View Full Version : {Watch List} GrimReaper: 1-S2-1-743749, hanzomainlol: 1-S2-2-1265245, Tippy: 1-S2-1-685394

June 21st, 2017, 05:07 PM
Account Name: GrimReaper
Account ID: 1-S2-1-743749
In-Game Name: Your Friendly Mafia

Account Name: hanzomainlol
Account ID: 1-S2-2-1265245
In-Game Name: Lucio Marino

Crimes Committed: Intentional Game-Throwing

Your Friendly Mafia: Tippy
Summary: GrimReaper was Mayor and hanzomainlol was a Bus Driver and decided on day 5 to inno the known Serial Killer when there was only 3 people alive. Night 5 the Serial Killer, Ray ♥ Ava, was turned into a mayor and turned mayor into citizen by the admin in game, SuperJack, so that town would get the win.

June 26th, 2017, 08:21 PM
ID Verification:
GrimReaper: Correct. 1-S2-1-743749
hanzomainlol: Correct. 1-S2-2-1265245

Players Added to Report:
Tippy: 1-S2-1-685394

Respective Hotkeys
GrimReaper: ctrl 3
hanzomainlol: ctrl 6
Tippy: ctrl 2

Was the game result altered?
Had SuperJack not used his administrative powers, the Serial Killer would have won this game.

GrimReaper chooses the name Your Friendly Mafia and is a Mayor in slot #9.
hanzomainlol is given the name Lucio Marino and is a Bus Driver in slot #14.
Tippy chooses the name REEEEEEEEE and is a Lookout in slot #6.

Day 1 to Night 2: Normal gameplay. #14 has a reputation for being moderately counterproductive to the town's efforts to lynch evil players.

Day 3: #4 accuses #6 of being the Serial Killer. #6 is voted up and explains why #4's lead is invalid. #6 is voted innocent by a 3-3 vote. #4 is voted up and gives a weak defense. The town votes guilty by a 1-2 vote, and #4 is revealed as a Jester.

Night 3: #6 uses -suicide, and writes "suiciding even if jester doesn't kill so 14 loses" #6 stays around until the end of the match, so this is clearly not an instance of IRL interference in the game.

Day 4 to Night 4: Normal gameplay.

Day 5: #9 and #14 are alive, in addition to #2, a Serial Killer. #9 already revealed as Mayor, and nobody contests the fact that #14 is the Bus Driver. #2 admits to being the Serial Killer and asks for a free win. #14 says "ask mayor" "i don't care". #9 votes up #2, who admits to being the Serial Killer again. #9 says "14 can decide your fate :D". #14 votes innocent and #9 abstains. #9 votes up #14. They discuss Bus Driver/Serial Killer interactions, and then #9 votes innocent and skips the day.

Night 5: Crazy stuff happens. SuperJack changes the players' roles so that the town wins.

Day 6: Players freak out about their new roles.

Night 6: Players are still freaking out.

The game ends on Day 7 with a Town victory.

GrimReaper (#9) throws the game by not lynching the known Serial Killer.

hanzomainlol (#14) throws the game by not lynching the known Serial Killer.

Tippy (#6) throws the game by committing suicide so that the town loses.

Player Offenses
GrimReaper: Reactionary Gamethrowing
Hanzomainlol: Reactionary Gamethrowing
Tippy: Reactionary Gamethrowing

Previous Offenses
GrimReaper: None
hanzomainlol: Rolequitting (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/40287-hanzomainlol-1-S2-2-1265245) (On Hold)
Tippy: Rolequitting (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/40286-Tippy-1-S2-1-685394) (On Hold) (There are also a few reports from 2011)

Recommended Action
GrimReaper: On Hold
hanzomainlol: Watchlist (x2)
Tippy: Watchlist (x2)

Additional Notes
Thank you for your effort to keep the game clean!

July 3rd, 2017, 09:01 PM
1-S2-2-1265245 and 1-S2-1-685394 1x watch listed