View Full Version : [Role suggestion] Time Manipulator

February 17th, 2012, 03:45 AM
Name: Time Manipulator ( didn't know what name to put)
Alignment : Town / Mafia / Benign Neutral
Game size : M-FM / FM
Ability : All events(AKA shot,roleblocked,healed,bus-driven,ignite death,douse,lynch......) occurring to target player will occur the following night/day instead .
Cannot target same target 2 nights in a row. Target is informed of manipulation.

Win Condition (as Benign Neutral) : TBD by the host.
Intended Purpose : To add to the confusion. Also functions as a "Temporary Doctor".
One Sentence Summary : Can slow things down in a game.

Additional Notes

There should be a maximum of one Time Manipulator in a game. (they can be kinda ....disruptive... when put together...)
The Manipulator's actions should rank higher than a busdriver's actions. ( you really don't want those headaches....)
A Vigilate can shoot an already dead player with this role (With a Busdriver/Witch) . Creepy things happen.

February 19th, 2012, 07:24 PM
Pretty cool idea. Quite unique and can have a lot of fun effects on the game. Though for a benign neutral, the win condition is rather harsh.

Maybe call it a Chronobender or something :p

February 19th, 2012, 08:52 PM
how is surviving a harsh winning condition?

February 20th, 2012, 05:19 AM
how is surviving a harsh winning condition?

Mafia wants to kill you so you can't mess up their plans (much higher risk than witch)
Town wants to lynch you so you don't mess up coordination

At least survivors are harmless. AND they get vests to survive the night

February 20th, 2012, 05:28 AM
Mafia wants to kill you so you can't mess up their plans (much higher risk than witch)
Town wants to lynch you so you don't mess up coordination

At least survivors are harmless. AND they get vests to survive the night

it could be changed so that they win after they delay a number of events....

Oh, and this role isn't THAT decisive.
I mean, if you were doused and the arsonist ignites but the time manipulator saves you, you die the next night anyways.

February 20th, 2012, 06:00 AM
Oh, and this role isn't THAT decisive.
I mean, if you were doused and the arsonist ignites but the time manipulator saves you, you die the next night anyways.

Roleblock a manipulated killer and the town will clear him. The time manipulator won't care.
Vigilante shoots a manipulated player and he might get mislynched for surviving, thus wasting a lynch.
Busdrivers will make an even bigger mess of investigation results because they don't know when their drives take place.
Night kills can be stacked to pierce single protections.
If the mafia devises plans where one night action relies on another, they can no longer expect their actions to work in tandem.
A bodyguard can protect multiple people at the same time and kill multiple attackers

That's just a couple of things that came to mind. This role would have quite some impact I believe. For better or for worse on both sides, but most people feel safer if they can extrapolate to predict what's going to happen. So I expect many will want to get rid of the time manipulator even though it's a benign neutral (especially if there are no better lynch targets).

February 20th, 2012, 06:22 AM
The target being informed of being time manipulated is a good idea. Someone can announce that they have been manipulated in day chat and then let the WIFOM commence.

I see this more akin to the Witch than any other role. Evil Neutral might be a good category, survive to the end and can win with Mafia?

February 20th, 2012, 06:37 AM
Indeed, if it was evil aligned it would create chaos in an orderly fashion and not just randomly stir things up everywhere because it has no clear allies. That'd be for the best.

February 20th, 2012, 03:54 PM
I suppose that should be for the host to decide.

February 22nd, 2012, 06:35 PM
I'm hoping that someone can host this role for me because I'm trying to avoid hosting.....