Rectangle VS. Rhombus
Presented by: Oli
Original Set-Up
Heavily inspired by Lumi
How do i add a cool Photo/Video with a visible area?
The Town of the Rectangles is plagued by the crimes of the Rhombi.
Will the Rectangles be able to find all the Rhombi hidden in their ranks, before the Rhombi outnumber the Rectangles?
Only time will tell. Until then... stay vigilant and watch Your back.
Spoiler : Set-Up :
Character Roles
Grave Digger
Bus Driver
Faction Roles
Spoiler : Specific Role Descriptions :
Character Role Descriptions
- Your vote counts as 2 votes for the purposes of lynching
- You are NOT confirmed town
- Protect 1 person each night from death
- Protects target against mafia and vigilante kills. Does not protect against jailor executions or veteran/bodyguard kills.
- No feedback is given or received for a successful heal
- Watch over someone each night, seeing which people target that person
- Sees all people who visit your target, regardless of where they appear on the OoO
Compulsive Veteran
- Go on alert each night, killing anyone who targets you
- You MUST go on alert and have unlimited charges
- Kills through this ability bypass any protection/healing
- You are immune to mafia and vigilante kills. You are not immune to bodyguard kills or jailor executions.
- You do not kill anyone who targets you with a day action, and being jailed prevents you from going on alert.
- Automatically protect yourself each night, giving yourself immunity.
- If you are targeted by a mafia or vigilante kill, you do not die. Instead, your receive feedback that you were targeted by a kill, and have your role converted to citizen (losing all character abilities, but not faction abilities)
- You are not immune to jailor executions or veteran/bodyguard kills.
- May kill 1 target on any given night
- If a town aligned member is successfully killed using this action, your role is converted to citizen (losing all character abilities, but not faction abilities).
- Aside from this restriction, you have unlimited shots
Grave Digger
- Once per day, you may target any character in the graveyard, gaining all of their CHARACTER abilities for the rest of that day and the following night.
- Survivalists or vigilantes who died as citizens are treated as having no character ability.
- Saving yourself as a survivalist or killing a town aligned character as a vigilante will permanently convert you to a citizen (losing all character abilities, but not faction abilities).
- You may NOT target a dead mayor, all other roles are fair game.
- Once per day, you may target any character to be jailed
- If, and only if, no lynch occurs on that day, target character will jailed by you during the following night.
- You may communicate with jailed characters during the night, and jailed characters are role blocked and unable to join any other night chats.
- You may execute a jailed character at the end of the night, bypassing all healings and immunities.
- You have unlimited executions
- Each night, you may target 1 person to be role-blocked, preventing any night actions.
- Can not prevent jailor executions, which are performed earlier in the OoO.
- No feedback is given to the target from this ability.
- Each day, you may target up to 4 people (including yourself) to network.
- The following night, all people targeted will form a night chat.
- You may target less then 4 people.
- If you do not target yourself, you will not be included in the chat.
- Jailed people will not be able to join the chat.
- You may not setup a night chat if you are jailed.
Bus Driver
- Each night, target 2 people to be swapped.
- All other actions targeting one of the swapped persons will instead target the other person.
- Does not affect jailor executions or escort roleblocks, which occur earlier in the OoO.
- No feedback is given to either of the swapped individuals.
- Target 1 person each night, protecting them.
- If the protected individual is targeted by a mafia or vigilante attack, they do not die. Instead both you and the attacker die.
- Both of these deaths cannot be prevented by any means.
- Protection does not trigger on jailor executions or veteran kills.
- No feedback will be given for a successful protection.
- Target 1 person each night to investigate
- If the target has a mafioso faction role, you will be informed they appear to be mafia aligned.
- If the target has a town faction role, you will be informed they appear town aligned.
Factions Roles
Rhombus {Mafia}
- You are aligned with the Rhombi. You win when all rectangle-aligned members are dead and at least one rhombi-aligned member is still alive.
- You know the identities of all other mafia-aligned players, and may chat with them each night.
- Each night, one member of the mafia may kill a target player as a free action, in addition to any character actions.
Rectangle {Town}
- You are aligned with the Rectangles. You win when all Rhombi aligned members are dead and at least one rectangle-aligned member is still alive.
- You have no additional abilities (aside from your character ability)
Spoiler : Order of Operations :
Order of operations (OoO):
Start of Night:
Card Sharp sets up a night chat
All night chats open
End of night
Jailor executes
Veteran goes on alert, Survivalist protects himself
Lookout goes into position
Escort roleblocks
Coach driver switches targets
Bodyguard protects
Doctor protects
Kills/Investigation Feedback
Setup specific rules:
- Blackout: To give the mafia more freedom with who they target with their character abilities, no feedback will be given for the following roles which usually do give feedback: Escort, Bus Driver, Doctor and Bodyguard.
- Free faction kills: For the same reason as blackout, the mafia member who carries out the faction kill may still use any character night actions.
- Longer Days: Days for this S-FM will be longer then usual, with 72 hours for the first day and 48 hours for the following days. Nights will be a constant 24 hours.
Other Rules:
- All Standard FM Rules apply unless stated otherwise.
4PM Washington DC
Player List
# Name 1 powerofdeath 2 Marshmallow Marshall 3 Gikkle 4 Ewianking 5 Tauntshaman 6 The Lawyer 7 Helz 8 Phraze 9 SuperJack 10 Auwt (Gori) 11 Aeroyi 12 jmw 13 Horkos
# Name 1 Auwt 2 3
# Name 1 Taffy 2 3
72H D1 / 48H Days / 24H Nights
Majority Lynch
NO Last Wills
Roles revealed upon Death