Hi all. I've been working on a browser port of Sc2Maf for the last few months and I thought this community might be interested. The original scope of the project was just intending to give me and my mates a better way to play Mafia without needing the SC2 arcade.

These are some pictures of where the game is sitting so far.

Login: https://i.imgur.com/wj5hKoW.png
Home: https://i.imgur.com/u1Q1e9A.png
Game: https://i.imgur.com/k7dFgQN.png

My approach to this is basically just a mega-complicated web app. This comes with some drawbacks (such as complex animations for lynch options) however I think the utility of just requiring a web browser more than makes up for it.

It's not currently playable, but I hope to get a bare bones version up and running in the next few months.

If you have any questions please ask away. (Either about the game, or the tech stack if you're a giga nerd like me)
