View Full Version : Night IV: The Cemetery

Forum Mafia GM
January 5th, 2012, 01:56 AM
The West Side of New York
The Courthouse
8:00 AM

The courtroom was bustling with activity. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. Most had already fled the scene in panic, after seeing loved ones perish in flames. Others had stayed to help the dead and dying...

The situation had gone from bad to worse in just a matter of hours.

The day began normally enough--just like any other day in fact. Then the bad news broke. Mayor McDaniels and two other people were found dead, murdered by the two gangs. The townspeople were furious. They all demanded answers, and rightfully so.

As the dust settled, the Lieutenant Schrank stood up.

"These scumbags need to be found and killed as soon as possible. We can't have them running around causing innocent civilians to be killed for their petty conflicts. I wouldn't be surprised myself if killing the Mayor was a planned assassination..."

He left the thought hanging in the air and for a few seconds there was a tense silence. Officer Krupke spoke up.

"Are these kids in the courtroom right now?"

"Yes, and we've got to find 'em before they find us!"

Paranoia always gets the best of us, no matter how hard we try to control it. Nobody could have predicted what happened next.

A shot rang out and echoed through the room. Through instinct everyone ducked, except the shooter himself.

Another man, Randy, crumpled to the floor, obviously dead with a bullet through his head. Some women shrieked with horror, but others seemed to know they should remain quiet. It seemed that a man had been unable to control his rage, pulled out his gun and shot a man in plain sight.

The man waved his gun around the room wildly, as though fearful of everyone present.


The man pulled over Mr. Hat and pointed his gun at her head. Kenny looked visibly worried.


Officer Krupke slowly pulled out his gun waiting for the perfect opportunity. The murderer backed up slowly all while trembling and looking visibly fearful of everyone present. He reached the door, and turned...

A shot rang out, and the man fell, dead. Mr. Hat rushed towards Kenny and hugged him out of relief. The rest of the citizens looked shaken. Nothing like this had ever happened before, a gunman in a courthouse was unheard of.

As some able-bodied men strode over to help clean up the mess, a hooded figure seemed to be up to no good. He slowly walked toward the curtain where Wendy Testaburger and Big Gay Al were seated and took out a lighter.

In an instant, the curtains went up in flames and fell atop the two individuals. Lieutanent Schrank ran to help, but it was too late. They were gone.

The horrors did not end there unfortunately.

One man decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew who was evil, and he intended on enacting a suitable punishment before they could get away. He took aim on Kenny and pulled the trigger.

Mr. Hat stood fixed, with an expression of utter disbelief that quickly turned into horror. The killer slowly snuck out before anyone could notice that he was there. Mr. Hat ran to Kenny's lifeless body, tears in his eyes.

...But it was too late.

Sheila, an elderly citizen, had a heart attack from all the pain and suffering she was witnessing and died on the spot. The list of dead continued to climb.

Schrack was on the verge of giving up. This town was a pathetic pile of crap that couldn't getanything done. Now it paid the ultimate price. Schrank reached for the gun in his belt.

"Go to hell", he murmured as he took his own life...

The town was crippled but not out. The proceedings were only a rise to arms, a wake up call of sorts. Every town member knew what had to be done, and set out to do it. It was time to retake the West Side!

Big Gay Al's Last Will:
Dear Town,

My what a night last night was. I learned many things, and read a lot of night chat. It is important for you to realize that you MUST stay focused on the lynches I am about to explain to you. Do not be persuaded elsewhere.

One thing before I begin though: Jailor, I honestly have no idea why you decided not to jail me. But you've disappointed me beyond comprehension. I asked you to jail me pretty much the first post into the day I made, so your whole "dude you asked me 4 hours before day ended" is BS. And you should have AT LEAST jailed Victoria.

So. I've pretty much been busy with this shit since night began 24 hours ago, with only a short rest between the beginning and the end. You have no idea how much time I've spent deliberating this crap, but I'm fairly certain it was fruitful and worth it in the end.
The plan we drew up was as follows:
1) Kenny is swapped with the second Jets Drug Dealer. If that drug dealer isn't dead, it's because False decided to let Consorts target their own mafia at the last minute.
2) McDaniels, I would like you to use your double lynch powers to lynch Sheila(GF Ventriloquist) and Butters(Jets Consig), whom I believe to be the remaining red mafia. If Sheila is not the ventriloquist GF, hopefully you will be informed before you do so. If Sheila is dead tonight due to mafia kills, you may lynch Victoria if she is still around(Word is she's swapping tonight). The priority should always be on removing the remaining red mafia today by lynch though. That was my part of the deal, and I would like to see it upheld. Mr. Hat will no longer be in danger and will not require protection once this condition is met, so you will be free to protect someone else.
3) I have a hunch that Victoria is disguising Ike tonight, so that might be a good place to look, the vigilante should shoot Jason. The BD crap isn't going to work anymore. Jailing Kyle would be a good idea, also. I'm sure you guys can figure out what to do. I don't really have a convincing plan anymore because False dropped another rule change on us last minute.

If everything goes as planned, this game should be over by the next day, you may have to track down the remaining neutrals(Jimmy is one of them. Though he has a 66% chance of being harmless). I'm sorry I couldn't be around to handle this myself but apparently it just wasn't meant to be.

Also, the mafias apparently are cooperating with some retarded "kill each other at random strat so we hopefully get the lovers; assuming you actually went through with it, you realize I could have just swapped the vigi shot off onto one of the two confirmed neutrals and you'd have given me a 200% return on investment, right? I only didn't because FalseTruth is a lying gypsy.

These are the confirmed non-mafias:
Stay strong friends,
(P.S. I told you I'd die early False. And who knows, somehow the town will probably lose)
Randy's Last Will:
I am Goonswarm and I have fucking lost at forum mafia again. I got a role with absurd hard win condition regardless, so w/e.

ANYWAYS I check Barbrady cuz he sent MASSIVE scum tells to me based on his posts. I give info to Wendy who woulda hopefully backed me up and confirmed my claim.

Sucks that I died cuz I coulda been town hero and super invest who could fucking prove his role like spy in sc2mafia.

Anyways, fucksuck gayzor pewp I am dead and here is a picture cuz I did not post one yet.

It is melon man, aka the fucking douchetwat infected cuntlick that killed me.

Wendy Testaburger's Last Will:

Notes from Day 1

r86 Mrs. Claridge
Oh...um.....hi... I'll just be here....watching you guys... please don't pay to much attention to me....okay? I promise not to be a nuisance
//I don't know what she's doing, but I don't like it...Apparently Mafia can talk at day so this isn't a code.

r156 Tweek Tweak
Greetings all.

As the best player we have I will be taking up the mantle of Mayor Tweek Tweak.

On many occasions Wendy Testaburger visited the Forum Mafia page during the night.
//Yeah, and I stayed for about 2 minutes each time trying to see when the fuck this game would start. Way to go Sherlock.

r305 Butters
Whoa-ho! You know we're just nominating right now, right? This isn't the actual election. Still, you've touched my heart with your other post about your goals as the mayor, so I will help you get elected. Even if you refuse to rp as your character (though I wonder why you bothered including his picture as your avatar if it's such a "cheap tactic"?).

-nominate Tweek Tweak
//Tweek is already on my bad side for trying to abuse times people were on. He clearly must of been online that whole time too and the fact that he calls me out is stupid. Tweak and Butters are butting heads a little bit, but Butters is extremely quick to get back on Tweaks good side. He's being cautious by accepting that Tweak doesn't like him. He wants everyone to like him so he votes for Tweak. At the moment that seems like the best option for him. I believe Butters thinks Tweak is Mafia and Butters himself is a power role neutral/town...Possibly a killer.

r341 Tweek Tweak
@Big Gay Al

I would be interested in knowing whether you want to be the mayor. You seem to be the most competent player from what has been posted and are leading the discussion. However, you have shown no signs of wanting the job. I often find that those who are very helpful yet do not want power or to be put in the limelight, are scum.

If you don't want to be the mayor then what are your reasons for not putting yourself forward?
// I don't believe this is even remotely true. First of all, he's not even contributing that much. He's simply offering an opionion that you latched on to. You then drag him into the spotlight so you can seem like you're good at finding scum, when in realtity you're grasping at straws. I've grasped at straws before too just to troll the living daylights out of people, but in your situation you're looking for clarification and with an election on the line you're looking to get voted and to have power. I can take what I know about you(Calling me out) and apply it to Big Gay Al. He must be a town role since I can only interact with situations I have information on. I know that people you drag into the limelight for no reason have a better chance at being town than they do being Mafia. However, Big Gay Al says that he doesn't want the position and that makes me suspicious of him.

r364 Gary
Gary has arrived.

Big Gay Al, are you willing to run for the position of mayor of our town? Of all candidates, you seem to be the most qualified thus far.

However, I would like to urge the town to consider myself, Gary, as mayor. I will evaluate situations with logic and am completely unafraid of using extra vote powers to attempt to lynch scum whenever possible.

Is there any way we can get the day extended one more day? Ending in the middle of Christmas Day is rather awkward.
//Basically just states things that everyone else has said. If I was a detective I'd follow this bastard tonight, but alas I am not.

r367 Mrs. Claridge
Umm....I think that a lot of Neutrals rather than Mafia members voted for Butters....maybe....it's just a theory I have
//If I had a gun I'd shoot this person.

r391 Sharon
-nominate Big Gay Al
Yeah, out of the two front-runners, Big Gay Al is subjectively less scummy than Tweek Tweek. Why? Because Tweek Tweek is probably Jack, and Jack doesn't act like this when he's town.
//This is part of the problem. Too often do people try too hard to figure out who identities are.

r393 Wendy Testaburger
im not stupid. the people i dont like are just people i dont like. i dont like the way they are playing since this is suppose to be fun

i havent been online since the day started so there is no flying under the radar fyi i got online and read all the pages so far you all must have had things you had to do today on christmas eve so i dont think im the only one "flying under the radar"
//I made sure to use 'must have' correctly early on to sway people away from immediately thinking I was Claw. It probably only caught the eye of a few of the vets, but hopefully people don't look into it too much.

r400 Liane
There's many possibilities, we don't know the truth until we take a risk.
//While I understand what Victoria said this statement is basically all town play of Mafia is. On day 1 like this there isn't much you can go by since the Mafia could be organized in a number of different ways. They could all be voting for someone specifically, voting an ally, voting a non-ally, voting who the majority of others vote, or vote someone they know they can manipulate. It's too hard to figure out any kind of voting pattern since the one they are likely to use will be the one that you end up guessing.

r402 Philip
the extra long night gave the mafia teams extra long to talk about the elections today, this worries me. we have two teams of five that have prepared specifically for this moment. i have my suspicions about anyone who is active today.

i say we vote up someone that hasn't been mentioned at all and hasn't expressed any interest in the role of mayor, it's fairly random but who the hell cares we have the odds on our side. i'm not even going to suggest any names for this, cos i don't wanna look like shitty scum.

it is the role of pardoner that should merit the scumhunt and roleclaims. having a town as mayor is beneficial, having scum as mayor is annoying but at least the mafia will try to lynch other mafia, and double lynch is more likely to help town than scum down the line. having scum as pardoner is much more annoying.

anyone that role claims will get my nomination. for the record i am normally dead set against role claims, especially on day 1, but this is a special case. atm town has all its healing and killing roles available. the pardoner can be healed, investigated, and killed at night if he turns out to be scum.
//I thoroughly enjoy this strategy, but at the same time he could very well be part of a mafia who had someone stay quiet. Has Cartman said anything? "Don't say anything until we say that the best option is to vote someone who doesn't say anything"...It truly is a fool's game until we take a risk just like Liane said.

r405 Stan
The question is. If there is a spree killer does he lurk at the house of the pardoner or at the house of the Mayor
//I don't like directing traffic and he's using scare tatics to do it.

r425 Kenny
I am honestly unsure of what to think at the moment.

Those who do not speak a whole lot and do not nominate are seen as lurkers. Or scum. Bad.
Those who do not speak a whole lot but do nominate are seen either as scum voting for their fellow scum or someone who is easily influenced. Bad.
Those who do speak up but do not nominate are seen as pragmatists who do not trust anyone enough to gain their vote, but are also pushed by others that this is Day 1 and nothing can be practically deduced anyway. Or they are scum trying not to act scummy by not nominating a town member to not look like scum and by not flat out nominating their own scum. WIFOM mess. Bad.
Those who do speak up and nominate are seen as "analyzers," otherwise known as the people who attempt to make sense of Day 1 spam. Or they are seen as scum attempting to influence votes for their fellow scum. Bad.
Those who want to be mayor may genuinely be town members looking out for the town's welfare. Or they're scum. Bad.

So in others words.... Mmmf mmf mmmmf mmf. Mmmf.
//We think very similarly. I don't really know who Kenny is, but regardless I'm going to watch him closely.

r481 Wendy Testaburger
again just testing im also a lover and i will be able to vote mafia and not directly all that jazz
//I said this just to prove that anyone could lie same as I did with Yayap. Had it not been allowed FalseTruth would of stopped it.

r492 McDaniels
Correct me if i'm wrong but, the Godfathers can simply type -suicide and presto, mafias merged and lovers become mafia. That will probably happen if the lovers turn on the mafia and one godfather is lynched, the other one will suicide to force the merge.
//Seriously, why would you ever give the Mafia a strategy like this. I doubt he's mafia because he'd just be able to say it in secret day chat, but he's a possible neutral.

r624 Chef
spree killer go have a blast
//Stating this is scaring town roles off from investigating who the mayor is.

r634 Timmy
Indeed... the fact that BGA thinks it would be useful suggests that he knows what the correct answer is, so he's trying to find out if Cartman is indeed the opposite mafia's lover.
//While this could be true, it seems like Timmy saying this is more suspicious than 'BGA' saying what he said.

r648 Wendy Testaburger
i want to hear what cartman says the mafias are. i see what al sees and im interested in knowing what cartman knows.
//I said this because I knew I'd be questioned by people. I want to ignore questions as much as possible and just let people think the obvious "he must be in the mafia if he KNOWS". Eventually someone will clean me by saying something about the ventriloquist if Cartman forgets it in the list. Mafia won't attack what they think is already sure to die.

r667 McDaniels
Wait, question for FM master regarding this, lets not jump to conclusions.

Were the mafia allowed to handpick any roles from their possible randoms or were they given 5 random results to divide among themselves?
//Definitely not liking this. I barely read the rules and I even knew about this.

r668 Shelley
This would be a genius play if you were mob.
//She had to go and point it out for no reason other than to seem like she caught someone doing something bad.

r669 Wendy Testaburger
had you not called him out on it someone would of been able to use it and check him, but now he'll have a small alibi if he pops up mafia.

you said you can't figure anything out on day 1 yet you seem to be looking for clues yourself...why is that? there must have been a reason for you to bring so much attention to this whole prove anything about anyone ordeal that you created.
//I used 'must have' again just in case as well as countering what Shelley said. Some people may assume that I'm an investigator because of this message, but I hope that my low key, smurf esque posts will persuade the mafia away from attacking me.

r677 Token
hi guys

-nominate shelley

you should vote me for pardoner.
Tweek Tweak is bad
//Totally faking a smurf account for some reason. It's either that or this is the worst attempt at a smurf account ever.

r699 Big Gay Al

//Saying this just reinforces that what you're about to say is complete bullshit, but to hear you out.

I'll be honest with you, I was skeptical when I first saw this post, very much so in fact. I was very unsure of whether or not a lover would reveal day 1 and try to get elected of all things. It's such a bad idea that I pretty much dismissed it immediately and came up with a masochist scenario to explain it. Why is it a bad idea? Firstly, no one is going to elect someone who claims mafia, no matter how much planning is spent, you cannot guarantee that both godfathers won't die by accident in some way, so there's always a chance that the lover will become mafia. There's no point in electing a mayor who has the possibility of becoming mafia no matter what. This isn't like "Oh we don't know if he's mafia or not so there's no point electing him"; this is a guaranteed outcome. I'll come back to this later.
//This is exactly why Cartman is lying. He gains almost nothing from revealing this since we won't vote him. He does however gain both mafia's attention. "Well he isn't the lover in my mafia so he must be in the other mafia!" Now both Mafia's attack him and he wins.

I'll give him credit for this, if he is lying, he is poetically shaping himself around the implied restrictions of the lover role. The tidbits about discussing with False, the very fair plan to preserve the GFs, the 'concern' for voting the mafia. It all feels very real to me, even genuine in most cases. So I decided I would push for some more information, because there wasn't much harm in doing so.
//So you're saying because he read the rules and had 2 days to figure out a plan he must be telling the truth? If you figured out that these things were important what's to stop him from thinking the same things were important enough to fake?

This is where I really kind of started to believe him, though I still have my doubts. If he is lying, he is either being coached or he is very dangerous. There are three things about his role list that make the entire thing seem painfully genuine: The GF picked disguiser, the lack of the ventriloquist, and the inclusion of a mafioso. You'll note that two of the three have been brought up as to discredit him. However, in my opinion, the exact opposite is the case. These three things sell the entire thing far better than not. They provide a sense of reality to the situation, I feel if he was lying he would throw as many things as the majority expected to see: the confirmed ventriloquist, a mafia full of power roles, etc. He didn't, which makes me believe him. This wasn't exactly my intention when I had asked for a list, but the partial list is another layer of 'real' on the whole thing.
//Same thing as last time. If Big Gay Al thinks that this role combinations list makes sense then what's to say that Cartman didn't think it made sense when he lied about it? He had 2 days to figure out what a decent comp would be and what he would do if he were in each position. It almost looks like Al is praising himself. I just got done watching all of Breaking Bad and there is a scene((Small spoiler I guess)) where Walter gets drunk and tries to take credit for something he did even though it almost got him caught. Big Gay Al is just marveling over this 'brilliant' strategy a little too much. He even says he thinks this whole thing could be one big mafia ploy, but I think he said that because he could be in on it as well. I still think Cartman is just using this to either scare the mafia into not killing him or to be killed. I'm surprised no one's said he was me with this web of WIFOM he just created. You also have to remember that I've done the whole "I went over all this with the host and he's fine with it" thing before. The only thing I really ever did was make sure I could say that and the host always said it was ok.

r705 McDaniels
It is more likely that Tweeky is the merchant, following Al's logic. Cartman's mafia can rage all they want at him in their private mafia chat, including asking FalseTruth to take action against the lover for "cheating". So no, I do not believe Tweeky is on Cartman's crew, but him being the merchant, that makes sense.
//I saw this as sheep behavior trying to get on his good side which means he's stupid and is on the other mafia that Big Gay Al is not on.

r721 Terrance
Mafia tend to rarely say who they think the mafia are early in the game. I don't want to support either of the 2 other main candidates at the moment, as Butters seems incompetent and Tweak Tweak keeps on appearing less and less town aligned as the game goes on
-nominate Wendy Testaburger
I realy doubt that she is mafia
//I'm flattered really, but as others have said I'm one of the worst people for the job. It feels like he's just voting me because he was told to or to not help a real candidate(Like I did even though I do like Kenny and hope he's town)

r723 Jimmy
There is no reason to trust Wendy.. certainly not trust worthy enough to receive power. I shall be watching you two very closely now.
//I don't understand why someone voting for me becomes a concern. I'm an unlikely candidate so they vote me because they don't want anyone to get the job. I'd rather have no people to get the job than for someone bad to get the job.

r752 Cartman
You know I'm just going to turn around and ask FalseTruth myself, why don't you make your post green? I'll save you the trouble since I mostly talked to him about day1, I haven't gotten around to asking him what I can tell you day 2.

Can the lover reveal all the night actions of the mafia in day chat the following day?
//For someone who talked with False a lot about mechanics it seems odd that he posted this in day chat. I'd assume they were PMing/skyping about a lot of mechanics and there would be no reason to do this other than to bring attention.

r788 Kenny
If the jailer's execution counts as an attack, and the victim's role is revealed after lockup, then would this mean the Masochist's role is revealed the next day though he does not die if he undergoes a lockup?
//Too many mentions of the Jailor and the Masochist. Usually questions about your own role like this would be sent through a PM or something. I don't think he's either of these roles and I don't think he's playing WIFOM mainly because he actually found an error. I am, however, wondering if anyone else is going to see this as a jailor claim of some sort.

r794 Tweak
Why did everyone trust me more when I was being a dick to everyone?
//A couple reasons: 1. I'm sure a mafia or two voted you with a good reason and others followed. 2. You then changed your entire strategy and you had inconsistences that no one liked

Day 2 Notes:

People who voted for Timmy:

People who voted for Clyde:
Big Gay Al
Wendy Testaburger

r73 Cartman
@Stephen By not revealing what happened to me, I leave myself open to counter-claim or claim that it happened to me and is less likely to happen to multiple people. I can also do math. If I know certain roles are in the game, that leaves only so many other open spots for other roles. If I see too many night action result claims, I know I'm looking for a falsified one.

Please don't ask me again.
//I see this as some kind of a ploy to scare scum roles into not claiming things. He could still be mafia, but he's definitely trying to scare the other mafia away from randomly claiming things.

r75 Wendy Testaburger
i dont understand the logic behind big gay al wanting to talk to a jailor. instead of offering information that can clear you publicly you wish to have a secret meeting where you can lie and no one other than the jailor can disprove you. on top of that you get protection from possible vigilantes, neutrals, and mafia killers.
//I said "publicly" since I normally spell it "publically" and only me and Elixir spell it the second way.

r80 Randy
Quote Originally Posted by Wendy Testaburger View Post
i dont understand the logic behind big gay al wanting to talk to a jailor. instead of offering information that can clear you publicly you wish to have a secret meeting where you can lie and no one other than the jailor can disprove you. on top of that you get protection from possible vigilantes, neutrals, and mafia killers.
-Vote Barbrady

I would like to hear more from this person. I also would encourage everyone to stop voting people without evidence and join me in the pressuring of this person.

By the end of today, for security's sake I will claim my role and my COM name. I am a master geologist, one that the town can not afford to lose.

I also ask that you review how Barbrady has been jumpy with voting, and tending to question behaviors of anyone that is trying to set anything as fact.
//He quoted me and voted barbrady. He ignored that he quoted me. He either followed the merchant as a detective or he is the merchant himself. There is no other way that he included both names.

r97 Jimmy
I have similar information. However, I need another day or two to determine if its relevant.
//If you had the information I had then you would know it right away.

r127 Barbrady
I don't have the time to do so because I am visiting relatives for the next week but I suggest people go over clyde and timmy's voting patterns and posts to see who they supported and buddied with. I have great news though, as you can see from my cool uniform I am the Sheriff. Last night I checked Wendy Testaburger because I was very suspicous of how convinced she was that cartman was lying. How could she know I asked? It turns out because she is a member of the mafia. Nice double wifiom false on giving barbrady the sheriff role

@Randy I don't get why you are voting for me

-vote wendy
//Diverted attention away from the accuser on to someone with out of game accusations(The being online all the time thing).

r230 Wendy Testaburger
if i were a doctor id probably heal shelley, randy, mr. hat, kenny, or cartman.
//I said this in the order so I could possibly get Mr. hat or Kenny's attention. I can't assume anything about Mr. Hat at this time, but

r350 McDaniels
Bradley, I am truly dissapointed in you. You are not town by your behaviour and this farce of a roleclaim, and shall be put to death soon enough. In case you are jester it is better to let the vigilante take your life, no sense in risking losing anyone to a jester suicide.

If you are found to be town you will be the prime candidate for LVP in this FM, sorry to tell you. But as I said, you are not town.
//More talk about the stupid MVP and directing traffic

This Town is flailing disgracefully. Regardless I can provide you with the information you need.

I am the Sheriff. I don't know what Randy's game is, but it is blatantly obvious to me (and should be obvious to all of you) that Wendy and Bradley are both innocent.

Seeing as these are your only two lynch candidates, and both of them are town PR, I have no choice but to set you on the right track.
The following people are almost certainly innocent:
- Big Gay Al
- Tweak - stupid citizen, nothing more
- Shelley
- McDaniels

I visited Victoria last night. She is Suspicious.

Unlike everybody else in this game, this is not a fucking ruse. I will be around to answer your questions. Later, if Victoria gets enough votes I will supply a good second candidate for shooting tonight, which the Vigilante may decide to do when Victoria flips scum, and she will. Look back at my posts if you like, and see who has been speaking calmly and making sense.

-vote Victoria
//Forgets the faction. Most likely lying or faking executioner. Trying to clean me too so im really confused.

r513 Cartman
Do you wish for the mafia to know that there is a witch in play that targeted me or not?
//No witch targeted him, but he wants the mafia to think one did.

r681 Gerald
I just wanted to clarify for everyone that I am not trolling. I have reasons for my accusations.

I no longer believe Mrs. Claridge is anti-town. I apologize.

As for Vegetables(who Jimbo took saying it from me) and Bradley, they are defintely anti-town.

A man can be told what to do. Would he do it? If it was me, I would.
//Wishy Washy I don't like him.

r713 Stephen
Ummm no?

Victoria is a Shark.

I don't see how this is relevant. She is mafia scum whether she is a Jet or a Shark. They both have 4 members and the rest of you have no discernable way to differentiate them.

If you wanted to know so bad, you could have asked me in the first place.
//It's hilarious because I had a feeling this would come up. This is just a poor excuse of play style. If you wanted to fake executioner/play executioner you'd read up and ask questions before you did anything stupid like this. Bad play

Alright so that whole plan blew up in my face. Clearly you're wondering "How did he know Randy was merchant! and the answer is that because he quoted me in the post where he voted barbrady I took it as a sign and wondered how to protect him. I thought if I claimed Merchant I'd be in the clear because the Mafia would have too many other targets to hit. Also with the possibility of Kenny and Hat being students in my face I became scared that it was some sort of giant ploy. I thought the Mafia would use their brains and see that killing a neutral that had a lookout watching him would be a stupid idea so it might be better to go for the lookout. However, I am actually the lookout and I watched Randy last night hoping someone would attack him. I got a threatening rep message saying "oh who's protecting you tonight? no one". It just shocks that me they would kill a potential ally. I'm Claw by the way so Token caught on to me, but Shelley kept me in the clear as an excellent fake.

So I visited Kenny and saw Mr. Hat visit him. Randy gave me the information about Barbrady and I made up what I knew about Tweak. Hopefully I wasn't too confusing. I visited Randy today in hopes to see some action.

Butter's Last Will:



Night will end at THIS (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=January+5th+7pm+PST) time.