View Full Version : {Watch List} Patronus: 1-S2-1-7738290 Launcelot: 1-S2-1-1894991 Vycanon: 1-S2-1-7490384

July 13th, 2018, 09:56 AM
Account Name: Patronus
Account ID: 1-S2-1-7738290
In-Game Name: Ugandan Knuckles

Crimes Committed: Obvious Game-Throw

Your Account Name: Prophet
Summary: D2 he spams that I am DH together with 3(the DH). I get trialed and innoed when I claimed Vet. N2 Me and Patronus get bus driven together - resulting in me killing the DH, bus driver and escort. D3 After I got pmed I decided to lynch 10 - resulting in Patronus voting me even though I was confirmed and I got lynched. For a detective to do such obvious throwing - and in the end PM-ed me it was revenge for the previous game - where I was SK and killed him cuz he voted me (he was amne). This shouldn't be the first report about this player since I hear often people say they are going to report him(he's apparently been doing this often - I cannot confirm so it is up to you if you are going to take this under thought).


July 27th, 2018, 04:43 PM

Patronus: Correct. 1-S2-1-7738290
[ADDED] Vycanon: Correct. 1-S2-1-7490384
[ADDED] Launcelot: Correct. 1-S2-1-1894991

Respective Hotkeys

Patronus: E
Vycanon: 6
Launcelot: 7

Was the Game Result altered?

The replay stops at N3 but Patronus lies surely affected town's chances.

Previous Offenses

Patronus: Leave Train from 2015. Not Important. http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/33926-Wiz-1-S2-1-3975551-Patronus-1-S2-1-7738290?highlight=7738290
One Game-Throwing labeled as "Evidence". http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/42847-Patronus-1-SC2-1-7738290?highlight=7738290
2 pending reports.
Vycanon: None
Launcelot: None

Player Offenses

Patronus: Griefing
Vycanon: Role-Quitting
Launcelot: Role-Quitting


- Vycanon and Launcelot leave at the start of D1 -

Setup: -

Roles / Names: Patronus chooses Ugandan Knuckles. He gets Detective. [Prophet is Ugo Giordano]

Day 1: -

Night 1: Patronus follows 5. Prophet alerts.

Day 2: Patronus starts asking people "do u know da wae". Prophet tells him "14 don't be salty cuz sk got you last game, so shut your trap and play". Some seconds after this 14 says "8 is DH" out of the blue and votes him (3 seems to efusively support his cause). He's voted up and says that he won't give a role for a random lynch. Patronus PMs Prophet "you shouldnt killed me last game :-)". However, Prophet is not lynched which probably surprises Patronus as he decides to completely change his LW to an absurd lie "N1- 8->5 | N2". Some people vote 14 and others 3.

Night 2: Patronus follows 4. Prophet alerts. He's bussed and kills 3 people. (A BD, a DH and an Escort)

Day 3: Patronus says that 8 is probably Silencer (100% random) and votes him. He is voted up and Prophet tries to explain (not in the best of ways) that he was bussed with 14, and that's why he killed the Escort that claimed visiting 14 and who died to a Veteran. 14, however, completely ignores this and continues saying to lynch Prophet. Prophet is lynched and flips Veteran. However, Patronus PMs him "like I said, you shouldn't killed me last game or bmed me :)" just before his death, making it clear that he totally knows what's happening.

Recommended Action

Patronus: Watch List x4
Vycanon: On Hold
Launcelot: On Hold

Additional Notes

Thank you for the report! Feel free to report more players if you think they’re breaking the rules! :calix:

July 28th, 2018, 07:30 PM
Is this in addition to the 4x WL for 1-S2-1-7738290 elsewhere, or summed? More succinctly, total of 4x or 8x?

July 29th, 2018, 04:17 AM
4x WL Extra.

July 29th, 2018, 11:33 AM
1-S2-1-7738290: +4x WL(total x8)