Diminishing Pool Vote System

Narrator updates
  • Added role modifier that will hide how people flip to the public
  • Added discussion period
  • Added secret voting feature
  • Added diminishing pool vote system

Feature: Diminishing pool
  • Starts off where everyone is available to be voted
  • Once everyone votes, people with more than 2 votes gets put on trial, if they haven't already.
  • If more than one person was put put on trial, those people are the only people eligible to be voted.
  • If a majority consensus cannot be reached, everyone dies.

Discord Updates
  • Fixed some buggy talking features
  • Revamped vote output

  • Going to add a 'Thief' role. If there are more roles than players in a roles list, the thief can choose between the remaining roles. I also want a better name than 'Thief'.
  • Still, I would like to integrate Narrator with Maybe hosts will then use this for S-FMs? TBD. Some work has been done with Apocist on this front!!