Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

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  1. ISO #1

    Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Reggie Rowe leaves to the bathroom, He leaves you with his iPad and runs the video titled The Beast Strikes Back, by Elixir.

    The video isn't the greatest quality but you can see first hand what happened... it appears to be filmed from inside a building; someone spying on the roof of a neighboring building.

    A man in a red suit is on the roof of the building. After a short while he's joined by someone else... Lightning appears to run up their arm... You identify them as Cole MacGrath

    "So Cole, what is your decision?"

    "You're insane John. We can stop this another way that doesn't involved massacring thousands of people"

    "They're not like us Cole. They are expendable"

    "To hell with that, and to hell with you. If you ain't gonna stop this, then I will."

    "Such a pity... It would appear you've outlived your use then"

    Power began to emmenate from the suited gentleman and he grew slightly in size... in his hands a black and red ball of energy grew; with his eyes fixated on MacGrath.

    The person who is filming what is happening suddenly knocks the camera a little as they jump out the window and land on the roof of the other building. They sprint to the engagement and jump infront of the energy surge as it blasts out of the beasts hand blowing them back into a nearby wall.

    The commotion attracts the attention of a nearby militia patrol who close in on The Beast who turns to meet them.

    With The Beast distracted, Cole rushes over to the felled human who absorbed the blast. They introduced themself as FM Lilliana Vess, and they told him that he was their only hope... before passing away.

    The Militia patrol began to engage The Beast. FM Dack Fayden among them; rifles at the ready, they unloaded magazine after magazine into him.

    The Beast walked through their bullets effortlessly before standing mere meters before them. Charging another blast he looked at them and said, speak your last words on this plane.

    Dack responded, knowing his time had come:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dack's Last Words
    Sorry for the abbreviated last will but I don’t anticipate dying tonight (It is /n3 and I am in jail). The jailor has not indicated he is not Koth although we have not had much discussion.

    Abbreviated reads:

    FM Ashiok seems to bitter to be scum. Gut feeling.

    I shot Jace on N2 because I thought he slipped as green mafia and I didn’t buy that he could be Priest like Baltrice had suggested. This makes me think that Baltrice is a Priest.

    FM Chandra keeps buddying me. At this point I don’t know if it’s a scum or town tell, but the blatantly obvious “should I vote? Why is nobody talking to me” posts make me lean town because I think scum would want to hide more.

    Domri rade is almost 100% a sheriff.

    I haven’t shot Elspeth because I once played a game with Elspeth in which I was mayor but claimed scum early on and was never lynched because there were other higher priority targets. The jury is still out on this one.

    Garruk Wildspeaker is really blendy and gives off the same vibe that glissa had imo.

    No read on Jaya.

    No read on Karn.

    Can’t shake the scum feeling on Kiora. This player pops in to say some intelligent sounding things and there isn’t really evidence to make me feel comfortable.

    If you’re reading my last will on N3 then there is a kidnapper. Koth is probably still jailor anyway though.

    No read on Liliana

    Masrath/Meshuvel gain town points if one flips green mafia. I don’t really buy that Masrath leans town b/c of derp revealing jailor. Could easily also be derpscum.

    Nicol Bolas leans town for revealing Masrath’s reveal of the jailor. It helps equalize scum and townies to all have the information out there.

    Nissa leans scum

    Parcher is town to me. Although if Parcher flips scum I would re-examine Vraska.

    Ral Zarek

    No read on Ravi

    No read on Sandruu.

    Sarkhan Vol gets town points for going along with the cit claiming on D1.

    Sifa Grent is still probably an amnesiac even though he claims not to be.

    No read on Sorin Markov

    No read on Teferi

    Tessebik is definitely hiding something. Choice of avatar makes me think he wants people to underestimate him.

    No read on Tezzeret



    In any case, I feel like the night kills seem in line with how Vraska would kill, although I haven’t had time to look back and build a textual case against him.

    No read on Xenagos
    The Beast then turned to Cole Macgrath, still on the top of the building and said:

    Quote Originally Posted by The Beasts Death Note
    WeLl WeLl WeLl It LoOkS lIkE tHaT Cole HaS BeTrAyEd Me
    So I aM a ReAsOnAbLe PeRsOn I wIlL MaKe EVERYONE A dEaL
    eAcH nIgHt I wIlL kIlL OnE pErSoN oF mY cHoOsInG tHe SeCoNd KiLl WiLl Be ChOsEn By ThE pEoPle
    YoU mAy DeCiDe By TyPiNg -Kill Target
    FoRmAt MuSt Be RiGhT oThErWiSe It WiLl Be IgNoReD
    YoU mUsT AlSo GiVe ReAsOn WhY tO bE CoNsIdErEd
    ToNiGhT i KiLlEd ThEsE tWo PeOpLe

    FM Liliana Vess
    FM Dack Fayden

    If ThEy ArE aLiVe ThEy ArE NiGhT iMmUnE

    GoOd LuCk

    Elsewhere, FM Tibalt was frozen to a wall, abusing a man in a mask who stared at him silently.

    Tibalt yelled as loud as he could:


    This wall goes out to our lurky players that don't bother keeping up with the game. May this chart catch you up with every known night action.

    -The weird feedback from yesterday could just be the hosts confusing the town a bit. (Notice the door lol) I would reference how the player colors were chosen and some of the names to harass chat a bit. I personally believe 1 of our scum has been killed by a Cole killing and the town is in an excellent position to pull out a win. (If this is the case one or two things will have to be swapped on my chart)

    Depending on how this night went and if a Coroner can reveal our three missing roles a role call could lock down the game for a win.
    The masked stranger pulled out a shotgun and blasted him repeatedly until the screams fell silent.

    At this point Reggie Returned

    Everything is not as black and white as the papers claim no?

    Role List:

    Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
    Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
    Nix [MacGrath]

    Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Conduit [Vermaak 88]

    The Prime Beast
    Random Killing Conduit
    Random Conduit

    Joseph Bertrand
    Random Power Militia
    Random Power Militia
    Random Power Militia
    Random Power Militia
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member

    There are 3 more roles in the list than players due to 3 roles being cleaned


    FM Tamiyo(???)[Night 1]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed. [Conduit]
    FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night 1]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death. [Conduit]
    FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance. [Lynch]
    FM Jace Beleren (Priest)[Night 2]: Single bullet wound to the head. Died instantly. [Extremist]
    FM Venser (???)[Night 2]: Electrocuted then melted to a pool of human components. [Conduit]
    FM Ajani Goldmane(Delsin Rowe)[Day 3]: Killed by a Firing Squad. [Lynch]
    FM Nissa Revane (???)[Night 3]: Vanished without a trace [Conduit]
    FM Garruk Wildspeaker(Militia Member)[Night 3]: Beaten to a pulp with a blunt object then electrocuted [Conduit]
    FM Vraska(Lucy Kuo [MacGrath])[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Lynch]
    Town House Door(Door)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Storyline]
    FM Jaya Ballard(Militia Member)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Modkill]
    FM Tibalt(Stripper)[Night IV]: Frozen to a wall, and blasted with multiple shotgun rounds [Conduit]
    FM Lilianna Vess(Militia Member)[Night IV]: Incinerated by The Beast Defending Cole MacGrath [Beast]
    FM Dack Fayden(Extremist)[Night IV]: Utterly Vaporized attempting to Kill the Beast with Conventional Weapons [Beast]

    Death Descriptions Added to Reduce Ambiguity. [Conduit] Can refer to Either Mafia Team

    The Day will End and at the Following Time: Day Ends
    It will take 12 votes to Lynch
    Vote using the Vote Tags.
    12 votes to hammer.


    Last edited by Elixir; December 19th, 2013 at 07:26 AM.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    It's a winter wonderland, IN AMERICA!

    Freedom for breakfast?! Its the only dish we serve, IN AMERICA!

    Course one TRUTH
    , directed at the Arsonist. Even if all of your douse targets are alive, you still need to wait till night 6 to get your secondary objective of killing 5 targets at once. This is because dousing comes after killing actions in the order of operations.

    Course two JUSTICE
    , I want to point out that before Karn revealed Vraska to be mafia I had said:
    "Baltrice and Vraska seem to be linked, if one pops up mafia, I would bet the other will too."
    As such I would like to begin with a FOS on Baltrice.

    And now for THE AMERICAN WAY:
    I'm still highly suspicious of Tezzeret as a member of the Vermaak88 due to his interactions with Nissa.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

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  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Sifa Grent View Post
    Hmm... I thought that Tibalt would be the one who roleblocked me. Now that he's dead, I can openly post my thoughts about him.

    I'm surprised that Cole actually chose not to ally with the Beast. Hmm, he probably chose to make that decision because Lucy Kuo was about to be lynched...
    I'm surprised Cole choose that too. 1 vote plus a kill per night is superior to 2 votes. Though he doesn't even get to utilize the second vote now.

  14. ISO #14

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  24. ISO #24

    Re: Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Masrath doesn't have to reveal her role to confirm koth

    Masrath said she revealed her role to the jailor but I doubt she did it in a 1 word sentence. Koth just has to post the sentence excluding any info that would reveal her role. Then she can confirm or deny that she had said that.

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  48. ISO #48

    Re: Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ashiok View Post
    -vote FM Nicol Bolas

    Claims to know from D2 that Dack was vig, then Dack dies the first night the Beast can kill. Beast's deathnote uses capitalization to try disguise the player's voice, same way Nicol uses his punctuation. Now hes trying to get our jailor killed.
    I believe that Nicol is dark. I do not know what type of darkness. If he is what you accuse him of being, then I cannot give any proof one way or another. Just the light of my words and my thoughts on Nicol's words.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ashiok View Post
    -vote FM Nicol Bolas

    Claims to know from D2 that Dack was vig, then Dack dies the first night the Beast can kill. Beast's deathnote uses capitalization to try disguise the player's voice, same way Nicol uses his punctuation. Now hes trying to get our jailor killed.
    Your reasoning is weak comma if I were the beast comma I would not be drawing as much attention as I have been period

  50. ISO #50



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