View Full Version : {Ban List} grochi: 1-S2-1-5076809; Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826

November 24th, 2023, 04:01 AM
ccount Name: grochi
Account ID: 1-S2-1-5076809
In-Game Name: getchyacarwashon 1(478), Saviero Greco 7 (479)
Crimes Committed: Griefing

Account Name: Toast
Account ID: 1-S2-1-6031826
In-Game Name: Piero the Tall 9(479), LARGENAME LARGEBRAIN 2(480)
Crimes Committed: Other(Slurs)

Your Account Name: PonyPonyPony
(478) 29226
Editing to add this shortly after posting because it's even more blatant than 479: As investigator grochi 1 just does nothing all match while faking an invest LW. By the time he was killed he was even preparing to frame for murder.

In this following match, grochi 7 jailed and executed our proven town jailor, so town assumed kidnapper. I pointed out that that would mean 4 mafia, so when I was jailed the following night I assumed kidnapper only to be executed for real as well. At that point after town realized it was a trolling/bad/??? jailor, 9 threw his hissy fit and left. Not sure if him staying saves the match, win might have to come down to cit vs mafia tie regardless, but he was still rather rude about it. Skimming through the logs 7 said hardly anything before during or after. He didn't really give an explanation at all in dead-chat though.

And then in the next match Toast kept it up so I bundled this in too, why not.

December 16th, 2023, 07:20 AM
1-S2-1-5076809 is Correct.

Respective Hotkey:


Previous Offenses:

Pending 4x WL, and two reports in this thread.

Key Points:
Players in question:

grochi - "getchyacarwashon" - INVESTIGATOR - 1


Setup: Slot 2 is autokicked. Grochi says nothing during setup. Setup has 2 mafia, 2 triad, a nonkilling noncult Neutral Evil, and a Neutral Benign.
Names: None, other than the joker who takes the name "Pineapple on pizza", a crime against humanity.
Roles: None.
D1: 1 (INVESTIGATOR) says "Let's do this murasakibaracchi" before day ends.
N1: 1 takes no action and sets LW "I am not a creepy fish man!" Kills: MAFIA, TRIAD.
D2: 3 (BUS DRIVER) and 2 (DOCTOR) are dead. 1 updates his LW to "indicate" his role and that 5 has no crimes, despite no action or result. 13 reveals as CONSTABLE and kills 6, who flips AGENT. 1 compliments him on the good kill. 11 indicates he's being SILENCED. 12 is put to trial and imitates Bill Clinton for defense. 1 repeats he is not a creepy fishman. 12 goes down 6-0 and flips GODFATHER, accusing the game of being rigged.
N2: 1 updates his LW to say he's checking 10, despite taking no action. TRIAD fails a kill due to hitting an NI target.
D3: Nobody is dead. 13 leads a train on 10, who claims SHERIFF on the stand and clears 12 and 4 by LW. 1 says he's not a creepy fishman. 10 goes down, 5-2, and flips SILENCER.
N3: 1 updates his LW to accuse 9 of murder, despite taking no action. Aside taking no action, this is obviously fake as he's an INVESTIGATOR and the only way someone could be guilty of MURDER at this point is being a town killing, of which the JAILOR takes the spawn and has no kills, the CONSTABLE, who is known, or the DRAGON HEAD, who is DETECTION IMMUNE and wouldn't ping for it since pierce DI is not on. In any case, 8 is both roleblocked and murdered by the DRAGON HEAD. Kills: TRIAD.
D4: 1 is dead. His fake LW is revealed. 8 is put to trial. On essentially no defense, he goes down 6-1 and flips DRAGON HEAD. He chides 7 (WITCH) for not guiltying him.
N4: No kills.
D5: Nobody is dead. 13 demands public roleclaims. Day is skipped after 7 hardclaims WITCH, presumably to let the JAILOR jail. It hardly matters, as all the scum killing roles are gone.
N5: 7 quits during nightphase, and is executed by the JAILOR. Kills: JAILOR.
D6: 7 is dead. Town wins the game.

Was the game result altered?
No. Town did not act on the LW and it didn't fool them.

Player Offenses:

grochi: Griefing

Recommended Actions:


Additional Notes:
Toast was in this game and played a solid CONSTABLE.

December 16th, 2023, 07:21 AM
grochi: 1-S2-1-5076809 is Correct.
Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826 is Correct.

Respective Hotkey:

grochi: 5
Toast: Ctrl+1

Previous Offenses:

Grochi was covered above.
Toast is...known to us. How the mighty have fallen.

Key Points:
Players in question:

grochi - "Saviero Greco" - JAILOR - 7

Toast - "Piero the Tall" - BODYGUARD - 9


Setup: 15 person lobby, fairly standard save loaded.
Names: "Pineapple on pizza" is back. :(
Roles: A fourth MAFIA spawns as a MAFIOSO in the ANY RANDOM. Combined with the SERIAL KILLER, AUDITOR, and SURVIVOR, town barely starts with a majority.
D1: Neither of the accused speaks during prenight banter.
N1: 7 (JAILOR) has failed to jail. 9 (BODYGUARD) takes no action. Kills: JAILOR, MAFIA, SERIAL KILLER.
D2: 7 says "Oh I'm still alive". 1 (LOOKOUT), 5 (CONSTABLE), and 10 (BEGUILER) are dead. 7 sets a jail on 12, later switches to 15, then 8. Day ends with no trial.
N2: 8 is in 7's jail. 13 has a heart attack. 7 executes 8. 9 guards 6. Kills: JAILOR, AFK. The mafia hits a NIGHT IMMUNE role
D3: 8 (JAILOR) and 13 (SURVIVOR) are dead. 8 was basically confirmed. 5 opts to jail 11 who is claiming CORONER and trying to lead. 9 calls another player a "r****d" a few times. No trials.
N3: 11 is in 7's jail. Despite saying nothing, 7 opts to execute. 9 guards 6. Kills: JAILOR, MAFIA, SERIAL KILLER.
D4: 3 (DOCTOR), 11 (CORONER) and 12 (CONSIGLIERE) are all dead. With an AUDITOR, MAFIOSO, GODFATHER, and SERIAL KILLER in 7 live players, town has lost majority. 9 uses several slurs to refer to the JAILOR who's executing townies, and then quits. 4 hardclaims AUDITOR. 14 is put to trial and goes down 4-1 with 7 innocenting. Flip is AUDITOR.
N4: 7 cannot jail. He refreshes a LW of "I felt really bad about killing those two, they were so polite." He is killed by the MAFIA. Kills: MAFIA, SERIAL KILLER, LEAVER.
D5: 7 (JAILOR), 6 (MAFIOSO) and 9 are all dead. The SERIAL KILLER and GODFATHER oppose each other, with a CITIZEN kingmaker. 15 is put to trial and goes down 2-0. Flip is GODFATHER; Citizen chose wrong.
N5: Citizen has already used his VEST so is powerless. SERIAL KILLER, however, stays his hand. No kills.
D6: Nobody is dead, but with only 2 live players, game tiebreaks in favor of the SERIAL KILLER. "Pineapple on Pizza" wins.

Was the game result altered?
Yes, town would've probably won if not for grochi systematically removing a confirmed JAILOR and a leading CORONER, to say nothing of his own jailing power.

Player Offenses:

grochi: Gamethrowing
Toast: Reactionary slurs

Recommended Actions:


Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

December 16th, 2023, 07:21 AM
Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826 is Correct.
grochi: 1-S2-1-5076809 is Correct.

Respective Hotkey:

Toast: 3
grochi: Ctrl+2

Key Points:
Players in question:


grochi - "mura" - WITCH - 11


Setup: Fairly standard setup. Nothing to note other than 15 players.
Names: Pineapple on Pizza is back.
Roles: None.
D1: 2 (DETECTIVE) says "4 SHOULD WE ONLY KILL MEN", referencing 4's name as "Whore of this village". 11 (WITCH) says "Eeaugh c:" referencing the DIABLO avatar.
N1: 2 tracks 8 to see him visit 10. 11 takes no action, though as his target is informed of WITCHING, this isn't necessarily a bad call. Kills: MASS MURDERER.
D2: 9 (ENCHANTRESS) is dead. 2 updates LW. 11 references diablo avatar again during the discussion. 1 reveals as CONSTABLE late in the day and kills 3, who flips BODYGUARD. Day ends as people are shocked he wasted it with less than 30 seconds left.
N2: 2 tracks 5 to see him do nothing. 11 tries to control 1 to visit 5, but is simultaneously exorcised by an ENCHANTRESS! Kills: ENCHANTRESS.
D3: 11 is dead. Ending review of grochi. 1 demands whispers and claims. After some consideration, 4 is put up on 14's suggestion. Claiming tabbed out STREET RACER, 4 is voted off 6-0. 2 bitches about STREET RACER being in the game at all. 4 flips MASS MURDERER and diablo is silenced.
N3: 2 tracks 12, but he is controlled by the ENCHANTRESS, so his result is that his target visited 2. No great revelation. Kills: TRIAD.
D4: 7 (ENCHANTRESS) is dead. 2 repeats his 2 day LW and DETECTIVE claim. He gets put on trial and drops slurs as he's voted up. On the stand he claims he was controlled, and is released by a unanimous 9-0. 5 is put to trial, and claims AUDITOR hoping to become a STUMP as an achievement hunt. He goes down by a similarly unanimous 9-0 and flips AUDITOR.
N4: 2 tracks 12, seeing him visit 6. Kills: TRIAD.
D5: 6 (LOOKOUT) is dead. 2 fingers 12 as the culprit. 13 quits the game as 12 posts a SHERIFF LW. 2 drops more slurs, this time at 14. 12 is put to trial late in the day. Claiming SHERIFF, he says that only one evil is left, since town deduced that 9 was actually a DIVA some time ago. 12 is executed 5-0. Flip is DRAGON HEAD.
N5: 2 tracks 8, seeing him visit 2. Kills: LEAVER.
D6: 13 (VANGUARD/ENFORCER) is dead. Town wins the game.

Was the game result altered?
Nope. Grochi's actions are WIFOMable given the settings and he died early, Toast worked for town as per wincon, and town only lost 3 players, leaving 6 town alive at the end. Strong showing.

Player Offenses:

Toast: Slurs

Recommended Actions:


Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

February 6th, 2024, 06:13 PM
1-S2-1-5076809 8x WL
1-S2-1-6031826: 3x banlist