View Full Version : {Watch List} Human: 1-S2-1-7818686

July 6th, 2017, 02:28 AM
Account Name: Human
Account ID: 1-S2-1-7818686
In-Game Name: Seviero Mancini

Crimes Committed: Griefing, Gamethrowing

Press Ctrl+1 for Human

Your Account Name: Lawiez

Summary: Humans rolls Lookout. Proceeds to claim Marshall the whole game (even after mayor reveal). N1 afk, N2 watches 13v13, N3 watches 13v13. Chats with 13 in PM and confirms each other vet and LO. Doesn't watch the Mayor. Never writes a LW except "I AM CONFIRMED MARSHALL YOU NOOBS" or something. The game gets to the point of 3 town vs 2, with a jailor, lookout, vet, and 2 triads. The jailor votes him due to his trolling behavior, and no LW.

Town could have won this game if he played properly (and if the vet defends him).

I wouldn't have reported him if he had a clean record, but it seems he has been warned for other offenses in the past.


July 23rd, 2017, 07:50 PM
ID Verification:
Human: Correct. 1-S2-1-7818686

Players Added to Report:

Respective Hotkeys
Human: ctrl 1

Was the game result altered?
The town lost a game that it could have won if Human had participated fully.

Human gets a warning for rolequitting at the beginning of the game.

Human is given the name Saviero Mancini and is a Lookout in slot #11.

Day 1: Banter.

Night 1: #11 doesn't watch anyone.

Day 2: #11 claims Marshall but (obviously) can't reveal. #13 PMs #11 to ask for a role, and #11 claims Lookout. #11 is put up for a trial and says:
"look at you dumbfucks"
"herp derp he didn't reveal therefore he is fake"
"why get me up?"
"for faking marshall?"
"fuck u cunts"
"fuck all of u"
"get cancer and die"
"serious nobody would miss you"
"you are too pathetic anyway"
Some players determine that someone is more suspicious than #11, and #11 is voted innocent by a 2-2 vote.
#8 reveals as the Mayor. The day ends without a lynch.

Night 2: #11 writes "i am confirmed marshal you fuckng idiots" in his last will. #11 watches #13, who visits himself.

Day 3: #11 continues to claim Marshall publicly even though #8 revealed as the Mayor. #11 PMs #13 to discuss why #13 visited himself, but does not PM a role to the Mayor. #11 is put up for a trial and says:
"fuck you seriously"
"pieces of shit"
"bitch boys"
"its right faggots"
"u cant lynch the marshall"
#11 is voted innocent by a 5-4 vote.

Night 3: #11 decides to watch #8 then switches to #13, who visits himself.

Day 4: The Mayor dies to an Arsonist. Someone claims that #11 is the Arsonist. #11 says:
"i dont care"
"i already burned the mayor"
"so i won"
"get me if you want"
#11 PMs #13 with legitimate Lookout information, but refuses to claim Lookout publicly.

Night 4: #11 watches #1.

Day 5: #11 and #13 discuss #11's information in PMs. #11 claims Marshall publicly.

Night 5: #11 watches #1.

Day 6: Five players remain: three Town and two Mafia. #11 claims Marshall publicly for most of the day, then eventually claims Lookout without a full last will. He is lynched.

The game ends on Day 7 with a Mafia victory.

Player Offenses
Human: Intentional Gamethrowing.

Previous Offenses
Griefing (minor) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39884-gftgy-1-S2-1-564449-Human-1-S2-1-7818686-EpicTimes-1-S2-1-1008807?highlight=7818686) (3x WL)
Leavetrain (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/37295-Human-1-S2-1-7818686?highlight=7818686) (2x WL)
Rolequit (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/40213-Human-1-S2-1-7818686?highlight=7818686) (4x WL)
Rolequit (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/40280-Human-1-S2-7818686-RIPHarambe-1-S2-1-4497478?highlight=7818686) (+2x WL)

Recommended Action
+2x Watchlist

Additional Notes
On its own, this low-level gamethrowing would either be ignored or put on hold. However, Human's past offenses show that this is a recurring problem.

Thank you for your effort to keep the game clean!

July 24th, 2017, 05:16 PM
1-S2-1-7818686: 2x WL