Obligation Vs. Self

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  1. ISO #1

    Obligation Vs. Self

    This little survey was handed to me in english class, I just wanna see what other ppl thinks of this.
    Q1: Close friends/lover vs family
    Q2: Society/nation vs family
    Q3: Society/ nation vs self
    Q4: Close friends/lover vs self
    Q5: Family vs self
    Q6: Moral belief vs family/friends/lover
    Q7: Moral belief vs self
    Q8: Power vs family
    Q9: Power vs friends/lover
    Q10:Death vs Extreme pain

    More questions :D

    Q11: If your family is going to die and the only way to save them is to sacrifice yourself, would you do it? What about lover/close friends?
    Q12: If you were in serious trouble and the only way to be found innocent is to pin the blame on your family/friend/lover, would you do it? Or would you just run away? Or would you just take the punishment?
    Q13: If someone kills your family/close friend/lover, would the first thing you think about the vengence? Or about trying to save ur family/friend/lover first?
    Q14: Suppose your family/lover/friend just broke a serious law and was put in jail. Would you cut off your ties with him/her/them or would you try to defend them and try to comfort them?

    I know a lot of these questions aren't very well written but i'm just curious to see what ppl think about these things
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    In general, people are more important than power. In fact, people are power. The problem with this whole exercise is that many of the questions pit groups of people against other groups of people. I believe that all people should be treated equally, therefore some of my answers are "equal".

    Another problem is that these aren't questions and the notion of society and nation is ambiguous. When you say "vs", is it supposed to be a life/death situation? i.e. "Which would you rather save if you could only chose one?" or is more of a "Which is more important to you?" question.

    imho your English teacher needs to seriously restructure this meaningless jumble of "questions" if he wants to make it even somewhat effective at imparting any form of learning.

    Anyway, I will give you the cookie you want:

    1) Equal
    2) Family
    3) Self
    4) Close Friends/Lover
    5) Family
    6), 7) wtf do you mean by moral belief? When you pose two things against each other, they have to oppose each other in some way...These two do not oppose each other at all.
    9) Friends/Lover
    10) Death
    11) Yes, Yes
    12) Yes, probably. Depends on crime and how much it implicates. Also, wtf at the run away suggestion.
    13) Okay... Your first statement implies your family member is already dead, so I do not understand why you ask if you would think about saving them. I do not believe in revenge or any form of capital punishment.
    14) Depends on a variety of factors. Firstly, I will assess the nature of the law and see if it was a legitimate and fair law to begin with. Then, I will you will assess possible motives for the person I know that violated the law. If the motives were justified from my point of view, I would not hold any hatred towards them for breaking the law and would probably defend their rights in the court of law.

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    I assumed most of these would me life or death situations, or "duty to" for something very important.

    Q1: Close friends/lover
    Q2: Society
    Q3: Society
    Q4: Close friends/lover
    Q5: Family
    Q6: Moral belief
    Q7: Moral belief
    Q8: family
    Q9: friends/lover
    Q10:Extreme pain
    Q11: yes, yes without a doubt.
    Q12: I would take the punishment before i would pin it to my close friends or lover.
    Q13: if they were already killed, vengeance. I'm not afraid to take the life of someone who would kill someone very important to me, regardless of the repercussions. they took the life of someone important to me, i will take theirs. on the other hand if they weren't dead yet the first thing i would do is do what ever it takes to save them, even if it costs my own life in the end.
    Q14: it would depend on what law, anything short of straight up murder without a very good reason i would lie to defend them, or try and comfort in anyway i could.

    i have very strong moral values and put many things and people before myself.
    Last edited by ; December 4th, 2011 at 02:13 AM. Reason: spelin erorz lols

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q1: Equal
    Q2: Family
    Q3: self
    Q4: self
    Q5: self
    Q6: family/friends/lover
    Q7: Moral belief
    Q8: family
    Q9: friends/lover
    Q10: Death
    Q11: Both is almost the same awkward situation. If you die for them they will suffer ofr your sacrifice a life long. If they die you suffer for their deaths. We have over 6 Billion Humans on earth 1 or 10 doesnt make a big difference.
    Q12: take the punishment?
    Q13: I would kill his close friends EYE FOR AN EYE and blame it on him.
    Q14: try to comfort them

    Be advised i am from Germany, the world is a bit different there.

    Interesting that you got this in your English class. Such surveys are normaly there to analyse people. Or giving hints about them.

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    I don't really know what context these questions are in but I take it as what do you value more.

    Q1: Close friends/lover. You don't get to choose your family so I don't think they should be more important than the people you actually like. I do love my family though and would consider them close friends
    Q2: Society
    Q3: Self
    Q4: Probably self
    Q5: Self
    Q6+7: Moral Belief? - Does this mean an externally decided set of values e.g. religion or my own beliefs and ideals because in that case I don't get Q7 because aren't they the same thing?
    Q8+9: If that power allowed me to help people and do more good in the world then I would take it over my friends and family
    Q10: Extreme pain
    Q11: Probably
    Q12: No. If I was guilty I would take the punishment. If I was innocent I would try to convince them that I was and hope to get compensation for the jail time I had. I wouldn't try to run away because I would probably be caught and made to appear more guilty and it would be a hard life on the run if I managed to escape.
    Q13: I would try to save them but if they were killed I wouldn't take revenge
    Q14: Depends what they did and what their motivations were. I wouldn't defend them if they were guilty, I would comfort them if I understood their motivations and I would cut off all ties with them if they did something really bad (e.g. they are a SK or arso)

    EDIT: Like false said it would depend on whether I thought the law was fair as well.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q1: friends, cuz im rarely with my mom im always traveling
    Q2: family, i mean i only have like Mr. Mime and my mom at my house.
    Q3: myself
    Q4: self
    Q5: Family
    Q6: Moral belief
    Q7: self
    Q8: family, y do i need power im a pokemon trainerz
    Q9: friends/lover
    Q10: Extreme pain, ive almost never experienced pain because its mostly my pokemons that do all the fighting.
    Q11: no only for pikachu
    Q12: yes, i would challenge them to a pokemon battle, not for my friends, for the fun.
    Q13: i would challenge him to a pokemon battle for same reason as above.
    Q14: i wouldnt go there at all, i heard theres niggers in prison.

    Last edited by ; December 4th, 2011 at 10:03 AM. Reason: i 4got to answer a question
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    ROFL at ash's response. And yes as False pointed it out the questions aren't very well written. In fact it was mostly written by the assistant teacher since the english teacher was sick that day. Seems like question 13 and 14 was a bit confusing. Well let me rephrase it a bit before i go eat lunch.

    For 13, let's suppose that a crazy guy with a knife(sk) goes and stabs ur important person. Now he/she may or may not be dead. So i'm basically asking you whether salvation comes first or does vengence come first?

    For 14, your family/lover/friend had done something terrible like murdering or bombing a place. They/she/he had done so because they/he/she believed it was correct. They may have believed it was for your sake, or for their/her/his sake, or for the society's sake. But whatever the motive was, they/he/she are thrown in jail and is not in optimal state. So would you help defending them if you believed in their innocence? Would you help defending them even if you know they are guilty? Would you ignore them to protect yourself?
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    I'm going to assume these questions deal with quality of life rather than all issues as a whole, because in the latter case I can't provide definite answers.

    Q1: Equal
    Q2: Society above family, family above nation. (assuming nation is referring to the personification of a nation, rather than the nation as a whole)
    Q3: Society above self, self above nation (as above)
    Q4: Close friends/lover
    Q5: Family
    I have no idea wtf Q6 and Q7 mean
    Q8: Power (Assuming I can use this power for the benefit of the people as a whole, including my family)
    Q9: As above
    Q10: Probably extreme pain

    Q11: Not sure
    Q12: Am I guilty of the serious trouble? How serious is it? If it's some idiotic law like copyright infringement, I would gtfo out of the country. Otherwise, I'd probably take the punishment.
    Q13: Saving the person.
    Q14: Depends on what law they broke.

    These questions are way too vague.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q1: family
    Q2: family
    Q3: Society/ nation
    Q4: Close friends/lover
    Q5: Family
    Q6: Moral belief (as in, I would not give up my morals for these people)
    Q7: Moral belief (or for myself for that matter)
    Q8: family
    Q9: friends/lover
    Q10: Extreme pain (I have always wanted to go out with something memorable for all who witness it)
    Q11: Yes to both
    Q12: I would take the punishment
    Q13: save them then go after the attacker
    Q14: I would explain to them why I would have to witness against them in court. In fact, I would go out of my way to make sure they are punished for a crime. There are quite a few crimes which the criminals think benefit others or is the right thing to do. I think that actions should have consequences, regardless of intention.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q6 and 7,
    Well Moral belief could let be you believe is true or right. For example religion, Your familiy might be against that. Or maybe what you think is right could be sacrificing yourself for something.
    It's really just asking how important your beliefs are.
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  11. ISO #11

    Post Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q1: Equal
    Q2: family
    Q3: self
    Q4: lover vs self
    Q5: self
    Q6: Equal
    Q7: Moral belief
    Q8: family
    Q9: friends/lover
    Q10:Extreme pain - pain isnt something to be feared, its only something to shows to you, you are alive and something is wrong

    Q11: I would only sacrifice myself for my lover

    Q12: I would only pin the blame on someone else IF it was their fault..if u are guilty take the punishment

    Q13: Save your (insert here first), take vengence later..their death doesnt need to happen now, let them live in fear til the next day.

    Q14: Your friend is still the same person they were, only did something stupid. Help them out however u feel is best in the situtation

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    I think that actions should have consequences, regardless of intention.
    This sentence intrigues me because I actually believe that intentions should have consequences, regardless of actions. Your line of thinking is actually what I see to be the fundamental problem of most justice systems around the world.

    Why address the action, when you should address the intention? If a person accidentally kills someone vs. a person kills someone through a methodical planned attempt to end one's life, why should the accidental killer be punished?

    If someone plans to kill someone in cold-blood, but can't follow through because of a technical reason(ex. out of bullets), shouldn't he deserve a punishment even though he technically didn't do anything?

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    I'm going to assume this is a question of the most morally virtuous choices.

    1. Can't decide.

    2. Family

    3. Self

    4. Close Friends/Lover

    5. Family

    6. Can't really chose one over the other.

    7. Moral Belief

    8. Family

    9. Friends/lover

    10. Extreme Pain

    11. Sacrifice Self

    12. I would run away, since If I'm really innocent I'm not about to take the blame for something I didn't do.

    13. Save Family/Friends/Lover

    14. Defend/Comfort

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    FalseTruth, that is a fine line. I agree completely that some intentions should have consequences, as well. Your example (undoubtedly there are more but you brought up this one) with the out of ammo means that the law can prosecute that person for threatening someone.

    My understanding of the question is that the close friend/lover/family member had done so because that person thought that is was the correct thing to do. Would you defend a polygamy-practicing Mormon because he thinks that it is the right thing to do?

    Or would you defend a mentally unstable serial killer because he thought that he was saving the people he killed from an even worse fate (say...aliens or monsters. Don't eat the pudding)?

    Even if something is an accident I would have it be investigated and possibly go to court. These things should always be looked into.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Vague questions merit inaccurate answers.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Quote Originally Posted by FalseTruth View Post
    This sentence intrigues me because I actually believe that intentions should have consequences, regardless of actions. Your line of thinking is actually what I see to be the fundamental problem of most justice systems around the world.

    Why address the action, when you should address the intention? If a person accidentally kills someone vs. a person kills someone through a methodical planned attempt to end one's life, why should the accidental killer be punished?

    If someone plans to kill someone in cold-blood, but can't follow through because of a technical reason(ex. out of bullets), shouldn't he deserve a punishment even though he technically didn't do anything?
    Simple: you can't prove thoughts.

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Q1: Close friends/lover vs family

    Q2: Society/nation vs family

    Q3: Society/ nation vs self

    Q4: Close friends/lover vs self

    Q5: Family vs self

    Q6: Moral belief vs family/friends/lover
    Moral belief.

    Q7: Moral belief vs self
    This question is a contradiction.

    Q8: Power vs family

    Q9: Power vs friends/lover

    Q10eath vs Extreme pain
    Extreme pain.

    Q11: If your family is going to die and the only way to save them is to sacrifice yourself, would you do it? What about lover/close friends?

    Q12: If you were in serious trouble and the only way to be found innocent is to pin the blame on your family/friend/lover, would you do it? Or would you just run away? Or would you just take the punishment?
    Run away.

    Q13: If someone kills your family/close friend/lover, would the first thing you think about the vengence? Or about trying to save ur family/friend/lover first?

    Q14: Suppose your family/lover/friend just broke a serious law and was put in jail. Would you cut off your ties with him/her/them or would you try to defend them and try to comfort them?
    Last edited by Crimlet; December 9th, 2011 at 02:12 PM.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Obligation Vs. Self

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    Simple: you can't prove thoughts.
    Quoted 4 Truth

    Simply put: We don't have the means of reading minds yet, and so anyone could make up any kind of shit to get away with any crimes they've committed.

    Then there's also the fundamental rule of thumb that is: "The ends never justify the means."

    For example, if someone had good intentions, but murdered someone in the process, is that murder justified? This is a rhetorical question.



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