View Full Version : Global Exposure

March 8th, 2017, 03:44 PM
Would anyone have an opinion good/bad to me exposing this to multiple communities?

March 8th, 2017, 05:23 PM
Do it. Just reiterate that it would appreciated to report any and all bugs to Voss here :)

March 8th, 2017, 06:13 PM
To expand on what Crypt said,

On first thought, anyone giving the game more publicity is an initial plus, as it brings ... publicity, and people for other users to play with.

However, I'm personally not quite ready to go around and publicize it because the game hasn't been run enough times in a 'controlled' environment. It'd be a real buzz kill if people play it and then it crashes. And I think even one crash is enough to 'poison the pool.' That's why I'm going to push for consistent Thursday night games so

(A) I can get those common crash cases
(B) come up with tests/barriers so those crashes don't happen again
(C) come up with methods so that if things DO go wrong, the whole system doesn't come falling down.

In addition, (and sort of related) I also fear publicizing it in a trickle sort of way will bring some people to the narrator site, type a couple of things in a lobby, notice no one's around and think its a dead game. This is kind of what happened to the android app the first time I released it on the Android play store, so I'd also avoid that.

But publicizing this IS important, and I know other people on this site have more connections than I do to other 'mafia' sites. So, yeah, I'm down if you publicize it. All I'm asking is that you stress that it's in Beta (or Alpha testing really), and to not really expect people to be online if they go check it out themselves (for the time being).

Again, I'm not shitting on your idea to publicize. I love it when people express interest and offer ideas to help move the project forward. Those are just my fears and I know I'm a perfectionist.

March 8th, 2017, 06:56 PM
But publicizing this IS important, and I know other people on this site have more connections than I do to other 'mafia' sites. So, yeah, I'm down if you publicize it. All I'm asking is that you stress that it's in Beta (or Alpha testing really), and to not really expect people to be online if they go check it out themselves (for the time being).

I guess that's good to clarify. I just assumed it would be stressed, but I guess I shouldn't assume. Whenever I post about it on other sites, I definitely stress it's a WIP and that it would be nice to have people trying to use it more to fine tune the final product :)
Hope that's OK phrasing like that.

March 8th, 2017, 06:59 PM
I guess that's good to clarify. I just assumed it would be stressed, but I guess I shouldn't assume. Whenever I post about it on other sites, I definitely stress it's a WIP and that it would be nice to have people trying to use it more to fine tune the final product :)
Hope that's OK phrasing like that.

yeah, thanks for that bit, but my second point still applies. I've seen random people that I can't connect to the sc2 site(and some from this site) that go to check it out, see the lobby, type "lol is anyone here" and never come back. So that contributes to the 'dead game' that I was talking about.

March 8th, 2017, 07:08 PM
I hear ya.

No worries.

March 9th, 2017, 04:49 AM
yeah, thanks for that bit, but my second point still applies. I've seen random people that I can't connect to the sc2 site(and some from this site) that go to check it out, see the lobby, type "lol is anyone here" and never come back. So that contributes to the 'dead game' that I was talking about.

Oh yea, that's another good point. I didn't consider that.

March 9th, 2017, 09:29 AM
now if anyone had solutions to that second point...

March 9th, 2017, 10:49 AM
maybe just have a disclaimer that it's an early build or something to that effect