Search Results - SC2 Mafia


Type: Posts; User: Sheriff

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  1. {Ban List} ►►Re: HeroOfChrist: 1-S2-1-11787846, Solid: 1-S2-1-353248, Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776, CDub 1-S2-1-12705◄◄

    Similarly locking this thread.

    The judgement is final.

    If you have questions, as I recommended in the other thread, you should post them in the Answer Hall subforum
  2. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776

    Thread Author:Renegade

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Etienne View Post
    Can you elaborate on this? All these reports were made before the warning was issued so how have I shown no inclination to modify my behavior? Also, what about "Etienne stop trans terrorism | #LGBWithoutTheTQ" is against the rules? Could you point me to that on the website, or are you just injecting your own personal feelings into this?
    It's hate speech, hate speech is against the rules.

    The judgement is final.

    Locking this thread, if you have further questions, I suggest you bring it up with the people who make the rules in the Answer Hall subforum
  3. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776

    Thread Author:Renegade

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776◄◄

    Etienne 1-S2-1-12243776 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys

    Extracted chat log:

    Spoiler : Chat Log :

    00:12 Etienne -prefer oracle, jester, lover, poisoner, executioner
    00:20 Etienne Minno is cool
    00:29 Etienne Minno is a good person
    00:45 Etienne -Oldman
    00:50 Etienne -lw
    01:10 Etienne -lw
    01:34 Etienne -lw
    01:44 Etienne -lw
    02:20 Etienne -lw
    02:31 Etienne -lw
    04:04 Etienne -lw
    04:10 Etienne -lw
    06:41 Etienne -lw
    07:14 Etienne -lw
    07:37 Etienne -lw
    08:19 Etienne 11 next
    08:25 Etienne Sheriff n1-10 ns , n2-14 (Nothing/SRacer?) , n3-11 Triad
    08:57 Etienne if 1 confirms hes probably witch or some shit
    09:22 Etienne Burn this scum
    09:25 Etienne Guilty
    10:00 Etienne Vig shoot 13. I want that piece of shit shot.
    10:16 Etienne diva
    10:20 Etienne diva
    10:31 Etienne -lw
    11:04 Etienne 11 was Diva. Only neutral evil remains
    11:06 Etienne -lw
    11:16 Etienne i confirm
    11:18 Etienne -lw
    11:20 Etienne Sheriff n1-10 ns , n2-14 (Nothing/SRacer?) , n3-11 Triad , n4-2 ns
    11:45 Etienne slow vote
    12:06 Etienne Protect is dead. Guilty this WITCH DOCTOR
    12:16 Etienne Guilty this witch doctor
    12:42 Etienne 56% WD is crazy.
    12:52 Etienne 14 is confirmed Street Racer
    13:02 Etienne 14 too
    13:08 Etienne 14 is street racer
    13:22 Etienne shut the fuck up 1
    13:24 Etienne I already confirmed him
    13:50 Etienne its 15
    14:07 Etienne -lw
    14:37 Etienne up 15
    14:38 Etienne now
    15:34 Etienne Burn this
    16:11 Etienne 13 is next
    16:28 Etienne -lw
    16:40 Etienne -lw
    17:11 Etienne put up 13
    17:50 Etienne burn this
    18:54 Etienne 5 next
    19:17 Etienne -lw
    19:49 Etienne No room for Oracle with dead Street racer.
    19:51 Etienne get 5
    20:10 Etienne Just get 5
    20:15 Etienne wasting time with so many confirmed
    20:16 Etienne shame on you
    20:46 Etienne oracle should have suicided by now
    20:52 Etienne Burn this
    21:38 Etienne New lobby at 12/15. I just wanted to make sure town won before I left. #StopTransTerrorism

    Spoiler : Last Will :

    01:37 Etienne stop trans terrorism | #LGBWithoutTheTQ;

    Offending lines highlighted

    Player Offenses

    Previous Offenses

    Recommended Action

    Additional Notes
    This review of the facts is final and the findings are not open for appeal.

    Combining the punishments from my previous two recommendations: here and here, I am recommending a total punishment of:
    BLx6 + WLx4

    The appellant has shown no inclination to modify their behavior and therefore I am recommending a stricter punishment on these offenses.

    Whether or not Arrow increases the punishment in accordance with the recommended action is left up to Arrow's discretion.
  4. {Ban List} ►►Re: HeroOfChrist: 1-S2-1-11787846, Solid: 1-S2-1-353248, Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776, CDub 1-S2-1-12705◄◄

    Etienne 1-S2-1-12243776 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys

    Extracted chat log:

    Spoiler : Chat Log :

    00:10 Etienne -prefer oracle, jester, lover, poisoner, executioner
    00:40 Etienne -The Original Coke
    01:08 Etienne -lw
    01:45 Etienne Putin is literally doing God's work.
    02:01 Etienne -lw
    03:20 Etienne enchant repel
    03:32 Etienne why?
    03:34 Etienne who the fuck are you?
    03:49 Etienne -pm 14 BG n1-8
    03:50 Etienne -lw
    05:25 Etienne Guilty this scumbag
    05:46 Etienne This is an agent of Zelensky. You can tell by the nazi rhetoric
    06:10 Etienne -lw
    07:09 Etienne rekt
    07:42 Etienne hahaha
    14:50 Etienne 3 sheriff and not one evil caught

    Spoiler : Last Will :

    01:14 Etienne i stand with putin | stop trans terrorism

    Offending lines highlighted

    Player Offenses

    Recommended Action

    Additional Notes
    This review of the facts is final and the findings are not open for appeal.

    Whether or not Arrow increases the punishment in accordance with the recommended action is left up to Arrow's discretion.
  5. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776

    Thread Author:Renegade

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: Etienne: 1-S2-1-12243776◄◄

    Etienne 1-S2-1-12243776 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys

    Extracted chat log:

    Spoiler : Chat Log :

    00:09 Etienne Renegade can't beat me at anything so it lies
    00:11 Etienne spreads rumours
    00:12 Etienne -prefer oracle, jester, lover, poisoner
    00:13 Etienne so sad
    00:16 Etienne and pathetic
    00:27 Etienne disgusting.. what did rumox call you?
    00:27 Etienne Rodent
    00:28 Etienne thats it
    00:29 Etienne Rodent
    00:44 Etienne -Tik Toc MFER
    01:14 Etienne -lw
    02:46 Etienne -lw
    03:50 Etienne -lw
    03:59 Etienne Im also enchantress
    04:03 Etienne Enchantress n1-15/7
    04:05 Etienne i was lured though
    04:16 Etienne Renegade hosted this save
    04:18 Etienne fyi
    04:35 Etienne Enchantress n1-15/7
    04:44 Etienne my role is confirmable
    04:54 Etienne constable on 2
    05:05 Etienne Constable on 2 please
    05:25 Etienne Enchantress n1-15/7
    05:38 Etienne my role is confirmable. I can easily lure constable tonight to prove
    05:52 Etienne I stand with the Just, so whatever town thinks is fair, I will do.
    06:06 Etienne I am the town Enchantress
    06:08 Etienne free me from these chains
    06:22 Etienne why?
    06:29 Etienne putin will cleanse europe
    06:34 Etienne and purify the ukrainian colony
    06:38 Etienne and purify the ukrainian colony

    Offending lines highlighted

    Player Offenses

    Previous Offenses

    Recommended Action

    Additional Notes
    This review of the facts is final and the findings are not open for appeal.

    Adding on top of my previous recommendation, I am recommending adding a BLx2 for a continued offense without any indication of even the slightest inclination of a change in the appellant's behavior

    Whether or not Arrow increases the punishment in accordance with the recommended action is left up to Arrow's discretion.
  6. {Watch List} ►►Re: int gamethrowing witch hunting sevenforce 1-11986319 kev N word every seconds 1-11989944◄◄

    SevenForce 1-S2-1-11986319 Correct
    kev 1-S2-1-11989944 Correct
    SkinWhistle 1-S2-1-1759173 Added to report

    Respective Hotkeys
    SevenForce 7
    kev ctrl + 4
    SkinWhistle 6

    SevenForce rolls Sheriff in slot 1
    amunRa rolls Jailor in slot 14

    SevenForce investigates 13 night 1 and finds him NS.
    Investigates 8 night 2 and finds him NS, is also blackmailed.
    Investigates 14 night 3 and finds him NS.

    As day 4 starts there are 4 town vs 1 mafia.

    All non-town roles are dead except for the Blackmailer turned Mafioso, and since SevenForce checked 14 the previous night, he knows that 14 must be town.

    Despite this fact, here is SevenForce's chat log for day 4:

    Spoiler : Day 4 SevenForce Chat Log :

    10:41 [7Force]SevenForce I was silenced yesterday. thanks BG.
    10:52 [7Force]SevenForce get 14
    10:53 [7Force]SevenForce hes silenced
    10:56 [7Force]SevenForce silcner
    11:02 [7Force]SevenForce get 14
    11:12 [7Force]SevenForce get 14
    11:13 [7Force]SevenForce hes silencer
    11:21 [7Force]SevenForce you are not jailor
    12:16 [7Force]SevenForce why did the jester say you visited me 14? huh???? n3?
    12:19 [7Force]SevenForce guilty
    12:24 [7Force]SevenForce GUILTY
    12:31 [7Force]SevenForce GUILTY
    14 is voted guilty 2 votes to 1. SevenForce voted inno despite advocating for guilty votes.
    13:01 [7Force]SevenForce Yeah because your intaro and you have no life. die loser fuck.
    13:03 [7Force]SevenForce stfu
    13:05 [7Force]SevenForce ill hurt your family
    13:17 [7Force]SevenForce fag
    13:59 [7Force]SevenForce -suicide
    14:40 [7Force]SevenForce game was over.
    14:42 [7Force]SevenForce stfu intaro
    14:42 [7Force]SevenForce die

    The mislynch lowers the score from 4v1 to 3v1.
    SevenForce suicides and mafia kills a target, lowering the game to 1v1, leading to a mafia win.

    The outcome of the game was certainly effected. SevenForce pushed for a lynch on a player that he knew was town with certainty, provided his motivation in chat that it's because he doesn't like the player. And then suicides for no reason, ensuring a town loss.

    Very clear-cut case of Intentional Gamethrowing.


    Also in this game SkinWhistle with the racist name and SkinWhistle and kev with frequent usage of racial slurs.

    Spoiler : SkinWhistle chat log :

    0:15 SkinWhistle lmao new niggers
    0:20 SkinWhistle fucking niggers disgust me

    0:28 SkinWhistle -repick
    0:31 SkinWhistle quiet nigger
    0:38 SkinWhistle NIGGER
    0:42 SkinWhistle N I G G E R
    0:50 SkinWhistle NIGGER
    0:52 SkinWhistle KEV IS A NIGGER

    0:55 SkinWhistle LMAO
    1:00 SkinWhistle U ARE TOO
    1:01 SkinWhistle NIGGER THEME
    1:02 SkinWhistle GO
    1:11 SkinWhistle -Niggerslayer
    1:57 SkinWhistle relax with your beaner juice
    1:59 SkinWhistle dumb bean
    2:09 SkinWhistle anyone heard of NIGGERS?

    2:39 SkinWhistle -lw
    3:34 SkinWhistle probably a nigger sheriff
    3:36 SkinWhistle can't do his job right
    3:44 SkinWhistle same as a nigger doctor
    4:00 SkinWhistle 3 is sk
    4:53 SkinWhistle lynch this fucking nigger... just look at its face
    4:58 SkinWhistle look at its ugly nigger face

    4:59 SkinWhistle kill it
    5:11 SkinWhistle bluegum smoothbrain nigger
    5:34 SkinWhistle lmao nice try nigger

    5:38 SkinWhistle 13 didn't vote
    5:45 SkinWhistle fail
    5:47 SkinWhistle what a retard
    6:10 SkinWhistle -lw
    6:42 SkinWhistle hhahahhaahaha
    6:44 SkinWhistle fuck u dumb nigger
    6:45 SkinWhistle got u good
    7:10 SkinWhistle HAHAHAHAH
    7:25 SkinWhistle I killed mafia u dumb nigger
    7:34 SkinWhistle I actually did my job as bg
    7:36 SkinWhistle unlike u
    7:42 SkinWhistle u trash nigger josh
    7:44 SkinWhistle u r bad
    7:49 SkinWhistle I don't eat bread
    7:51 SkinWhistle u fat fucking nigger
    7:58 SkinWhistle FAT FUCKING NIGGER
    8:47 SkinWhistle 3 got killed like a faggot lmao

    8:49 SkinWhistle ez
    9:01 SkinWhistle u died doing nothing
    9:02 SkinWhistle hahahhaha
    9:04 SkinWhistle what a stupid nigger
    9:12 SkinWhistle I killed gf
    9:20 SkinWhistle I killed gf and u did nothing
    9:23 SkinWhistle u absolute turbonigger
    9:30 SkinWhistle lmao nice detective skills
    9:32 SkinWhistle u fucking retard nigger
    9:37 SkinWhistle fuck u are trash
    9:50 SkinWhistle N I G G E R

    9:58 SkinWhistle LMAO
    10:02 SkinWhistle if anyone should be reported it's u for being so bad
    10:07 SkinWhistle what a filthy nigger
    10:15 SkinWhistle u won't do shit little baby
    10:26 SkinWhistle lmao
    10:31 SkinWhistle upset little pissbaby?
    10:38 SkinWhistle 3 is mad he's so bad at this game
    10:41 SkinWhistle 3 is mad he's a fucking NIGGER
    10:51 SkinWhistle you are disabled
    11:01 SkinWhistle hey look another bg that did his job
    11:09 SkinWhistle looks like 3 is the only retard nigger bg who can't play the game right
    11:21 SkinWhistle funny how u can't do a simple thing like protect town
    11:25 SkinWhistle what a retard
    11:29 SkinWhistle you did nothing
    11:32 SkinWhistle you died doing nothing
    11:38 SkinWhistle no shootout
    11:40 SkinWhistle u did absolutely nothing
    11:51 SkinWhistle lmao k nigger
    11:57 SkinWhistle ugly wide nose retard fucking nigger
    12:00 SkinWhistle admin and u are this bad?
    12:01 SkinWhistle hahhahhah
    12:14 SkinWhistle little pissbaby is upset
    12:16 SkinWhistle lmao
    12:20 SkinWhistle little pissbaby wants to cry
    12:24 SkinWhistle wah wah crybaby wah wah
    12:31 SkinWhistle can't even say nigger
    12:34 SkinWhistle what a faggot
    12:46 SkinWhistle bet u look like this ugly afro nigger irl

    13:08 SkinWhistle lmao
    13:12 SkinWhistle all these mad niggers
    13:15 SkinWhistle but the maddest of all is 3
    13:18 SkinWhistle the failure bg
    13:24 SkinWhistle 3 = turbonigger
    13:52 SkinWhistle u gonna cry
    13:55 SkinWhistle little pissbaby?
    13:58 SkinWhistle little retard 14
    14:05 SkinWhistle u are as much of a nigger as 14
    14:10 SkinWhistle 3 and 14 eternal niggers

    14:16 SkinWhistle and 11 too
    14:23 SkinWhistle a trio of swarthy nigger cretins
    14:47 SkinWhistle lmao retarded niggers

    14:48 SkinWhistle so mad

    Spoiler : kev chat log :

    0:09 kev how do i play
    0:28 kev shut up
    0:36 kev shut up
    0:47 kev bro like why
    0:58 kev im not
    1:13 kev i can tell ur a fucking loser
    1:31 kev skin whistle you ashy knee nigger
    1:43 kev h
    2:11 kev green fucking ashy knee nigger
    2:28 kev fucking nigger
    2:38 kev dumb niggers
    2:55 kev stupid hairy niggers
    3:17 kev nig
    3:58 kev hes probably a nigger

    4:17 kev how do u fucking play this game
    5:13 kev virgin
    5:47 kev be gone nigger
    6:02 kev dirty niggers

    6:22 kev i want a hairy muff right now
    6:27 kev so i can eat it
    6:46 kev nig
    6:57 kev nooo
    7:10 kev funny coming from a nigger
    7:19 kev ironic his name is nigger slayer

    8:00 kev t
    8:19 kev faggot
    8:37 kev faggot

    9:08 kev ur welcome
    9:15 kev y
    9:19 kev im good
    10:11 kev im going to have my hairy nut sack dipped in vanilla chocolate and then i will procede to put them in your moms mouth
    10:54 kev good
    10:58 kev fucking faggot
    11:19 kev vote me
    11:27 kev try and guess who i am
    11:59 kev nigger
    12:16 kev is ur character black???!!!!!
    12:24 kev are ua balck guy???!!!
    13:33 kev sweet dreams
    13:42 kev hope u have a wet dream
    14:00 kev i would eat margot robbies ass
    14:53 kev fat nigger

    Player Offenses
    SevenForce Intentional Gamethrowing
    kev Other
    SkinWhistle Other

    Previous Offenses


    Skyping (WLx3 May 2020)

    Recommended Action
    SevenForce WLx2
    I am recommending watch lists for both of these players, to ensure they get the memo that hate speech is no longer permitted. Potentially longer watchlist for SkinWhistle due to a previous offense and a report from July 2020 for this same behavior - indicating that he has been doing this for a while.
    kev WLx2
    SkinWhistle WLx2 or WLx3

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for taking the time to submit this report in your effort to make the community a better place
  7. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:kittens: 1-S2-1-4562746

    Thread Author:asdf2020

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Ban List} ►►Re: racism agravated kittens 1-4562746◄◄

    kittens 1-S2-1-4562746 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys
    kittens 6

    Chat log manually transcribed due to it not appearing in the replay data.

    Spoiler : kittens chat log :

    yeh 12 not even speaking
    ez game
    why lie
    its day 2
    so 13 is jester
    good to know
    just ignore 13
    hes jester
    yeah theres a jester
    and youre the one with a loud mouth
    i bet any sum of money
    you are jester
    i bet any amount of money
    that 13 is jester
    why are u voting me
    why tf u voting me
    anyways i lied to mayor I'm not BG however i canno visit
    im surv
    thats how i know
    13 is jester
    so anyways surv lynch me or dont idgaf
    it will confirm 13 jester tho
    lynch me and it will confirm 13
    is jester
    ur bad 13
    really bad
    just give it up you lost
    i mean youre so stupid that u want to lynch me
    which would confirm
    u are exe
    not sure
    why youre that fucking stupid
    your niggerwhote mother
    failed at raising you
    you low Iq pile of niggershit
    racism isnt against sc2mafia rules
    might want to check it out
    you low IQ pile of literal vermin shit
    13 confirmed fat autistic kid with diabetes
    nice job 13
    you lost
    low IQ pile of literal shit
    13 confirmed dogshit player and human being
    wow cool story nigger

    Player Offenses

    Previous Offenses
    Leave-Train (On-Hold May 2016)
    Griefing (WLx2 July 2016)
    Role-Quitting (WLx2 October 2016)
    Reactionary Gamethrowing (WLx4 September 2017)
    Intentional Gamethrowing (WLx4 January 2018)
    Possible Hacking (WLx2 December 2018)
    Lag-Cheating (WLx4 February 2020)
    Leave-Train (BLx2 February 2020)
    Other (Pending May 2021)

    Recommended Action
    Initially I thought this player should be watch-listed as they have not been reported for this particular type of offense before, and watch-list is still an option given they seem to not realize they are violating the rules due to the relatively recent policy changes. But also being put on the watch-list for the 7th time seems a bit much.
    WLx4 or BLx2

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for taking the time to submit this report in your effort to make the community a better place
  8. Replies

    {Ban List} ►►Re: Justince: 1-S2-1-1899264◄◄

    Justince 1-S2-1-1899264 Correct
    kittens 1-S2-1-4562746 Added to Report

    Replay 1
    Respective Hotkeys
    Justince 6
    kittens 8

    Justince says to repick then leaves the game after the setup is locked but before receiving a role card.

    kittens selects a problematic name and rolls Mayor. They are killed night 1 by the SK and leave the game.

    Spoiler : kittens chat log :

    Black lives dont matter
    theme is niggers
    and why we hate them


    Replay 2
    Respective Hotkeys
    Justince 5
    kittens 7

    Justince again leaves after the setup is locked but before they receive a role card. This time advertising that they are remaking, perhaps in an attempt to incite other people to leave as well.

    Spoiler : Justince chat log :

    0:11 Justince -repic
    0:12 Justince -repick
    0:13 Justince repick
    0:13 Justince please
    0:14 Justince holy shit
    0:17 Justince repick
    0:22 Justince remaking

    kittens again selects a prolematic name and rolls Godfather. They are voted up on trial and make little attempt to defend themself instead using the opportunity to spread more hateful speech.

    Spoiler : kittens chat log :

    any random can be triad lel
    I'm offended by your niggerwhote mother swallowing nigger jizz
    5 more votes
    who said im trying to be clever
    rolelquit for days
    also not claiming
    guilty thx fags
    black lives DO NOT matter
    not trying to be clever
    im being serious
    get rid of all niggers
    thx for playing!
    town leader 12 has spoken
    vote accordingly sheep
    niggers are vermin they need to be exterminated
    do nothing but spread disease and cause crime
    vermin race

    Player Offenses


    Previous Offenses
    Cheating (WLx3 April 2014)

    Leave-Train (On-Hold May 2016)
    Griefing (WLx2 July 2016)
    Role-Quitting (WLx2 October 2016)
    Reactionary Gamethrowing (WLx4 September 2017)
    Intentional Gamethrowing (WLx4 January 2018)
    Possible Hacking (WLx2 December 2018)
    Lag-Cheating (WLx4 February 2020)
    Leave-Train (BLx2 February 2020)

    Recommended Action

    Pending 1 outstanding report

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for taking the time to submit this report in your effort to make the community a better place
  9. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:Veliaire: 1-S2-1-1728901

    Thread Author:asdf2020

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: Veliaire: 1-S2-1-1728901◄◄

    Veliaire 1-S2-1-1728901 Was Incorrect, Edited Post Title

    Respective Hotkeys
    Veliare 3

    Veliare selects his name as "Money-Grubbing Jew" and rolls Jailor.

    He jails amunRa who claims vet, and while based on their history it is conceivable that Veliare knew he had jailed amunRa and executed him irrespective of what amunRa claimed - there is insufficient evidence for this.

    He does lie in his last will saying that amunRa claimed amnesiac - but this has no impact on the game, and is not gamethrowing.

    Although Veliare did choose an antisemitic name and made antisemitic comments, highlighted below.

    Spoiler : Veliaire's Chat Log :

    0:20 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -prefer executioner, jester, amnesiac, jailor, veteran
    0:42 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -Money-Grubbing Jew
    1:27 [K3L3S3]Veliaire Time to kick some arabs out of their homes
    1:30 [K3L3S3]Veliaire who's with me!?
    1:33 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 15
    1:40 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 4
    1:51 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 9
    2:01 [K3L3S3]Veliaire role and lw please.
    2:07 [K3L3S3]Veliaire you aint no fucking vet
    2:11 [K3L3S3]Veliaire fuck you
    2:11 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -lw
    2:24 [K3L3S3]Veliaire fuck you
    2:26 [K3L3S3]Veliaire ur an evil
    3:23 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 2
    3:42 [K3L3S3]Veliaire wow
    3:47 [K3L3S3]Veliaire how does mod know that?
    4:25 [K3L3S3]Veliaire he is a mod i think
    4:26 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -skip
    4:45 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -lw
    5:29 [K3L3S3]Veliaire jailor found dh?
    5:42 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 2
    5:47 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -lw
    6:23 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -skip
    6:52 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -jail 2
    7:20 [K3L3S3]Veliaire -lw
    7:35 [K3L3S3]Veliaire no
    7:36 [K3L3S3]Veliaire im right here
    10:38 [K3L3S3]Veliaire Hi
    10:42 [K3L3S3]Veliaire im a filthy money grubbing kike
    10:48 [K3L3S3]Veliaire I enjoy stealing lands that dont belong to me
    10:50 [K3L3S3]Veliaire killing innocent children
    10:55 [K3L3S3]Veliaire and controlling your media
    11:08 [K3L3S3]Veliaire lol
    11:37 [K3L3S3]Veliaire just so you know, I only targeted you because you called me a failor
    20:32 [K3L3S3]Veliaire this town is braindead
    20:46 [K3L3S3]Veliaire report me bitch
    20:55 [K3L3S3]Veliaire shut the fuck up nobody cares
    20:59 [K3L3S3]Veliaire i killed you because i fucking felt like it
    21:03 [K3L3S3]Veliaire and i'd do it again faggot
    21:05 [K3L3S3]Veliaire now report me and stfu
    21:39 [K3L3S3]Veliaire hes mad because his ass got executed n1
    21:42 [K3L3S3]Veliaire so now hes crying

    Player Offenses

    Previous Offenses
    Griefing (July 2018 - WLx2)
    Griefing (July 2018 - On Hold)

    Recommended Action
    Recommended action deferred to Warden

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for taking the time to submit this report in your effort to make the community a better place
  10. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:ZZorange: 1-S2-1-2701690

    Thread Author:OzyWho

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Redundant} ►►Re: ZZorange: 1-S2-1-2701690◄◄

    ZZorange 1-S2-1-2701690 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys
    ZZorange 5

    ZZorange is jailed night 1, when prompted for role all ZZorange says is
    "see ya kidnapper"

    With no role claim the Jailor executes and ZZorange flips Marshall.

    Remainder of the Game
    Town does end up winning the game without their Marshall. Although ironically, had ZZorange not been executed he would have revealed the next day, granting the 11% chance Judge 3 lynches, so this execution most likely saved the game for town. Although that fact is irrelevant here.

    Focusing instead on the graveyard chat:
    Graveyard Chat
    Spoiler : Full Graveyard Chat :
    3:02 JumpinAway RIP
    3:07 ZZorange rip indeed
    3:10 akaskr double kidnapper
    3:10 akaskr damn
    3:13 ZZorange damn really
    3:15 ZZorange u got nappered 2?
    3:16 ZZorange thats hardcore
    3:18 akaskr yarp
    4:26 Suwako how does it feel
    4:31 Suwako to get exed as TG
    5:15 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOl
    5:18 Suwako hahaha
    5:28 JumpinAway RIP lmao
    5:30 akaskr lawl
    5:31 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOOOOl
    5:32 akaskr which kidnapper were you?
    5:36 [XXXV]WarPlayer i waso n u
    5:37 [XXXV]WarPlayer i was on u
    5:39 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOOOl
    5:46 akaskr so the marsh-napper is still at large
    5:54 JumpinAway theres not two kidnappers is there
    5:57 JumpinAway because my role got cleansed
    6:12 akaskr oh, you're right
    6:17 akaskr so that means 1 died to jailor?
    6:18 JumpinAway idk if i got disguised or what
    6:22 JumpinAway but there is a dumb jailor out there prob lol
    6:26 [XXXV]WarPlayer ^
    6:28 [XXXV]WarPlayer lOOOOOOOOOOOl
    6:29 akaskr it should have told 1 if he was killed by jailor or kidnapper
    6:39 akaskr 1 seems to think he was kidnapped
    6:41 JumpinAway 8 who did you kill?
    6:43 JumpinAway it was 5 right
    6:49 [XXXV]WarPlayer ^
    6:51 JumpinAway ah ok
    7:06 akaskr oh, you know what?
    7:13 ZZorange wut
    7:13 akaskr I BET you that 1 didn't reveal his role to the jailor
    7:15 akaskr and that's why he got killed
    7:16 ZZorange ?
    7:21 ZZorange why would i reveal role to a failor
    7:27 akaskr because he killed you, that's why lol
    7:33 ZZorange If you jail someone who blacklists 10 mafia roles and prefers 7 town roles
    7:35 ZZorange You deserve to failor.
    7:47 akaskr nah, if you're jailed and you don't reveal role when questioned, you deserve to be executed
    7:49 JumpinAway you can blacklist roles?
    7:50 ZZorange nope
    7:52 JumpinAway oh
    7:54 JumpinAway wut
    7:54 JumpinAway lmao
    8:00 akaskr lol how many times are you going to get executed zz before you learn your lesson
    8:03 ZZorange ?
    8:08 ZZorange There's no lesson to learn
    8:10 JumpinAway why tf didnt you just claim crier lmao
    8:11 akaskr apparently there is
    8:19 ZZorange I'm simplying teaching the lesson of why you dont execute someone who has all mafia blacklisted and 7 town preferred
    8:21 ZZorange One failor at a time.
    8:24 ZZorange I allow them to failor
    8:25 akaskr oh riiiiight
    8:26 ZZorange So they can learn
    8:28 ZZorange The error of their ways.
    8:29 akaskr it's literally EVERYONE ELSE that's wrong
    8:29 Suwako z
    8:32 ZZorange It is yes.
    8:34 Suwako its no use talking to him
    8:36 ZZorange Thats how hate boners walks.
    8:36 JumpinAway wait i dont get it what do you mean blacklist roles
    8:41 ZZorange work*
    8:49 ZZorange Yes
    8:49 akaskr "Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong" -zzorange
    8:52 Suwako i feel like jailor did a good job, because he will throw
    8:53 ZZorange You can blacklist roles
    8:54 ZZorange Pino
    8:57 JumpinAway Really?
    8:58 ZZorange So for instance
    8:58 JumpinAway How
    9:00 [MOKC]Darkstar alright
    9:03 Prostagna you need 10k points for that
    9:03 [MOKC]Darkstar now i can sleepy time
    9:04 ZZorange I haven't been mafia except when i choose to be in over 50 games.
    9:04 akaskr zzorange has the game figured out, he literally is the only one who gets it
    9:06 JumpinAway ohh i see
    9:10 akaskr and he has to teach every other person the meta
    9:12 akaskr one person at a time
    9:17 akaskr until he's been executed by everyone else playing
    9:19 akaskr but don't worry, he's right
    9:21 ZZorange Mafia players arent very smart meow mix
    9:21 JumpinAway oh janitor lul
    9:21 akaskr everyone else is wrong
    9:22 ZZorange it takes time
    9:24 ZZorange They will learn.
    9:24 Suwako lolololol
    9:28 akaskr you're right, you play mafia
    9:31 akaskr perfect example
    9:33 [MOKC]Darkstar hes not infalaible, youre being ridiculous
    10:02 akaskr man zz, I wonder how many games have been lost because of your strat
    10:05 ZZorange ?
    10:08 Suwako zz is just a placeholder... ignore him
    10:09 ZZorange Idk
    10:13 ZZorange Depends how often people choose to failor.
    10:20 Suwako we just need him to fill up a slot for 15
    10:27 akaskr Nah, definitly depends on how often you play against the meta, then blame everyone else
    10:32 ZZorange I don't play against any meta.
    10:33 [MOKC]Darkstar i dont even know what that means
    10:45 ZZorange I've just been jailed n1 more mafia games than you've played so I dont give role. I don't fuck with kidnappers.
    10:48 [MOKC]Darkstar i just play my role to the best of my ability
    10:51 [MOKC]Darkstar thats it
    10:59 Prostagna why wouldnt marshall give role to jailor? thats just plain stupid lol.
    11:02 ZZorange If people dont wanna failor they can choose to not jail me.
    11:04 ZZorange Its up to them.
    11:07 JumpinAway wait you pick the same name every time? why
    11:11 ZZorange its a gimmick
    11:15 ZZorange The Honest Man never lies.
    11:16 ZZorange etc...
    11:17 Suwako but zz also executes me
    11:18 akaskr he does this thing were he plays as "Honest ____"
    11:18 [MOKC]Darkstar its fun to have calling cards
    11:20 akaskr and then never "lies"
    11:23 JumpinAway oh
    11:24 ZZorange That's true though
    11:24 akaskr which means he just doesn't say anything of value
    11:26 [MOKC]Darkstar i use A G E N T B OR N G E
    11:28 ZZorange nah
    11:29 ZZorange thats not true
    11:31 [MOKC]Darkstar and D A R K S T A R
    11:32 akaskr "I don't have any investigative results to report"
    11:35 ZZorange It just means I never say something I know to be false.
    11:36 Suwako he doesn't even play his own save properly
    11:37 akaskr which is true, because he's mafia!
    11:40 ZZorange Well no
    11:42 ZZorange I was investigator that game.
    11:44 Suwako why do we even want to 7222 if you dont want to play it properly?
    11:45 ZZorange And i hadn't found anything.
    11:46 akaskr he just "doesn't lie", but then says bullshit like that
    11:50 JumpinAway darkstar's save is TRASH
    11:50 JumpinAway darkstar's save is TRASH
    11:52 ZZorange Meow Mix
    11:53 Suwako dont take him seriously
    11:55 ZZorange I was investigator that game
    11:56 [MOKC]Darkstar its good to have nubs in the game you guys
    11:58 ZZorange And I hadn't found anything
    11:58 ZZorange So
    11:58 JumpinAway i see his name and i insta -repick
    11:58 [MOKC]Darkstar fresh blood
    11:59 [MOKC]Darkstar its good
    12:01 ZZorange Thats up to you
    12:04 ZZorange To have good reading comprehension
    12:06 akaskr yes, there is a single game you said that and you were actually investigator
    12:12 JumpinAway o shit mm finally hit
    12:14 akaskr and there are other games youv'e said that and you WEREN'T investigator
    12:23 ZZorange ?
    12:23 akaskr hence, you saying nothing of value, but never "lying"
    12:30 [MOKC]Darkstar that sentence is meaningless
    12:35 [MOKC]Darkstar read it to yourself out loud
    12:35 Nameless wow
    12:37 JumpinAway rippp
    12:43 Suwako 1 is thrower
    12:45 Suwako (rofl)
    12:45 Nameless and here i was trying to watch 6
    12:46 ZZorange nope
    12:48 Suwako no you are
    12:49 akaskr you just play your bullshit gimmick, and lose >50% of games you play
    12:49 Prostagna 1 is thrower yeah
    12:52 Faan 1 you literally said nothing in jail then blamed it on kidnapper
    12:55 ZZorange bro
    12:59 [MOKC]Darkstar lol
    13:01 ZZorange You jailed someone who has 10 mafia roles blacklisted and 7 town roles preferred.
    13:05 ZZorange What did you think you were going to get?
    13:06 Suwako zzorange executed me when i claimed marshall to him in jail
    13:06 Suwako zzorange executed me when i claimed marshall to him in jail
    13:07 Faan how am I supposed to know?
    13:12 Faan what fucking roles you have
    13:15 ZZorange Isabella
    13:17 ZZorange I said repent your sins
    13:17 [MOKC]Darkstar yall need to take some chill pills and climb down odd eachothers weiners
    13:18 Prostagna you cant prefer 7 roles..
    13:19 akaskr other people have pretended to be you
    13:20 ZZorange And you didn't repent your sins.
    13:23 akaskr literally anyone can make the name "honest ____"
    13:23 [MOKC]Darkstar off*
    13:26 ZZorange I gave you a choice isabella.
    13:29 ZZorange You chose death.
    13:29 [MOKC]Darkstar odd weiners sounds pretty good too though
    13:30 Suwako i hate you
    13:33 JumpinAway LOL
    13:33 akaskr just because they have that name, doesn't mean they have evils blacklisted
    13:39 akaskr but nah, zzorange is right guys. don't worry
    13:43 ZZorange Thanks Meow Mix
    13:43 akaskr he's the smartest dude in the room, he knows it
    13:46 ZZorange for finally comin to ur senses
    13:51 [MOKC]Darkstar look at this!
    13:52 akaskr he definitely isn't just a troll
    13:52 [MOKC]Darkstar HARMONY!
    13:55 ZZorange I'm not a troll.
    14:01 akaskr exactly! NOT a troll! that's what I said! ;)
    14:07 ZZorange I also say I'm town literally everytime im town so
    14:07 [MOKC]Darkstar ZZO is a good player
    14:11 ZZorange If you follow the gimmick
    14:13 ZZorange You'll never mislynch
    14:16 [MOKC]Darkstar he just catches all the flack because hes high profile
    14:19 JumpinAway LMAO
    14:22 ZZorange Literally if you ever see me say
    14:23 ZZorange "I'm town"
    14:24 ZZorange I am town.
    14:26 ZZorange Full stop
    14:30 ZZorange so
    14:31 akaskr he catches flack because he goes against the meta, and then blames others
    14:32 ZZorange Its up to you Meow Mix
    14:35 ZZorange To have basic pattern recognition.
    14:39 ZZorange If you've played 500 games with a guy
    14:41 ZZorange And everytime he says
    14:43 ZZorange I'm Town
    14:44 ZZorange He's town
    14:47 JumpinAway -notafk
    14:47 akaskr if 90% of people will execute you because you don't reveal role to jailor
    14:48 ZZorange And you still guilty him
    14:49 ZZorange Is it really on him?
    14:51 ZZorange for your inability to recognize patterns?
    14:52 akaskr then it's kinda your fucking fault for getting executed
    14:57 ZZorange nope
    14:59 ZZorange aint on me chief
    15:01 JumpinAway What if they're new
    15:01 [MOKC]Darkstar this is becoming repetitive and circular in nature
    15:03 ZZorange If you dont want to failor
    15:05 ZZorange Dont jail me
    15:06 ZZorange its that simple.
    15:07 akaskr if 90% of people would execute you for not revealing role, then it's not everyone else that is wrong
    15:19 akaskr it doesn't matter what kind of pattern you pretend you have
    15:20 [MOKC]Darkstar new players are good, and theyre gonna amke mistakes
    15:23 ZZorange If you're new you learn your lesson pretty quick.
    15:23 [MOKC]Darkstar maf has a steep learning curve
    15:25 akaskr patterns don't mean shit in a game about LYING
    15:28 ZZorange If you continue to choose to jail me
    15:30 ZZorange And i continue to be town
    15:32 ZZorange That's on you.
    15:33 akaskr yes, and you'd think you'd learn your lesson that other people will execute you
    15:36 ZZorange The definition of insanity
    15:38 ZZorange Is doing the same thing
    15:42 ZZorange expecting a different result.
    15:42 Faan ok joker
    15:45 akaskr lol yes, thank you for agreeing! You're literally doing the exact same thing over and over
    15:48 ZZorange ?
    15:48 akaskr and hoping for a different outcome
    15:50 [MOKC]Darkstar dude, youre not a pyscologist, you learned that in a movie
    15:52 ZZorange You think I'm expecting people not to execute me?
    15:52 akaskr you're continuously NOT revealing role to jailor
    15:56 akaskr and hoping eventually that you won't get executed
    15:57 ZZorange I expect people to be bad and failor.
    15:59 ZZorange It doesn't surprise me.
    16:00 akaskr yet you get executed 90% of the time that happens
    16:04 akaskr yes, you do exemplify insanity
    16:07 akaskr thank you for proving my point
    16:08 ZZorange It's their choice to not failor though
    16:12 ZZorange If they want to failor thats between them and god.
    16:14 [MOKC]Darkstar all the greatest people in history were insane
    16:17 [MOKC]Darkstar look it up
    16:22 [MOKC]Darkstar all of em!
    16:32 akaskr I'm so glad we can finally come to an agreement that you're repeatedly doing the same thing over and over
    16:33 akaskr as you admitted
    16:35 ZZorange Yeah
    16:41 akaskr continuously NOT revealing role to jailor
    16:44 akaskr and expecting them to not execute you
    16:46 JumpinAway uhh wait did i miss something
    16:47 [MOKC]Darkstar dude 5, you are kicking a dead horse into its second death
    16:48 [MOKC]Darkstar give it a rest
    16:49 JumpinAway how'd they know it was 12
    16:49 akaskr when they continuously do
    16:50 ZZorange Well if they choose to execute
    16:52 ZZorange That's their choice.
    17:02 akaskr right, and it's your choice to continue your pattern of trolling
    17:05 ZZorange I'm not trolling.
    17:06 akaskr that's between you and god
    17:09 Prostagna ZZOrange, would you say you're a griefer for never revealing "because you shouldnt" ?
    17:14 ZZorange Whats up?
    17:17 [MOKC]Darkstar you are becoming quite annoying in your repitition, 5
    17:22 ZZorange I'll explain it to you after game
    17:25 ZZorange the logic
    17:43 akaskr it's very obvious, you're not playing to win, zzorange
    17:45 akaskr because if you were, you wouldn't use that strat
    17:46 ZZorange I am playing to win.
    17:46 [MOKC]Darkstar logic is like a hammer we can wield as a weapon against the ignorant
    17:53 JumpinAway hol up how'd you guys know 12 was mm
    17:55 [MOKC]Darkstar gg
    17:55 Isabella Hi
    17:59 Isabella He said it.
    17:59 [FCCCP]PaperTissue the escort and spy carried
    18:01 [UwUMob]ThiccBeefBoi 12 said he was mm
    18:04 JumpinAway oh i missed it
    18:04 JumpinAway lol
    18:04 [MOKC]Darkstar well done

    There are arguments to be made that one need not claim a role, or be honest with their role, every time they are jailed - for example if they suspect they have been kidnapped rather than jailed.

    However the highlighted messages imply that ZZorange believed he was jailed rather than kidnapped and wanted to be executed to "teach a lesson"

    Appeal Violations
    As ZZorange is currently on appeal from a permaban - I am including the conditions of that appeal here:
    Quote Originally Posted by Auwt View Post
    So as much as I indeed believe conditional appeal could work in a better way than just bashing staff/using smurf account/denying every charges, I must admit the writing style is confusing whether it's sarcasm or sincere to some extent.

    Just for the record, the initial conditions/ideas I suggested were :

    1 : Stop your default hate, including but not only : Marshall rampage (ignoring everything, and straight up going for the defaults), Jailor or Vigi hyper-focusing, LW forging only to get a default down. There will be no award at the end of the year delivered for the one who killed the most defaults.

    2 : While not considered as an offense, but as an unsportsmanlike way of playing, avoid witch-hunting as much as possible. In the same way keeping grudges over and over make the game less enjoyable for everyone.

    3 : Claim your role (and lw if possible) on the stand. Obviously when evil, play smart and don't open claim evil on the stand.

    4 : Play in a "normal" way. Before doing anything, think of it. If it reduces the quality of the game, better not to do it.

    5 : Pushing whoever you want (including defaults) is still possible but make it in a way the whole game does not become a ZZ vs Default brawl.
    3 - Claim your Role
    Being jailed is not nearly as clear cut as being on the stand due to the possibility of a kidnapper - especially on night 1. Insufficient evidence for a violation on this account.

    4 - Play in a "normal" way
    But there is a very strong case for a violation of not playing in a "normal" way. Refusing to reveal as town gov when jailed in order to "teach a lesson" is not playing in a "normal" way - it degrades the quality of the game for other players involved who are not familiar with the way ZZorange plays and it is not fair to them to expect them to know how ZZorange plays as a prerequisite for playing with ZZorange.

    Appeal violation

    Player Offenses
    Appeal violation

    Previous Offenses
    Griefing (May 2021, Permaban - Appealed)

    BLx2 appealed to a WLx3 (late January 2020)
    Intentional Gamethrowing

    Gamethrowing (2011, KickVote),
    Skyping (2013, 2xKickVote),
    Skyping/Cheating (2013, 4xKickVote),
    Cheating/Skyping/Gamethrow/Griefing (2013, BLx2),
    Skyping (2013, Permabanned),
    Cheating/Skyping(2013, Already Permabanned)

    Recommended Action
    Recommended Action deferred to Warden.

    Additional Notes
    As Jimmy has already been permanently banned, no need to review his activity.

    And players with 20k or more points can prefer up to 10 roles.

    Thank you for taking the time to submit it in your effort to make the community a better place
  11. Replies

    {Redundant} ►►Re: ZZorange: 1-S2-1-2701690◄◄

    ZZorange 1-S2-1-2701690 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys
    ZZorange 1

    1 -Mafia 2.0 Beta- Lookout
    2 Hi - Sheriff
    3 Honest Man Ace Attorney - Marshall
    4 Guldo - Deceiver
    5 Giuseppe Cage - Doctor
    6 Taddeo Bruno - Dragon Head
    7 The Town Sheriff - Amnesiac
    8 Piero - Incense Master
    9 Uncle Biter - Jailor
    10 Martin Luther King Jr. - Bus Driver
    11 S t o v e - Escort
    12 Orlando Gallo - Sheriff
    13 -Mafia 3.0 Alpha- Serial Killer
    14 Nuncio Costello - Witch

    Night 1
    9 - Jailor is killed be SK - last will mentions that they jailed 13 and 13 claimed Bus Driver
    12 - Sheriff is killed and sanitized by DH + Incense Master

    Day 2
    ZZorange reveals as Marshall and receives PMs:
    14 Nuncio Costello - Witch claims: sheriff n1 - 5
    11 S t o v e - Escort claims: escort n1 - 10
    1 -Mafia 2.0 Beta- Lookout claims: lookout n1 - 11vb5
    8 Piero - Incense Master claims: coroner
    7 The Town Sheriff - Amnesiac claims: amnesiac planning to become jailor
    13 -Mafia 3.0 Alpha- Serial Killer claims: bus driver, no lw but says they will swap marshall tonight
    5 Giuseppe Cage - Doctor claims: doc n1 - 11
    6 Taddeo Bruno - Dragon Head claims: doc n1 - 5
    2 Hi - Sheriff claims: sheriff n1 - bussed and rb
    5 is meanwhile messaging several times in chat and PM for ZZorange to not lynch him for being default
    10 Martin Luther King Jr. - Bus Driver claims: bus driver n1 10-2

    ZZorange sets his lw to "Confirmed Town: 10" and starts a train on 5 Giuseppe Cage - Doctor
    5 stands by his doc claim and pleads for town to get 13
    ZZorange starts a train on 4 Guldo - Deceiver
    10 says "this retard is doing default lynch again."
    ZZorange starts a train on 10 Martin Luther King Jr. - Bus Driver
    ZZorange says "You were complaining that I was lynching defaults. Are you not satisfied?"

    Full day 2 interaction between ZZorange and 10 (Invictus):
    3:11 Invictus yep
    3:13 Invictus seems like 13 is sk
    3:19 ZZorange TOWN
    3:21 ZZorange WE HAVE A 33% CHANCE TO LOSE
    3:23 ZZorange ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY?
    3:30 ZZorange ROGER THAT
    3:31 ZZorange -lynch
    3:31 Invictus No dont do it
    3:35 ZZorange dududududududud
    3:37 ZZorange dududududududududu
    3:39 ZZorange dudududududududu
    3:40 Invictus -pm 2 BD N2: 10-2
    3:42 ZZorange doooooooooooooo
    3:43 ZZorange dududuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    3:48 ZZorange doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo doo doo dooo
    3:49 Invictus -pm 3 BD N1: 10- 2
    3:50 ZZorange -lw
    4:08 ZZorange -lw
    4:24 ZZorange I'll think about it
    4:45 Invictus this retard is doing default lynch again.
    Lynch Train began by ZZorange
    5:05 Invictus no
    5:06 Invictus ur throwing
    5:07 Invictus bitch
    5:18 ZZorange You were complaining that I was lynching defaults. Are you not satisfied?
    5:19 Invictus Retard monkey marshall. No more protection for u bitch
    5:22 Invictus i am confirmed
    5:23 Invictus by 2
    5:25 Invictus and still lynching me
    5:27 Invictus yeah
    5:28 ZZorange Well you shouldn't have complained.

    Night 2
    ZZorange changes his last will to:
    Confirmed town: 13,Stove Probably Town: 8, 1
    7 The Town Sheriff - Amnesiac is killed and sanitized by DH + Incense Master
    3 Honest Man Ace Attorney - Marshall is killed by SK

    Remainder of the Game
    Town goes on to lose to the Serial Killer + the Witch.
    The outcome of the game was certainly altered by the mislynch on 10.
    A detailed report of the remainder of the game is out of scope for this report.

    Graveyard Chat
    Spoiler : Chat between ZZorange and Invictus :
    6:28 Invictus this is reportable
    6:31 Invictus 2 claimed bussed
    6:34 Invictus and still lynching me?
    6:49 Invictus there u go retard
    6:53 Invictus i am reporting u for gamethrowing
    6:55 ZZorange whats up
    7:07 Invictus enjoy permanent ban bitch
    7:08 ZZorange ?
    7:11 ZZorange for what
    ZZorange checks chat log (no filter)
    ZZorange checks chat log (13 -Mafia 3.0 Alpha- Serial Killer)
    7:16 Invictus 2 claimed bussed and rbed
    7:19 Invictus and they had lead on 13
    ZZorange checks chat log (no filter)
    ZZorange checks chat log (2 Hi - Sheriff)
    7:25 Invictus u still lynch confirmed BD?
    7:33 ZZorange ?
    7:35 Invictus just because i criticized u on lynching default?
    7:38 ZZorange there was no lead on 13 until today
    7:40 Invictus MOD will determine
    7:41 ZZorange and 13 also claimed bd
    7:46 Invictus but he was in jail
    7:55 ZZorange You complained that I was lynching defaults.
    7:59 Invictus ok
    8:06 Invictus then its reportable
    8:08 ZZorange Usually people that complain about that stuff are triad.
    8:09 Invictus uare doing this agian
    8:11 Invictus lol
    8:12 ZZorange Doing what?
    8:16 ZZorange Lynching non cooperative town?
    8:17 Invictus Enjoy permaban
    8:26 ZZorange If you complain and you get lynched thats kind of on you my guy.
    8:30 Invictus lol non-cooperative? i voted on every single person u voted
    8:36 Invictus 2 said bussed and rbed
    8:42 Invictus and i said i was bd who bussed 2
    ZZorange checks chat log (no filter)
    ZZorange checks chat log (6 Taddeo Bruno - Dragon Head)
    ZZorange checks chat log (no filter)
    8:45 Invictus u still went ahead and lynch me
    8:49 Invictus that is intentional gamethrowing
    ZZorange checks chat log (10 Martin Luther King Jr. - Bus Driver)
    8:52 Invictus enjoy ban bitch
    8:57 ZZorange nah
    8:59 ZZorange it wasn't intentional throwing
    9:02 Invictus I didn't report you before
    9:05 Invictus but this would be my first time
    9:06 ZZorange otherwise i would have targetted confirmed town
    9:08 ZZorange and wouldnt have lynched 4
    9:15 ZZorange Wasn't trying to gamethrow
    9:16 ZZorange Nice try tho
    9:22 Invictus Mod will determine
    9:25 ZZorange ok dude
    9:29 ZZorange Hello mod vieweing this replay.
    9:29 Invictus enjoy permaban bitch
    9:35 ZZorange I did not attempt to intentionally throw this game!
    9:41 ZZorange If i had then I wouldn't have lynched 4!
    9:46 Invictus lol
    9:51 ZZorange I made a bad mass lynch only getting 1 triad, if that is illegal you may ban me1
    9:53 Invictus 2 claimed bussed n1
    9:56 Invictus and I am bd
    10:05 Invictus he lynched me just because i criticized him for lynching defaults
    10:07 ZZorange I only lynched 10 cause he complained about default lynches
    10:10 ZZorange That's a common triad move.
    10:13 ZZorange Triad commonly complain about it.
    10:16 Invictus even though most town suspected 13 was sk
    10:19 Invictus lol
    10:20 Invictus ok
    10:21 Invictus sure
    10:24 Invictus lets see
    10:33 Invictus i am sure i am not the only one reporting this
    10:39 Invictus u blew the last chance Mod has given u
    10:41 ZZorange idk he's fired up
    10:49 Invictus i am reporting zzorange for throwing
    10:49 Invictus i am reporting zzorange for throwing
    10:51 ZZorange i didnt throw tho
    11:07 ZZorange rest in peace my stove
    11:07 Invictus ok troll lover
    11:08 Invictus u stfu
    11:16 ZZorange not sure why u roleblocked me lol
    11:20 Invictus -lw
    11:21 Invictus -lw
    11:22 ZZorange I could tell you were town when deceiver died
    11:23 ZZorange all gud tho
    11:29 Invictus ok i am filing report anyway
    11:35 Invictus we will see what Mods will say
    11:36 ZZorange You know the ironic thing 10
    11:40 ZZorange If we had down what i was about to do
    11:43 ZZorange and lynch 8
    11:46 ZZorange we prob wud have got 2 triad
    11:51 ZZorange I was about to click 8 until you complained
    11:53 ZZorange about default lynching
    11:55 Invictus lol
    12:02 Invictus even if u didn't gamethrow
    12:06 Invictus u were definitely griefing
    12:08 ZZorange if town loses this game
    12:10 ZZorange Ironically you played a part.
    12:16 Invictus we will see about that
    12:18 ZZorange 10 did
    12:20 Invictus I am reporting zzorange
    12:20 ZZorange I was about to click 8s name
    12:20 Invictus I am reporting zzorange
    12:23 ZZorange And then he piped up
    12:26 Invictus for griefing and gamethrowing
    12:33 ZZorange wahhh default lynching!!!!
    12:46 Invictus enjoy permanent ban
    12:53 Invictus u dont know how many people hate u
    12:54 ZZorange enjoy the hemmorhoid I guess?
    12:55 Invictus hahaha
    13:04 Invictus i am sure i am not the only one
    13:08 Invictus who is gonna file report
    13:47 Invictus town lost
    13:50 Invictus because that shit
    13:52 Invictus 3
    13:57 ZZorange then let me lynch who i want to lynch next time
    14:00 ZZorange without being a baseless whiner
    14:24 ZZorange lol
    14:25 ZZorange Brutal
    14:27 ZZorange Savage
    14:28 ZZorange Rekt
    14:54 Invictus -lw
    14:55 Invictus -lw

    Appeal Violations
    As ZZorange is currently on appeal from a permaban - I am including the conditions of that appeal here:
    Quote Originally Posted by Auwt View Post
    So as much as I indeed believe conditional appeal could work in a better way than just bashing staff/using smurf account/denying every charges, I must admit the writing style is confusing whether it's sarcasm or sincere to some extent.

    Just for the record, the initial conditions/ideas I suggested were :

    1 : Stop your default hate, including but not only : Marshall rampage (ignoring everything, and straight up going for the defaults), Jailor or Vigi hyper-focusing, LW forging only to get a default down. There will be no award at the end of the year delivered for the one who killed the most defaults.

    2 : While not considered as an offense, but as an unsportsmanlike way of playing, avoid witch-hunting as much as possible. In the same way keeping grudges over and over make the game less enjoyable for everyone.

    3 : Claim your role (and lw if possible) on the stand. Obviously when evil, play smart and don't open claim evil on the stand.

    4 : Play in a "normal" way. Before doing anything, think of it. If it reduces the quality of the game, better not to do it.

    5 : Pushing whoever you want (including defaults) is still possible but make it in a way the whole game does not become a ZZ vs Default brawl.
    1 - Default Hate
    The mislynch on a default came from a spammy doc claim when there were 2 doc claims and 2 bus driver claims. This lynch did not feel motivated by default hunting - especially since the other doc claim was also a default name.

    The second default lynched was scum.

    In his lw he labeled a default name as "Probably Town"

    Overall I do not believe there was a violation of this condition.

    2 - Witch Hunting
    The mislynch on 10 (Invictus) did not seem motivated by ZZorange thinking that 10 was Invictus - instead it seemed motivation out of spite or annoyance at 10's criticism.

    No appeal violations

    Player Offenses
    Looking at the information given to the Marshall, 10 was an objectively incorrect lynch.
    2 Claimed they were bussed and roleblocked
    10 Claimed they swapped themselves with 2
    11 Claims they blocked 10
    9 States in LW that they Jailed 13
    13 Claims they were Jailed Bus Driver

    There are no other Bus Driver claims. There are very, very few scenarios where given this information 10 is anything but bus driver.

    This fact combined with the fact that ZZorange puts in his last will that 10 is confirmed town indicates that he thought 10 was town.

    ZZorange had no intention of lynching 10 until this line:
    "4:45 Invictus this retard is doing default lynch again."

    After which ZZorange gets 10 lynched despite his thinking that 10 is confirmed town.

    Reactionary Game Throwing

    Previous Offenses
    Griefing (May 2021, Permaban - Appealed)

    BLx2 appealed to a WLx3 (late January 2020)
    Intentional Gamethrowing

    Gamethrowing (2011, KickVote),
    Skyping (2013, 2xKickVote),
    Skyping/Cheating (2013, 4xKickVote),
    Cheating/Skyping/Gamethrow/Griefing (2013, BLx2),
    Skyping (2013, Permabanned),
    Cheating/Skyping(2013, Already Permabanned)

    Recommended Action
    Recommended action deferred to Warden

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for taking the time to submit this report in your effort to make the community a better place
  12. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:TrollLord 1-S2-1-1960603

    Thread Author:altectech

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: TrollLord 1-S2-1-1960603◄◄

    Adding death chat log for reference:

    Spoiler : Death chat between TrollLord and Altectech :
    21:50 [FkHost]Altectech 1, what the FUCK is wrong with you? you are being reported for this game for game throwing.
    21:54 [PuffWC]TrollLord shoulda healed 10 faggot
    21:59 [PuffWC]TrollLord if he says hes mayor hes mayor
    22:00 [FkHost]Altectech why the FUCK should i have healed 10
    22:03 [PuffWC]TrollLord or w/e he claimed
    22:06 [FkHost]Altectech youre absolutely brokenly retarded
    22:07 [PuffWC]TrollLord its in his name
    22:08 [FkHost]Altectech and you lied
    22:08 [FkHost]Altectech so much
    22:16 [PuffWC]TrollLord heal 10 next time faggot
    22:18 [FkHost]Altectech deceiver is DECEPTION not support
    22:19 [FkHost]Altectech fucking moron
    22:24 [PuffWC]TrollLord dude ima be real
    22:29 [PuffWC]TrollLord i was gonna do whatever it took to lynch you
    22:31 [PuffWC]TrollLord for not healing 10
    22:32 [FkHost]Altectech why?
    22:36 [PuffWC]TrollLord cuz he said he was town
    22:39 [PuffWC]TrollLord and you let him die
    22:43 [FkHost]Altectech okay ill be using this as evidence in my report
    22:45 [PuffWC]TrollLord hes carried so many games it coulda been easy
    22:47 [FkHost]Altectech you just admited to game throwing
    22:48 [FkHost]Altectech youll be banned
    22:50 [FkHost]Altectech thanks for the input
    22:55 [PuffWC]TrollLord nah i didnt throw
    22:57 [PuffWC]TrollLord cry more faggot
    22:58 [FkHost]Altectech yes.. yes you did
    22:59 [PuffWC]TrollLord heal 10 next time
    23:05 [PuffWC]TrollLord how is it throwing?
    23:06 [FkHost]Altectech by definition you have game thrown
    23:10 [PuffWC]TrollLord you claim doc and still alive d5
    23:11 [FkHost]Altectech 12 will be reported as well
    23:12 [PuffWC]TrollLord thats not throwing
    23:13 [FkHost]Altectech for only wanting to kill defaults
    23:14 [PuffWC]TrollLord thats deduction
    23:16 [PuffWC]TrollLord cry more
    23:20 [FkHost]Altectech ZZorange what did 11 do wrong to you?
    23:21 [FkHost]Altectech i did nothing wrong
    23:21 [PuffWC]TrollLord so? part of the game
    23:22 [FkHost]Altectech i was just doc
    23:27 [PuffWC]TrollLord i literally didnt do anything thats bannable
    23:31 [FkHost]Altectech yes you did
    23:31 [PuffWC]TrollLord you claim doc and still alive d5
    23:33 [PuffWC]TrollLord sus as fuck
    23:36 [FkHost]Altectech you worked against your win condition
    23:37 [FkHost]Altectech thats game throwing
    23:38 [FkHost]Altectech retard
    23:38 [PuffWC]TrollLord its part of the game
    23:41 [PuffWC]TrollLord im not getting banned
    23:42 [PuffWC]TrollLord cry more
    23:43 [FkHost]Altectech yes you will be
    23:43 [FkHost]Altectech LMAO
    23:46 [PuffWC]TrollLord oh really?
    23:47 [FkHost]Altectech ive already got 5 people banned
    23:47 [FkHost]Altectech lmao
    23:48 [PuffWC]TrollLord are you a mod?
    23:50 [PuffWC]TrollLord are you a mod?
    23:52 [PuffWC]TrollLord no?
    23:54 [FkHost]Altectech dude i know all the mods
    24:00 [FkHost]Altectech nope
    24:02 [PuffWC]TrollLord get me baned then faggot
    24:05 [FkHost]Altectech i just got invcitus watch listed
    24:06 [FkHost]Altectech for just leaving the game
    24:08 [FkHost]Altectech you actually threw
    24:09 [FkHost]Altectech youre getting banne
    24:15 [PuffWC]TrollLord send a replay of the game in your report i garuntee i wont get banne
    24:18 [PuffWC]TrollLord tag me
    24:24 [FkHost]Altectech will do
    24:27 [FkHost]Altectech ill pm you
    24:30 [PuffWC]TrollLord thx. and heal 10 next time faggot
    24:31 [FkHost]Altectech you cant play against your win condition
    24:37 [FkHost]Altectech thats the definition of game throwing
    24:44 [FkHost]Altectech nah he will get ban listed
    24:46 [FkHost]Altectech for 2x
    24:47 [PuffWC]TrollLord you claim doc and still alive d5. reasonable suspicion to lynch you
    24:49 [PuffWC]TrollLord any mod will see it
    24:50 [FkHost]Altectech game throwing is minimum ban list
    24:52 [PuffWC]TrollLord youre just mad
    25:05 [PuffWC]TrollLord youre so mad that you refuse to look at the reasons i wont get banned
    25:21 [FkHost]Altectech they didnt kill me because i was made suspicious by 1, they were counting on dumb town wasting a lynch on me
    25:24 [FkHost]Altectech which they succesfully did
    25:26 [FkHost]Altectech youre truly an idiot
    25:29 [FkHost]Altectech if you dont udnerstand
    25:33 [FkHost]Altectech exactly 7
    25:35 [PuffWC]TrollLord well you see it that way i see it another. either way i wont get banned
    25:43 [FkHost]Altectech giordano youre a pathetic kid
    25:48 [PuffWC]TrollLord lol
    25:51 [FkHost]Altectech thats all i have to say
    25:55 [PuffWC]TrollLord you call me pathetic when you are crying youre gonna get me banned
    25:57 [PuffWC]TrollLord thats pathetic
    26:10 [FkHost]Altectech crying? nah man it's me smirking because you fucked up dude and you even admitted it!
    26:16 [FkHost]Altectech you literally admitted to game throwing in death chat
    26:17 [PuffWC]TrollLord i dont even know who 10 is
    26:20 [PuffWC]TrollLord nah i didnt
    26:25 [FkHost]Altectech "tbh i was just trying to get you lynched:"
    26:26 [FkHost]Altectech thats game throwing
    26:34 [PuffWC]TrollLord for 2 reasons that are valid reasons
    26:39 [PuffWC]TrollLord 1. you didnt heal 10 who carries games.
    26:41 [FkHost]Altectech idk what the fuck you think i did to you, but youre a pathetic cunt
    26:44 [PuffWC]TrollLord 2. you claim doc and are stil alive d5
    26:49 [PuffWC]TrollLord ima lynch that all day
    26:54 [FkHost]Altectech both invalid reasons im done talking to you
    27:09 [PuffWC]TrollLord youre vore are you not?
    27:18 [PuffWC]TrollLord so yeah ive seen you carry games
    28:06 [PuffWC]TrollLord what i said made enough sense for 6 other people to guilty you 11. spin that as throwing
    28:42 [PuffWC]TrollLord i said i fucked up
    28:46 [PuffWC]TrollLord i know i did
    28:53 [PuffWC]TrollLord but it made sense in the moment
    29:19 [FkHost]Altectech thank you 2
    29:22 [FkHost]Altectech at least someone here isn't retarded
    29:29 [FkHost]Altectech since 12 and 1 are literally incompetent loud mouthed brain dead bullies
    30:20 [PuffWC]TrollLord 3 afk?
    30:23 [PuffWC]TrollLord nvm
    30:38 [PuffWC]TrollLord look here 11 ill only say this once
    30:42 [PuffWC]TrollLord i fucked up lynching you and im sorry
    30:59 [FkHost]Altectech we'll see what the admins say
    31:03 [PuffWC]TrollLord lol okay faggot
    31:13 [FkHost]Altectech 1 and 3 game threw really hard
    31:20 [FkHost]Altectech 1 game threw against town, 3 game threw against triad, now cult wins
    31:21 [PuffWC]TrollLord tried to be an adult and apoligize you wanna keep being a baby
    31:25 [PuffWC]TrollLord stfu faggot
    31:41 [FkHost]Altectech you being an adult and apologizing was a start of being an adult, but in continues with you accepting the consequences of your actions
    31:46 [PuffWC]TrollLord you still crying?
    31:49 [FkHost]Altectech i am under no obligation to accept your apology
    31:49 [PuffWC]TrollLord go write your report
    31:58 [PuffWC]TrollLord go write up my report 11
    32:01 [FkHost]Altectech and clearly your weak attempt at maniuplating me to not write a report failed
    32:06 [PuffWC]TrollLord dude quit crying
    32:07 [PuffWC]TrollLord and go report me
    32:15 [PuffWC]TrollLord heres my name incase you didnt get it
    32:17 [FkHost]Altectech 3 and 1
    32:17 [PuffWC]TrollLord go report me faggot
    32:18 [FkHost]Altectech for game throwing
    32:20 [PuffWC]TrollLord oh its altech
    32:21 [FkHost]Altectech oh trollord
    32:22 [FkHost]Altectech i know you
    32:23 [PuffWC]TrollLord altech sucks anyway
    32:25 [PuffWC]TrollLord its all good
    32:28 [FkHost]Altectech yeah troll lord already on watch list, hes getting banned for sure
  13. Replies

    {Ban List} ►►Re: SneedNfeed: 1-S2-1-1227066 Pacifar: 1-S2-1-5597173◄◄

    SneedNfeed 1-S2-1-1227066 Correct
    Pacifar 1-S2-1-5597173 Correct

    Replay 1

    Respective Hotkeys
    SneedNfeed 1
    Pacifar ctrl + 1


    SneedNfeed lag switches right after getting lynched.

    Spoiler : SneedNfeed's chat log :

    0:10 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed lol im being warned for racism
    0:12 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed LOL
    0:13 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed LOL
    0:20 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed mods of mafia
    0:23 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed confirmed niggers
    0:31 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 10 is too based
    0:46 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed -DEATH TO ISRAEL
    1:36 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed ONLY GOOD KIKE IS A DEAD KIKE
    1:39 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed PRAISE ALLAH
    3:23 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed SNEE
    3:24 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed SNEED
    3:55 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 13 is inno
    4:02 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed -lw

    Pacifar has a total of 2 games played according to their bank

    Spoiler : Pacifar's chat log :

    0:05 Pacifar NIGGERS
    0:48 Pacifar -TOWN SYNDROME
    1:10 Pacifar -lw
    1:12 Pacifar -lw
    1:14 Pacifar -lw
    1:49 Pacifar -lw

    Replay 2

    Respective Hotkeys
    SneedNfeed 8


    SneedNfeed gets lynched day 2 by town for visiting the bodyguard that just died the previous night.

    Spoiler : SneedNfeed's chat log :

    0:11 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed NIGGER MAFIA MODS
    0:12 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed NIGGER MAFIA MODS
    0:14 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed NIGGER MAFIA MODS
    0:20 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed DEATH TO ISRAEL
    0:21 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed NIGGER MAFIA MODS
    0:38 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed -DEATH TO ISRAEL INSHALLAH
    1:29 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed kill 6
    1:31 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 6 is a kike
    1:43 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed I WILL GAS YOU JEWS
    2:39 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed SHERRIFF HERE
    2:41 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 3 IS A KIKE
    2:45 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed but is not sus
    2:51 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed based
    3:07 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed didnt even defend me
    3:09 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed what a fag
    3:28 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed lol ur a dumb nigger
    3:51 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed yea i visited 3
    3:53 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed doesnt make me mafia
    4:00 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed sherriff n1 3 NS
    4:06 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed now start the drums
    4:10 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed were bombing tel aviv
    4:15 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 7 is a filthy kike
    4:17 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed 7
    4:18 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed is
    4:19 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed a
    4:19 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed kike
    4:40 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed ship
    4:45 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed -lw
    4:55 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed I WILL BURN YOU KIKES
    4:55 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed I WILL BURN YOU KIKES
    4:56 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed I WILL BURN YOU KIKES
    4:57 [PuffWC]SneedNfeed I WILL BURN YOU KIKES

    SneedNfeed is aware of their warning for racism and sees it as an invitation to double down. I recommend at least a banlist as one final warning.
    Pacifar on the other hand has literally earned two reports in the spam of 3 total games played. They clearly only have intentions of griefing and racism spam, in my opninion there's no need to waste any more time with them before a permaban.

    Player Offenses
    SneedNfeed: Other
    Pacifar: Other

    Previous Offenses
    Other (Early May 2021)
    Other, Griefing (Early May 2021)

    Recommended Action
    SneedNfeed: BLx2
    Pacifar: Permaban

    Additional Notes
    Thank you for the reports!
  14. Forum:Punished Players & Appeals

    Thread:TrollLord 1-S2-1-1960603

    Thread Author:altectech

    Post Author:Sheriff


    {Watch List} ►►Re: TrollLord 1-S2-1-1960603◄◄

    TrollLord 1-S2-1-1960603 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys
    TrollLord 5

    TrollLord rolls Coroner in game slot 1
    Altectech rolls Doctor in game slot 11
    Day 1
    TrollLord whispers their role to 10, believing they are a player that carries town and blacklists evil

    Day 2
    After 10 is killed and flips Sheriff, TrollLord expresses disdain that there were no prots on 10.

    Altectech openly claims doctor and repeatedly demands to know who else is doctor.

    TrollLord votes for Altectech (11).
    6 (Bus Driver) claims that 11is lying, and that 11is triad and seconds the vote.
    5 (Serial Killer) puts in a silent third vote after two votes being placed on him for claiming survivor
    2 also openly claims doctor, responding to 11
    3 (Silencer) puts in a silent fourth vote on 11
    15 (Dragon Head) asks why 11 shortly before 5th vote
    14 (Witch Doctor) places 6th vote
    12 (Sheriff - currently silenced, having found triad and spam voting them, but being ignored by town) places a 7th vote
    9 (Jester) places the 8th vote needed to trial 11 right before the day ends

    On trial 11 claims they didn't heal anyone night 1. The town ultimately votes innocent 7-4

    Day 3
    5 (Serial Killer) claims that 2 is teaming up with 11 based off of the log
    11 rapid spams in chat "1, 3, 5, and 2 were guiltying a doctor with no lead, up them first!!"
    TrollLord says that if 11 were doc then he would have healed
    TrollLord + 5 vote for 11 but 5 gets put on trial

    On trial 5 says that 2 is working with 11 and reaffirms his earlier survivor claim. Town votes guilty 6-3 and 5 flips Serial Killer

    During the execution 11 rapid spams chat again

    Day 4
    14 (Witch Doctor) says "Oh, I get it, 5 attacked 11 and found he was NI. That's why 5 pointed out 11. and also why no SK kill on n1"

    Dragon Head, Deceiver, Silencer, 2 (Doctor), and 11 (Doctor), and 13 (Escort) push a lynch on TrollLord who claims Coroner and says to get 11. Town votes Innocent 3-2 with all the evils abstaining.

    Town trials 12 who reveals they are sheriff and that 7 is triad. Town votes innocent 4-3

    TrollLord pushes for 11 again asking how he can claim doc and not be dead, but town trials 7 (Deceiver) who gets voted guilty 4-3

    Day 5
    TrollLord opens the day by saying that 11 must not be doc since why is he still alive if he is doc.

    11 is blackmailed, but town assumes he is pretending after 12 the now confirmed sheriff points out that the Deceiver only voted once the whole game and it was in order to inno 11. With this town votes guilty 5-1 (with the one innocent vote being from the Jester)

    Player Offenses
    The push to lynch 11 game from several different sources - the follow-up sources likely were just reaffirming 1's initial suspicion of 11. I do not believe 1 was attempting to throw their game and they just had genuine suspicion of a day 2 doc claim.

    Previous Offenses
    Intentional Gamethrowing, Griefing May 2021
    An ignored Griefing case (by user request) (Late April 2021)

    Recommended Action

    Additional Notes
    Although I am not recommending this report to the Warden, thank you for taking the time to submit it in your effort to make the community a better place
  15. {Watch List} ►►Re: Sameul: 1-S2-1-10713064 and TheDominator: 1-S2-1-2323415◄◄

    TheDominator 1-S2-1-2323415 Correct
    FatalNoogie 1-S2-1-4042144 Added
    Samuel 1-S2-1-10713064 Correct

    Respective Hotkeys
    TheDominator E
    FatalNoogie 1
    Samuel 2

    TheDominator rolled Enforcer - 70 games played
    FatalNoogie rolled Mafioso - 9 games played
    Sameul rolled Veteran - 30 games played

    Throughout the game the three players send antisemitic, racist, homophobic, and nazi praising messages.
    The mafia and triad controlled by FatalNoogie and TheDominator attack the exact same target on nights 1 and 2.
    On night 3 they seem to coordinate to attack only townies - switching from initially targeted a rival faction member to attacking a townie.
    Then on nights 4 and 5 both factions attack 1 member of the rival faction.

    Spoiler : Chat and Action Log with relevant sections highlighted :

    0:09 [Joseph]TheDominator my balls itch
    0:10 [Joseph]Sameul host sucks
    0:10 [Joseph]FatalNoogie host sucks
    0:10 [Joseph]TheDominator host sucks
    0:11 [Joseph]TheDominator shit save
    0:13 [Joseph]Sameul -repick
    0:13 [Joseph]FatalNoogie shit save
    0:15 [Joseph]Sameul shit svae
    0:17 [Joseph]FatalNoogie repick
    0:23 [Joseph]Sameul shit save
    0:28 [Joseph]Sameul host sucks
    0:29 [Joseph]Sameul -repick
    0:33 [Joseph]Sameul shit save
    0:35 [Joseph]FatalNoogie YESS
    0:36 [Joseph]FatalNoogie YES
    0:37 [Joseph]FatalNoogie LET'S DO IT
    0:38 [Joseph]Sameul host sucks
    0:40 [Joseph]Sameul -repick
    0:42 [Joseph]FatalNoogie KIRA YOU'RE A LEGEND
    0:43 [Joseph]Sameul shit save
    0:48 [Joseph]Sameul host sucks
    0:48 [Joseph]TheDominator SHIT SAVE
    0:49 [Joseph]TheDominator HOST SUCKS
    0:50 [Joseph]Sameul -repick
    0:50 [Joseph]TheDominator -REPICK
    0:54 [Joseph]Sameul host sucks
    0:56 [Joseph]TheDominator shit save
    0:57 [Joseph]Sameul shit save
    0:57 [Joseph]TheDominator -repick
    0:59 [Joseph]TheDominator host sucks
    1:15 [Joseph]Sameul -Hitler on two computers
    1:15 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -Agent Shitlet
    1:17 [Joseph]TheDominator -Schibbler
    1:19 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -Agent Shitler
    1:21 [Joseph]Sameul -Hortler
    Day 1
    1:50 [Joseph]Sameul i am a war hero
    1:53 [Joseph]TheDominator i hate women so much it's unreal
    1:54 [Joseph]Sameul i fought in the great war
    1:55 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I am a war hero
    2:17 [Joseph]Sameul i have one testicle
    2:20 [Joseph]Sameul it is very lage
    End of Day 1
    Message not sent due to night:
    2:22 [Joseph]TheDominator HOST SHIT IM DRAGON HEAD
    Night 1
    2:30 [Joseph]Sameul -lw
    2:38 [Joseph]FatalNoogie hello agent
    2:41 TheDominator selects to kill 12
    2:42 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    2:46 FatalNoogie selects to kill 12, ignoring Mafia teammate's kill suggestion
    2:48 [Joseph]TheDominator -dm on the other hand, a tight succulent pussy
    2:55 [Joseph]TheDominator -dn on the other hand a nice tight succulent pussy
    Day 2
    3:50 [Joseph]FatalNoogie yo he got fucked up
    3:55 [Joseph]Sameul the fucking note lol
    4:01 [Joseph]FatalNoogie we can't be having that shit in our town
    4:01 [Joseph]TheDominator 1 is confirmed real hitler
    4:03 [Joseph]FatalNoogie joe biden ass
    4:04 [Joseph]Sameul hey 2 stop whispering in my ear
    4:04 [Joseph]TheDominator SEIG HEIL
    4:07 [Joseph]Sameul you are being a weirdo
    4:07 [Joseph]TheDominator ICH KUMEN MEIN FUHRER
    4:20 [Joseph]Sameul why are you sending me your roles
    4:22 [Joseph]Sameul i don't wanna read all that
    4:24 [Joseph]Sameul fucking bullshit
    4:29 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -pm 1 invest, n1 12 inno
    4:34 [Joseph]Sameul i got TWO MEDAL OF HONORS
    4:37 [Joseph]FatalNoogie 1 is real hitler give role
    4:38 [Joseph]FatalNoogie s
    4:48 [Joseph]Sameul i am silenced
    4:50 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    4:52 [Joseph]Sameul i am speaking in morse code rn
    5:12 [Joseph]TheDominator HOLY SHIT IM DRAGON HEAD
    5:14 [Joseph]Sameul stop talking to MEEEEEEE
    5:26 [Joseph]Sameul LEAVE ME ALONE
    5:26 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -skip
    5:33 [Joseph]Sameul 3 IS JEWISH
    FatalNoogie votes to lynch 3
    TheDominator votes to lynch 3
    5:35 [Joseph]Sameul HE KEEPS BLACKMAILING ME
    End of Day 2
    Night 2
    5:43 TheDominator selects to kill 13
    6:00 FatalNoogie selects to kill 13, ignoring mafia teammate kill suggestion
    6:00 [Joseph]FatalNoogie lol nice pick
    6:11 [Joseph]Sameul -lw
    6:11 [Joseph]TheDominator let's go fuck 13
    6:13 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    Day 3
    7:07 [Joseph]Sameul fucking niggers keep calling me a hero
    7:11 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    7:12 [Joseph]Sameul 3 is annoying
    7:19 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOORTING
    7:20 [Joseph]Sameul OH GOD IM REPORTIIINNNGG
    7:21 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOOOOOORT
    7:23 [Joseph]TheDominator OOOO AAAAAA
    7:24 [Joseph]FatalNoogie holy shit 3 is such a fucking jew
    7:25 [Joseph]TheDominator FORUM POOOOSTING
    7:27 [Joseph]FatalNoogie OOH NOO I'M REPOOOOORTING
    7:27 [Joseph]TheDominator AAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    7:29 [Joseph]TheDominator JEWISH FUCKER
    7:30 [Joseph]FatalNoogie ON THE FORUUUUUUUUUMS
    7:31 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT
    7:32 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOOOOOOOOOORT
    7:34 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT
    7:36 [Joseph]FatalNoogie REPOOOOOOOOOORTING
    All three vote to lynch 3 within seconds of each other - although this is a part of a lynch train on 3 organized by the mafia + triad + jester. In fact the 7 votes needed to trial someone came exclusively from mafia + triad + jester + Sameul
    8:12 [Joseph]TheDominator REPOOOOORTING
    8:14 [Joseph]TheDominator OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    8:16 [Joseph]TheDominator AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    8:18 [Joseph]TheDominator FORUM POSTING
    8:19 [Joseph]Sameul REPORTINNNNNNNNNNNGG
    8:27 [Joseph]FatalNoogie dude I didn't know invictus got an alt
    8:28 [Joseph]Sameul MONKEY RETARD
    8:29 [Joseph]FatalNoogie what a jew
    All three vote guilty
    8:55 [Joseph]Sameul posts on forums AND goes mothership??
    9:05 [Joseph]Sameul what a gay cunt
    9:05 [Joseph]FatalNoogie like we didn't even say 1 was town gov
    9:11 [Joseph]Sameul i never claimed town govt lol
    9:14 [Joseph]TheDominator AHAHAHAH
    9:15 [Joseph]TheDominator IM EBIL
    9:19 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I'M REPOOORTING
    9:19 [Joseph]TheDominator FUCKING JEWISH FUCK
    9:20 [Joseph]Sameul OH GOOD IM REPORTINNNNNG
    9:25 [Joseph]Sameul IM REPORTIIINNG
    9:27 [Joseph]TheDominator FUCKING JEWISH FAGGOT
    Night 3
    9:32 FatalNoogie selects to kill 9 (Triad)
    9:38 FatalNoogie switches his target to 11 (Town)
    9:40 TheDominator selects to kill 5 (Town)
    9:55 [Joseph]TheDominator -dn THIS IS FOR YOU FUHRER
    9:56 [Joseph]FatalNoogie very low
    9:59 [Joseph]FatalNoogie but could happen
    10:02 [Joseph]FatalNoogie eventually we gotta get one of them
    Day 4
    10:55 [Joseph]FatalNoogie okay guys imma be real with ya, i'm not town
    10:58 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I'm not town
    11:01 [Joseph]FatalNoogie so don't lynch me
    11:02 [Joseph]Sameul all this crime
    11:04 [Joseph]Sameul so much melanin
    11:08 [Joseph]FatalNoogie we gotta lynch the town and handle this like men
    11:09 [Joseph]Sameul where did all the good kids go
    11:13 [Joseph]FatalNoogie but I think 1 is vet so leave him around
    11:18 [Joseph]Sameul i am a war hero
    11:21 [Joseph]Sameul two world wars
    11:23 [Joseph]Sameul lost both
    11:29 [Joseph]FatalNoogie it's a scamdemic sir
    11:32 [Joseph]Sameul my ass is burning
    11:32 [Joseph]FatalNoogie the jews made the vaccine
    11:35 [Joseph]FatalNoogie it's a bad play
    11:37 [Joseph]Sameul keto asshole itch
    11:37 [Joseph]TheDominator hortler, would you like to join the niggers or the gooks
    11:43 [Joseph]Sameul i would like to kill myself
    FatalNoogie, TheDominator, and most all of mafia + triad vote to lynch 8
    11:54 [Joseph]Sameul who is guilty
    12:25 [Joseph]FatalNoogie you're outnumbered bro I don't know why you revealed yourself
    12:32 [Joseph]Sameul i am hortler
    12:36 [Joseph]FatalNoogie 6 anti town bro you're town you get lynched
    12:38 [Joseph]Sameul (hortler has revealed himself to be based)
    12:40 [Joseph]FatalNoogie this ain't a town game no more
    12:42 [Joseph]Sameul OMG HORTLER IS BASED???
    12:44 [Joseph]Sameul send me roles
    FatalNoogie votes guilty, Sameul and TheDominator abstain
    12:46 [Joseph]FatalNoogie HORTLER BASED
    13:04 [Joseph]Sameul that would be hilarious
    13:06 [Joseph]FatalNoogie well played haha
    13:09 [Joseph]Sameul i am about to cum in my pants
    13:12 [Joseph]FatalNoogie that would be awesome
    13:16 [Joseph]Sameul HAHAHAHAHA'
    13:17 [Joseph]Sameul LMAO
    13:17 [Joseph]FatalNoogie YOOO
    13:17 [Joseph]FatalNoogie BRUH
    13:18 [Joseph]FatalNoogie AHHHHH
    13:19 [Joseph]Sameul WHAT A CHAD
    13:22 [Joseph]Sameul BASED
    13:22 [Joseph]FatalNoogie well played
    Night 4
    13:31 FatalNoogie selects to kill 9 (Triad)
    13:32 [Joseph]TheDominator aight so 1/4 chance
    13:34 [Joseph]TheDominator that we die
    13:37 [Joseph]TheDominator who we hit
    13:38 TheDominator selects to kill 2 (Mafia)
    13:42 TheDominator switches to kill 4 (Town)
    13:45 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I don't know
    13:46 TheDominator switches back to kill 2 (Mafia)
    14:07 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    Day 5
    14:33 [Joseph]FatalNoogie NOOOOO OUR BROTHER
    14:36 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    14:37 [Joseph]Sameul what a retard
    14:40 [Joseph]Sameul imagine killing yourself
    14:43 [Joseph]Sameul i would simply just stay alive
    14:52 [Joseph]FatalNoogie well guys looks like I don't have to pretend I have lw anymore
    14:55 [Joseph]Sameul uh oh the bois are killing each other
    14:57 [Joseph]Sameul GANG WAR
    14:58 [Joseph]Sameul GANG WAR
    14:59 [Joseph]Sameul GANG WAR
    14:59 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -lw
    15:00 [Joseph]Sameul RACE WAR
    15:03 [Joseph]TheDominator THESE ARE GOOK STREETS
    15:04 [Joseph]FatalNoogie RACE WARS
    15:05 [Joseph]TheDominator FUCK OFF WOPS
    15:06 [Joseph]FatalNoogie GOOKS VS NIGGERS
    15:09 [Joseph]FatalNoogie FUCK OFF YELLOW NIGGERS
    15:10 [Joseph]Sameul what is your guys take on derek chauvin
    15:11 [Joseph]FatalNoogie WE'RE OG NIGGERS
    15:18 [Joseph]TheDominator FREE DEREK
    15:19 [Joseph]TheDominator FUCKNIGGERS
    15:20 [Joseph]FatalNoogie can we agree to kill jooz tho
    15:27 [Joseph]Sameul i am literally creaming my pants rn
    15:33 [Joseph]Sameul *screaming
    15:35 [Joseph]Sameul not creaming
    15:35 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -skip
    15:35 [Joseph]FatalNoogie naw
    15:36 [Joseph]Sameul typo
    15:38 [Joseph]FatalNoogie let's handle this like men
    15:41 [Joseph]Sameul -skip
    Night 5
    15:48 TheDominator selects to kill FatalNoogie
    15:48 6 selects to hide behind 15 (Mafia)
    15:51 FatalNoogie selects to kill 6 (Triad)
    15:58 [Joseph]TheDominator -lw
    16:03 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I think it would be worth it
    16:09 [Joseph]FatalNoogie now is as good a time as any
    16:15 [Joseph]FatalNoogie -dn these are NIGGER streets fuck off gooks
    16:18 [Joseph]TheDominator -dn THESE ARE SLANTED STREETS
    Day 6
    TheDominator and FatalNoogie are dead
    16:32 [Joseph]TheDominator WE GOT FUCKED
    16:43 [Joseph]TheDominator lmao
    16:45 [Joseph]FatalNoogie YOOO
    16:46 [Joseph]Sameul bruh wtf happened
    16:53 [Joseph]Sameul kept feeling like i was in ze trenches again
    16:56 [Joseph]Sameul gunshots all night
    17:04 [Joseph]Sameul brutally killed yeah alright
    17:07 [Joseph]Sameul wtf
    17:08 [Joseph]Sameul jesse
    17:09 [Joseph]Sameul wtf
    17:19 [Joseph]Sameul my ass is pooping
    17:19 [Joseph]FatalNoogie lol they both had deceivers
    17:22 [Joseph]Sameul i did not sleep much
    17:32 [Joseph]Sameul hey you guys should re enact the good, bad, and ugly
    17:36 [Joseph]Sameul just have a big showdown
    17:38 [Joseph]Sameul clint eastwood style
    17:59 [Joseph]Sameul look
    18:02 [Joseph]Sameul alls im saying is
    18:04 [Joseph]Sameul i got the funny hat
    18:06 [Joseph]Sameul and got the lab coat
    18:08 [Joseph]Sameul i am what you call
    18:11 [Joseph]Sameul an educated retard
    18:14 [Joseph]Sameul settle this like men
    18:17 [Joseph]Sameul winner is a fagoot
    18:19 [Joseph]Sameul loser is a gay cunt
    18:20 [Joseph]Sameul your choice
    18:34 [Joseph]Sameul i am going to cum in my pants
    18:36 [Joseph]Sameul my dick is flacid
    18:37 [Joseph]Sameul all the time
    18:50 [Joseph]TheDominator SHUT UP 3
    18:54 [Joseph]TheDominator YOU ARE THE MOST RETARDED NIGGER CUNT
    18:55 [Joseph]Sameul im on the forums rn 3
    18:56 [Joseph]TheDominator I HAVE EVER SEEN
    18:59 [Joseph]FatalNoogie holy shit 3 is still being a retard nigger faggot
    19:01 [Joseph]TheDominator 3 UR AN ABSOLUTE FAGGOT
    19:02 [Joseph]TheDominator HOLY SHIT
    19:04 [Joseph]Sameul my ass burns
    19:05 [Joseph]FatalNoogie REPOOOOORTIING
    19:06 [Joseph]Sameul keto asshole
    19:07 [Joseph]Sameul itching
    19:09 [Joseph]FatalNoogie YOU'RE NOT PLAYING THE GAME RIGHT
    Sameul is lynched being the only townie
    19:11 [Joseph]FatalNoogie OH NOOO
    Night 6 - remaining mafia and triad shoot each other leaving no one alive - Jester wins
    19:21 [Joseph]Sameul OH GOD NO
    19:23 [Joseph]Sameul PLEASE 3 NO
    19:25 [Joseph]Sameul SPARE ME
    19:27 [Joseph]Sameul OH GOD NOW
    19:30 [Joseph]Sameul PLEASE HAVE MERCY
    19:33 [Joseph]Sameul I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME
    19:34 [Joseph]Sameul (sad)
    19:46 [Joseph]FatalNoogie yeah they can
    19:56 [Joseph]Sameul it really itches
    19:58 [Joseph]Sameul you have no idea
    20:01 [Joseph]Sameul like it burns
    20:03 [Joseph]FatalNoogie keto asshole itch is a thing man
    20:06 [Joseph]Sameul it smells bad man
    20:09 [Joseph]Sameul its so bad
    20:10 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I think if you were on keto
    20:12 [Joseph]Sameul i wish it would stop
    20:13 [Joseph]FatalNoogie you'd probably be throwing too
    20:20 [Joseph]Sameul i am throwing shit out of my ass
    20:22 [Joseph]Sameul its so bad
    20:32 [Joseph]FatalNoogie hitler bitler you're a real nigga
    20:35 [Joseph]FatalNoogie that was so much fun
    20:40 [Joseph]FatalNoogie respect for jester that was funny
    20:58 [Joseph]FatalNoogie wp
    20:59 [Joseph]Sameul IM REPORTINNNNNNGGGG
    21:03 [Joseph]Sameul REPORTTTTTINNNNNNG
    21:06 [Joseph]FatalNoogie TEPOOOOORTING
    21:07 [Joseph]FatalNoogie REPOOORTING
    21:11 [Joseph]Sameul OH GOD
    21:11 [Joseph]FatalNoogie OH MAN IT FEELS SO GOOD
    21:14 [Joseph]FatalNoogie TO WRITE A REPOOOOOOOOOOORT
    21:15 [Joseph]FatalNoogie OH MAN
    21:17 [Joseph]Sameul IM ON THE FORUUUUUUMMMMMS
    21:17 [Joseph]FatalNoogie OH MAN
    21:22 [Joseph]FatalNoogie wait, what's this
    21:26 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I'm
    21:28 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I'm
    21:40 [Joseph]FatalNoogie I CAN'T TAKE IT
    21:42 [Joseph]FatalNoogie IT'S SO MUCH
    21:47 [Joseph]FatalNoogie gg sir have a good day

    The three players are all in the same clan, and checking their match history shows that they frequently play in 3v3 ladder together as a team.

    Reviewing the lobbies these players have joined via the #arcade-lobby-status channel:
    • 13 out of the 13 lobbies FatalNoogie has joined have been as a member of a party with some grouping of TheDominator, FatalNoogie, and EulerMacaron
    • 32 out of the 32 lobbies that Sameul has joined have been as a member of a party with some grouping of TheDominator, FatalNoogie, and EulerMacaron

    TheDominator seems to be the only one that plays Mafia without other members of the clan - likely the mafia fan that brings his friends along.

    Any one piece of evidence among the set would not be enough for a confident conviction, but taking them all together and it seems extremely likely that these players are skyping/discording in order to grief and cheat.

    Was the Game Result altered?
    Almost certainly.

    Player Offenses
    TheDominator: Cheating, Griefing
    FatalNoogie: Cheating, Griefing
    Samuel: Cheating, Griefing

    Previous Offenses

    Recommended Action
    Deferred to Warden

    Additional Notes
    Thanks for the report!
Results 1 to 15 of 23