View Full Version : [New Mechanic] A -setcount command

January 30th, 2022, 04:13 PM
When making saves involving an Any Random, having only limited Exclude options for the Random Slots and Weight sliders is not enough when one wants to do some very esoteric setups such as "Lone kidnapper or poisoner can spawn out of an Triad 8331 with an Any Rand that allows killing roles to spawn" without having the possibility of a second and unwanted SK/Arso/MM to spawn in.

A suggested command called -setcount will remedy this problem. For example, -setcount Arsonist 1 will allow the number of Arsos to spawn to be hardcapped at 1 even if theres opportunities for multiple Arsonists to spawn. or -setcount Sheriff 3 to set the max possible spawns of Sheriff to 3 even if theres opportunity for 4 or more Sheriffs to spawn. This command can not work on unique roles, so no 2 Judges or 2 Mayors lol.

January 30th, 2022, 04:59 PM
I wonder how difficult it would be to have accurate percentage for Chance % and accurate Expected Count, after this command would be in affect.

January 30th, 2022, 05:58 PM
Well i proposed it over 2 years ago but basically Frinckles said that it would be too much work to edit the generator so probably not happening.