Search Results - SC2 Mafia


Type: Posts; User: BmfBrando

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  1. Replies

    {Watch List} ►►Re: BmFBrando: 1-S2-1-317256◄◄

    Edit: I wish I would have screen shotted our conversation. After reading it, half of it has been photo shopped out. Everything he said at the very top has been cut out leaving only my responses to him. The only reason I was even remotely mean to him is from what he was saying above what he posted. After he ignored me, he then unignored me and continued to harass me. Why would I ignore him from how our conversation is going in what he posted? It doesn't make any sense. I never cheat and never will so I don't care if you review the post. I would just like to request you take reports from people who are obviously hiding their side of the story more seriously. Also, calling a lag cheat on a game that was over before conversation even happens next day is beyond ridiculous.
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