View Full Version : {Watch List} Hopinorth: 1-S2-1-2854592, Demotic: 1-S2-1-7818305

May 7th, 2019, 02:22 PM
Account Name: Hopinorth
Account ID: 1-S2-1-2854592
In-Game Name: Squirtle

Crimes Committed: Game-Throwing

Your Account Name: theoneceko
Summary: Squirtle is 9, the coroner. On n2 he wrote the following last will: "1 is mafia, I promise on EVERUTHING." This is odd considering he wrote this before n2 ended and that on d2, a sheriff claimed 1 is cult. Squirtle was bussed on n2 by 1, but on d3 he guiltied 1 anyways when I trialed him. If Squirtle inno'ed the BD, the vote count would've been tied and the bus would've lived. Additionally, Squirtle claimed that the amnesiac and SK visited 1 even though 1 wasn't dead yet. I don't know if this was because he was trolling or he simply didn't understand his role. However, he isn't a new player so I doubt that's the case.

((Note: I trialed 1 on d3 because I thought he was actually cult, but realized that he was probably framed since he claimed bus driver. My suspicions turned out to be correct. However, by then it was too late because I was blackmailed, so he ended up being lynched. I was one of two inno votes on the BD.))

On d5, Squirtle calls me (Yuno Gasai, the marshall) as "the worst player I've ever seen" and that I should be reported being "dumb as shit." I had enough and told town to trial 9. Since he claimed coroner to me in pm's, I figured he would easily prove himself as coroner. Instead, he threw a temper tantrum about how he's "obviously" an inno town without giving a proper lw. His griefing combined with the fact he guiltied a confirmed bus convinced me that was indeed an evil, so I instructed town to guilty him.

Account Name: Demotic
Account ID: 1-S2-1-7818305
In-Game Name: General Zarg

Crimes Committed: Griefing

Your Account Name: theoneceko
Summary: ((Note: This was partially explained by the above report on Hopinorth)) I trial General Zarg on d3 because I thought he was cultist (a sheriff who I lynched on d2 claimed that 1 was cult). I was blackmailed on d3, so after trialing the bus driver, I couldn't tell town to inno because I thought he was framed. Unfortunately General Zarg was lynched. He chose the extended mothership death animation, which is understandable since he was unfairly lynched. However, what he said during the xship is reportable. Demotic admitted to killing me n1 every time he has the chance.

May 19th, 2019, 07:30 AM
Demotic:Correct. 1-S2-1-7818305
Hopinorth :Correct. 1-S2-1-2854592

Players Added to Report
Redbeans: 1-S2-1-7882699
YoungOne: 1-S2-1-6131587

I would like to note that I have seen redbeans shows signs of teaming with his friends (whether skyping or not). I think Benjamin is one of them, but he didn't show any signs of teaming in this game.

Respective Hotkeys
Demotic: 6
Hop: 1
redbeans: 5
Young: ctrl+6

Previous Offenses:
Demotic: Gamethrowing (WL) back at 2016.
Hop: None.
redbeans: None (he always appears in a new account)
Youngone: Griefing (on hold)

Demotic is busdriver 1. theone is marshall 13. Hop is coroner 9. redbeans is lookout 6. Youngone is sheriff 15.

Night 1:
9 can't do anything. 1 busses himself with 2. 15 checks 1(2) and finds ns. 6 watches 9 and see he wasn't visited.
sk ends up killing 2 the amne.

Day 2:
15 starts spamming: "1 is cultist". So right away he is willing to go against his OWN checks to accuse someone falsely. This is enough for me to give him a gamethrowing crime.

Marshall reveals. 15 pms him what he spammed. 3 claims veteran (true). 1 pms him that he is bus and he switched himself with 2. 11 claims bg (true). 5 the judge claims sheriff " n1 11 ns". 7 the gf claims bg. 4 the framer claims bg.
12 the bm claims survivor. 9 says "I'm coroner". 8 claims doc. 14 claim citizen.

So we see here that 6 didn't claim a role. instead he says "jailors a bitch" since day 1.

15 is lynched first. he blames marshall while being executed even though he threw himself. doesn't leave a lw.
10 the sk is lynched next.
14 the jester is lynched next.

Night 2:
marshall leaves a lw with the claims, and thinks that 1 is actually cult. 9 leaves a lw saying "1 is mafia I promise everything" while checking 2. 6 watches 1 and sees that 4 and 1(himself) visited him. 1 busses himself with 9. marshall is blackmailed. and blackmailer dies of jester.

Day 3:
9 suggests lynching 1. 1 claims that he bussed him, bmed marshall votes 1, but tries to inno. 9 votes guilty on 1 regardless of being bussed, but he doesn't verbally denies the bus.
while getting exed 1 says how ecko is retarded and why he kills him n1 all the time. No crime here. I suggest showing action evidence of witch hunting.

Night 3:
9 leaves the lw "screw you all it was a mistake, jim is guilty and so is 12" he checks 11. 6 watches 11 and see he wasn't visited.

Day 4:
Town plans to lynch 9. marshall asks him for lw. he says " I'm new" "what's that". He clearly knows what's a lw and was making couple of counterproductive ones.
6 is trialed instead for lacking a role. he says "yall killed your investigator" "jailors a bitch cya". he is lynched.

NIght 4: 9 doesn't do his night action and leave the lw "you dumbshits did the same thing I did, just made a mistake"

Day 5:
9 says "whoever accused 6 should be banned" and keeps insulting marshall. marshall asks him "9 do you have a lw" and 9 replies "yea dumbass". marshall says " then post it"
9 says "nah i'm reporting you, too busy". I think I was thinking of listing this as greifing. but he is gamethrowing at this point.

Next day mafia wins when judge courts veteran.

Was the Game Result altered?
Yes, Too many trolls and gamethrowers. Evils were dying left and right, and town still couldn't win.

Player Offenses
Demotic : None

redbeans: Intentional-gamethrowing
Youngone: Intentional-gamethrowing
Hop: Intentional-gamethrowing.

Recommended Action
Demotic: Ignored

Watch List x2 for the rest:
Redbeans: 1-S2-1-7882699
YoungOne: 1-S2-1-6131587
Hop: 1-S2-1-2854592

Additional Notes
For demotic case, I suggest a more physical evidence than a verbal one. Keep watch on redbeans, Benjamin, Hop and the Youngone. they might be teamers (whether skype or not)

June 9th, 2019, 02:49 PM
2x WL for

Redbeans: 1-S2-1-7882699
YoungOne: 1-S2-1-6131587
Hop: 1-S2-1-2854592