Whats the appropriate ethical treatment in education for immigrants?

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    Whats the appropriate ethical treatment in education for immigrants?

    Education has always been a focus of mine simply because its the formal process our society uses to prepare individuals to be successful and productive for the rest of their lives. I live in Texas and one massive issue coming up is the huge influx of child immigration. This creates a situation in schools where children who have never been taught what a negative number or a fraction is are dropped into an 8 grade math class taught in a language they do not understand. (My mother actually works with many of these children and this is a specific situation I just discussed with her over lunch that she was working with last week.)

    Something I am curious about is what you guys would consider the 'appropriate' or 'ethical' action to be in this situation. Do you split the children creating a difference in the level of education received which some would consider discrimination? Do you teach the entire group at the level of the lowest individuals knowledge to get them 'caught up' sacrificing the education of those who are well educated? Do you just pass the uneducated through handing them a diploma in the end?

    I personally disagree with opening the borders but if we are going to accept them into our society I believe its a greater evil to destroy their ability to take advantage of the opportunity's our society provides in the long term. If you consider how many studies have reflected that economic disparity is strongly associated with violence and crime its not just an issue for those the system is failing when you are injecting a mass of individuals and setting them up for a life where they will likely struggle to establish income in a very wealthy society. I have been looking a lot lately at the driving factors for whats viewed as 'systemic racism' lately and pretty much feel that this dilemma has the potential to create a whole new generation of inequality for a massive amount of people, which is particularly concerning when I think that is being done to children.

    There is also the associated issue of COVID education. Some children's parents will have taught their kids for a year while others undoubtedly did not. 1 grade level and no language barrier is not as substantial of an issue but the exact same question can be asked of what is appropriate to do with those children who basically took a year off from school.
    Last edited by Helz; April 3rd, 2021 at 11:34 AM.



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