View Full Version : {Watch List} GHoST 1-S2-1-3821992

August 2nd, 2017, 08:31 PM
Account Name: GHoST
Account ID: 1-S2-1-3821992
In-Game Name: Earth
Crimes Committed: Gamethrowing
Your Account Name: Omegasaur
Summary: Left the game because he wasn't happy about how things were going.

August 11th, 2017, 03:33 PM
GHoST: 1-S2-1-3821992: Correct.
Respective Hotkey:
Was The Game Altered?
Given his Mason teammate was disguised as, it would have made a difference when he had became the Mason Leader.
Previous Offenses:
Role-Quitting On-Hold: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/36562-GHoST-1-S2-3821992?highlight=1-S2-1-3821992
Leave-Train Watchlist x2.

Player Offenses:
Reactionary Game-throw.
Rolls Mason in slot #12. His mason teammate is #7.
Day 1: Complains about the setup.
Night 1: #7 becomes the Mason Leader. They attempt to recruit #1,
Day 2: #3, a Detective, attempts to start a lynch on #4. Two other people vote with him, but the rest of the town put him up for random lynching. When on trial, he claims his role and says that #7 visited #11 (Based on information the Masons have this is false). #7 calls him a liar and the town votes him guilty in a 5-0 verdict.
Night 2: The Mason Leader expresses concern of his survival, but GHoST reassures to him that they won't let it happen. They attempt to recruit #4.
Day 3: After realization that #4 wasn't recruitable (He claimed audited day 2), GHoST attempts to lynch him by saying he is the Auditor. #4, however, says he was bussed and the bus driver confirms it. #1 the Bus Driver says he bussed #4 with #6, so the town decides to vote #6 to trial. GHoST whispers #4 and tells him that he thought he was auditor because they could not convert him. The town then votes innocent on #6 in a 8-0 verdict. The town then votes up GHoST for attempting to lynch #6. On trial he claims Jailor in order to not reveal himself as Mason, and tells the town he has to jail someone tonight. He is spared in a 3-3 verdict.
Night 3: The masons try to convert #4 again to prove themselves. GHoST ends up getting audited.
Day 4: The town is unable to get anything going, and #12 eventually claims Mason out loud. At the end of the day, he leaves the game.

The game ends in a Mafia win.
Recommended Action:
Watchlist x2.
Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

The player did play correctly while he remained in the game, but should be reminded that acting on frustration affects your teams chances. Keep reporting people who you think are doing wrong!

August 14th, 2017, 03:22 AM
1-S2-1-3821992: 2x WL