Welcome to The courtroom, ladies and Gentlemen! Court is now in session!!!!
This is the year 2016 where The legal system's most notable changes in the last 15 years are in the implementation of a fast-paced, inquisitive initial trial procedure for trials where the Judge runs the trials. The judge acts as the inquisitor who determines the outcome of the trial. For this reason, the court proceedings closely resemble a debating contest, where the attorneys argue and present case points on how and why the defendant in the case is guilty or innocent. Recently the Trials have been implementing a new form of Jury system where everyone get's a fair say in the Judge's Verdict... but not always is it fair. For Corruption seeps through the cracks of the Courtroom, ushering in a dark age of the Law, where anyone could get away with murder if the price is right...
This Setup is stationed on a jury and trial system where during the day the players vote on who they feel is evil. The Night phase is a trial phase where the "defendant" (a.k.a whoever was voted up and chosen) Is put to trial and 2 people are chosen to be the attorneys present. The rest are apart of the jury who ultimately decides if he is guilty or innocent. The biggest I'd like this setup to get in terms of players is 13. 12-10 is optimal.
Role List 13 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Corrupted Juror
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role List 12 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Corrupted Juror
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role List 11 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Corrupt Juror
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role List 10 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role List 9 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role List 8 Players
Corrupted Attorney
Guilty Defendant
Hidden Courtroom Menace
Role Cards
You are the Judge. You are the leader of the town and the trials. You, with the help of the jury, make sure each trial is treated fairly and honorably.
- You are revealed immediately at the start of the game by the host.
- You cannot vote.
- You cannot be put to Trial.
- When Court is in session and each side is finished with their case, you are informed of the juries decision.
- all regulations laid out for the Judge role in the thread apply.
You're A attorney appointed by the law to fight against corruption.
- When someone is voted to trial, you are assigned as either a Defense or Prosecuting attorney based on the conditions of the person voted up.
Guilty Defendant
You are the Guilty Defendant. You're a murderer who was able to escape the law in the past thanks to your connections in the attorney pool.
- This Role is Unique.
- You are informed of who your Corrupted Attorney is at the start of the game.
- You and your Attorney get a day/Trial chat you can use here. [link][/link]
- You are assigned as a court appointed attorney if put into a trial thanks to your hidden sources.
Corrupt Attorney
You're a Corrupt Attorney who has deep connections in the Trial system. You've been paid out by a desperate client, and must fight to make sure they are found innocent.
- You have a one time use skill that can sabotage A ongoing trial's outcome, forcing a Guilty or Innocent on a player.
- You cannot use this during a trial with the Guilty Defendant as the defendant, BUT it can be used during your own trial.
- This ability can only be used if the trial isn't interrupted (Courtroom bombing) or at anytime after the first 12 hours of the Trial.
- Once used, the Trial ends, and the town will be notified of this the next day along with the manipulated verdict.
- if this is used to kill the Courtroom Bomber, the usage becomes refreshed.
- This ability starts with an extra charge as long as there's two Corrupt Attornies alive and on the team.
- This ability's charge is passed down if an Amnesiac Attorney remembers this role.
- This ability becomes obsolete if the Jury system becomes abolished.
- You are informed of who your client is and his Juror during the start of the game.
- You and your client get a day/Trial chat you can use here. [link][/link]
- You have a better chance at being chosen as defending your client OR Lesser chance of prosecuting them when a trial is setup against them. (Subject to chang
- If the Guilty Defendant died Without being on Trial, then you become the new Defendant with the charge of corruption. (open for interpretation)
Possible Hidden Neutral RolesCorrupt Juror
You are a citizen who has deep connections with the legal system, allowing you to become a Jury member at any trial and at any point of time. You were hired by the Guilty Defendant to help them get off the hook for their crimes.
- You have the ability to become a Jury member even when you are in a trial (You cannot see jury chat).
- You have a one time(Two time on 13 player setup) ability to anonymously acquire two voting power when you vote as a Juror.
- If you are voting as a Juror and you are in a trial, you will go to the host directly with your vote.
- You are informed of who the Corrupt Attorney and the Guilty Defendant are at the start of the game..
- You and your faction get a day/Trial chat you can use here. [link][/link]
Amnesiac Attorney
You're a Attorney who doesn't remember which side of the legal system your loyalties lied.
- As long as the role is in the graveyard, you can remember said role at any time during the day.
- When you remember the role, it is publicly revealed to the town.
- If you remember Guilty Defendant, you will become a Corrupt Attorney Instead.
- You cannot Remember being the Courtroom Bomber.
Insane Prosecuting Attorney
You're the Insane Prosecuting Attorney. You have a certain grudge against a particular person that cannot be sated until they are found guilty in court.
- You are assigned a player as your *target*
- Your target cannot be the Judge or the Defendant.
- You have a higher chance of being chosen as the Prosecuting Attorney for your target's trial.
- If you are successful in getting your target a guilty verdict, you essentially leave law for good (A.K.A Die).
- If your defendant dies in a Courtroom bombing, you also leave law for good and lose.
Insane Defense Attorney
You're the Insane Defense Attorney. You have a debt of gratitude towards a particular person and will defend them by any means necessary.
- You are assigned a player as your *target*
- Your Target cannot be the Judge or the Defendant.
- You have a higher chance of being chosen as the Defense Attorney for your target's Trial.
- If you are successful in getting your target a innocent verdict, you essentially leave law for good (A.K.A Die).
- If your defendant dies in a Courtroom bombing OR is found Guilty in a Trial, you also leave law for good and lose.
Win ConditionsCourtroom Bomber
You're the infamous Courtroom Bomber. Your primary goal is to sabotage and destroy The courtroom during trials!
Abilities: You may try to rig a trial to explode.
- This Role is Unique.
- You are notified if you are successful in rigging a trial.
- during the trial you may choose to detonate the bomb when 12 hours has passed.
- When the court is bombed, The current defendant dies alongside another attorney present chosen by you.
- You may only do this Once.
- If you kill the Guilty Defendant and/or Corrupt Attorney with your ability, you may rig another trial with a bomb.
Judge/Attorneys: You win when the Corrupt Attorney Faction/Courtroom Bomber Is found guilty(Corrupt Attorney Faction can die in a bombing and it will still count towards this win condition). You Lose if you find 2 Attorneys guilty in a row/Lose majority(3 guilties in a row for the 12-13 player setup) (The Corrupt Attorneys ability does not factor in for the 2-3 town guilties in a row).
Guilty Defendant: You win when you are found innocent on trial twice or If you and your team gain Majority during the day. You lose if you and Your Corrupt Attorney/Corrupt Juror are declared guilty/die in a Bombing.
Corrupt Attorney: You win if the Guilty Defendant is found innocent twice or if your team gains majority during the day. You lose if you AND Your Guilty Defendant/Corrupt Juror are declared guilty/die in a Bombing.
Corrupt Juror: You win if the Guilty Defendant is found innocent twice or if you gain majority during the day with your faction. You lose if you, the Corrupt Attorney and Corrupt Defendant are killed in a bombing or are declared guilty.
Amnesiac Attorney: You win if you survive to the end, otherwise your win condition applies to whatever role you choose to remember.
Insane Prosecuting Attorney: You win if your target is found guilty during a trial. You lose if you die before this condition is met.
Insane Defense Attorney: You win if your target is found innocent in a trial. You lose if you die before these conditions are met.
Courtroom Bomber: You win if you are alive at the end of the game (you win ties with the Guilty Defendant/Corrupt Attorney). You lose if you die before you meet this condition.
Day/Judge Mechanics
Days Last 48 Hours
There is no Majority Lynch (It will be run using the Condorcet system, made by Voss)
The Judge picks who goes to trial if a rare case of a tied vote happens.
If absolutely no one votes near the EoD, then the Judge picks both the Defendant, Defense, and Prosecuting attorney.
He gets 12-24 hours to do this.
The Trial Phase (Night Phase) Begins when a Lynch happens or days end and whatever set of rules to pick who is who is applied. Then host starts the Trial phase.
Everyone who is picked as Prosecutor or Defense, etc. Are Notified Via PM Or Discord.
Trial Mechanics
Trials Last for 24 hours (depending)
The Prosecuting attorney is selected randomly from who voted the player being put to trial.
The Defense attorney is selected randomly from those who abstained/didn't vote current person (Or Judge picks depending).
I reserve the right to lengthen when and how long the trial starts depending on player availability.
The only participants to this are the Judge, current defendant, and the attorneys assigned to both sides.
While the trial is going on, Everyone else is apart of the Jury and are given their own Discord Server to discuss the trial/their thoughts (This Discord server is deleted/remade for every new trial).
They have to all come to either a consensus or close to one near the End of the Court sequence on if the defendant is guilty or Innocent. (can be off by 3 I.E 7 to 3)
The votes are explained in the server and each player can re-vote as they please (But cannot revote anymore if a full-on Agreement is made in the Thread).
After 24 hours has passed during the trial, and if all votes are in, the trial will end. But I can end it early after 14 hours if all votes are in and a consensus reached. If there's no consensus by 24 hours it ends with the Judge deciding the fate of the defendant at the time.
When this happens, the Discord Server is shut down and all votes are locked in.
When the Trial is over and the Jury reaches a verdict, I send their verdict to the Judge.
The Judge PM's me the final verdict in which he has a say(BUT NOT A FINAL SAY, UNLESS THE TRIAL SYSTEM IS THE NON-JURY VERSION and especially if a Full-on Agreement has been made), and the thread closes. I then say what happened and if they are guilty/innocent And the next day starts.
If the Jury fail to reach a verdict/Tied vote within the 48 hours, then the Judge decides the fate of the defendant.
If a Trial is bombed or if the Trial is influenced by the Corrupt Attorney, then the trial automatically ends with the deaths with the bombings, or the rigged verdict with the Influence (this cannot happen until 12 hours has passed at least).
Trial Mechanics 2
When there's not enough players alive for a Complete Jury to be made (Less than 2), then the Jury system is abolished and replaced with the old Tradition of the Judge, Jury, And Executioner system.
When this happens, The Trial is shortened to only 12-24 hours.
How Prosecutor and Defense attorneys are selected will not change (If no one votes AT ALL near the end of the day, then the Judge Decides who's the Defendant, the Prosecutor, And the Defense attorney)
The remaining player can choose between being a Co-Prosecutor or Co-Defense attorney, they will PM the host their decision.
During this Trial, the Judge must listen to the arguments being made if any.
After the 12 hour mark has passed, the Judge may choose to end the trial at any time he see's fit.
When the Judge decides to end the Trial, NO MORE posting may be made (If the host isn't online to close the thread and people still post, it won't be pretty :P)
The Judge then hands out the verdict of the defendant, which is FINAL (the Corrupt Attorney's influence can no longer apply here).
All normal Site rules apply.
Because of the numerous amount of unique mechanics, I reserve the right to alter mechanics in a clear way, not to scum or town side, but to attempt to make the game more enjoyable. Hindsight is 20/20
I reserve the color Blue For answering questions.
5 posts minimum for every player. THIS ALSO INCLUDES IN THE DISCORD SERVER FOR THE JURY! And also for The Trial Phase players too.
NO Posting during the Trial phase unless you are apart of it.
NO Direct quotes or Pictures of what was said in the Jury chat! You can take notes but AGAIN DON'T directly quote things that are said.
I hold the right to replace/mod-kill if you are inactive/break any rules/don't PM me when you are ready for court to start.
READ THE SETUP! There's a lot to this setup, so not reading the setup thoroughly is just poor play.
And most importantly: HAVE FUN! Let loose a little, get into it. You can scream OBJECTION Or HOLD IT To things if you want! (Just don't go crazy with it -.-)
And that's it! Phoenix Wright awaits your Comments! I really would like some constructive criticism since this is my First FM idea and it sort of came out of the blue... Especially with the Trial Mechanic. I'm sort of having a hard time thinking of a way to balance it/etc.
- Tweaked Corrupt Attorneys Attributes so they can prosecute their client and not forced to defend them during a trial.
- Made it so Every role including the defendant can be chosen as a prosecutor or defense attorney
- Removed Insane Defendant slot and added a Random Neutral slot with extra Neutral roles
- Tweaked rolecards/rules a bit.
- Added Different Lose conditions/Mechanics
- Added a Jury so the Judge isn't the *main* Deciding factor to the game, more like a Mayor with minimal sway and without the extra votes.
- Bumped it up to 10 players, with 1 extra VT and 1 extra Hidden Neutral. May bump it down to 9, removing a townie. Open to suggestions!
- Edited the story.
- Removed the Insane Defendant (Jester) In replacement of an amnesiac (Amnesiac Attorney) Role. Figured Calix is right and a Jester in a low player game is more than likely a game breaker.
- Refurbished the Trial System when the conditions of a Jury trial can no longer be achieved.
- Added a 9 and 8 player setup option, just in case!
- A lot of the new implementations are inspired by Quick. Special thanks to him and everyone who suggested to this game so far!