View Full Version : {Watch List} LoseForKicks 1-S2-1-8410386

May 13th, 2017, 05:11 PM
Account Name: LoseForKicks
Account ID: 1-S2-1-8410386
In-Game Name: .0999%

Crimes Committed: griefing

Your Account Name: DethlyHallow
Summary: freaking out and eventually leaving the game because he wasn't convincing enough for the town to side with him, stated he didn't care and was just done trying so he decided to bitch and then leave, town probably could've had a good chance if it weren't for him leaving.

May 22nd, 2017, 11:48 AM
LoseForKicks - Correct: 1-S2-1-8410386

Respective Hotkeys
LoseForKicks: 7

Was the Game Result altered?

LoseForKicks(#9) roles Veteran

By day 4, #9 had used all his alerts and it was 3 vs. 4, with one person who was having a heart attack, at this point you obviously cannot tell the alignment of the person who is having a heart attack. Day 5 starts with 3 v 1, so obviously the afker was a town member. with no alerts left theres no way for #9 to stop himself or someone else from dying the following night. Therefore the game was already done when he left the game. However, he did bitch all game and did state multiple times he did not care about the results at certain points, but he is not the direct cause of the loss of town.

Previous Offenses
- LagCheating (x3 WL) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39384-Ginsberger-1-S2-1-5233805-Lawiez-1-S2-1-2221657-BobieMoche-1-S2-1-2943654-LoseForKicks?highlight=1-S2-1-8410386)
- Griefing (x2 WL) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39598-Loseforkicks-1-S2-1-8410386?highlight=1-S2-1-8410386)
- Rolequitting (x2 WL) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39872-LoseForKicks-1-S2-1-8410386?highlight=1-S2-1-8410386)

Player Offenses

Recommended Action
x3 WL

Additional Notes
Thank you for your effort in trying to keep the game clean

May 28th, 2017, 09:45 AM
1-S2-1-8410386 8x Watch list

Probably a smurf account and the name 'loose for kicks' is not very subtle. 8x would be where the account is at with normal punishment progression.