3:02 JumpinAway RIP
3:07 ZZorange rip indeed
3:10 akaskr double kidnapper
3:10 akaskr damn
3:13 ZZorange damn really
3:15 ZZorange u got nappered 2?
3:16 ZZorange thats hardcore
3:18 akaskr yarp
4:26 Suwako how does it feel
4:31 Suwako to get exed as TG
5:15 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOl
5:18 Suwako hahaha
5:28 JumpinAway RIP lmao
5:30 akaskr lawl
5:32 akaskr which kidnapper were you?
5:36 [XXXV]WarPlayer i waso n u
5:37 [XXXV]WarPlayer i was on u
5:46 akaskr so the marsh-napper is still at large
5:54 JumpinAway theres not two kidnappers is there
5:57 JumpinAway because my role got cleansed
6:12 akaskr oh, you're right
6:17 akaskr so that means 1 died to jailor?
6:18 JumpinAway idk if i got disguised or what
6:22 JumpinAway but there is a dumb jailor out there prob lol
6:26 [XXXV]WarPlayer ^
6:28 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOOl
6:29 akaskr it should have told 1 if he was killed by jailor or kidnapper
6:39 akaskr 1 seems to think he was kidnapped
6:41 JumpinAway 8 who did you kill?
6:43 JumpinAway it was 5 right
6:49 [XXXV]WarPlayer ^
6:51 JumpinAway ah ok
7:06 akaskr oh, you know what?
7:13 ZZorange wut
7:13 akaskr I BET you that 1 didn't reveal his role to the jailor
7:15 akaskr and that's why he got killed
7:16 ZZorange ?
7:21 ZZorange why would i reveal role to a failor
7:27 akaskr because he killed you, that's why lol
7:33 ZZorange If you jail someone who blacklists 10 mafia roles and prefers 7 town roles
7:35 ZZorange You deserve to failor.
7:47 akaskr nah, if you're jailed and you don't reveal role when questioned, you deserve to be executed
7:49 JumpinAway you can blacklist roles?
7:50 ZZorange nope
7:52 JumpinAway oh
7:54 JumpinAway wut
7:54 JumpinAway lmao
8:00 akaskr lol how many times are you going to get executed zz before you learn your lesson
8:03 ZZorange ?
8:08 ZZorange There's no lesson to learn
8:10 JumpinAway why tf didnt you just claim crier lmao
8:11 akaskr apparently there is
8:19 ZZorange I'm simplying teaching the lesson of why you dont execute someone who has all mafia blacklisted and 7 town preferred
8:21 ZZorange One failor at a time.
8:24 ZZorange I allow them to failor
8:25 akaskr oh riiiiight
8:26 ZZorange So they can learn
8:28 ZZorange The error of their ways.
8:29 akaskr it's literally EVERYONE ELSE that's wrong
8:29 Suwako z
8:32 ZZorange It is yes.
8:34 Suwako its no use talking to him
8:36 ZZorange Thats how hate boners walks.
8:36 JumpinAway wait i dont get it what do you mean blacklist roles
8:41 ZZorange work*
8:49 ZZorange Yes
8:49 akaskr "Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong" -zzorange
8:52 Suwako i feel like jailor did a good job, because he will throw
8:53 ZZorange You can blacklist roles
8:54 ZZorange Pino
8:57 JumpinAway Really?
8:58 ZZorange So for instance
8:58 JumpinAway How
9:00 [MOKC]Darkstar alright
9:03 Prostagna you need 10k points for that
9:03 [MOKC]Darkstar now i can sleepy time
9:04 ZZorange I haven't been mafia except when i choose to be in over 50 games.
9:04 akaskr zzorange has the game figured out, he literally is the only one who gets it
9:06 JumpinAway ohh i see
9:10 akaskr and he has to teach every other person the meta
9:12 akaskr one person at a time
9:17 akaskr until he's been executed by everyone else playing
9:19 akaskr but don't worry, he's right
9:21 ZZorange Mafia players arent very smart meow mix
9:21 JumpinAway oh janitor lul
9:21 akaskr everyone else is wrong
9:22 ZZorange it takes time
9:24 ZZorange They will learn.
9:24 Suwako lolololol
9:28 akaskr you're right, you play mafia
9:31 akaskr perfect example
9:33 [MOKC]Darkstar hes not infalaible, youre being ridiculous
10:02 akaskr man zz, I wonder how many games have been lost because of your strat
10:05 ZZorange ?
10:08 Suwako zz is just a placeholder... ignore him
10:09 ZZorange Idk
10:13 ZZorange Depends how often people choose to failor.
10:20 Suwako we just need him to fill up a slot for 15
10:27 akaskr Nah, definitly depends on how often you play against the meta, then blame everyone else
10:32 ZZorange I don't play against any meta.
10:33 [MOKC]Darkstar i dont even know what that means
10:45 ZZorange I've just been jailed n1 more mafia games than you've played so I dont give role. I don't fuck with kidnappers.
10:48 [MOKC]Darkstar i just play my role to the best of my ability
10:51 [MOKC]Darkstar thats it
10:59 Prostagna why wouldnt marshall give role to jailor? thats just plain stupid lol.
11:02 ZZorange If people dont wanna failor they can choose to not jail me.
11:04 ZZorange Its up to them.
11:07 JumpinAway wait you pick the same name every time? why
11:11 ZZorange its a gimmick
11:15 ZZorange The Honest Man never lies.
11:16 ZZorange etc...
11:17 Suwako but zz also executes me
11:18 akaskr he does this thing were he plays as "Honest ____"
11:18 [MOKC]Darkstar its fun to have calling cards
11:20 akaskr and then never "lies"
11:23 JumpinAway oh
11:24 ZZorange That's true though
11:24 akaskr which means he just doesn't say anything of value
11:26 [MOKC]Darkstar i use A G E N T B OR N G E
11:28 ZZorange nah
11:29 ZZorange thats not true
11:31 [MOKC]Darkstar and D A R K S T A R
11:32 akaskr "I don't have any investigative results to report"
11:35 ZZorange It just means I never say something I know to be false.
11:36 Suwako he doesn't even play his own save properly
11:37 akaskr which is true, because he's mafia!
11:40 ZZorange Well no
11:42 ZZorange I was investigator that game.
11:44 Suwako why do we even want to 7222 if you dont want to play it properly?
11:45 ZZorange And i hadn't found anything.
11:46 akaskr he just "doesn't lie", but then says bullshit like that
11:50 JumpinAway darkstar's save is TRASH
11:50 JumpinAway darkstar's save is TRASH
11:52 ZZorange Meow Mix
11:53 Suwako dont take him seriously
11:55 ZZorange I was investigator that game
11:56 [MOKC]Darkstar its good to have nubs in the game you guys
11:58 ZZorange And I hadn't found anything
11:58 ZZorange So
11:58 JumpinAway i see his name and i insta -repick
11:58 [MOKC]Darkstar fresh blood
11:59 [MOKC]Darkstar its good
12:01 ZZorange Thats up to you
12:04 ZZorange To have good reading comprehension
12:06 akaskr yes, there is a single game you said that and you were actually investigator
12:12 JumpinAway o shit mm finally hit
12:14 akaskr and there are other games youv'e said that and you WEREN'T investigator
12:23 ZZorange ?
12:23 akaskr hence, you saying nothing of value, but never "lying"
12:30 [MOKC]Darkstar that sentence is meaningless
12:35 [MOKC]Darkstar read it to yourself out loud
12:35 Nameless wow
12:37 JumpinAway rippp
12:43 Suwako 1 is thrower
12:45 Suwako (rofl)
12:45 Nameless and here i was trying to watch 6
12:46 ZZorange nope
12:48 Suwako no you are
12:49 akaskr you just play your bullshit gimmick, and lose >50% of games you play
12:49 Prostagna 1 is thrower yeah
12:52 Faan 1 you literally said nothing in jail then blamed it on kidnapper
12:55 ZZorange bro
12:59 [MOKC]Darkstar lol
13:01 ZZorange You jailed someone who has 10 mafia roles blacklisted and 7 town roles preferred.
13:05 ZZorange What did you think you were going to get?
13:06 Suwako zzorange executed me when i claimed marshall to him in jail
13:06 Suwako zzorange executed me when i claimed marshall to him in jail
13:07 Faan how am I supposed to know?
13:12 Faan what fucking roles you have
13:15 ZZorange Isabella
13:17 ZZorange I said repent your sins
13:17 [MOKC]Darkstar yall need to take some chill pills and climb down odd eachothers weiners
13:18 Prostagna you cant prefer 7 roles..
13:19 akaskr other people have pretended to be you
13:20 ZZorange And you didn't repent your sins.
13:23 akaskr literally anyone can make the name "honest ____"
13:23 [MOKC]Darkstar off*
13:26 ZZorange I gave you a choice isabella.
13:29 ZZorange You chose death.
13:29 [MOKC]Darkstar odd weiners sounds pretty good too though
13:30 Suwako i hate you
13:33 JumpinAway LOL
13:33 akaskr just because they have that name, doesn't mean they have evils blacklisted
13:39 akaskr but nah, zzorange is right guys. don't worry
13:43 ZZorange Thanks Meow Mix
13:43 akaskr he's the smartest dude in the room, he knows it
13:46 ZZorange for finally comin to ur senses
13:51 [MOKC]Darkstar look at this!
13:52 akaskr he definitely isn't just a troll
13:52 [MOKC]Darkstar HARMONY!
13:55 ZZorange I'm not a troll.
14:01 akaskr exactly! NOT a troll! that's what I said! ;)
14:07 ZZorange I also say I'm town literally everytime im town so
14:07 [MOKC]Darkstar ZZO is a good player
14:11 ZZorange If you follow the gimmick
14:13 ZZorange You'll never mislynch
14:16 [MOKC]Darkstar he just catches all the flack because hes high profile
14:19 JumpinAway LMAO
14:22 ZZorange Literally if you ever see me say
14:23 ZZorange "I'm town"
14:24 ZZorange I am town.
14:26 ZZorange Full stop
14:30 ZZorange so
14:31 akaskr he catches flack because he goes against the meta, and then blames others
14:32 ZZorange Its up to you Meow Mix
14:35 ZZorange To have basic pattern recognition.
14:39 ZZorange If you've played 500 games with a guy
14:41 ZZorange And everytime he says
14:43 ZZorange I'm Town
14:44 ZZorange He's town
14:47 JumpinAway -notafk
14:47 akaskr if 90% of people will execute you because you don't reveal role to jailor
14:48 ZZorange And you still guilty him
14:49 ZZorange Is it really on him?
14:51 ZZorange for your inability to recognize patterns?
14:52 akaskr then it's kinda your fucking fault for getting executed
14:57 ZZorange nope
14:59 ZZorange aint on me chief
15:01 JumpinAway What if they're new
15:01 [MOKC]Darkstar this is becoming repetitive and circular in nature
15:03 ZZorange If you dont want to failor
15:05 ZZorange Dont jail me
15:06 ZZorange its that simple.
15:07 akaskr if 90% of people would execute you for not revealing role, then it's not everyone else that is wrong
15:19 akaskr it doesn't matter what kind of pattern you pretend you have
15:20 [MOKC]Darkstar new players are good, and theyre gonna amke mistakes
15:23 ZZorange If you're new you learn your lesson pretty quick.
15:23 [MOKC]Darkstar maf has a steep learning curve
15:25 akaskr patterns don't mean shit in a game about LYING
15:28 ZZorange If you continue to choose to jail me
15:30 ZZorange And i continue to be town
15:32 ZZorange That's on you.
15:33 akaskr yes, and you'd think you'd learn your lesson that other people will execute you
15:36 ZZorange The definition of insanity
15:38 ZZorange Is doing the same thing
15:42 ZZorange expecting a different result.
15:42 Faan ok joker
15:45 akaskr lol yes, thank you for agreeing! You're literally doing the exact same thing over and over
15:48 ZZorange ?
15:48 akaskr and hoping for a different outcome
15:50 [MOKC]Darkstar dude, youre not a pyscologist, you learned that in a movie
15:52 ZZorange You think I'm expecting people not to execute me?
15:52 akaskr you're continuously NOT revealing role to jailor
15:56 akaskr and hoping eventually that you won't get executed
15:57 ZZorange I expect people to be bad and failor.
15:59 ZZorange It doesn't surprise me.
16:00 akaskr yet you get executed 90% of the time that happens
16:04 akaskr yes, you do exemplify insanity
16:07 akaskr thank you for proving my point
16:08 ZZorange It's their choice to not failor though
16:12 ZZorange If they want to failor thats between them and god.
16:14 [MOKC]Darkstar all the greatest people in history were insane
16:17 [MOKC]Darkstar look it up
16:22 [MOKC]Darkstar all of em!
16:32 akaskr I'm so glad we can finally come to an agreement that you're repeatedly doing the same thing over and over
16:33 akaskr as you admitted
16:35 ZZorange Yeah
16:41 akaskr continuously NOT revealing role to jailor
16:44 akaskr and expecting them to not execute you
16:46 JumpinAway uhh wait did i miss something
16:47 [MOKC]Darkstar dude 5, you are kicking a dead horse into its second death
16:48 [MOKC]Darkstar give it a rest
16:49 JumpinAway how'd they know it was 12
16:49 akaskr when they continuously do
16:50 ZZorange Well if they choose to execute
16:52 ZZorange That's their choice.
17:02 akaskr right, and it's your choice to continue your pattern of trolling
17:05 ZZorange I'm not trolling.
17:06 akaskr that's between you and god
17:09 Prostagna ZZOrange, would you say you're a griefer for never revealing "because you shouldnt" ?
17:14 ZZorange Whats up?
17:17 [MOKC]Darkstar you are becoming quite annoying in your repitition, 5
17:22 ZZorange I'll explain it to you after game
17:25 ZZorange the logic
17:43 akaskr it's very obvious, you're not playing to win, zzorange
17:45 akaskr because if you were, you wouldn't use that strat
17:46 ZZorange I am playing to win.
17:46 [MOKC]Darkstar logic is like a hammer we can wield as a weapon against the ignorant
17:53 JumpinAway hol up how'd you guys know 12 was mm
17:55 [MOKC]Darkstar gg
17:55 Isabella Hi
17:59 Isabella He said it.
17:59 [FCCCP]PaperTissue the escort and spy carried
18:01 [UwUMob]ThiccBeefBoi 12 said he was mm
18:04 JumpinAway oh i missed it
18:04 JumpinAway lol
18:04 [MOKC]Darkstar well done