View Full Version : {Ban List} Efekannn: 1-S2-1-8198926

April 12th, 2017, 10:31 AM
Suspect's Bnet Name:Efekannn
Suspect's In-game Name:Soldier 76
Suspect's Replay Hotkey:Crtl+6

Summary:As Survivor (9) I claimed D1 Survivor, BPed 2 times in a row. As Mayor Efe Reveals D3 and despiting 15 and 12's claim against 11 Efe put me and lynched me (9). He did it intenionally the proof is on the last moments of the game or the ending of d3. Town almost had lost the game cause of you but miraclly triad had acted like an idiot and despiting the fact that there was a protective role left they attacked 5. Sad i really wanted town to lost the game tbh :P.

Also there is a thing more than that but i lost the replays of them so they're proofless but Efe often gamethrows and griefs so it was not the first time he did something like that, @Exeter was about to report him but i stopped him cause i thought that he would change and stop these kind of things but no he has to do that... If i find these replays i will immidieatly report them as well.

Exeter if you have that replay on your bag please don't mind sharing it :D because this time i really want efe to get banned

April 15th, 2017, 09:05 AM
SC ID Verification
Efekannn: Correct: 1-S2-1-8198926

Players Added to Report

Respective Hotkeys
Efekannn: Control + 6

Was the Game Result Altered?
No, Town miraculously won with a confirmed Doctor against two Triads who claimed Bodyguard.

Previous Offenses
Griefing & Intentional Gamethrowing (Watch-list x4) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39437-Efekannn-1-S2-1-8198926-Rachyl-1-S2-1-7711094-ALBACHINO-1-S2-1-8203719)
Cheating/Additional Information (Watch-list x3) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/38590-Efekannn-1-S2-1-8198926-Prophet-1-S2-1-8433657-FourLinGX-1-S2-1-3124636)

Player Offenses
Efekannn: Griefing, Intentional Gamethrowing

Regular 9-3-3 Triad is loaded, and Efekannn rolls Mayor in slot 5. Hybrid also names himself "NotEfekannn02" and rolls Survivor.

Day 1 Hybrid speaks about how he isn't Efekannn and that he claims Survivor.
Night 1, Efekannn writes in his last will saying:

"But Im Efekannn02 :/ Screw You Murderer I Was About To Jeopardize The Game".

Day 3, Efekannn reveals using his ability and immediately votes Hybrid as soon as the discussion time ends. #11 (Mass Murderer) also claims Executioner and says to vote Hybrid since he is his target. #9 is put to trial, who claims he is Survivor and that he is "hybrid, not efe". Efekannn admits he would believe #11's Executioner claim over Hybrid being Survivor. Efekannn also constantly gets PMs by two Detectives saying #11 is possible Mass Murderer, so Efekannn innocents Hybrid, while he also says "11 is exe idiots".

Then Efekannn votes up #11, who offers no defense. At that point, Efekannn says to Hybrid "You Just Said 11 Is Exe lol Means You Cant Be Survivor Now Get Him!" and #11 is pardoned with a 7-4 Margin. They all vote up Hybrid and he is lynched, flipping Survivor.

From that point forward, one of the Detectives suicide and #11 suicides by AFK also, leaving 3 Townies vs 3 Triads. Miraculously, they pull through when they lynch the Dragon Head and Efekannn was healed by a Doctor, which outs the two BGs claims by Triads, so one was lynched and the other one committed suicide and the game ends in Town win.

Recommended Action(s)
Efekannn: Ban-list x4

Additional Comments
Thank you for this report! Clear case of griefing towards Hybrid who was lynched for no good reason and ignored two Detective claims who found the Mass Murderer, which severely affected the game path. The Town just ended up getting lucky because the Mass Murderer went AFK and they had a Protective remaining.

April 16th, 2017, 05:38 PM
1-S2-1-8198926: 4x banlist

April 16th, 2017, 06:35 PM
What Else Should I Have Done? I Rather Trust Other People Than Hybrid I Rather Follow An Executioner Claim Than A Survivor I Didnt Await That He Turned Out To Be Survivor Anyways And Why Should This Be Intentional Gamethrowing? I Didnt Lynch Any Townies I Just Lynched Neutrals And Evils
In The Sake Of Town Winning.
Any Explanations On This One Guys? Hybrid Just Reported Me Cause He Got Angry Getting Lynched As Neutral
Taking Other The Freedom To Play Like This Is In My Opinion A Childish Move From You Guys Anyways Your Treatments On Those Things Just Bring In More Hate And Conflicts Just Look At That What Happened With GstricPngn And Now Aukouang(NVM Maybe Not Aukouang Since He Did It Without Reasons Actually Well Thats What I Could Observe As Far)

Anyways I Wont Stand Here And See My Freedom To Play Taken Away Like This I Will Do Something About It But Dont Worry I Wont Do The Same As GstricPnGn Or The Others Im Smarter Than That But Remember This Aslong As There Is A System Like This There Will Be Rebells That Will Be Worser Everytime This Happens

PS:I Have The Suspicion cwal Might Be Aukouang And Btw Arrow In My Opinion Youre Terrible At Your Job Since Youre Almost Never Seen Playing SC2Mafia. Btw:If Any Of You Guys Read This Can You Answer Me So I Can Know That This Has Been Read So I Dont Need To Do A New Post About It And Such?

April 16th, 2017, 06:38 PM
Your intent to appeal has been noted. I'll do a further review of this this week

April 16th, 2017, 06:49 PM
It's been read.

April 16th, 2017, 07:04 PM
Good May I Have A Further Explanation Of This Incident Since I Just Got Banned For Rather Lynching An Survivor Than An MM That Claimed Executioner As Survivor As Target?

April 17th, 2017, 02:56 PM
I Think My Counter Claim Has Been Ignored... Well I Still Have laDEVt :/

April 17th, 2017, 07:14 PM
Please do not post in the reported player section unless you're the reported player or the person doing the reporting.

April 18th, 2017, 11:02 AM
Uhmm I Am The Reported Player M8 And Im Just Mad That I Got Banned For Lynching A Survivor Instead A Mass Murderer As Mayor If This Is Accepted As Intentional Gamethrowing And Griefing Then Many Others Should Be Banned Too I Have Many Replays Where Other Mayors Or Marshalls Lynches Neutrals Instead The Killing Roles But Im Not Gonna Give Them Cause Im Too Lazy On Finding Them And Taking Others The Freedom To Play Is In My Opinion A Crime By Itself From Your Staff

Atleast There Is Something I Can Thank Of To You Guys Thank You For Not Corrupting EUMafia And Letting It Have Its Own System With Vote Kicks Since In My Opinion Its Better Off Letting The People Choose Who To Kick Instead Letting It Some Other Human Being Who Doesnt Even Lived Trough On The Incidents That Happened Which Deserved Some Kicks
Anyways Banning For Such Reasons Is A Stupid Thing In My Opinion
You Guys Werent Even In The Game Living It Too.

Im Awaiting A Clear Answer Ok I Dont Have The Patience Getting Ignored Like That!

April 18th, 2017, 11:13 AM
Efekannn, i was not speaking to you. Someone else who was not a reported player or the reporter chimed in. This is against the forum report rules and for that it was deleted.

On another note, I will be marking this for further review as it seems you want to contest this decision. Please makes sure you read the guidelines on how to submit a proper appal to ensure that you do not waste our staffs time, and to ensure your appeal covers everything you want it to.

Thank you

April 18th, 2017, 11:50 AM
Fine Ill Write In The Way You Guys Wanted Just Because I Want To Return To My Former Glory Back
Anyways I Appeal To This:I Got Banned For Lynching A Survivor Instead A Mass Murderer As Mayor Well Anyways I Got Reported From The Survivor Who Is Actually The Wrong Doing Person Here

On Around Minute 12 In The Replay The Survivor Admitted That 11 Was Exe Which Stands For Executioner In Short Which Is Not Possible If Hes Survivor So I Lynched Him And He Reported Me For That Even If This Is Actually His Own Fault I Suspect Him For Plotting Against Me Because He Was The One Who Reported Me In The First Place When Actually It Was His Own Fault Of Getting Lynched.

April 18th, 2017, 04:08 PM
I know you are concerned, Efekann. Please be patient. Arrow (head of in-game staff) has already said he will review this. He will get to it as soon as he can.


April 18th, 2017, 04:42 PM
I Dont Trust And Still Wont Trust Arrow Because Of Special Reasons Anyways Im Sorry Im Just Impatient For Getting Banned Of Lynching A Survivor Instead A Mass Murderer

April 19th, 2017, 02:16 PM
By the way, Efekannn not just tried to gamethrow with not lynching our mm buddy but also he had targetten me when he already have started to game. As you can see in his messages he litreally targetted me so if an executioner(fake) would've claim me being his target is only his excuse...
I know him since a year and a half and he is not stupid enough to believe an executioner that claims target who is the most suspicous player in the game which he would immidietly lynch the exe claim while he has tons of claims on his head.
If you are going to ignore his behaviours and attitudes and just let him go, it wouldn't have been fair since he litreally had known who was the mm and maybe others.

April 19th, 2017, 04:09 PM
You Literally Said 11 Is Exe On Around The 12 Minute Mark And You Just Keep Stating These Things?
You Only Got Lynched For Just Saying This So My Good Advice On You Is Just To To Stop Complaining And To Be A Man Which You Already May Be But I Sadly Cant Identify That From Your Sad Complains!
And Most Importantly Is That I Didnt Gamethrow By That!
I Managed To Carry The Town At The End Against The Triad With The Help Of 3 Protective Claims On Which Only One Was True!
The Result Is The Most Important Thing In My Opinion!

April 19th, 2017, 04:27 PM
Closing this thread until Arrow reviews it.

April 25th, 2017, 06:06 PM
1-S2-1-8198926 is Correct.

Respective Hotkey:


Player Offenses:


Key Points:
Players in question:

Efekannn blacklists a large number of town roles. He rolls in as MAYOR in 5.


Setup: Minor repick debate. 9-3-3 selected.
Names: One player names himself "NotEfekannn".
Roles: None.
D1: General banter; 9 hard-claims SURVIVOR.
N1: 5(MAYOR) is roleblocked. He sets a LW claiming intent to throw the game, and cursing whoever killed him. He does not, however, die.
D2: 13(SURVIVOR) is dead. Some debate, calls for the town Govt. to reveal. 7 quits. No lynch.
N2: 10 has a heart attack.
D3: 2(BUS DRIVER), 10(VIGILANTE), 7(DOCTOR), 8(DETECTIVE) are all dead. 5 reveals as MAYOR. Claim fest comes into 5. 11 and 5 counterclaim a single Neutral Random spawn. 15 claims detective and provides solid intel from LWs that 11 is the MASS MURDERER. 9 is put on Trial for his Surv claim, and possibly his name. But he is pardoned. 11 is put on trial. Despite giving no defense, he is pardoned, mostly on the weight of the mayor's 4 votes. 9 is put back on trial and lynched, again by the Mayor's vote weight. It can be generally said that 9 did not help his case by being excessively salty during trial and execution. 11 has a heart attack during extended mothership execution.
N3: 5 updates his LW, accusing the Survivor of working for Triad.
D4: 11(MASS MURDERER), 15(DETECTIVE) and 12(DETECTIVE) are all dead. 15 was a suicide to get his LW into play. Six players alive, and three are Triad with no remaining neutrals. Mayor has vote majority and trials several people in succession, before 14(DRAGON HEAD) is hung.
N4: The Triad hits the Mayor, but the doctor saves him.
D5: 3(ENFORCER) is hung by the Mayor.
N5: 1(ENFORCER) suicides.
D6: Town wakes to a win.

Was the game result altered?


Time served.

Additional Notes:
I find sufficient evidence to support the griefing claim, but he ultimately did play to win and did so. The ban will be lifted at next update.