Hopefully it rings true. I am going to move slower as time goes on. Only way I can make sense these days. I hope we can help people to understand and accept others views. There is just too much division these days.
Maan, your signature has one side of the reason to listen; the other is it brings the other person's walls down and they start to listen - assuming that you only offer different perspective and not attack or perhaps even comment on their reality. At least that's how Daryl Davis does it: https://youtu.be/AvMNaDDfrN0 Sadly can't have that level of patience - of having the other person go home and think about having deeper discussion next time or do more research - can't have it in FM. Ftr, for me, when I made up my mind(in FM), I'm quite incapable of taking opposite opinions and their reasons serious. Not an issue whilst I'm not sure though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can you imagine being labeled bigot for life? Sounds awful.