View Full Version : {Watch List} dkretzel: 1088336, Tkretzel: 5321836, Hellablazed: 795749

August 13th, 2017, 02:42 AM
Account Name: dkretzel, tkretzel, hellablazed, kissmyasthma
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1088336, 1-S2-1-5321836, 1-S2-1-795749, 1-S2-1-4307764
In-Game Name: Dildo Swaggins, Edard Starks Head, Spiderman, Fedele
Crimes Committed: Game Throwing, skyping, Griefing

Your Account Name: Gerfenstern
Summary: These guys admitted to gamethrowing and communicating out of game, even though it was so obvious I called them out within minutes of the the SECOND game they did this in and only mistook one of them. They are a blight on the community and they don't even try to hide it 23041

August 13th, 2017, 12:52 PM
ID Verification:
<HALOS>dkretzel: Correct. 1-S2-1-1088336
<HALOS>Tkretzel: Correct. 1-S2-1-5321836
<HALOS>Hellablazed: Correct. 1-S2-1-795749
KissMyAsthma: Correct. 1-S2-1-4307764

Players Added to Report:

<HALOS>dkretzel: ctrl 6
<HALOS>Tkretzel: ctrl 3
<HALOS>Hellablazed: ctrl 1
KissMyAsthma: 8

<HALOS>dkretzel chooses the name Dildo Swaggins and is a Bus Driver in slot #12.
<HALOS>Tkretzel chooses the name Edard Starks Head and is an Amnesiac in slot #10.
<HALOS>Hellablazed chooses the name Spiderman and is a Investigator in slot #7.
KissMyAsthma is given the name Fedele and is a Lookout in slot #2.

Day 1: Normal banter.

Night 1:
#12 busses #7 and #9.
#10 is jailed, claims Amnesiac, and is executed.
#7 investigates #3, who is the Mayor. (Investigators see exact roles in this setup.)
#2 watches #1.

Day 2: Nothing notable happens.

Night 2:
#12 busses #4 and #7.
#7 is jailed and claims Investigator. The Jailor says "I know you"re skyping" and executes.
#2 watches #5.

Day 3:
#12 is put up for a trial and claims Bus Driver, but doesn't give a full last will. He is voted guilty by a 0-3 vote. After he is executed, he enters deathchat and says "3=mayor". #12 cannot know this information unless #7 used out-of-game communication to say it.
#2 does nothing in particular.

Night 3: Normal gameplay.

Day 4: #2 does nothing.

Night 4: Normal gameplay.

Day 5: The Mafia has majority and #2 is lynched.

Night 5: #7 admits that #7, #10, and #12 are all playing in the same room.

The game ends on Day 6 with a Mafia victory.

Was the game result altered?
Not significantly.

Player Offenses
<HALOS>dkretzel: Out-Of-Game Communication
<HALOS>Tkretzel: Out-Of-Game Communication
<HALOS>Hellablazed: Out-Of-Game Communication
KissMyAsthma: None

Previous Offenses

Recommended Action
<HALOS>dkretzel: Watchlist x3
<HALOS>Tkretzel: Watchlist x3
<HALOS>Hellablazed: Watchlist x3
KissMyAsthma: None

Additional Notes
It's clear that the three players from <HALOS> are using out-of-game communication to work together. This is against the rules.

I'm not convinced that KissMyAsthma is associated with the other players. I don't recommend punishment.

If you have another replay in which this occurred, I'd like to review that one as well. That would give a more full picture of these players' conduct. You can post it in a new thread.

Thank you for your effort to keep the game clean!

August 14th, 2017, 03:16 AM
1-S2-1-1088336: 3x WL
1-S2-1-5321836: 3x WL
1-S2-1-795749: 3x WL