View Full Version : {Ban List} Airdawg (1-S2-1-1549644)

May 30th, 2021, 12:13 PM
Account name: Altectech

Reported player: Airdawg (1-S2-1-1549644)

Name in game: 14 slot (BARACKA FLOCKA FLAME)

On day 3, airdawg claimed he was dragonhead (he was Lookout) and claimed that triad messed up and he was giving up. We voted guilty thinking he had given up, but then turned out to be Lookout. With this action we almost lost the game, but luckily was prevented due to BG blocking the triad kill that night and barely securing us a victory, that otherwise should have been unquestionable if it hadn't been for airdawg's false claims. He also tried to get the Marshall and the bodyguard lynched all game.

This is patterned trolling and throwing behavior from this player and I'm pretty sick of it.


May 30th, 2021, 12:37 PM
Just had another game, he did the same exact thing

He was in the 13 slot this time "BARACKA FLOCKA FLAME". He was detective, but claimed he was enforcer at trial and got himself lynched when he shouldn't have.


May 30th, 2021, 03:17 PM
Account Name: AirDawg
Account ID: 1-SC2-1-1549644

Crimes Committed: Game-throwing

Your Account Name: Grigl
Summary: Revealed the triad members and quit the game; 17:28/23:18 time of game-throw.


May 30th, 2021, 03:20 PM
Account ID: 1-SC2-1-1549644

Crimes Committed: Role-quitting

Your Account Name: Grigl
Summary: Quit game as soon as role was given, turned out he was a coroner.


May 30th, 2021, 05:14 PM
Airdawg 1-SC2-1-1549644

That's a lot of different reports in a short period of time.

Game 1:
Airdawg rolls lookout. Day 2, all neutrals are dead. He spams "Shit save, Lookout cannot watch himself".
He claims his role publicly day 2. Marshall and veterans reveal themselves, and end up lynching two townies.

Day 3 he still spams, this time complaining about marshall and veterans messing up. on night 2 he watches 8 the marshall, but he thinks that he was watching 4 the veteran, which maybe why he is confusing his leads.
He is trialed next, and claims dh and gets lynched.

Game 2:
He rolls detective. Day 1 he uses his non human fast typing to spam. N1 he goes to watch 4, and writes the lw 4-->13 ( 13 being airdawg) before the end of the night. He is protected by a bg.
More annoying spam day 2. Marshall reveals and 13 pms him his role and lw. He also claims it publicly. Vanguard and Jester are lynched.

Night 3, he is attacked and healed. He sees 14 visiting 4.
Day 4, for some reason 7 the doctor calls to trial 13. when trialed 13 simply claims enforcer.

Honestly in those two games, he wasn't as much game throwing as much throwing a fit for sharing leads and ends up being trialed for it.

Game 3:
He is dragon head. more spam Day 1.
Day 2, he claims detective to lynch 11 the spy. 11 is lynched.
Day 3. sk is lynched
Day 4, the dragon head is trialed. He claims detective. As he is getting lynched he says that 5 and 10 are triad which is true. 5 is shot by vigilante and 10 is trialed next.

Game 4:
he rolls coroner and quits immediately.

he already has quite a history of banlists, but it seems he is going really hard at it right now.

Rolequitting, Griefing, Intentional Gamethrowing


May 31st, 2021, 12:03 AM
1-S2-1-1549644 6x banlist

June 5th, 2021, 03:14 PM
What does it take to get perma banned? I think this person has been under-reported, honestly. I'm linking my previous report.

Account Name: Airdawg
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1549644

Crimes Committed: Intentional Game-Throwing


Airdawg was DragonHead and an escort called him out for being role-block immune, and after a couple of trials he was lynched. He blamed his Triad teammates, and gave away our identity and role.

Your Account Name: 1-S2-1-8678514 HolotheWolf / l


June 10th, 2021, 09:50 PM
Relevant photo: https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=27416&d=1598733302

Thank you to the admins for delivering swift justice to this objectively poor player.

June 11th, 2021, 11:28 AM
Relevant photo: https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=27416&d=1598733302

Thank you to the admins for delivering swift justice to this objectively poor player.

In order from left to right, top to bottom

1-i smile but not that ridiculous toohty grin. nonsense.

2-yea im pretty neutral when noone bites, absolutely shocked when several ppl do lol

3-Nooo, i dont do that unless i alttab

4-fuck a bike, its a 2 hour commute to work. are you crazy???

5-well since i get executed n1 by veliaire 7 of 8 nights, yea im pretty happy drooling.

6-you clowns are too ez to provoke. i keeps it chill

7-no need to use brainpower when the tryhars do it for me

8- should be "congrats himself after driving chat insane with spam"

9-go after the semi low profile ones and scream jester when i fuck up lmao

Please update the photo list and repost for accuracy.

June 13th, 2021, 10:39 AM
No, stop re-appropriating my accurate meme. How you continue to come back despite being warned and banned multiple times is one of the greatest mysteries in life. Keep it up and you'll be on your way out like ZZOrange (Honest Man), which I hope will happen soon.