{Ban List} Shed 1-S2-1-11438905; SevenForce 1-S2-1-11986319; kittens 1-S2-1-4562746

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  1. ISO #1

    Shed 1-S2-1-11438905; SevenForce 1-S2-1-11986319; kittens 1-S2-1-4562746

    Account Name: it's like 8 people to list
    Account ID:
    In-Game Name:

    Crimes Committed: griefing + racism

    Your Account Name: general SCV


    every day racists comments
    and target people if they have a doubt
    that they are african.

    result town win but
    griefing from racism is real

    8 people griefing from racism.SC2Replay
    yo bill ... ko-vid or nano started thru flue vaqs campaign 2019-2020

  2. ISO #2

    Re: too long to list 8 people are griefing from racism

    ID Verification :

    Shed 1-S2-1-11438905 Correct

    SevenForce 1-S2-1-11986319 Correct

    kittens 1-S2-1-4562746 Correct

    Summary :

    Just going to paste the whole chat log and colorize it.

    Spoiler : Chat log :

    I 00:44 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -prefer jester
    I 00:46 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -repick
    I 00:47 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -default
    I 00:53 [7Force]SevenForce ALL -Leaf
    I 00:53 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -MrHayzzer
    I 00:53 Xavante ALL -Bobinho
    I 00:56 Twodorks ALL -CHOO CHOO
    I 00:58 KansasCity ALL -IHATENIGGERS
    I 01:03 Seraph ALL -kill the racist dude
    I 01:03 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -I hate nigger haters
    I 01:05 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -Undercover Donut
    I 01:05 [PCHAOS]Botulinum ALL -Frost
    I 01:05 [1816]tartaryflood ALL -i love black people
    I 01:07 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -Isabella is my bitch
    I 01:09 [1488AH]Shed ALL -Niggers Lynched First
    I 01:10 Seraph ALL -kill the racist dudes
    I 01:12 [1488AH]Shed ALL -Niggers Lynched
    I 01:14 wootsauce ALL -Shower Ring slaeman
    I 01:14 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -My Bitch Isabella
    I 01:24 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -lw
    I 01:37 [7Force]SevenForce ALL id fucking creampie isabellas pussy
    I 01:37 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -kidnap 2
    I 01:38 [1488AH]Shed ALL back in my days, we used to lynch niggers all day
    I 01:40 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -lw
    I 01:41 [IFIJII]Queen ALL Bitch please
    I 01:44 [IFIJII]Queen ALL is a whore
    I 01:44 Seraph ALL bussy*
    I 01:47 [1816]tartaryflood ALL i need a doc you know
    I 01:47 [IFIJII]Queen ALL eat shit
    I 01:50 [IFIJII]Queen ALL craves for pps
    I 01:50 [1816]tartaryflood ALL DOC ON ME 100% winnerd
    I 01:51 [1816]tartaryflood ALL ty
    I 01:51 [1816]tartaryflood ALL reported
    I 01:51 wootsauce ALL role quitter
    I 01:51 [IFIJII]Queen ALL who's isabella
    I 01:51 wootsauce ALL and rage quitter
    I 01:51 [IFIJII]Queen ALL exactly, isabella is nobody
    I 01:51 wootsauce ALL This isn't the first time I have seen this player do this either
    I 01:55 [IFIJII]Queen ALL prot on me
    I 01:56 [7Force]SevenForce ALL id creampie isabellas pussy and queen
    I 01:57 Seraph ALL yeah that guys super lag troll
    I 01:57 [1488AH]Shed ALL niggers are uncivilised apes
    I 01:58 [IFIJII]Queen ALL im town VIP
    I 02:03 Seraph ALL -lw
    I 02:04 [1488AH]Shed ALL they are murderers and rapists
    I 02:06 [IFIJII]Queen ALL im mayor and imma reveal tmr
    I 02:07 [1488AH]Shed ALL they deserve to be lynched
    I 02:08 [IFIJII]Queen ALL BG and doc on me
    I 02:09 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -kidnap 13
    I 02:10 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL hey
    I 02:13 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL fuck the nigger haters
    I 02:14 KansasCity ALL hi
    I 02:17 [1816]tartaryflood ALL doc me
    I 02:18 Seraph ALL -lw
    I 02:24 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL gotta keep ya safe until tomorrow
    I 02:24 [IFIJII]Queen ALL im mayor
    I 02:26 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -lw
    I 02:27 [1488AH]Shed ALL -lw
    I 02:27 [1816]tartaryflood ALL -lw
    I 02:29 [IFIJII]Queen ALL hope ur not interro
    I 02:35 wootsauce ALL -lw
    I 02:37 [IFIJII]Queen ALL oh wow, interrogator
    I 02:37 Twodorks ALL carefull for vets
    I 02:41 [IFIJII]Queen ALL lo will watch me
    I 02:42 Twodorks ALL GL
    I 02:43 [IFIJII]Queen ALL -lw
    I 02:43 Seraph ALL -lw
    I 03:19 KansasCity ALL haha n word
    I 03:24 [7Force]SevenForce ALL lol
    I 03:25 KansasCity ALL LOL
    I 03:25 Xavante ALL ok
    I 03:26 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 03:29 Xavante ALL not a bad jailor
    I 03:37 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -kidnap 2
    I 03:39 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL nigger jailor
    I 03:46 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 2+3 ally me
    I 03:47 KansasCity ALL plz dont say the n word
    I 03:48 [1816]tartaryflood ALL trial 1
    I 03:52 [7Force]SevenForce ALL NIGGER
    I 03:55 KansasCity ALL dats raciss
    I 03:55 Seraph ALL -lw
    I 03:56 [1488AH]Shed ALL we only thing we gonna be trialing here
    I 03:57 [1488AH]Shed ALL are the niggers
    I 03:59 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 2+3 vote 1
    I 04:00 [1816]tartaryflood ALL get role
    I 04:02 KansasCity ALL 2 is black
    I 04:02 [7Force]SevenForce ALL am i smart too
    I 04:08 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 1 up
    I 04:10 [1488AH]Shed ALL 2
    I 04:11 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL idiots
    I 04:12 Seraph ALL lol
    I 04:13 KansasCity ALL LOL
    I 04:13 [1816]tartaryflood ALL town on 1
    I 04:13 Xavante ALL no
    I 04:14 [7Force]SevenForce ALL lynch the nigger
    I 04:14 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL this is full of trump supporters
    I 04:16 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 1
    I 04:22 Seraph ALL you dummies following the racists trolls? super cool.
    I 04:27 Seraph ALL lol you dummies following the racist trolls?
    I 04:28 Seraph ALL super cool
    I 04:28 Seraph ALL -lw
    I 04:31 Seraph ALL n1 k10v3,13 n2 k
    I 04:37 Seraph ALL guilty so i can xship and go back to work
    I 04:38 [7Force]SevenForce ALL GUILTY!
    I 04:39 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I was rbed, there is a liaison
    I 04:40 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I WAS RBED
    I 04:40 Seraph ALL instead of deal with you 12 yr old edge lords
    I 04:41 wootsauce ALL INNO
    I 04:42 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I WAS RBED
    I 04:42 wootsauce ALL INNO
    I 04:43 KansasCity ALL GUILTY
    I 04:44 wootsauce ALL INNO
    I 04:44 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL THERE IS A LIAISON
    I 04:46 [1488AH]Shed ALL typical triad claiming spy
    I 04:48 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Guiltyes are mafia
    I 04:49 wootsauce ALL INNO
    I 04:50 Seraph ALL 1 3 8 11 15 kill em all confirmed evils
    I 04:52 Seraph ALL 15
    I 04:52 wootsauce ALL INNNNNNO!!
    I 05:02 Seraph ALL xship
    I 05:05 KansasCity ALL thats what you get for being black
    I 05:08 Seraph ALL yall dumb, especially 15 who apparently is illiterate
    I 05:14 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL What the fuck, did you seriously lynch this guy? I was rbed by liaiosn
    I 05:15 KansasCity ALL thats what you get for being black
    I 05:15 [1816]tartaryflood ALL you guys stupid or throwing because of racism ?
    I 05:20 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Yup
    I 05:21 [7Force]SevenForce ALL LOL
    I 05:23 Seraph ALL both 5
    I 05:23 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Im reporting 1 if it comes to it
    I 05:25 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL fuck him
    I 05:26 Seraph ALL every day its both
    I 05:27 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL oh yeah
    I 05:28 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 15 too
    I 05:30 [1816]tartaryflood ALL nice save full of reportable people
    I 05:33 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL seriously
    I 05:35 Seraph ALL report em all
    I 05:35 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL fucking disgusting
    I 05:39 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -notafk
    I 05:39 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL whatever I was visited by liaison
    I 05:44 KansasCity ALL 51%
    I 05:47 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Severino the Illiterate
    I 05:49 [PCHAOS]Botulinum ALL omg this lobby is toxic
    I 05:54 Seraph ALL literally cant read
    I 05:55 [1488AH]Shed ALL 13 is the number of the devil, niggers are devils
    I 05:55 Seraph ALL can you
    I 05:59 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 15 getting a juicy fat ban
    I 06:06 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I'm as white as jizz
    I 06:06 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL lol
    I 06:09 Seraph ALL fuck. you. all.
    I 06:18 KansasCity ALL 3 next
    I 06:24 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL if there's vigi, you know who to shoot
    I 06:35 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 06:36 [1488AH]Shed ALL mayor is dead so I can come out
    I 06:36 Twodorks ALL nice mayor N1
    I 06:37 [1816]tartaryflood ALL -lw
    I 06:37 [1488AH]Shed ALL judge here
    I 06:37 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -lw
    I 06:40 [1488AH]Shed ALL kill the evens
    I 06:41 [1488AH]Shed ALL the inno voters
    I 06:47 [1488AH]Shed ALL the nigger lovers
    I 06:49 wootsauce ALL -LW
    I 06:51 wootsauce ALL --LW
    I 06:52 wootsauce ALL -lw
    I 07:03 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -lw
    I 07:11 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -lw
    I 07:13 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I keep getting rbed by liaison
    I 07:14 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL whatever
    I 07:17 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Im not useful
    I 07:19 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL lynch 15 today
    I 07:21 Twodorks ALL rbed and no kills
    I 07:21 KansasCity ALL are you black
    I 07:22 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL wait
    I 07:25 Xavante ALL -notafk
    I 07:25 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL then 15 can't be
    I 07:26 [1816]tartaryflood ALL nope no clue = no random lynch
    I 07:27 [7Force]SevenForce ALL Fucking lynch all the niggers
    I 07:28 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL according to spy
    I 07:31 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL triad is dh+liaison+interro
    I 07:35 [7Force]SevenForce ALL Im a smart white man
    I 07:35 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL get 11
    I 07:38 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL pushed hard for lynch
    I 07:39 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 07:40 KansasCity ALL def not 8
    I 07:46 [7Force]SevenForce ALL thanks
    I 07:48 [1488AH]Shed ALL -court
    I 07:49 KansasCity ALL have a feeling its 3
    I 07:49 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL get 11
    I 07:51 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL TOWN ON 11
    I 07:51 [1488AH]Shed ALL okay go on 5
    I 07:51 Twodorks ALL 12
    I 07:52 Twodorks ALL 12
    I 07:52 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL TOWN ON 11
    I 07:52 [1488AH]Shed ALL evils
    I 07:54 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:55 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:55 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL TOWN ON 11
    I 07:56 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:56 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL TOWN ON 11
    I 07:57 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:57 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL 1
    I 07:57 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:57 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL 11
    I 07:58 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 111
    I 07:58 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL 11
    I 07:58 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 11
    I 07:58 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:58 Twodorks ALL 5
    I 07:58 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 11
    I 07:59 Twodorks ALL 5
    I 07:59 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 11
    I 07:59 Twodorks ALL 5
    I 07:59 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL 1111
    I 07:59 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 11
    I 07:59 Twodorks ALL 5
    I 07:59 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL 1
    I 07:59 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 11
    I 07:59 KansasCity ALL 5
    I 08:00 Twodorks ALL 5
    I 08:10 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL FUCK YOU, 2 IS AVENGED
    I 08:11 Twodorks ALL um
    I 08:12 Twodorks ALL 12 is NI
    I 08:14 Twodorks ALL 12 is NI
    I 08:15 Twodorks ALL 12 is NI
    I 08:22 KansasCity ALL lol
    I 08:22 wootsauce ALL ROFL!!!!!!!
    I 08:23 [1816]tartaryflood ALL lol rekt
    I 08:23 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL HAHAHAHAHA
    I 08:24 Twodorks ALL LOL
    I 08:24 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    I 08:25 wootsauce ALL awesome!
    I 08:26 Xavante ALL pro judge
    I 08:27 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 2 IS LAUGHING RIGHT NOW
    I 08:28 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL FUCK THEM
    I 08:29 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL HA HA HA
    I 08:37 Twodorks ALL 12 is NI
    I 08:38 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 08:38 [1816]tartaryflood ALL -lw
    I 08:39 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -lw
    I 08:49 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -lw
    I 08:52 wootsauce ALL -lw
    I 08:53 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 08:58 [PCHAOS]Eragonball ALL -dn 2
    I 08:59 Twodorks ALL -dn 12 is NI
    I 09:20 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL lynch 6 today
    I 09:20 Twodorks ALL liason
    I 09:20 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 15
    I 09:24 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL you are actually not very bright
    I 09:24 Twodorks ALL thanks for sex
    I 09:25 [PCHAOS]Botulinum ALL -points
    I 09:26 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL u should be on me
    I 09:27 wootsauce ALL I have a lead
    I 09:32 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I've been rbed by liaison 3 nights in a row
    I 09:38 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL but stupidty is getting the best of you
    I 09:40 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL nope
    I 09:40 wootsauce ALL what is 1?
    I 09:41 KansasCity ALL ?????
    I 09:42 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 6 is triad
    I 09:43 wootsauce ALL we can lynch 12
    I 09:43 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL get 6
    I 09:44 [7Force]SevenForce ALL fucking murder and lynch every single nigger on planet earth
    I 09:45 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 09:46 wootsauce ALL but what is 1?
    I 09:48 [1816]tartaryflood ALL lynch 15
    I 09:49 KansasCity ALL based n8
    I 09:55 wootsauce ALL 1 is based?
    I 09:56 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Lynching that racist judge was one of the most satisfying things
    I 09:56 Xavante ALL 15 made u lynch 2
    I 09:56 KansasCity ALL lynch 3
    I 09:56 Xavante ALL so
    I 09:58 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15
    I 09:59 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I have ever done in mafia
    I 10:00 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh
    I 10:01 [7Force]SevenForce ALL evils on 3
    I 10:01 Xavante ALL 15 is not a bad option to put up
    I 10:04 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh
    I 10:06 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL up 6
    I 10:06 KansasCity ALL 3
    I 10:07 KansasCity ALL 3
    I 10:07 KansasCity ALL 3
    I 10:08 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I pushed lynch on judge
    I 10:09 wootsauce ALL I think 1 is NI
    I 10:10 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL im confirmed
    I 10:12 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh
    I 10:13 wootsauce ALL but I cannot be sure
    I 10:15 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh
    I 10:15 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL evils want me dead
    I 10:19 [1816]tartaryflood ALL town on 15
    I 10:20 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL they've been rbing me since n1
    I 10:22 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL wtf
    I 10:23 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 15 is LO
    I 10:24 wootsauce ALL guys I think 1 is NI
    I 10:26 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:27 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:27 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:28 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 15 IS CONFIRMED LO
    I 10:28 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:29 [7Force]SevenForce ALL ALL WHITE PEOPLE ON 3
    I 10:31 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL SPY ALREADY SAID IT
    I 10:32 Twodorks ALL 12
    I 10:34 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL TRIAD IS INTERRO + LIAISON
    I 10:35 [1816]tartaryflood ALL remove vote on 6 vote 15
    I 10:36 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL HOLY FUCK
    I 10:36 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:37 [1816]tartaryflood ALL 15 dh town on 15
    I 10:38 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL HOW DENSE CAN THESE GUYS BE
    I 10:40 KansasCity ALL 3
    I 10:41 KansasCity ALL 3
    I 10:42 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL -kidnap 3
    I 10:46 wootsauce ALL too many spammers
    I 10:46 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 1 and 6 and 5
    I 10:48 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL mega sus right now
    I 10:54 wootsauce ALL okay put up 6
    I 10:54 KansasCity ALL yeah but youre black
    I 10:55 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL its actually really easy if you pay attention to the fucking game
    I 11:17 [7Force]SevenForce ALL GUILTY HES A FUCKING NIGGER!
    I 20:30 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL i literally jailed arson then they burned... and they can't connect the dots...
    I 20:41 [Snecko]SemiCascade ALL this is the scary level of stupid
    I 20:43 KansasCity ALL LOL
    I 20:43 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL whats your role 9?
    I 20:49 [7Force]SevenForce ALL LOLO
    I 20:57 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL -lw
    I 21:06 wootsauce ALL -lw
    I 21:07 Xavante ALL -lw
    I 21:27 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL yup
    I 21:27 wootsauce ALL -lw
    I 21:29 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL theres no sheriff
    I 21:30 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL its 12
    I 21:35 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL Im coroner
    I 21:37 Xavante ALL nope
    I 21:37 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I checked 1's body
    I 21:41 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL 12 claims he visited 1
    I 21:41 wootsauce ALL It is 12
    I 21:44 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL but no sheriff visited 1
    I 21:46 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL which means 12 is arsonist
    I 21:55 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL and I also got bded
    I 21:55 Xavante ALL how can u know?
    I 21:56 Xavante ALL also
    I 21:56 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL hehe
    I 21:59 Xavante ALL u miscalculated
    I 21:59 Xavante ALL coz
    I 22:03 Xavante ALL u dont have any other neutral
    I 22:18 Xavante ALL hm
    I 22:18 Xavante ALL ok
    I 22:24 Xavante ALL u'll lyncj me anyway
    I 22:26 Xavante ALL there's a witch
    I 22:27 Xavante ALL beucase
    I 22:30 wootsauce ALL I wish we didn't have to kill you. As you are the town hero in this game
    I 22:31 Xavante ALL and i think
    I 22:31 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL there's no witch
    I 22:32 Xavante ALL its 15
    I 22:39 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL guilty this clown
    I 22:41 Xavante ALL i really was the towns hero
    I 22:41 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL I have avenged you 2
    I 22:52 Xavante ALL mafia was going heavely on me
    I 22:52 Xavante ALL so
    I 22:59 Xavante ALL i needed to get rid of them
    I 23:04 [Jest]RobaCobre ALL You can rest in peace town my friend

    On a side note, kittens' chat is invisible here, but also used numerous of times n word with repeated insults.

    Player Offenses :

    Shed : Other (Racism)

    SevenForce : Other (Racism)

    kittens : Other (Racism)

    Previous Offenses :

    Shed : None.

    SevenForce : None.

    kittens : Leave-Train (On-Hold May 2016)
    Griefing (WLx2 July 2016)
    Role-Quitting (WLx2 October 2016)
    Reactionary Gamethrowing (WLx4 September 2017)
    Intentional Gamethrowing (WLx4 January 2018)
    Possible Hacking (WLx2 December 2018)
    Lag-Cheating (WLx4 February 2020)
    Leave-Train (BLx2 February 2020)
    Other (BLx4, June 2021)

    Recommended Action :

    Shred : WLx2

    SevenForce : WLx2

    kittens : +1xBL

    Additional Notes :

    Kittens is already under a BLx4 for Racism.
    Adding a week seems fair.
    Thanks for the report !
    Last edited by Auwt; June 15th, 2021 at 02:12 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MM Magoroth and Distorted are the 3 baddies
    just like Agrael Acriel and Auwt being the original 3 baddies
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MafiaZ and Skwirl its all a repeat of history
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkRevenant View Post
    But Potoss has Pobes, Zeelot, and Acrons!
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    Screw you I actually have more grudges towards the people who have their names start with A

  3. ISO #3



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