{Permanently Banned} LittleBigPiggy: 1-S2-1-13152020

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  1. ISO #1

    LittleBigPiggy: 1-S2-1-13152020

    Account Name: BigPiggy
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-13152020
    In-Game Name: Little Big Piggy

    Crimes Committed: Game Throwing, Griefing, (possible bank hacking? 10000 points with low game count), another rachyl alt

    Your Account Name: Mayhem
    Summary: Obviously game throwing playing town, killing town players, says he will side with mafia (and does). Intent was found by trying to get "Light Yagami" killed the entire game.

    Then goes on to wish death upon "Light Yagami" and how they will kill their entire family.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by whitechapel; December 22nd, 2024 at 08:21 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: LittleBigPiggy: 1-S2-1-13152020

    1-S2-1-13152020 is Correct.

    No clan tag.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    4x banlist earlier this year. https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showt...-S2-1-13152020

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    BigPiggy - "Little Big Piggy" - VETERAN - 9

    10017 points on 16 wins out of 29 games. Flawless Victory, Last of Kin, Generosity, and Altruism.


    Setup: Someone is possibly impersonating Ikarus, offering 10K points for reviews. Mayhem asks how BigPiggy has 10K points on relatively few wins. Kira gets the host. BigPiggy is a patron, so that explains the 10K. Save loads.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: Nothing but banter.
    N1: 9 (VETERAN) stays on alert. Kills: MAFIA, SERIAL KILLER.
    D2: 13 (WITCH) and 11 (cleaned CORONER) are dead. 7 hardclaims LOOKOUT and reports a lead on who killed 13. 9 claims 14 is SK (which is consistent with one of 7's leads). Several counterclaims, 7 to trial. 9 says "Fuck you kira" during vote phase. 7 goes down 5-2 on a LOOKOUT claim. 9 whispers to 14 (kira) "See you tonight. Ill kill u". 7 flips LOOKOUT.
    N2: 9 stays on alert and sets a LW of "Fuck kira kill kira's kids and him". A roleblock attempts to block 9, but is killed, but a BODYGUARD covers the ESCORT and dies. Two more people visit 9. Kills: BODYGUARD (VETERAN survives), VETERAN, VETERAN, SERIAL KILLER.
    D3: 10 (BODYGUARD), 2 (GODFATHER), 5 (SHERIFF) and 12 (EXECUTIONER) are all dead. 9 whispers to 14 "Go fucking kill yourself pussy bitch. I'll shoot your family". 9 tries to get 14 killed again. 14 to trial on 9's claim that he's SERIAL KILLER. 14 earlier softclaimed ESCORT protected by BODYGUARD. 9 calls 14 a pedophile in PM, and 14's defense fails, getting him convicted by a count of 2-0. Flip is ESCORT.
    N3: 9 alerts and changes LW. Kills: MAFIA, VETERAN.
    D4: 3 (MARSHALL) and 4 (SERIAL KILLER) are dead. With two MAFIA opposing two VETERANS, 9 says he'll "side with mafia". 6 to trial with 9's help. During vote phase 9 says "I'll kill kira's family" and 9 hammers 6 1-0. Flip is VETERAN.
    N4: 9 does nothing, despite having unlimited alerts. No kills.
    D5: Nobody is dead. 1 and 8 vote up 9 and execute him. 9 repeatedly threatens Kira on the stand. 9 goes down 1-0, flips VETERAN. MAFIA claim the win.

    Was the game result altered?
    Probably. It was ELO for town and the ESCORT had no counterclaim for their action, and 9 knew there was a roleblock attempted on them and saved by BODYGUARD due to feedback.

    Player Offenses:

    LittleBigPiggy: Personal threats, intentional gamethrowing

    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!



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