View Full Version : {Permanently Banned} ArmsWarrior: 1-S2-1-12598261

September 3rd, 2022, 05:14 PM
Account Name: ArmsWarrior
Account ID: 1-S2-1-12598261
In-Game Name: TauntShaman

Crimes Committed: Game-throwing, role quiting

Your Account Name: Mugy

Reveals fellow cultist d1 then leaves.

September 3rd, 2022, 08:43 PM
1-S2-1-12598261 is Correct.

Respective Hotkey:


Previous Offenses:

No priors.

Key Points:
Players in question:

ArmsWarrior - "Tauntshaman" - CULTIST - 5
No bank present for this player, but a bit old of an account to be guaranteed to be a smurf.


Setup: Cult save selected, and goes through despite SOTD and Repick votes.
Names: None.
Roles: None.
D1: 5 (CULTIST) announces "Hello, I am cultist and 7 is my cultist buddy." This is correct. Gamethrow confirmed. Once he gets that out of the way, he does his standard nazi stuff. Guess it is a smurf, and that makes my job on the punishment comparatively easy. He quits at the end of the day.
N1: Kills: TRIAD, LEAVER. The INCENSE MASTER cleans the TRIAD target, who was a MASON.
D2: 9 (???) and 5 are dead. 11 reveals as MAYOR. 3 is put up, goes down 8-0, flips DETECTIVE.
N2: Kills: VIGILANTE, TRIAD, MASON LEADER. INCENSE MASTER cleans 2 (INVESTIGATOR) despite being dead by VIGILANTE by that phase?
D3: 15 (INCENSE MASTER), 2 (???), and 7 (CULTIST) are dead. 14 is trialed, goes down 7-0, flips DRAGON HEAD. TRIAD and CULT are out.
D4: 6 (DETECTIVE) and 10 (JESTER) are dead. 1 is trialed, goes down 7-0, and flips POISONER. Town wins on a MAYOR, STREET RACER, ARMORSMITH, MASON LEADER, and a poisoned VIGILANTE.

Was the game result altered?
Cult was robbed of a member and destroyed N2 by the MASON LEADER. With how close

Player Offenses:

Ban evasion

Recommended Actions:


Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

September 6th, 2022, 04:18 PM
1-S2-1-12598261 : Permaban