Drop me a beat
Someone get a fan because I'm about to turn up the heat on Clowns
First of all, let's consider the events of Night 1:
A completely random player was killed and janitored.
Now I don't think this is going to surprise anyone, but it's likely that scum aimed for someone else and then got redirected. This most likely means that there is a town redirector. Because scum/scum-aligned would redirect to someone more important. There's the possibility of just a regular neutral, but in that case I don't see why they'd even redirect at all N1, especially if they have limited shots, which they most likely do. Plus, a non-scum-aligned neutral has already flipped (Ewian).
P.S. I wrote this last night and now it appears that Snom (Drizzt) was most likely responsible for the redirection. So most likely this was a town redirection N1.
So, a player was targeted for the factional kill N1 and redirected. Now, who do you think is the most likely target for a scum kill Night 1? Jmw. The pool of players is already extremely narrow, as this has to be a player who was both targeted D1 and expected by the redirector to be targeted D1. The only candidate for this is Jmw. And that brings me to the point I'm trying to make here:
scum made the "town will be shaken and destroyed" during N1. This is undeniable. And I will take that one step further and say that scum made that message in reference to a kill on Jmw. And who are our two top candidates for "shaken and destroyed"? MM and Clowns. And which, of those two, would know Jmw and his significance, feeling comfortable enough to make a claim like that about Jmw's death? Clowns.
Thus, Clowns is the most likely reason for "shaken and destroyed" being posted N1. The only other possible event in which "shaken and destroyed" would be posted is if Ashoka's scum and it was about being towncored D1, but even then Ashoka's personality just doesn't fit "shaken and destroyed."
The only argument that can be made against this is a highly generalized one, that it could just be something random. One of my several points individually would most likely be attacked. But these points are not independent of each other. Furthermore, mafia is not about randomness. It's about piecing together actions and circumstances based on facts and logic. And that is what I have done here. There is almost no other circumstance or player who fits "shaken and destroyed" anymore.
This brings me to my next point: Clowns' claim.
Now in order for Clowns' claim to be true, both he and Jelly would have to be telling the truth, because if Clowns is really a masonizer, then Jelly would have to be town, or else Clowns would be dead. We also can rule out the possibility of Clowns deceiving Jelly by using another chatmaker, as we know what Ashoka's actions have been and can confirm them. So if we catch Clowns, we essentially catch Jelly.
Now, let's look at Clowns' and Jelly's interactions so far in this game:
Clowns' first mention of Jelly was in his reads list at EoD1. Jelly was one of the various nulls in his list. However, he did specifically attribute something to her:
"Jelly- Null havent seen too much to decide"
Now first of all, I don't know what world you're in where you use a masonizer shot, which kills you if you don't shoot town with it, on a null that would simply solve your problem by posting more D2. But even then, there's at least some sort of reason to neighborize. So you'd expect Clowns to have a good chat with Jelly to progress their read on the slot, right?
Well, apparently Jelly wasn't impressed
You'd expect Clowns to at least explain to Jelly that they're responsible for placing her into a chat, or try to engage in some sort of discussion, but Jelly acts bewildered here, as if she has no idea what's going on. Now based on what I've established earlier, that they're either both town or both scum, this is most likely a play that they devised N1 to distance from each other.
But then Clowns says that they did claim to Jelly
So immediately we're already getting these conflicting stories, though we know that they either have to be both town or both scum. According to later, Clowns apparently only claimed to have made the chat, and not that they were specifically masonizer. But why not claim masonizer? You know 100% that the player you targeted is town. And how is Jelly so in the dark? Clowns was supposedly grilled for the majority of the chat, but there is a complete lack of knowledge from both parties. There are just too many things that would have to align for this to be a simple mistake from two townies.
And then further into D2 the Jelly wagon forms, and Clowns is just ???
First, he says he doesn't want to participate on a Jelly wagon and feels good about her. Then, he
votes her. Yes, he votes the person he knows 100% is town due to his role. And then he says "gosh dang it" in response to her lynch not going through. What the literal heck is this? And then after that he says the wagon was awful and his other head was responsible for voting Jelly, and that the wagon was scum-motivated. But even if they're different heads, each one would at least know their own role. There's no chance that they don't know that they masonized Jelly, unless they don't know their own claim because it's not the truth.
-vote TheClowns
There's no shot that they're both town here
Clowns is lying about his role, and Jelly is most likely going along with it as scum or scum-aligned neutral
So in summary,