View Full Version : {Ban List} Omnipotens : 1-SC2-2-267751

March 20th, 2021, 08:49 PM
Criminal : Omnipotens
Criminal ID : 1-SC2-2-267751
Ingame Name : Makjuice (not coloured)

Crime Comitted : Rolequitting

Name of Altecher : ZZorange

Summary :

Another quick one. Omnipotens joins a lobby called Chaotic 72222 energy with myself as host. Then in game basically announces I am rolequitting because I don't want to play with ZZorange and this save is bad, yet joined the lobby knowing what he was getting into.

What does one expect from a default sympathizing AFKer though.

Man being an altech makes one sick to ones stomach but its apparently whats gotta happen so GL HF.

March 26th, 2021, 05:14 PM
Account Name: Omnipotens
Account ID: 1-S2-2-267751
In-Game Name: Gino

Crimes Committed: Role Quitting

Your Account Name: Veliaire
Summary: Omnipotens kept spamming "Witch Doctor" and that he wanted a confirmed Witch Doctor or he would leave. As soon as game starts he says he's not playing the role he was assigned and then left, leaving team Mafia without their blackmailer. This is CLASSIC role quitting.


March 28th, 2021, 01:58 AM
Omnipotens : 1-SC2-2-267751 (watch the 2)

He has some leave trains and game throwing before.

Game 1:
It's a cult save with mafia. Omni rolls Mason leader and said that he won't play with ZZorange and that the save is bad. He leaves the game.

Game 2:
Looks like a typical 8331. Omni rolls Blackmailer, and says he won't play this lame save. He leaves.

Both saves seems typical.


This is his first banlist.

March 30th, 2021, 03:28 PM
1-SC2-2-267751: 2x BL