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February 16th, 2021, 10:27 PM

Name Abuse.

Gives himself a short black/invisible name. Gets executed by a jailor n1 for it too.


February 16th, 2021, 11:02 PM
Account Name: Zoey
Account ID: 1-S2-1-761133
In-Game Name:

Crimes Committed: Name Abuse

Your Account Name: Handler
Summary: The player (10) used a blank name, which is pretty explicitly forbidden. Was summarily executed by me N1 before this could cause issues later in the game. Note that the execution itself didn't affect the outcome of the game, since the serial killer attacked 10 that night as well. Player demonstrates failure to understand wrongdoing in dead chat.

February 17th, 2021, 01:03 AM
Zoey: 1-S2-1-761133

He chooses a blank or something that can't be seen as a name. He is targeted by both jailors and sk n1.

He does indeed seems oblivious to the crime, and he has no report record before this.
Name Abuse

February 19th, 2021, 04:35 PM
1-S2-1-761133 1x WL

February 19th, 2021, 07:15 PM
You are correct that I didn't know it was against the rules (https://sc2mafia.fandom.com/wiki/Rules). I apologize for that. I had to look it up on the wiki to figure it out. I originally didn't trust people who told me it was against the rules because people have lied to me about game rules in the past. I know naming rules get relaxed as you get more points and I saw that I was allowed to make a blank name recently. I assumed 7k+ points les you do that.

If these rules aren't up to date, can you please redirect me to the correct rules? Is there a detailed list on rules related to names?

I would however like to like clarification on another rule. "Play to your role's win condition." Was it fair for someone to kill me as a jailor purely on the basis that I was breaking the name rule? Handler says "Note that the execution itself didn't affect the outcome of the game, since the serial killer attacked 10 that night as well." When he was jailing and executing me, he had no idea that sk would target me. He actually believed me that I was town. It seems to me he wasn't playing to his win condition and just targeting me? It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth for me to get a warning while the guy who reported me knowingly broke the rules in the same game.

February 19th, 2021, 09:35 PM
You are correct that I didn't know it was against the rules (https://sc2mafia.fandom.com/wiki/Rules). I apologize for that. I had to look it up on the wiki to figure it out. I originally didn't trust people who told me it was against the rules because people have lied to me about game rules in the past. I know naming rules get relaxed as you get more points and I saw that I was allowed to make a blank name recently. I assumed 7k+ points les you do that.

If these rules aren't up to date, can you please redirect me to the correct rules? Is there a detailed list on rules related to names?

I would however like to like clarification on another rule. "Play to your role's win condition." Was it fair for someone to kill me as a jailor purely on the basis that I was breaking the name rule? Handler says "Note that the execution itself didn't affect the outcome of the game, since the serial killer attacked 10 that night as well." When he was jailing and executing me, he had no idea that sk would target me. He actually believed me that I was town. It seems to me he wasn't playing to his win condition and just targeting me? It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth for me to get a warning while the guy who reported me knowingly broke the rules in the same game.


The big green banner that says “READ THIS”.

February 20th, 2021, 12:40 AM
That’s not our wiki either, it was abandoned a long time ago cuz of the ad spam. Anyway I think given you didn’t know we can certainly grant an appeal here so this doesn’t count against your record at all

As for the jailor, ultimately on n1 there’s no reason to believe you’re truly town. There’s been plenty of heated discussions if it’s good or bad to execute n1 but ultimately we’ll generally only punish when someone is clearly executing a confirmed towny

February 20th, 2021, 12:48 AM
I recommended only a WLx1, mainly because it seemed you didn't know. So I have no problems with an appeal.

February 20th, 2021, 02:14 AM

The big green banner that says “READ THIS”.
Is the "Report Format" post supposed to also be official rules page? There's no way anyone would know that, even if they would go look for it before playing the game for some odd reason.

If there isn't already, I think it's proper to have rules in-game in the "Help" page where all the commands are.

February 20th, 2021, 09:19 AM

The big green banner that says “READ THIS”.

Thank you for this. So it seems that weird colors that make names to dark are banned, blank names are banned, names to long are banned, and chat colors that look like official text are banned. Is that the complete list?

I enjoy playing around with the names and I've definitely seen these rules broken many times by other players. I guess you guys can't enforce what we don't report.

To get further clarification, would there be any issue with the following names?
the n word
some other racist name
" ."

To be clear, I don't ever use racist names, but I see them very regularly.

February 20th, 2021, 09:20 AM
That’s not our wiki either, it was abandoned a long time ago cuz of the ad spam. Anyway I think given you didn’t know we can certainly grant an appeal here so this doesn’t count against your record at all

As for the jailor, ultimately on n1 there’s no reason to believe you’re truly town. There’s been plenty of heated discussions if it’s good or bad to execute n1 but ultimately we’ll generally only punish when someone is clearly executing a confirmed towny

Thank you very much for this. I appreciate being considered for an appeal.

I guess it was possible that the reason the jailor executed me was because they always exec night 1 and the rule breaking name was just an excuse. The clarification removed that bitter taste in my mouth. Thank you.

February 21st, 2021, 09:13 PM
Appeal granted, you'll be removed from WL next I update the map.