I just find it way more likelier that mafia tried to redirect their kill into MM and then pile up on the lawyer and blame it all on him. I dont even...
This remind me... I made a point in day 1 that town collectively should vote on who doc and bg protecting each night. As result of this mafia wouldnt...
Honestly if i was mafia vig, i would just holster until like night 3 or 4 and start blasting because vig have 1 shot anyway. No point in shooting n1...
deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
Originally Posted by yzb25
At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face
Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.