S-FM VI Thread (unranked) - Page 4

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  1. ISO #151

  2. ISO #152

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    Feel free to end the day in an hour Goremancer, you made the rules initially, I can't demand you to extend the day by a huge amount. If town loses due to afk tards then there's nothing I can do, I tried.

    I'm not going to hammer because i'm not going to risk a mislynch. If we don't lynch today then we still have a chance the next day.

    If the real doctor dies tonight, and the mafia should know who that is, then they are confirmed tommorow and we can proceed to lynch them. So will they kill the doctor and doom themselves or will they go for someone else? If you think about it they are narrowed down to 2 targets tonight if they want to win, if the doctor heals the attack then we get more time...

  3. ISO #153

  4. ISO #154

  5. ISO #155

  6. ISO #156

  7. ISO #157

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    Sorry guys, I'm being a terrible host. The thing is that a lot of unexpected things came up. A lot. Either way, I couldn't get around to doing a lot of stuff I was supposed to do. Anyway...

    ajkei stood before the vicious crowd. He had though they were his allies. But they were misled. They think he is the undead. They must have been tricked by the undead. The demons won't hurt him if they knew he was a demon as well. He tried to explain. But no one listened. ajkei desperately argued against people who pressed him, they were blinded by rage. They wanted revenge. So did ajkei.But if it meant he would die from a petty misunderstanding, it was not worth it. He never wanted to get involved in the first place anyway. He just wanted to live a quiet peaceful life and let the more complicated issues get resolved by the higher officials. He saw his only wish could not be granted. The only thing that would satisfy them is his death. He trembled in anger. He wouldn't let them have the satisfaction of killing him, especially when he didn't do anything wrong. No, he would end this himself. So he did.

    Ajkei was lynched! His role was... Vrock!

    Random Comment: Wow town, I even gave you extra time. But really?
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  8. ISO #158

  9. ISO #159

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    Day 5

    McPwnage could not sleep at night. Do the demons stand a chance? He believed they did. He had cast his votes on ajkei, certain of his guilt. But facts had proven McPwnage wrong. Surely something is amiss. He had trusted BorkBot. Surely BorkBot can't be an undead. But as McPwnage turned and tussled in his bed, doubt began to accumulate in his mind. Perhaps tonight would be the night they will come for him? No, tonight he will leave. He will leave this place. He would not die. McPwnage would not die here. He packed his precious belongings and got ready to leave. He opened the door. There stood the sight that McPwnage feared so much. Ironically, now that it was right in front of him, he doesn't feel frightened at all. "Can you not kill me? I will leave this place and never return." The skeleton was silent for a moment, then it replied with a raspy voice, "Sorry, none will leave here alive." McPwnage did not leave alive.

    Zack heard the loud noise that emerged from McPwnage's house. He knew it was over. Nothing could prevent the undead now. They are helpless. McPwnage was a fool if he believed he could escape here alive. No, they will all perish. But some chooses to end their own. Zack's life was Zack's alone, not the undeads'. He pulled out a rusty dagger and a vial. He had planned to sell this in the next settlement he would travel to. He dripped the content of the vial on the dagger. Then, Zack held his breath. Let's make this quick, Zack quietly thought. And he drove the dagger into his stomach with all his might.

    McPwnage's role was... Quasit!
    Zack's role was... Quasit!

    Zack had written a note before he committed suicide.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Zack
    Town lost thanks to an afk kira who effectively gamethrew and gave the mafia a free win.

    Exclude kiranearitachi from ALL future FMs. This is his last game here.

    If kira is someone's alternative account then I expect the owner of this extra account to be exposed and dealt with. Talking to you, moderators. And no, I do not believe he is any of the players in this S-FM, but he might be someone else.

    I suicided to end this faster, its clearly over. Even without that absurd lynch rule we would have still lost because kira just stopped playing and NorthStar is an idiot.
    Well... kiranearitachi is the only town left... I guess that's game. Man this is pretty pathetic. So many lurkers.
    Well well, I might as well say everything. BorkBot is a skeleton knight. NorthStar is the wraith. I tried waiting for kira to submit a night action but he never did. In fact several times I had to pm him to remind him to send one >_>

    Anyway, the epilogue will be up in 2 hours. I still gotta eat supper and do other stuff. Not even going to bother with the night actions.
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  10. ISO #160

    Re: S-FM VI Thread


    The Pitfiend ran with all his might. They were all dead. He is the only survivor.He had such grand plans after this. He wantsed a promotion, he wanted luxury and wealth, he wanted more power. But it would never come true unless he makes it out of here alive. He turned a corner in the alleyway. He ran straight into the skeleton knight. The moonlight shone on the creature, the Pitfiend recognized the skeleton. "BorkBot! So it was you... You were the one who killed them all. I should have known. But mark my words, when I inform Tiamat, legions of demons will arrive. No matter how many of you comes back to life, you will not have the power to leave this place!" The skeleton said nothing. The Pitfiend scowled at the skeleton and turned around to run in the other direction. But a shadowy creature blocked his path. It was NorthStar. The Pitfiend hastily took out his necklace of fireball. "If any of you come closer I will blow all of us up right here! I'm serious!" The undead said nothing. Before the Pitfiend could even move a muscle, the wraith flew right in front of the Pitfiend. It grabbed the Pitfiend's hand that was holding on the the necklace of fireball. Instantly, the Pitfiend fell on the ground, immobile. His power was drained. The skeleton silently drew his sword. He stared down at the Pitfiend lying on the ground. The Skeleton raised his sword. "You will not escape from here." Those were the last words of the demon lord.

    The undead gathered all the slain bodies into a large pile. With a nod from the wraith, the skeleton set fire to the bodies. The flame soon spread and began engulfing the city. The city burned brightly.

    To be honest, this game was certainly not one of the most interesting games I have seen and I am sure many of you agree. Too many afkers and lurkers man. Well I suck at handing out rewards but here it goes.

    MVP: BorkBot, he basically planned and cordinated all the kills for mafia. He managed to WIFOM well enough to get McPwnage as his pawn. Despite having a mafia member die on the second night, he still managed to pull mafia through this.

    LVP: kiranearitachi, he lurked pretty much the entire game. Didn't help the town discussion in any way. No heals were successful. I'm sorry bro but I gotta be honest.

    Y MY TROLLING NO WORK?: Archie, dude. That was obvious. Everyone kind of suspected you to start out with. And you saying you were mafioso didn't really help.

    FIRST BLOOD: Ubernox, the vigilante that managed to kill a scum during the night. I don't blame the others. They got rolfstomped on night 2 lol.

    Why always me?: Poor CmG, he got sk but everyone knew it was him. CmG is always scum kids

    Here is Borky's last deathnote:

    "Thank you for your blind faith in me, pawn. However, now that you're no longer of use to me, I think I'll simply dispose of you and dance on your corpse. Muhahahaha!



    The two chats. The dead chat's... Not very interesting...
    Last edited by Goremancer; February 8th, 2012 at 09:04 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  11. ISO #161

  12. ISO #162

  13. ISO #163

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    You should follow the game yourself. If you need a PM to be reminded to send your action every night or to participate in the day chat at all, you're not really playing.

    And thanks Rocshi. People said the same after FMIV... why did they trust me?

    I don't think they necessarily trusted me, it's more that they had no hard evidence that I was lying about anything and all of my "investigations" and results made sense. I think I made the best I could out of the situation with the gamble about CmG's and McPwnage's roles. If the real Vrock was allowed to come out and take on an undisputed leadership role we would've been finished. Ajkei could never really prove that he was the Vrock. Even if kiran had posted, the information I gave came sooner and required much more difficult guesswork than saying who the doc is with only 2 players left whose roles were unconfirmed and which had to be quasit or pit fiend. That's why I think people were hesitant to turn against me.

    However, from death chat you're not taking any risks and you have the deadlynch, so it's much easier to gamble and find the real scum.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  14. ISO #164

  15. ISO #165

  16. ISO #166

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    too bad i had no time to defend myself at my lynchday out of rl reasons. But why should i have defend me in the first place i played now so many games with borkbot already. I instinctivly knew he was Mafia. But if both cerberus die at the same night what ca you possibly claim? If you have 2 mafioso its easy to fake claim a power role like investigator if your chances are that high to guess the real roles who are left in game thanks to afking quasits.

    Terrible game for terrible people

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  17. ISO #167

  18. ISO #168

    Re: S-FM VI Thread

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  19. ISO #169



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