View Full Version : Caveman, Truck Driver, and Android

June 12th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Caveman - Basic Neutral

Role Info - The caveman is too dumb to know whats going on in town except beating up people during the night.

Abilities ->
Hack and Slash - The caveman could use this ability on someone during the night.The person who gets hit would get knocked out and cannot vote during the day.

invest detail - This guy looks butt ugly

Optional - Stare - Every night you could choose to stare at a person, the selected player would know they are being watched by the caveman but they won't know who, the stare ability don't do anything.

Truck Driver - Adv Neutral

Role Info - Similar to the bus driver but does things very differently. You just need to survive

Abilities ->
Load - Load two selected players into your truck at night by typing -load and picking the two players during the day before. The two loaded players could interact with each other without knowing the others name. The two players are role blocked for that night, however he/she could choose to kill/invest the other player that's with him/her. If the two players in the back of the truck types -work together, they would kill the truck driver instead, even if those two roles aren't killing roles.

Invest Detail - This guy loves to drive around at night.

Optional - The driver cannot be killed by the two players he/she kidnapped.

Android - Adv Neutral

Role Info - This machine was send into town to kill a special person but started to malfunction on the way here. When the game starts someone would be the target you need to kill but you won't know who is it. However if you failed to kill your target in 5 days you would malfunction completely and and shut down. You could still be role blocked and killed at night but is immune to the witch's mind control.

Abilities ->
Terminate - Kill the selected player. Goes through doctors heal and immune to death.

Invest Detail - This person has no emotions.
Death description - same as mafia or vig

Optional - set the malfunction timer to 4,5,6 or until you kill your target.

June 13th, 2011, 01:24 PM
I like Truck Driver, but why take the risk of loading people if they could kill you?

June 13th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Friend or foe mentality you can be a friend and weep benefits or you can be a foe because your cynical and think the other person will kill you.

If they both work together they get out alive if they don't they both die or one dies and the other one gets set free.

I like the idea of taking 2 people putting them anonymously in a chat together at night and seeing if they kill each other. I don't like how they can team up and kill the truck driver I also don't like the name Truck driver. Something like Madman or something more "Saw"/"Human Centipede"/"Hostel" type thing.

June 13th, 2011, 07:10 PM
Cavemen sounds cool and new. I like how he can block someone from voting.
All these rules need to be defined more. Whats their goal to win?

June 13th, 2011, 09:04 PM
So the Stare ability for the caveman... does nothing?

Then what's the point?

Truck driver is the best of these, though I agree that the name should be something else.

@Claw: What about "HumanCentiPad"? "Every night, you can sew two people together ass-to-mouth, and give one the option of eating vanilla paste or cuttlefish with asparagus". If they choose the latter, instant death for the second person.

June 14th, 2011, 04:21 AM
cavemans stare needs to be able to do something, keep them from talkin or sumthin? and i agree with who said "why take a chance and drive people when they can kill you"