Fellow citizens! I have an irrefutable proof of character levied against the tyrant of the 'Horrendous Content' sub-forum known as Stealthbomber16. I bring this information to you under duress and implore you all to take the correct course of action with this knowledge in mind!

I left a simple message in the sub-forum 'Horrendous Content' and I awoke today to this in its place. My god what happened here? Thank god I have global moderator privileges I acquired by means I do not feel comfortable divulging publicly, but I digress! So lets have a look at the post that was deleted. What is THIS?!? This is most certainly not the post I made before retiring to my bed chambers last night, no sir! Let's delve a little deeper shall we? Thanks to vigorous back-tracking of IP addresses I was able to uncover IRREFUTIABLE evidence. My message had been tampered with! Why would Sealthbomber16 try to obfuscate a message I wrote? Well lets look at the original message compared to the doctored message. Ladies and gentleman, as you can see my original message which is highlighted with red was replaced by the message highlighted with green. With his fingerprints all over the tampered message, there is only one person to blame for this.

Stealthbomber16 not only deleted my message, BUT he edited it as well.

As per the original document I hereby charge Stealthbomber16 with being a double virgin.