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  1. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Gg y'all!

    -vote Jmw

    The goat. (Frinckles is also goated)

    Was fun playing with y'all, even if it wasn't my best game.
  2. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    GG everyone!
    Fishy here and it was cool to meet you and play with you all!
  3. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    I think you forgot the comma and the S. You probably meant "Vote, scums [who are my teammates]". :P

    I said what I said. No mistakes here.
  4. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    -vote MartinGG99

    Vote scum
  5. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakura1 View Post
    First of all, I'm very mad at Oliver, Jelly, and Clowns. But Oliver and Jelly have to wait until postgame because they're literally dead. I didn't mention Oliver after he was lynched either. All 3 players have played extremely poorly, and Oliver and Jelly borderline gamethrew, but Clowns is the only one who still hasn't been lynched.

    Secondly, I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know if changing the quote was on purpose or not, but the entire original post was in the same font size as can be seen by going back to the source.
    I can’t have played poorly and still be alive

    Granted I haven’t played very great this game, but I’m still breathing. As a member of town should be
  6. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakura1 View Post
    I'm not explaining that to you at this point

    if you don't know then you either have the memory of a goldfish, are playing coy, or some other third fish-related figure of speech that I can't think of at the moment.
    I think I’ve been town this whole game. Have you read?
  7. Replies
  8. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    but the real question is

    have you open-towned ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
    Everyday baby

    Why'd you vote jmw? You do know votes lock right?
  9. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Guys, look at this. Martin is town, we know this (healed from an attack = confirmed town). Jmw literally OPEN WOLFED here, thinking he would get a win because it was MYLO. Well, surprise... I ALSO HAVE A ROLEBLOCK ABILITY

    I roleblocked jmw last night. Considering scum literally would have won by killing a townie, I AM CONFIRMED TOWN, AND ANYONE DOUBTING MY WORD HERE IS WEARING A TIN FOIL HAT.

    Jmw and Clowns open-wolfed at EoD. The sole reason I am not voting right away is that I want to hear from y'all in case I missed something critically important, but if I didn't, jmw dies.
    You say open wolfing, but that requires me being a wolf.
  10. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Snom_ View Post
    If you can name two useful things I can mod post I’ll eat my shoe.
  11. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Of course I did nothing. I've been honest about my role since day 1 (with jelly) and said I only had two shots (at least with MM and Bakura's chat). One of these days y'all will realize I'm not lying and actually believe a man
  12. Replies
  13. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    -vote 10000JellyDoughnuts

    Self pres
  14. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakura1 View Post
    Clowns is the lynch today
    Disagree very much so
  15. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Yes, they do. I heavily hinted at it when I posted this GIF:

    in response to someone who said I was just a fruit vendor or something like that. Like at this point, I think I wasn't even breadcrumbing, but leaving whole baguettes on the ground lmao. But I don't think anyone picked up on it o.O.
    Not the baguette! Pick it back up those be expensive
  16. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Apologies I did not realize that quote was so large
  17. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakura1 View Post
    Drop me a beat

    Someone get a fan because I'm about to turn up the heat on Clowns

    First of all, let's consider the events of Night 1:

    A completely random player was killed and janitored.
    Now I don't think this is going to surprise anyone, but it's likely that scum aimed for someone else and then got redirected. This most likely means that there is a town redirector. Because scum/scum-aligned would redirect to someone more important. There's the possibility of just a regular neutral, but in that case I don't see why they'd even redirect at all N1, especially if they have limited shots, which they most likely do. Plus, a non-scum-aligned neutral has already flipped (Ewian).
    P.S. I wrote this last night and now it appears that Snom (Drizzt) was most likely responsible for the redirection. So most likely this was a town redirection N1.

    So, a player was targeted for the factional kill N1 and redirected. Now, who do you think is the most likely target for a scum kill Night 1? Jmw. The pool of players is already extremely narrow, as this has to be a player who was both targeted D1 and expected by the redirector to be targeted D1. The only candidate for this is Jmw. And that brings me to the point I'm trying to make here:

    scum made the "town will be shaken and destroyed" during N1. This is undeniable. And I will take that one step further and say that scum made that message in reference to a kill on Jmw. And who are our two top candidates for "shaken and destroyed"? MM and Clowns. And which, of those two, would know Jmw and his significance, feeling comfortable enough to make a claim like that about Jmw's death? Clowns.

    Thus, Clowns is the most likely reason for "shaken and destroyed" being posted N1. The only other possible event in which "shaken and destroyed" would be posted is if Ashoka's scum and it was about being towncored D1, but even then Ashoka's personality just doesn't fit "shaken and destroyed."

    The only argument that can be made against this is a highly generalized one, that it could just be something random. One of my several points individually would most likely be attacked. But these points are not independent of each other. Furthermore, mafia is not about randomness. It's about piecing together actions and circumstances based on facts and logic. And that is what I have done here. There is almost no other circumstance or player who fits "shaken and destroyed" anymore.

    This brings me to my next point: Clowns' claim.
    Now in order for Clowns' claim to be true, both he and Jelly would have to be telling the truth, because if Clowns is really a masonizer, then Jelly would have to be town, or else Clowns would be dead. We also can rule out the possibility of Clowns deceiving Jelly by using another chatmaker, as we know what Ashoka's actions have been and can confirm them. So if we catch Clowns, we essentially catch Jelly.

    Now, let's look at Clowns' and Jelly's interactions so far in this game:

    Clowns' first mention of Jelly was in his reads list at EoD1. Jelly was one of the various nulls in his list. However, he did specifically attribute something to her:
    "Jelly- Null havent seen too much to decide"

    Now first of all, I don't know what world you're in where you use a masonizer shot, which kills you if you don't shoot town with it, on a null that would simply solve your problem by posting more D2. But even then, there's at least some sort of reason to neighborize. So you'd expect Clowns to have a good chat with Jelly to progress their read on the slot, right?
    Well, apparently Jelly wasn't impressed

    You'd expect Clowns to at least explain to Jelly that they're responsible for placing her into a chat, or try to engage in some sort of discussion, but Jelly acts bewildered here, as if she has no idea what's going on. Now based on what I've established earlier, that they're either both town or both scum, this is most likely a play that they devised N1 to distance from each other.

    But then Clowns says that they did claim to Jelly

    So immediately we're already getting these conflicting stories, though we know that they either have to be both town or both scum. According to later, Clowns apparently only claimed to have made the chat, and not that they were specifically masonizer. But why not claim masonizer? You know 100% that the player you targeted is town. And how is Jelly so in the dark? Clowns was supposedly grilled for the majority of the chat, but there is a complete lack of knowledge from both parties. There are just too many things that would have to align for this to be a simple mistake from two townies.

    And then further into D2 the Jelly wagon forms, and Clowns is just ???

    First, he says he doesn't want to participate on a Jelly wagon and feels good about her. Then, he votes her. Yes, he votes the person he knows 100% is town due to his role. And then he says "gosh dang it" in response to her lynch not going through. What the literal heck is this? And then after that he says the wagon was awful and his other head was responsible for voting Jelly, and that the wagon was scum-motivated. But even if they're different heads, each one would at least know their own role. There's no chance that they don't know that they masonized Jelly, unless they don't know their own claim because it's not the truth.

    -vote TheClowns

    There's no shot that they're both town here

    Clowns is lying about his role, and Jelly is most likely going along with it as scum or scum-aligned neutral

    So in summary, @TheClowns

    Okay we are getting into it

    There is one big flaw with your theory here. You seem to keep forgetting this is indeed a hydra and the reads that you are referring to on D1 came from Fishy aka me. The voting was therefore carried out by the other head as if you have played a game with me (Fishy) you would know that I do not like the voting on day 1 because usually it ends up in either me getting lynched or some afk townies.

    Also for the quote you are saying we said in reference to the jmw kill, that is all just speculation. You are quite literally grasping at straws here. You are trying to prove we said something when that cannot be done and it also cant be proved that we did not do it, so you are actually just trying to throw random dirt on us here.

    As for the chat with Jelly and why she was so confused is probably because she didnt believe us or something. This head was not in the majority of that conversation and you can ask Jelly to confirm that herself. Therefore, no we did not have a lot of conversation that could have happened that night because I unfortunately had life.

    Also as for me saying gosh dang it, which was my post, that was in response to me typing the wrong thing. That was just plain embarrassing.

    So no we are not the entire circus, we are just two clowns living life
  18. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Okay so both heads of the Hydra have been busy these last few days so I'll need to play catch up

    Yes I did already see that Circus clown joke from Bakura but have I read it yet? No
  19. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Has anyone confirmed getting MM’s fruit? I don’t see it reading back, but I’m also skimming so I could’ve missed it.
  20. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    This jelly is forming awfully fast. Shouldn’t you at least wait for the others to claim first? Notably @Bakura1 at this point there’s no reason not to claim. If we can solve it using Stealth’s plan then it requires everyone to cooperate, unless of course you’re simply scum and don’t have a fake claim lined up.
  21. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    If it matters, Jelly’s claim matches what she told me in chat.
  22. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Anyway, here’s where we’re at so far.
    Clowns can’t die today, as much as that pains me, because he can’t be janitor.
    MM can’t die because he’s fruit vendor (theoretically as long as he didn’t give fruit to Martin which would make me incredibly suspicious)
    AT can’t die because they’re architect
    Martin and jmw will be able to confirm my role as not janitor today as my actions directly confirmed to both of them that I am not janitor.
    Somebody is the mod poster, which isn’t janitor.
    Somebody will be able to confirm Martin further today by confirming his investigative result

    So we need claims from Bakura, Frinckles, Snom and Jelly. Am I missing anybody?
    You, unless those people vouch for your role being not janitor.
  23. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    How? Do you have a way to prove this?

    By what process do you confirm your alignment with this, apart from dying?
    Stealth and/or Martin will confirm I’m not lying about my role tomorrow after they find themselves in a chat with yours truly. Hence I haven’t been lying
  24. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    -vote TheClowns
    My role will literally be proven tomorrow
  25. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    once more tonight, tell us who you will visit
    Assuming my new submission goes through, stealth. Assuming it doesn’t, Martin. I’ll be in a chat with one of those two and they’ll be able to confirm
  26. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    Target someone you're sus of tonight, and tell us who it is @TheClowns
    Me and Stealthbomber are gonna have such a great talk.
  27. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw View Post
    @TheClowns how often can you use your role?
  28. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    that's your role?
  29. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    you can find the role bank list for each site and copy link to it
  30. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    find me the sc2/hypixel mason rolecard to see if it matches what you have
    Can’t copy paste my role. Tis against the rules
  31. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw View Post
    @TheClowns I don't know if you've seen this yet or not but I'd appreciate a response if you're able.
    Different heads, different reads. Also my read on jelly is simply cause tjays what it is. Town read. Ezpz
  32. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashoka Tano View Post
    -vote TheClowns

    lol, Mason is when 2 people know one another roles, he doesn't even describe the role correctly. Furthermore if it stopped working that means there is "shots" where he can create it and when he cannot, no?
    but I especially hate how he isn't pushing me
    Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know you could read my role. Please, tell me what it is then
  33. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    People are jumping through hoops to try and prove I’m scum
  34. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    I am a town mason. I can create a chat between myself and one other person that stays up day and night. After the hammer didn’t go through and roles stopped working, so did our chat.
  35. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw View Post
    Someone in this thread made a good point.

    @TheClowns please fullclaim.
    I have 😩
  36. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by 10000JellyDoughnuts View Post
    Yea, that's why I'm curious why he didn't CC.
    I already told you. Their role doesn’t interfere with mine. How many times do I have to keep repeating it 😩

    -vote oliverz144

    I don’t love this lynch, but I’m at the point I have to self pres or die
  37. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    It is a little weird to call two identical roles of the same alignment with two different names... which leads me to the conclusion you probably do not share Ashoka's alignment lol. This is not immensely strong, but adds to the pile of vile trash you throne upon, O scum.

    Also, congrats on your Eldritch Eye, Bakura. I hope that's not an Art of War style statement, but it's safe enough to assume it's just your wynncraft game xD.
    Except their not identical. I make a chat for myself. Architect makes it for others. According to the wiki, they’re usually not allowed to self target, hence two different roles.
  38. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by TheClowns View Post
    People really fixated on that day 1 reads list as the smoking gun of why we have to be scum. Look me in the eye and tell me you've never made a shitty reads list as town. This slot is busy with both heads, and our D1 reads list reflects that. My reads have updated, and I've reflected that. I've tried to be more active, but life is life. If your sole basis of why we're scum is based off of a D1 reads list and lack of activity, then I must say your argument is sorely lacking.

    Onto Frinckles. I haven't interacted with Frinckles much because I havent cared to put myself in the way of his tunneling. I don't find his slot particuarly threatening, and while I think he's scum, I think his slot is a lot more noise than substance as opposed to someone else like Aporia's slot (now stealthbomber) who is clearly capable of doing much more with their little time. I thought Aporia's slot was scum. I stated this. I disliked Stealthbomber's entrance. I stated this. I think their slot is more demanding of attention than Frinckles with the little time I have to contribute.
    A rough D1 reads list is a pretty crappy reason to lynch someone off plus I already claimed mason

    I dont know anyone thats been 100% right on their D1 reads list plus I dont even know half of you that was literally a list of my first impression
  39. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by 10000JellyDoughnuts View Post
    You just said you did it. Not your role.
    Yeah, I realized that reading back. If it's any consolation, I did intend to tell you, I guess I just never did.
  40. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Wasn't Ashoka an architect (not a mason)? Also, why does it look like Jelly is not confirming this lol
    They did indeed claim an architect. Hence me not caring about their claim since it doesn't interfere with my own. It looks like I didn't actually tell Jelly my role, even though I thought I had, but the truth remains we were still in a chat by my own hand which has been confirmed.
  41. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by 10000JellyDoughnuts View Post
    If you guys are a mason, why did one of you suspect me. Better question, why didn't you tell me. Why didn't you hardclaim as soon as it went through on the next day. ?????
    I did tell you. Pretty sure I did anyway.
  42. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    People really fixated on that day 1 reads list as the smoking gun of why we have to be scum. Look me in the eye and tell me you've never made a shitty reads list as town. This slot is busy with both heads, and our D1 reads list reflects that. My reads have updated, and I've reflected that. I've tried to be more active, but life is life. If your sole basis of why we're scum is based off of a D1 reads list and lack of activity, then I must say your argument is sorely lacking.

    Onto Frinckles. I haven't interacted with Frinckles much because I havent cared to put myself in the way of his tunneling. I don't find his slot particuarly threatening, and while I think he's scum, I think his slot is a lot more noise than substance as opposed to someone else like Aporia's slot (now stealthbomber) who is clearly capable of doing much more with their little time. I thought Aporia's slot was scum. I stated this. I disliked Stealthbomber's entrance. I stated this. I think their slot is more demanding of attention than Frinckles with the little time I have to contribute.
  43. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    The other head here
    the one that called people trolls in my reads list.....

    Thats just how I observe people Idk what red flag you are talking about there since they were my D1 gut reads and D1 doesn't have much to go off of anyway
  44. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Anyway, I’m a town mason. I can make a mason chat. I did so with jelly. It closed.
  45. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post

    Considering the VCA, I'd lump Jelly into the Frinckles/Clowns team here. The exact same analysis fits, and Jelly themselves doesn't have an amazing ISO.

    As for Clowns, I went to check his D1 readslist that was so scandalous to everyone (it was indeed pretty bad lol, so many nulls when they shouldn't have been null, but it could have just been the sign of a relatively new townie, so it's not necessarily very scummy imo), and then compared with his D2 list. The progression is... absolutely nonexistent, and often straight up contradictory. Examples:

    - Aporia/Stealth read is not too horrible on the side of contradiction, but it's still fishy to contrast Aporia being busy and Stealth coming in with energy and to present that as scummy.
    - The read on myself is thoroughly inconsistent: it goes from "confident, stimulating discussion, asking questions" to "hasn't been adding very much in terms of contributions" and "hasn't been pushing anyone very hard" (which isn't even true lol, considering pushes on Oliver and Frinckles at that point). There is no progression in the ISO to make the bridge here, considering literally no post addressed me lol.
    - Bakura: from "troll that only fluffs" to "actively solving" without visible thought progression and without a significant change in Bakura's behavior afaik
    - Frinckles: from "fluff posting troll" to "heavily tunnelled and scummy"; the fluff part is not really right (it's part of the "all null" post), whereas the heavily tunnelled strongly contrasts with the "troll" view (another contradiction) and is a strange way to describe the guy who magically changed vote 1 minute before EoD, like this part didn't matter at all...
    - Martin: in the first list, Clowns says Martin reads like a troll, which is a MASSIVE red flag lmao (I know I said the list didn't look too bad by itself earlier, but now that I do the comparison, I find this one to be particularly uncanny); I don't think I need to explain why, but I will anyway: Martin is a very analytical player that is anything but trolly. He sure is funny, but not trolly at all. And then, in the 2nd list, the read shifts from "troll" to "I disagree with their arguments a lot but I like them anyway", which is AGAIN a contradiction without progression to explain it.
    - Ashoka: No contradictions/wrong progression here, but I note that the read in the 1st list is just "null" and that in the 2nd list, it's a nothingburger of two lines with the word "interesting" that has absolutely no meaning in the context...

    Overall, Clowns' list on D1 is not horribly damning (even though it is scum >rand in the end), but when crossed with his D2 list, it absolutely is, and I thoroughly support lynching them. Honestly, this analysis is damning enough for me to change my vote there.
    -vote TheClowns
    As for Frinckles, I already supported lynching him, and the evidence about interactions between the two, while not particularly strong because it is based on what isn't and should be (i.e. on the lack of interaction + on the Frinckles omission of Clowns' D1 list), still is another valid point against both of them.

    Also, if Stealth is not town, I solemnly swear not to ever eat blue raspberries ever in my life. This kind of heavy solving is absolutely not something I'd expect from most scum, and definetly not from scum!Stealthbomber.
    You seemed to have missed the whole “this is the by the other head” part of it. One bead made the reads list day 1. The other the other one.
  46. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    I feel like Aporia's play was pretty decent. I'm happy to be replacing into this slot. I'm confused by what you mean by his contributions leaving a lot to be desired.

    You're probably the first person in history to describe MM as coasting.


    Disagree with the reasoning but agree with the result.

    Completely fair

    I think I agree with this.

    I would like you to find a post of theirs that you think is indicative of them being town.

    Both of you have exchanged scumreads all game but neither one of you have actually had a direct engagement with each other in either voting or in thread conversation. I would like for you to elaborate on this scumread.

    I think my read of martin has slightly shifted throughout the day to the point where I do not feel I agree with this anymore. Partially due to buddying, partially due to other exchanges they've had.

    I liked their responses to my posts. I didn't expect them to react as well as they did to me calling them potentially scum architect. Gonna leave them alone.

    Place a vote.
    Like i said, most of my read on jelly is from our chat together.

    Frinckles has been major tunneling this whole game which i dont find indicative of town. We havent interacted much cause i havent been the subject of his tunneling (yet)

    I don't want to place a vote without discussing with my other head, so I'll discuss with them then place a vote
  47. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by TheClowns View Post
    Aporia/Stealthbomber- Wasn't a fan of Aporia's slot. For a player of his magnitude, his actual contributions and presence left a lot to be desired. I suppose he's busy, hence his outting bringing in stealthbomber whose start was frankly just weird. They come in heavily scumming one person, then vote a completely different person for whatever reason. Scum. Fine with lynching this slot.

    Marshmallow- Lackluster posts, and not much of a presence, MM hasn't been adding very much in the way of contributions and hasnt seemed to be pushing anyone particularly hard. Their reaction to Ewian was interesting too. Reads largely like coasting. Scum.

    Bakura- Actively solving and contributing, even if its in the classic bakura way of being somewhat trolly. Town.

    Oliver- Oliver reads like town to me. Frankly, and yes I know I'll probably get flak for this, but Oliver's slot is heavily based off meta for me. I've played quite a few games with him both town and mafia, and rn he reads firmly in his town meta. Getting angry like he does doesnt read maf to me, but good ole town Oli.

    Drizzt/Snom- Will be honest, I remember nothing from Drizzt's slot and haven't seen enough from Snom's slot to make a good reading. One of two null reads.

    Jmw- One of the main contributers and someone I've seen actively trying to solve and figure out the game. I really like this slot. Town.

    Jelly- In thread gameplay is rather lacking, however our chat inside our chat was good, and brought me to the conclusion this slot is likely town. They seemed confused and were grilling me for a lot of it, which I find particularly town indicative. Town.

    Frinkles- Lots of tunneling from this slot. Seems to fixate on one person a day, leaving the rest of the game to dally about. Heavily tunneled Eevee who flipped town, and who I personally townread, so I find this slot to be more scum than town. Scum.

    Martin- I disagree with this slot on their arguments a lot, and they arent always comprehensive, however Martin reads town to me despite our disagreements. Town.

    AT- While it's hard to remember too much from this slot, I do remember their claim being an interesting point of conversation for me and jelly. While their claim doesnt necessarily intefere with my own, it is interesting. I'll honestly have to say Null for this slot too, as I'm having a hard time getting a read on them. Null.

    TLDR: Stealthbomber, MM, and Frinckles are all scumreads for me rn and 3 lynches I'm fine with. I have 2 nulls because I can only remember so much about everyone's slots and 2 havent stood out to me all that much. Jelly, Jmw, Martin, Oli, and Bakura are all townie to me, not necessarily in that order. Some stronger than others.
    Fishy the other head here,

    As for the reads, I have read what the other head has put out and for the most part I agree.

    I agree with his reads on Aporia, Oliver, Drizzt, Jmw, Frinkles, Martin and AT

    Where I disagree is with Marsh, Bakura and Jelly

    Marsh- I'm not quite sure the coasting is scum but its not very towny, leaning toward scum but not as sure on this slot as the other head

    Bakura- Contributing in the fluff posting bakura way but I'm not sure if this is a towny bakura or scum bakura

    Jelly- I could take this slot as town but also a gut read is saying this slot might not be town so I'm going with a neutral on this one
  48. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw View Post
    I'm assuming this is the CJ head of the hydra because it reads that way to me.
    Can I ask which reads Fishy agrees/disagrees with?
    I'll ask
  49. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakura1 View Post
    Oliver's been overly defensive, his thread presence has diminished significantly since D1, and overall his tone is just hedgy/more in line with his scum self.

    Additionally, his attempt at eliminating the idea that he could've written the "town will be shaken and destroyed" was awful and just makes him seem like scared scum

    I can link the posts where I go over it in more detail if you want, but that's the rundown

    What is this hot garbage?
  50. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM 345: Hypixel-SC2Mafia Cross Community Game◄◄

    Aporia/Stealthbomber- Wasn't a fan of Aporia's slot. For a player of his magnitude, his actual contributions and presence left a lot to be desired. I suppose he's busy, hence his outting bringing in stealthbomber whose start was frankly just weird. They come in heavily scumming one person, then vote a completely different person for whatever reason. Scum. Fine with lynching this slot.

    Marshmallow- Lackluster posts, and not much of a presence, MM hasn't been adding very much in the way of contributions and hasnt seemed to be pushing anyone particularly hard. Their reaction to Ewian was interesting too. Reads largely like coasting. Scum.

    Bakura- Actively solving and contributing, even if its in the classic bakura way of being somewhat trolly. Town.

    Oliver- Oliver reads like town to me. Frankly, and yes I know I'll probably get flak for this, but Oliver's slot is heavily based off meta for me. I've played quite a few games with him both town and mafia, and rn he reads firmly in his town meta. Getting angry like he does doesnt read maf to me, but good ole town Oli.

    Drizzt/Snom- Will be honest, I remember nothing from Drizzt's slot and haven't seen enough from Snom's slot to make a good reading. One of two null reads.

    Jmw- One of the main contributers and someone I've seen actively trying to solve and figure out the game. I really like this slot. Town.

    Jelly- In thread gameplay is rather lacking, however our chat inside our chat was good, and brought me to the conclusion this slot is likely town. They seemed confused and were grilling me for a lot of it, which I find particularly town indicative. Town.

    Frinkles- Lots of tunneling from this slot. Seems to fixate on one person a day, leaving the rest of the game to dally about. Heavily tunneled Eevee who flipped town, and who I personally townread, so I find this slot to be more scum than town. Scum.

    Martin- I disagree with this slot on their arguments a lot, and they arent always comprehensive, however Martin reads town to me despite our disagreements. Town.

    AT- While it's hard to remember too much from this slot, I do remember their claim being an interesting point of conversation for me and jelly. While their claim doesnt necessarily intefere with my own, it is interesting. I'll honestly have to say Null for this slot too, as I'm having a hard time getting a read on them. Null.

    TLDR: Stealthbomber, MM, and Frinckles are all scumreads for me rn and 3 lynches I'm fine with. I have 2 nulls because I can only remember so much about everyone's slots and 2 havent stood out to me all that much. Jelly, Jmw, Martin, Oli, and Bakura are all townie to me, not necessarily in that order. Some stronger than others.
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