View Full Version : Ned's role claim

January 3rd, 2012, 08:28 PM
Ned, where are you, dude?

You need to claim town power if you want to survive today.

The easiest role to claim will be Investigator. Hence, you can say you found Stan as invest/consig night 1 and you rep msged me to ask me to Sheriff her. Hence, why I know you're an investigator and how I found Stan.

However, you also need an investigation finding for night 2. It will be most believeable if it is of somebody who is yet to be revealed. Does anybody have any reads or ideas? We could use one of ourselves, but that only further ties us together.

Probably the best one to claim is Garrison as citizen/ GF/ Lover.

Therefore, you should claim Investigator with the following:

Night 1. Stan Invest/ consig
Night 2. Garrison citizen/ Gf/ Lover

January 3rd, 2012, 10:07 PM
Yeah I could do that... really, the number of possible role claims is few. Investigator was one I was considering, in addition to coroner (lol) and citizen. Regardless, I'd like to wait for someone to speak up before I claim, as it would be preferable to just let the day run down so you don't have to affiliate yourself with me. Until then...