View Full Version : {Watch List} hybridturenx: 1-s2-1-8420603

March 23rd, 2017, 11:44 AM
Account Name: hybridturenx
Account ID: 1-s2-1-8420603
In-Game Name: TheSoulThieff

Crimes Committed: Game Throwing

Your Account Name: Reacher
Summary: On night 7 Hybrid Suicides at night where town had voting power and alignment from the EXE which caused Town to lose due to EXE flipping right at the end. EXE would NOT have flipped at the end if Hybrid didnt suicide as he stated that in game.

March 24th, 2017, 04:23 PM
HybridTurenx: 1-S2-1-8420603: Correct.
Respective Hotkey:
Was The Game Altered?
Yes, the town would have won had he not suicided at the end.
Previous Offenses:
Watchlist x2: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/38823-HybridTurenx-1-S2-1-8420603?highlight=1-S2-1-8420603
Watchlist x4: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/38858-Holy5Minute-1-S2-1-8420603?highlight=1-S2-1-8420603
Watchlist x4: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39116-HybridTurenx-1-S2-1-8420603?highlight=1-S2-1-8420603
Watchlist x4: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39511-HybridTurenx-1-S2-1-8420603?highlight=1-S2-1-8420603

Player Offenses:
Prefer's Marshall, Mayor, and Veteran.
Rolls Coroner. in slot #12.
Day 1: Complains about how his prefer was ineffective. Then decides that he will lead the town.
Night 1: Nothing happens.
Day 2: Through following the game events, hybridturenx decides that #3 is Mass murderer. He spams to the town that they should lynch #3. The mayor reveals, and allows people to pm him their roles. Following his reveal, the judge calls for a court and the town decides to quickly vote up #3. He flips investigator.
Night 2: He checks #15's body and learns that he was visited by Mass Murderer and Godfather, and that he visited #3 night 1.
Day 3: He pm's the mayor his role and his information accordingly. The mayor follows his leads and decides to put up #14 and lynch him. 14 flips Doctor.
Night 3: He decides to check 14's body. He learns that #14 visited #13 night 1 and night 2, and that nobody visited him.
Day 4: He pm's the mayor is information. The judge calls court and tries to lynch the mayor, but fails when the town decides to lynch #1 instead. 1 flips Spy.
Night 4: Decides to check #1's body. He discovers that a doctor had visited #1 on night 2.
Day 5: He gives the mayor his information once again, and asks that the mayor give him everyones roles. The mayor decides to put up #10 to trial and guilties. 10 flips Liaison.
Night 5: He decides to check #10's body. He learns that 10 role blocked 5 n2, 13 n3, and 6 n4. He also learns that the Mass murderer visited 10 n3.
Day 6: The mayor is now dead. He decides that #13 is informant and spams to lynch. Eventually, he votes up 11 with the majority. When on trial he spams in chat to guilty #11. 11 is voted innocent in a 3-3 tie. #11 is put back on to trial again. he is eventually lynched and flips Deceiver.
Night 6: He decides to check the mayor. He learns that a deceiver visited the mayor n2, n3, and n4. A doctor visited him n3 and n4, and a lookout visited him n2, n3, n4, and n5.
Day 7: #12 takes control and decides on lynching #2. He is lynched and flips Dragon Head.
Night 7: He decides to suicide in belief that the town will win anyways.

The town does NOT win, as the Last neutral decides to side with the judge and give him solo win.
Recommended Action:
Watchlist x4.
Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

While I don't believe that the player had meant to harm the game, his actions in the game led to a loss in a game that they should have won. Suicide when you are not confirmed to win is an offense and should be punished as so. Keep reporting players who you think are doing wrong!

March 26th, 2017, 03:47 PM
1-S2-1-8420603: +4x WL