View Full Version : Role Prefer Questions

April 29th, 2012, 02:41 PM
First answer this question: If there is no predetermined jailor but there are random towns and someone prefers jailor, does he get the role jailor? If no, ignore the question below.

If you do -prefer role (with 20k points of course), it's supposed to give you that role, right? And mason never gets ransomed without a second mason, right? So what happens if someone prefers mason in a game with no predetermined masons and at least two random towns? Is another person forced to have mason? Does he alone get mason? Or does he not get mason at all, going against the role prefer description?

April 29th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Kinda. If there's random town roles and you prefer mason. It will generate random roles, disregarding your prefer for now. If one of the roles is the one you preferred then you'll get it.

But if you prefer mason, and the random roles that are generated don't include a mason, then it will disregard your prefer and give you a random role.

So basically prefer just means, if that role is in the game, then you'll get it. It won't force a random role to be the one you preferred if it wasn't going to be.