View Full Version : Role Idea: Escape Artist

June 18th, 2011, 11:04 AM
The escape artist can save a mafia member (or anyone, really) from getting lynched once per game (a la Captain Sparrow style!) This could be done by displaying a message that the lynched escaped, or letting him die and showing him alive the next day (the escape artist placed a decoy, only people who are paying attention would tell!)

So he would be a member of the mafia, unable to speak with the mafia at night, and wouldn't know who the mafia is.

Like/dislike, suggestions?

June 18th, 2011, 12:24 PM
its decent, they survive a lynching, but their not OP because the smart people will know for sure hes mafia...its decent not that helpful but decent, stalls the day, and gives the guy 1 more night to live

June 19th, 2011, 01:03 AM
A mafia mayor for one turn. The rest of the turns, hes a mafia citizen. He can't even decide who to kill and is totally in the dark.

IMO its not a bad role, but its not the most interesting either. No real reason why this should be implemented over any other roles.