Search Results - SC2 Mafia


Type: Posts; User: Tominorobo

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  1. Replies

    ►►Re: So Americans get taxed even if they leave the country?◄◄

    According to US tax laws, American citizens and green card holders are required to file taxes every year, regardless of where they live or where they earn their income. This is known as ""citizenship-based taxation"" and it's one of the few countries that have this requirement. So even if you're living and working abroad, you're still required to file taxes and report your worldwide income to the IRS. However, there are some tax benefits and exclusions for Americans living abroad, such as the foreign earned income exclusion and the foreign tax credit. And if you're working abroad and are not sure about your salary and taxes, always check your check stub, it can give you a clear idea of how much you're paying.
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