. He was probably among the first 10 people to join, and from late 2014 to early 2015 he trolled with Balthy, Yuki and me. He never knew the original Tafkal, but he was eager to learn about the dark lord's teachings. When mod pressure grew too great he left the clan. Then he threw a FM and made a bad name for himself. The rest is history.
  12. Forum:Circlejerk

    Thread:the price of moderator

    Thread Author:Muv-Luv

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: the price of moderator◄◄

    Did somebody say N E C R O?
  13. Replies

    ►►Re: Is Sc2 Mafia melting down?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    But while you're at it, do you have ideas to keep Sc2 Mafia alive?
    Yeah it's called Warcraft 4
  14. Replies

    ►►Re: Is Sc2 Mafia melting down?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    A thread by DR called "Not Leaving" in the Archive says: the best thing you can do to help me is to not melt down.

    The fact is: MAFIA IS MELTING DOWN. Why? Because of people like Necroplant :P and because of the lack of publicity. Sc2 itself will die in some years. So there comes my question: What will we do when Sc2 will not be popular enough to get games? I DON'T WANT TO GO PLAY TOWN OF SALEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe a good thing would be a continuation of Sc2 Mafia on the next RTS that Blizzard will make
    Maybe The Narrator will be the next Sc2 Mafia
    Maybe FM will be here forever

    Send ideas! And please give ideas on how to make the game more popular, with more newcomers getting in. I don't want this wonderful game & community to die
    Did I miss something? Has the God returned?
  15. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:North Korea

    Thread Author:Marshmallow Marshall

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: North Korea◄◄

    Kim Jong Un is sexy and really good at basketball. People don't obey out of fear but out of love. Trump is jealous because he has a little pee pee and can't even get it up.
  16. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:JOiN tHE REsiSTaNCe

    Thread Author:MOCKINGJAY

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: JOiN tHE REsiSTaNCe◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    i dont get it, banana cucho is an upstanding member of this community? Could this be necroplant hacking her?
    @Necroplant the death toll is catastrophic. We MUST bow to their wishes. You MUST contact me!
  17. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:God has returned

    Thread Author:deathworlds

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: God has returned◄◄

    Welcome black my friend.
  18. Replies

    ►►Re: Anyone got a VR Gaming headset?◄◄


    LOL I hope you guys don't fall for this meme

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  19. Replies

    ►►Re: Stealthbomber enters a pokemon draft league!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    sad nerds go get some pussy instead of playing pokemon:go fuck yourself
  20. Replies

    ►►Re: TheDougler: 1-S2-1-2956484◄◄

    Tossangel just completed the restore. Thanks! :^}
  21. Replies

    ►►Re: TheDougler: 1-S2-1-2956484◄◄

    Thx I will PM any admins I see online.
  22. Replies

    ►►TheDougler: 1-S2-1-2956484◄◄

    Account Name: TheDougler
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-2956484
    Your Realm: North America
    Approximate Points: 33,122

    Hai got a new PC and I would like my points restored. Please help meeee

    Name: -Mafia- (1032).SC2Replay
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    Name: achievements.PNG
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    Name: points.PNG
Views: 8
Size: 966.8 KB
  23. Replies

    ►►Re: Total Pokemon Russia - New season!◄◄

    I really really love your vids.
  24. Replies

    ►►Re: Total Pokemon Russia - New season!◄◄

    I love your vids more.
  25. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:Hows It?

    Thread Author:GriM-DeMoN

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Hows It?◄◄

    Good thread.
  26. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:Why did she leave me?

    Thread Author:Ash

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Why did she leave me?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    No? I don't watch anime. If you do you should kys.
    Pepe is a hate meme.
  27. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Glad you're considering the US now. It will be better for you in the long run to plant your roots there, even if you have temporary reservations about Trump or whatever. I would go myself if I could
  28. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:Why did she leave me?

    Thread Author:Ash

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Why did she leave me?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    That doesn't make sense. Please go back to watching anime you degenerate weeaboo.
    Wasn't you avatar from Code Geass until just recently? You're the only weab here man. Stop projecting.
  29. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Oh and as a rule of thumb when looking at imperial units of length, just double it and you'll have a very rough equivalent in cm/km. It's not exact but useful if you need to quickly contextualize differences. As for temperature, farenheit is just a clusterfuck and I have no idea how it translates into celsius at all. It seems to translate into celsius in a nonlinear way which is just confusing as fuck.
  30. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Espozito View Post
    That's what I thought. People say you can make good living there, if you work fairly equally to earn it. I guess that varies and depends on certain conditions, but overall it's fine, right?

    That's the single best summary of a country I've ever seen!

    If it's required I think I'd learn it. I mean, extra language is always a good thing in my book (yet I can only speak two, I know, I know). So if I really consider moving there I should speak French too, right? I mean, is it obligatory or are there a lot of French-only places and people?
    So BC is like the gold of Canada in terms of living? Also I could still get money through online work on different projects in Canada, right? Or does it require me to get a physical job right at my location?
    Yes, the first place I considered moving to was the US. I mean, it's like a whole world. But one of the things that bother me is the imperial system. I feel like it's going to be harder for me to get used to the US units than learning French or German. Or maybe I'm wrong and it's going to be like riding a biycicle for the first time. Weird, uncomfortable, but quckly getting used to it with practice.
    Speaking French is an asset in terms of getting a job here, but nowhere outside of Quebec is it a "requirement". I don't work in tech so you would know better whether telecommuting is an option for you. If I were you and I found a job where I could work from home, I'd try to find a rural home (with decent internet service options!) to keep my living expenses low.

    BC is great in so many ways, but the cities are very, very ridiculously expensive there. If you prefer natural attractions to cultural ones, then BC has Quebec beat, especially if you are into skiing and climbing. But Quebec has Old Montreal, Quebec City, and in many ways feels like the most European part of Canada. After living in Ontario most of my life, I could not in good conscience recommend it to you. It has some nice parts, but the bad definitely outweighs the good. Smiths Falls, Kingston, etc. and all the medium sized cities are hellholes. Ottawa is a hellhole. Toronto is an expensive hellhole. The north of the province is a goddamned wasteland that makes Siberia look like the French Riviera.

    Really just do yourself a favour and move to the US. It's such a geographically diverse place that your choice of lifestyle will be much greater. Trump will make it great again, you just need to have faith in him.
  31. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    Nah bruh, just go to NDG and work on monkland or queen mary. or if you're a big baller just live in westmount where no one expects you to even know french
    Unless he is buddies with Putin I don't think Westmount is in his price range lol.
  32. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    ohhhh hellllllll to the fuck no. as someone who lived in montreal for 18 years pretty much to the day, you definitely wanna live at least more central. Especially if you're coming with friends or yourself.
    West Island is the only english part though. I'm just saying he should consider it if he doesn't think learning French is an option. You can probably get by living downtown if you only speak English, but finding a job will be much harder. Also there are some VERY nice houses there, especially along the south shore in Dorval and Pointe Claire IIRC. Whereas downtown everything looks like it was built in the 1840s and hasn't been maintained since.
  33. Replies

    ►►Re: Whould I Move to Another Country?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    If you come to Canada you definitely wanna settle in BC, Ontario or Quebec. Weather wise, Quebec may be the best.

    Now if you want Mountains, I would suggest BC, maybe even Alberta.

    If you want good people, definitely Ontario.

    If you want good partying, very blended, good drugs, hot bitches, that definitely Quebec.

    No one goes to the maritimes, no one cares about saskatchewan and manitoba

    and what the fuck is the yukon?
    I would not suggest Onterrible to anyone. If it's an issue of you not wantimg to learn French, the suburbs on the west island of Montreal are entirely English speaking anyway. Quebec is quite nice and is one of the last places in Canada with affordable housing AND a decent job market. BC is probably nicer overall but housing there is insanely overpriced. Everywhere else in Canada is third world or bordering on third world. Ash is not wrong, and if you can get into the US instead I would heavily suggest that you do.
  34. Replies

    ►►Re: I miss being a noob at mafia◄◄

    Also Ash are u impersonating Gyrlander with that pic?
  35. Replies

    ►►Re: I miss being a noob at mafia◄◄

    IKR? They should be playing real games like LoL...
  36. Replies

    ►►Re: I miss being a noob at mafia◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by powerofdeath View Post
    Title say it all, games tend to be more fun when you are new to it, and are still learning and trying to be better at mafia. Now I just don't love the appeal of mafia anymore. Dunno, but I remember my favorite games were my first few FMs. Anybody else the same?
    My first FM was just last year so I still feel like a noob kinda, and the few games I actually have time for are still very exciting.

    But on the SC2 map I remember during my first few games back in 2011, whenever anyone would claim invest I was wondering "why are these people talking about 'investing'"? I had played the actual party game a few times before that so the only roles I really knew well were sheriff, citizen, doctor and mafioso. Took me a while to figure out they were talking about the investigator.

    It then took me a long time to memorize which roles appear the same to the invest, eg. SK and doctor both "have knives". I don't remember when they changed how invest works so he sees each person's crimes, but I was pissed off that basically everything I had memorized so well over a few years was now useless.

    When I was a noob I also trolled a lot more. I probably had more fun with the game then, but I definitely don't miss sucking and not knowing any of the role interactions.
  37. Forum:Forum Mafia Discussion

    Thread:Wrong Battle Tag

    Thread Author:Shockswift

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: Wrong Battle Tag◄◄

    I did the same thing when I was on my old PC and AFAIK it changes nothing. You still appear as your actual ID ingame and not the one you entered.
  38. Replies

    ►►Re: IN-GAME TEXT TOO SMALL? Use -magnify large today!◄◄

    Wow please dont call azn people squinty-eyed that's so rude...
  39. Replies

    ►►Re: What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    Oops is the only guy here I've seen with a 2010 join date baring DarkRev himself. I think he wins.

    I still don't know wtf you guys mean by the COM site. I didn't really attempt to visit forums for SC2 maf for the first two years I played though. A lot of the names you mention are familiar but I haven't seen them post here.
  40. Replies

    ►►Re: What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    Know who S.A.S.cnl.Alpha is - oldfag
    do not know - newfag
    I had to google that.... So was it really just some guy who used to post here who hanged himself? Also I am in page 2 of that thread and have yet to see any proof he actually did it...
  41. Replies

    ►►Re: What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    When was cultist introduced in the game? I think it's 2012 but I can't remember now. Judge and Triad were 2014 right?
  42. Replies

    ►►Re: What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Fury View Post
    Newfag = 2016 and up for me.
    Oldfag = 2011 and down.

    In this system, most of us are normal faggots.
    Who do you think you are to reject my classifications? You are either a newfag or an oldfag. There is no in-between.
  43. Replies

    ►►Re: What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Any1 from
    The old COM site 4 me
    That's so oldfag I don't even know what it was.
  44. Replies

    ►►What is the cutoff between newfags and oldfags?◄◄

    Every community that has been around long enough develops a cancerous split between newfags and oldfags at some point. For 4chan everyone would agree 2006 is the cutoff point when newfags/cancer started arriving. For older sites like gamefaqs and arstechnica you have dinosaurs with join dates from the 1990s who look down on latecomers. Before them you have the OGs from the Usenet era who think anyone using the internet after the onset of commercial ISPs is a newfag.

    SC2 Mafia is relatively recent but the community has obviously changed a lot and most of the people who were around 5 years ago are no longer active. What do you consider an "oldfag" for SC2Mafia? 2011? 2010? People who played the warcraft 3 map?
  45. Forum:Circlejerk

    Thread:My Real Life Information

    Thread Author:Helz

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: My Real Life Information◄◄

    did this nigga just dox himself?
  46. Forum:Circlejerk


    Thread Author:thedougler

    Post Author:thedougler



    I had long since given up hope. I assumed he died in ignominy some time in the past two years. Turns out good ol necro is alive and posts on the blizzard forums for Overwatch. Some of his posts are as recent as november of last year. And before you start wondering, yes he still trolls

    We should reach out to him and invite this illustrious former pillar of the community back to Sc2 Mafia, IF he will have us that is. An offer of admin powers might suit his station and would be a good incentive. Just in time for April fools too. I wish for the mods here to seriously consider this. He is the hero we need if not the one we deserve.
  47. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q

    Thread Author:RLVG

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown1234 View Post
    First off, I want to apologize to everyone playing in this game (Voss especially) and RLVG for what went down during the game.

    I'm not going to pretend like I am innocent, I made a mistake and should have been more careful with what was happening. That being said, this issue will not happen again from me.

    Moving on to the actual game, Well done Fury and Well deserved win. You did a good job bussing your teammates day 1, and that combined with Stealth visiting you night 1 drew very little attention to yourself for most of the game.

    thedougler, sorry for pushing you for most of the game. I never really gave you a chance and was way too tunnel visioned in this game.

    Mesk, good job with the emotions that you used to convince me you weren't evil. Emotion is a powerful weapon and hopefully I won't be too convinced by it in the future.

    SuperJack, I don't feel like I did anything wrong in my push against you. I genuinely felt you were scummy with claiming everything I said as your own and not knowing basic details about the Joker's role. That being said, I definitely did read you as town day 1 and 2 for the longest time.

    Voss, sorry for ruining the game experience for you. It wasn't my intention and feel terrible that it happened in the first place. I would have liked to have been the one mod-killed, but obviously it wasn't a very good option for the game state.

    Btw, I saw a lot of discussion about people being able to confirm themselves through the information and their pm's. Was I the only Citizen that Didn't get a Night 2 Feedback back?
    I never got feedback. IIRC RLVG said any cits getting feedback was an error on his part.
  48. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q

    Thread Author:RLVG

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Fury View Post
    Also town hammering Gyrlander with no ability to defend himself despite me begging for you guys not to hammer was the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
    I couldn't see gyr talking his way out of a lynch. I don't like to waste time.
  49. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q

    Thread Author:RLVG

    Post Author:thedougler


    ►►Re: S-FM 225: WIFOM Mafia Q◄◄

    Whenever Mesk acts indignant at an accusation I will know she is scum now.

    Also thanks for the sendoff in a blaze of glory RLVG. Gj host.
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