S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    S-FM: Chaotic Executioner

    Player List:

    1. Stellaria - Vanilla Mafia - Shot by Zenon Day 5
    2. Gikkle - Chaotic Executioner - Voted out Day 3.
    3. Loldebite - Town Caroler - Killed Night 4
    4. BusterCannon Varcron
    5. ItalianoVD - Vanilla Town - Killed Night 2
    6. Nancy Drew 39
    7. Frinckles - Mafia Bomb - Voted out Day 4
    8. Auwt - Illusionist(Chosen) and Tailor(Gifted) Jester - Voted out Day 2.
    9. MartinGG99
    10. yoshida - Town Gunsmith - Voted out Day 5
    11. ikarusdk
    12. Renegade - Vanilla Town - Killed Night 5
    13. Clemensthelemon JeremiahSablan Zenon - Vanilla Town - Voted out Day 6

    White = Alive, Color = Dead with role/alignment/gifted role reveal This list will be updated as game start to unfold.

    Day 1 will start at 8:00 PM EST, Click here for reference to your time zone.


    Link to Night 1 post
    Link to Night 2 post
    Link to Night 3 post
    Link to Night 4 post
    Link to Night 5 post
    Link to Night 6 post
    Link to End of Game
    Last edited by powerofdeath; June 10th, 2023 at 01:03 AM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    S-FM Chaotic Executioner

    Role List:
    Vanilla Mafia
    Vanilla Mafia
    Vanilla Mafia

    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town
    Vanilla Town

    Chaotic Executioner

    Special Mechanics:
    At Day 1, there will be discussion for 24 hours, however nobody will be voted out that day. You can still vote people, but they will be meaningless.
    At Night 1, Mafia will not be able to perform their Factional Night kills. Chaotic Executioner, however, must decide 5 players of their choice to give out a power role from the list. Each power roles will be unique, there will not be 2 people with the same power roles that get assigned by Chaotic Executioner.
    However, Jester may choose a power role in the list for themselves for their benefit, and it may be a duplicate of a role Chaotic Executioner assigned to someone.
    Be aware that people with a power role can be from either alignment, and they are someone that Chaotic Executioner want to see dead at any cost.
    Once Chaotic Executioner win, they will exit the game with a victory. Town will enter "Sudden Death" where they must vote out every mafia in succession. During Sudden Death, nights are 100% skipped, so no more night actions or factional kills.
    If town is successful in voting out all the remaining mafia, the game will end and town will win with Chaotic Executioner. If town vote out another town during the sudden death, the game will end and Mafia will win with Chaotic Executioner. If Jester get voted out during Sudden Death, then game end with both Mafia and Town loss, and Jester will win with Chaotic Executioner.
    If Chaotic Executioner ever get voted out at any point of the game, the following night there will be no factional kill from the Mafia.

    Most Power Roles are FORCED to perform their roles each nights unless the word forced isn't in the role.
    Mafia are FORCED to perform their factional night kill each nights.
    "FORCED" is in this setup to prevent people from NOT using their roles if they think its harmful for their wincon.

    Most roles does not cause feedbacks, please look under Feedbacks to see which roles does have/cause feedbacks.

    Starting from Day 2, 5 people will receive their new roles. Days will be 48 hours, and nights will be 24 hours.
    Plurality vote will be used. Not voting will count as Skipping the Day. Hammering does not lynch the person or end the day. Whoever have the most votes by 48 hours will be voted out. In an event of a tie, the day is skipped.

    Mafia cannot perform factional kills on themselves.

    Since there are no votes on Day 1, all living players will publicly vote to choose 1 of the role cards that Chaotic Executioner is forced to give to someone of their choice. In an event of a tie, Chaotic Executioner can decide privately to break the tie.

    Possible Roles: Fabricator, Actress, Tailor, Oracle, Bomb, Blacksmith, Sheriff, Roleblocker, Doctor, Caroler, Gunsmith, Vengeful, Janitor, Mentor, Blackmailer, Mayor, Marshall, Crier, Bus Driver, Witch, Jailor, Cult Leader, Shaman, Illusionist

    Role Card:
    Quote Originally Posted by All Role Cards
    Chaotic Executioner - At night 1, you must choose five players of your choice, you cannot choose yourself. You must give them any unique power roles of your choosing. You cannot give 2 people the same rolecards. They will receive their role cards at start of Day 2. You must survive to see four out of five people die by any mean or form before Mafia gain 50% majority, or before town eliminate all Mafia. You have 2 bulletproof vests. If you are voted out or killed by a member of the Town, Mafia's next factional kill will be blocked. If you are killed by the Mafia, Mafia will have 2 factional kills each night.

    Jester - When voted out, you exit the game with a victory. During Sudden Death, if you are voted out, game will instantly end with Jester's and Chaotic Executioner's victory. On Night 1, you may choose a role from the list for yourself for your own benefit. You may also receive an additional role from Chaotic Executioner and you can perform both roles every nights. It is possible that there are two of your roles in the game. (Your role that you choose, and the same role that Chaotic Executioner assigned to someone).

    Vanilla Mafia - You share day and night chat with your fellow members of the Mafia. Mafia are forced to choose to send 1 person to perform a Factional Night Kill each night starting Night 2. You may receive an additional rolecard from Chaotic Executioner on start of Day 2, this will not affect your alignment or win condition. You may perform your new rolecard and be sent to perform the factional kill on the same night.

    Vanilla Town - You have the power in votes. You may receive an additional rolecard from Chaotic Executioner on start of Day 2, this will not affect your alignment or win condition.

    Fabricator - Forced to visit one person every night. That person will receive an item of Fabricator's choice. Fake vest will not protect. Fake Gunsmith or Blacksmith guns will not shoot. Fake Suit will not Suit. Users are not forced to use the items.

    Actress - Forced to target a player each night. When Actress is killed, the actress will be revealed as their target's role and alignment.

    Tailor - Forced to visit one person each night giving the target a suit of Tailor's choice. The target will be informed of the Suit but does not know what role. When killed, the target's suit role and alignment will be revealed.

    Oracle - Forced to visit one person each night. When killed, the target's role and alignment will be revealed to everyone.

    Bomb - When killed, its killer and the bomb will die together. Being voted out will not trigger Bomb. Bomb explosions are not healable.

    Blacksmith - Forced to hand out a manual vest or a gun to another player each night. You cannot repeat the same target. If everyone remaining alive already received an item from you, you will no longer visit. Users are not forced to use the items.

    Sheriff - Forced to Investigate a person each night. They will come up as Mafia or Not Mafia.

    Roleblocker - Forced to Roleblock a person each night. This will prevent all night actions they perform at that night. Nobody will be informed of the roleblock.

    Doctor - Forced to Heal a person each night. Nobody will be informed of the heal.

    Caroler - Forced to visit one person each night. If the person did no night action, it will listen to Caroler's Song. The song will name 3 people and at least one of the name are mafia. The names can be any alive players including the listener and the Caroler. If the person did a night action, they will ignore the song and get no feedback.

    Gunsmith - Forced to hand out a gun each night. Gunsmith's guns are different than Blacksmith's. Gunsmith's guns can only be shot during the day. The Identity of the shooter will be revealed. Gunsmith guns owner must PM me during day to pick their target. I will announce it when I receive the PM. You cannot repeat the same target. If everyone remaining alive already received an item from you, you will no longer visit. Users are not forced to use the items.

    Vengeful- When voted out, you are forced choose a player that voted for you to die along with you. This is also considered a forced suicide as they cannot perform any night actions that night(including factional kill). Nothing can prevent this forced suicide. Choosing Chaotic Executioner or Jester will not kill them.

    Janitor - Forced to visit one person each night, their role and alignment will remain hidden if they are killed the same night. You will not be informed what role or alignment get cleaned.

    Mentor - Before Day 2 end, you are forced to choose a player to share a day and night chat with you. Your mentee will know your role, but not your alignment. You will not know your mentee's role or alignment. You mentee will be informed at end of Day 2, and both of you may begin chatting as soon as Night 2 Start. (You must choose a backup target in an event that your original choice got voted out on Day 2).

    Blackmailer - Forced to visit one person each night. You will provide two names to them, and they have no choice but to vote for at least one of them. If you or the 2 people that you named died before the end of the day, your blackmail will be lifted, and they will do as they please. If your target ever vote outside of your 2 names of your choice, they will immediately die. If they are not voting/skipping the day by the end of the day, they will immediately die. Your target is free to switch between the 2 names as they please. Your target is allowed to say they are blackmailed and the 2 names they are blackmailed to vote.

    Mayor - You may reveal during the day as a Mayor. You will be automatically revealed as soon as 5 people or fewer are alive. During Sudden Death, you will also be automatically revealed. Your vote will count as 2.5. (Your votes will always break tiebreaker.) Your alignment will remain hidden as you reveal.

    Marshall - You may reveal during the day as a Marshall. You will be automatically revealed as soon as 5 people or fewer are alive. This can be only performed once, either by your choosing, or automatically with 5 or fewer people alive. During Sudden Death, you will also automatically be revealed, but your role will no longer function. After a person get voted out, their role and alignment will remain temporarily hidden, and everyone will go straight to additional 24 hours day to vote out another person. After 2 people get voted out, both of their roles and alignment will be revealed and night begin. 2 people MUST be voted out. If majority votes are on Skipping the Day, your vote will count as 999 and that person will be voted out. If votes are tied, the revealed Mayor will break the tie, otherwise your vote will count as 999 and that person will be voted out. During this process you cannot skip the day or you will be killed instead. If you are voted out or shot before the 2nd cycle, there will be no 2nd cycle and Day will end normally after the first vote. Your alignment will remain hidden as you reveal.

    Crier - You are forced to anonymously cry out a message at start of the day, and the end of the day each day. You may choose to cry out a message only once in middle of the day each day. The message can be up to 250 words long.
    (Make sure to submit a message during the night for your forced Start of the Day message, and to submit a message during the day for your forced End of the Day message)

    Bus Driver - Forced to swap the position of 2 people each night redirecting all night actions from one position to other position. Can be roleblocked, cannot be witched and cannot visit yourself.

    Witch - Forced to control a player each night and make them visit another player. You cannot target yourself, you can make them target you. You can be roleblocked and you cannot control the Bus Driver.

    Jailor - Forced to choose a player during the day. At night you will detain someone in a jail cell. This prevent them from being in any other night chats and from performing any other night actions, including factional kills. You will redirect all night actions from your jailed target to yourself. You will share a night chat with the person you jailed.

    Cult Leader - Each night you are FORCED to choose someone to join your "Cult". All members of the cult will share a night chat. Everyone in the cult will know who have the role of Cult Leader. Nobody in the cult will know the alignment of fellow cult members. Being in the cult does not affect your win condiition.

    Shaman - Each night you are FORCED to visit someone. You will reverse their immunity. If your target is being protected by any form such as vests or doctor, they become vulnerable to all attacks. Likewise, if your target is vulnerable, you will protect your target from all attacks.

    Illusionist - Each night, you are FORCED to visit someone. You will give them an additional feedback of your choice. Your target will receive their normal feedback in addition to the drugged feedback you give to them.
    Your role is:
    Vanilla Mafia - You share day and night chat with your fellow members of the Mafia. Mafia are forced to choose to send 1 person to perform a Factional Night Kill each night starting Night 2. You may receive an additional rolecard from Chaotic Executioner on start of Day 2, this will not affect your alignment or win condition. You may perform your new rolecard and be sent to perform the factional kill at same night.

    Your fellow mafia partners are: (You), Name and Name.

    Your Day and Night chat can be found here:
    Your role is:
    Vanilla Town - You have the power in votes. You may receive an additional rolecard from Chaotic Executioner on start of Day 2, this will not affect your alignment or win condition.
    Your role is:
    Chaotic Executioner - At night 1, you must choose five players of your choice, you cannot choose yourself. You must give them any unique power roles of your choosing. You cannot give 2 people the same rolecards. They will receive their role cards at start of Day 2. You must survive to see four out of five people die by any mean or form before Mafia gain 50% majority, or before town eliminate all Mafia. You have 2 bulletproof vests. If you are voted out or killed by a member of the Town, Mafia's next factional kill will be blocked. If you are killed by the Mafia, Mafia will have 2 factional kills each night.
    Your role is:
    Jester - When voted out, you exit the game with a victory. During Sudden Death, if you are voted out, game will instantly end with Jester's and Chaotic Executioner's victory. On Night 1, you may choose a role from the list for yourself for your own benefit. You may also receive an additional role from Chaotic Executioner and you can perform both roles every nights. It is possible that there are two of your roles in the game. (Your role that you choose, and the same role that Chaotic Executioner assigned to someone).
    Chaotic Executioner has chosen you to receive a new role. Your new role are:

    Insert Role Card Here

    Your new role will not affect your alignment or win condition. Be aware that Chaotic Executioner want you dead by any mean or form.
    You have received a Blacksmith's or a Fabricator's gun.
    You have received a Blacksmith's or a Fabricator's vest.
    You have received a Tailor's or a Fabricator's suit.
    You have received a Gunsmith's or a Fabricator's day gun.
    Your target is aligned with the Mafia.
    Your target is not aligned with the Mafia.
    You have been blackmailed. You are required to vote between two names provided: Name and Name. If both of them or the blackmailer die before the end of the day, your blackmail will be lifted and you are free to do as you please. If you end up voting outside of those two names, you will immediately die. If you are not voting/skipping the day by the end of the day, you will immediately die. You are free to switch your vote between the 2 names as you please. You can unvote/Skip the day, but you must switch back before the end of the day. You are allowed to say you are blackmailed and the 2 names you are blackmailed to vote. Your blackmail will end when the day end.
    You have chosen Name to become your mentee.

    Your Day and Night chat can be found here:
    A mentor has chosen you to become their mentee.

    Your mentor's name is Name.

    Your Day and Night chat can be found here:
    You have chosen to Jail Name.

    Your Jail chat can be found here:
    A Jailor has jailed you.

    Your Jail chat can be found here:
    You have chosen Name to join your Cult.

    Your Day and Night chat can be found here:
    A Cult Leader has chosen you to join their Cult.

    Your Cult Leader's name is Name.

    Your Day and Night chat can be found here:
    You heard a song being sung to you. The song mentioned three names you are familar with: (Name), (Name), (Name). At least one of them is a member of the Mafia.
    Order of Operations:
    Vengeful Kill
    Jailor Jail
    Roleblocker Visit
    Bus Driver Visit
    Witch Visit
    Actress/Oracle Visit
    Tailor Visit
    Mafia Faction Kill/BlackSmith's Gun Kill
    Doctor Visit/Shaman visit
    BlackSmith Vest/Bomb trigger
    Janitor Clean.
    Fabricator/BlackSmith/Gunsmith Visit
    Sheriff Visit
    Blackmailer visit
    Cult Leader Visit
    Illusionist Visit
    Caroler Visit

    No editing, no deleting posts
    No videos
    Cannot mention anything at all from your DMs with the host. This may result in a modkill depend on severity.
    If you have questions, ask in GREEN TEXT and I will answer them.
    No cheating, contacting out of game, or playing against your win condition.
    You must post at least once every 24 hours. You will receive 1 warning, and will be replaced if this happen the second time.

    Win Condition:
    Town: Eliminate the Mafia
    Mafia: Gain 50% Majority
    Chaotic Executioner: Survive to see at least 4 of your choice to die in any mean or form.
    Jester: Get voted out

    In Case of Ties: Mafia > Town. Chaotic Executioner can win with both Town and Mafia if both win conditions are met.
    Last edited by powerofdeath; May 21st, 2023 at 01:44 PM.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Important notice:

    At Day 1, there will be discussion for 24 hours, however nobody will be voted out that day. You can still vote people, but they will be meaningless.

    Since there are no votes on Day 1, all living players will publicly vote to choose 1 of the role cards that Chaotic Executioner is forced to give to someone of their choice. In an event of a tie, Chaotic Executioner can decide privately to break the tie.

    You will be voting in YELLOW. Only your latest post in YELLOW will be counted. Do not try to abuse this. I will accept your submission regardless if you intentionally mispell, or put it in a slightly different color than yellow.


    Spongebob is sus! vote for him tomorrow! I think Sheriff is pretty cool! I hope Spongebob doesn't get it though...

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    gonna vote Oracle

    feels like that's a preety useful role all-around but risks potentially not being picked by the executioner simply bc if the oracle is townread then almost nobody ever kills them if they claim
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    I fully intend to be a fair bit laidback this game, though don't interpret that as having little to no effort/trying

    last game I had (off-site) had me taking the game too seriously and that was an issue for me mentally

    also zelda totk streams are cool
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stellaria View Post
    How about Bomb? It would make it harder for scum to get a safe kill
    since roles are alignment agnostic, roles that don't make any plays are kinda problematic to solve

    with oracle you can make some observations about whether or not they're killed / pushed off a cliff during day / etc

    but bomb? I feel like that grants little to no reliable information at all regardless of circumstance

    I mean, I don't feel like it does anything for me if hypothetical X claims bomb, regardless of whether I townread or scumread X. Only use it really has is hoping we're lucky and the mafia unkowingly pick a bomb to kill.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stellaria View Post
    Wait are we voting for roles? I am a little confused
    I haven't read the rules throughly but I believe the idea is that we're voting on one of the roles that Executioner gives out.

    Like Executioner picks four, and we pick the fifth one or something. The executioner is the one who determines whoever gets all the roles though. Just that they can't decide what kind of role the 5th/last/whatever one is.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  17. ISO #17

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stellaria View Post
    I've played with a similar amount of people once before. I did similarly bad and I also had a similar role lmao
    It's so many people to sort through. x_X This setup will be a bit easier.

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    gonna vote Oracle

    feels like that's a preety useful role all-around but risks potentially not being picked by the executioner simply bc if the oracle is townread then almost nobody ever kills them if they claim
    I was thinking bomb so mafia gets blown up if they don't read the bomb player correctly. Sheriff/caroler are cool, but I think those roles give too many plays for scum. Doc would be funny a decent safe pick too.
    (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ 레드벨벳 ! ! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

  18. ISO #18

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    yep says here

    Quote Originally Posted by powerofdeath View Post
    Important notice:
    Since there are no votes on Day 1, all living players will publicly vote to choose 1 of the role cards that Chaotic Executioner is forced to give to someone of their choice. In an event of a tie, Chaotic Executioner can decide privately to break the tie.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    Sheriff/caroler are cool, but I think those roles give too many plays for scum. Doc would be funny a decent safe pick too.
    Eh I was more feeling like that the Executioner, whoever they are, are probably selecting sheriff as one of the roles. Executioner can't afford to heavily side with town or mafia or the game will end before they manage to complete their objective, and I figure sheriff is probably safer in that regard unless some bad luck happens.

    Doc could be a likely pick too. Potentially prolongs game and if they claim themselves after saving someone then they get shot by mafia assuming it isn't game-end. Problem solved in the Executioner's view.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    Eh I was more feeling like that the Executioner, whoever they are, are probably selecting sheriff as one of the roles. Executioner can't afford to heavily side with town or mafia or the game will end before they manage to complete their objective, and I figure sheriff is probably safer in that regard unless some bad luck happens.

    Doc could be a likely pick too. Potentially prolongs game and if they claim themselves after saving someone then they get shot by mafia assuming it isn't game-end. Problem solved in the Executioner's view.
    I'm rethinking Caroler might actually be a good pick here for a guaranteed invest. It's the only thing on the roster that can scoop neutrals up with mafia in the carol. The caroler also gets a free red check on fake carols coming from somebody who isn't their target, and learns who is moving at night. If not, I say we go bomb.
    (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ 레드벨벳 ! ! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Caroler is quite the interesting role, had assumed it was dumb based on its name

    Actually read it for once and its kinda wacky, almost like an alternative version of a Detective/Tracker except it doesn't know who visits who and sometimes generates significant info

    the info could be strong but it recognizing it as correct (i.e. without the flips of dead people) requires trusting two people about who they are or what their feedback was
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    Caroler is quite the interesting role, had assumed it was dumb based on its name

    Actually read it for once and its kinda wacky, almost like an alternative version of a Detective/Tracker except it doesn't know who visits who and sometimes generates significant info

    the info could be strong but it recognizing it as correct (i.e. without the flips of dead people) requires trusting two people about who they are or what their feedback was
    I thought you played my setup Silent Night? I use Caroler all the time, just slightly tweaked.
    (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ 레드벨벳 ! ! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    I'm rethinking Caroler might actually be a good pick here for a guaranteed invest. It's the only thing on the roster that can scoop neutrals up with mafia in the carol. The caroler also gets a free red check on fake carols coming from somebody who isn't their target, and learns who is moving at night. If not, I say we go bomb.
    honestly after reading it I think Caroler would be a good pick too

    with how complicated it is I also kinda feel like if the executioner was one of the newer people around here I doubt they would bet their wincon on it and therefore would not pick it if they can avoid it
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  28. ISO #28

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    I thought you played my setup Silent Night? I use Caroler all the time, just slightly tweaked.
    nope never played it

    a long while back when ceko was still not banned around, if I recall correctly, they wanted a silent night 2.0 or something and I had once promised or something to work on it

    and then just didn't get around to it for some reason lol
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    nope never played it

    a long while back when ceko was still not banned around, if I recall correctly, they wanted a silent night 2.0 or something and I had once promised or something to work on it

    and then just didn't get around to it for some reason lol
    I think a certain Banana wants to host next. Maybe I'll host silent night after that.
    (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ 레드벨벳 ! ! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Anything outside of Oracle/Mentor/Sheriff/Caroler is probably a bad role to vote for. Oracle makes the most sense to me.
    You're limiting our options. That makes you seem guilty. Maybe you didn't think I'd notice that but I did. So you're already sus. AND you're trying to hang the oracle because you want a free kill.

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Gikkle View Post
    Why mentor and not just cult leader at that point?
    Also I would think Marshall would be very beneficial
    I overlooked Cult Leader, yeah that is basically the same thing.

    A scum marshall could backfire on scum, but I have a feeling it would be more damaging to town.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by BusterCannon View Post
    I mean would a town really say that what he just said?
    You think voting for say a jailor with the chance that the mafia could get the jailor role is a good idea? Or what about voting for a tailor, a role that will only obfuscate information when people flip?

    I'm trying to pick out, like others are (Martino and Frinkles etc) which roles would be most "benign" or "harmless" if given to a scum member.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by BusterCannon View Post
    I mean would a town really say that what he just said?
    for what it's worth (very little) I reckon that's something T!Renegade could say. Maybe still likelier to come from scum, tho ?

    jesus fuck I see why I never take christmas resolutions now, there's no way in hell I'd be keeping any of 'em

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    I overlooked Cult Leader, yeah that is basically the same thing.

    A scum marshall could backfire on scum, but I have a feeling it would be more damaging to town.
    Why would an extra lynch be more damaging to town? That gives us an extra lynch, which I would think is pretty much always good for town.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: S-FM 350: Chaotic Executioner

    Quote Originally Posted by Loldebite View Post
    for what it's worth (very little) I reckon that's something T!Renegade could say. Maybe still likelier to come from scum, tho ?

    jesus fuck I see why I never take christmas resolutions now, there's no way in hell I'd be keeping any of 'em
    note that I'm saying this before checking what the possibilities even are tho...



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