View Full Version : "Claw is a troll"

June 23rd, 2011, 01:26 PM
Just going to explain it once in full here instead of the bits and pieces everywhere.

I healed spy first night because I had a feeling he was going to be attacked by someone. It seems like he was and when I was recruited by a Mason, I knew I could come clean and ask for vests and "heals" I'd be able to survive longer. With no second doctor I had no chance to survive an attack so I took the leadership position for the town. I told everyone how I played, My role(Partially at first), What happened to me, and my suspicions. I was an open book.

I basically analyze a situation and look at it from a different angle. If I read a few of oops posts and think he's Mafia. I go back and read every single one of oops's post with the knowledge that I know he is mafia. I start to see patterns and I see him defending someone else. Then I see that other person making the same connections at different times and him agreeing with a 3rd person and that 3rd person started to agree with Oops relatively quickly...Boom I just found a Mafia group. I look at it that way until I find another suspicion and I look at them all like citizens while looking at someone else like a bad guy. That's how I guessed who the bad guys were. I take fiction and I apply it to reality and make it work.

I told Auckmid at one point I knew what role he was. I honestly thought he was the Armorer. He kept saying "CLAW HAS A GUN", because I said I had 1 item. The only way he could of known which item it was was if he was either the Armorer or the Gunsmith. I had a feeling he wasn't the gunsmith since he wanted to hear me say which item I got. Later Sarzael called me out on having a gun, but I didn't get it until the "2nd" night? I guess...Whichever the 2nd time we could use our abilities were. I was given a gun and roleblocked same night. His accusation was I couldn't be role blocked if someone used a gun the 2nd night. Whoever he gave a gun to the first night was the one who used it to kill someone.

Then we get to my mistake. I accidentally jokingly said that Jack might of been Mason and that's why he was sticking up for. Then I "applied it to reality" and it was almost crazy at how right I was. I was about 95% sure that he was actually Mason. I quickly regretted saying that, but since I couldn't edit posts all I could do was act like I didn't mean it or something...I was a little in shock at that point and wondered how no one else saw it...but then again I didn't even see it until I made it up and backtracked.

To all the people saying I played it horribly or whatever, this isn't something we're going to do annually. I'm sure we'll be playing Forum mafia a lot and if I want to take risks and be 100% honest it's not my fault that no one believes me and the armorer is a mean old cranky selfish whore.



June 23rd, 2011, 01:40 PM
I'm only angry at you for the last hour and a half of that last day. My internet died and I came back to see you desperately trying to move anyone into action, and that you had called me out.

I didn't support you the way I did because I knew I had recruited you the first night. If anything, my complete disregard of the cult was more of a give away than anything IMO. I trusted you because I'm capable of giving trust to someone until they give me reason not to. No one ever gave any evidence that the way you were acting against the town or that you were lying at all. You just offered your thoughts like any other non-investigative role does.

I'm sorry I wasn't capable enough to convince the majority. I'm not really sure why people regard you as a troll, it must be some change with the new people that have come recently. I've always seen you as a very capable player.

June 23rd, 2011, 01:55 PM
I personally think that what you did hindered the town more than it helped it. I already explained why.

I could say you played pretty bad, in my eyes, but you were the one player that made the game so fun, i can't really blame you. I had hoped you were the godfather, that would have been so epic. I also hope we'll play a lot of forum mafia in the near future, i am really loving it... and i am the only person who actually lost as of now.

June 23rd, 2011, 02:30 PM
As my last will said, I did trust Claw. I think the problem was the bandwagoning sentiment that citizens had to face. Citizens have no information at all on who to trust except the posts. Eventually, citizens have to choose who to trust or they die. I think people like Auckmid, were genuinely thinking that Claw was a Cultist because so many other "bad" people told him so. The bandwagoning got worse as the days progressed, and town never could get any lynches because citizens were either AFK or supporting different people.

Claw, I would like to know what role you thought I was after the second day? I am pretty sure not all your "hunches" are correct.

June 23rd, 2011, 02:55 PM
You were dead.

During the first day I didn't have many reads other than Rumpel, SAS, oops, elixir proc and zack.

I was also suspicious of goon first day, but obviously he was just a cit so meh